Robbie was on his knees on the floor of his carpeted bedroom with his hand behind his back, right hand gripping the palm of his left hand. He was naked accept for a black leather collar that was buckled around his neck. He remained in rigid kneeling posture – back straight, shoulders forward, and eyes straight ahead. The girdle was removed by Melinda after they arrived home and Robbie, his body cramped and stiff, was helped out of the trunk of the Lexus. Melinda assisted him up to his room and allowed him fifteen minutes of privacy to go to the bathroom and stretch out a bit before his evening ordeal was to continue. He was ordered to assume the kneeling posture after fifteen minutes and to wait for his mistress to resume the discipline activity. The cock tether still remained in place and the loose end coiled around to floor at his knees. It was in that position that Robbie waited for the enviable punishment that was to come. The longer he waited the more tense he became in anticipation of some horrible pain to be visited upon his poor body sometime during the course of the evening. He became increasingly nervous. He could sense his heart pounding. He began to quiver and shake slightly which made it difficult to remain rigid. His knees began to ache. He was loosing track of time. Had he been on his knees for an hour or just a few minutes?
The room was illuminated by only a solitary candle on the nightstand. The flickering flame produced dancing shadows on the walls of the room. Robbie was absorbed by the dancing figures and was slipping into a trance. However, the struggle to stay kneeling in rigid posture forced him to keep returning to consciousness and prevented him from mentally slipping away. He cycled back and forth, slipping into trance, returning to consciousness to maintain balance, perceiving the pain in his knees and lower back and then slipping back into a trance again. The whole discipline cycle repeated over and over without a break. The circle was complete and spun around in his head like a carnival gaming wheel without numbers spinning endlessly. He wished for Melinda to come and resume his punishment just to get it over with. It was a very long and uncomfortable day for Robbie. He wondered when it would finally come to an end.
At last Melinda appeared in the room without Robbie even being aware of her unobtrusive entrance. She looked radiant and beautiful, a creature from a rarified world existing somewhere between a dream and reality earth. Bare feet and legs, black silk skirt, low-cut satin purple sleeveless blouse completed the image of a woman more like a goddess than a torturess. She rolled a desk chair in front her kneeling victim and began to rummage through a large sport bag across the room. She return to the chair with the bag and sat before her husband-slave with a set of clover clamps in hand. Leaning forward a bit, and making eye contact, she methodically attached a clamp to each of his nipples. Robbie winced slightly upon application of the clamps but was able to steady himself and remain in the required rigid kneeling posture. The clover clamps were attached together by a short silver chain which the sadistic woman held in her right hand and manipulated between fingers transmitting slight additional waves of painful sensation to the punished nipples to add to the painful bite of the clamps themselves. With her free left hand, Melinda picked up the cock tether coiled around the floor in front of Robbie’s knees. She pulled the tether taught and gave it a few good yanks while pulling at the nipple clamp chain at the same time. Robbie winced again and let out a subdued groan.
Melinda said, “Ok little man, it’s your turn to speak. Talk to me. What are you feeling now?”
“Mistress, I know that I am not performing up to your expectations as your husband and slave. Therefore, I voluntarily surrender my body to you for the severe yet deserved punishment that you are about to inflict.”
Robbie’s voice began to quiver as he continued. “I am but a lowly slave to you Mistress and I spend every moment of my waking day in awe of your female magnificence and superiority. I feel fortunate to belong to you and it is a high honor to take the pain which you are about to give me as a symbol of my complete devotion to you. I strive to be completely obedient to you and expect discipline from your sweet hand for all my transgressions. I can be sure that I will suffer tonight, but that suffering will make me a better man, a stronger man, and man ever more devoted to your supreme feminine nature.”
Robbie’s voice trailed off into silence.
“Is that it?” Melinda inquired as she gave a little tug to the chain connecting the nipple camps.
Robbie was shocked back to reality with the surge of pain from tortured nipples.
“No Mistress” Robbie winced, “There’s more.”
“Continue then.”
Melinda released the tension on the nipple clamp chain.
“ I only hope that I will be able to better serve your needs as a result of the discipline that I’m about to receive. My love for you is so strong and no physical pain can diminish the love that I have for you. I pledge to continue to worship the ground on which you walk. The tears I shed are only for you Mistress and I know that what I’m about to receive is for my own good. I ask for no mercy from you for I know in my heart that you will be both firm and just with the punishment that you are about to administer. I only hope that I will behave honorably and respectfully during to course of my ordeal. Please begin my punishment now Mistress. I am ready to accept what I deserve.”
Robbie’s eyes were starting to tear up as the clover clamps continued bite harder and harder at sensitive nipples. Another minute or two went by as the couples silently gazed into each others eyes.
“Mistress, please take them off. I can’t stand in. They hurt so much”.
“Unfortunately, this is only the beginning of the pain you will be suffering tonight. Now get up and stand under the chains. The nipple clamps stay on. You will just have to handle it Slave. Now move!”
Melinda released her grip on the cock tether. It dragged along the floor as Robbie managed to rise and check cramped knees gingerly to see if they would support his weight. He grimaced from the pain and slowly made his way over to the eyehook hanging from the ceiling with a chain and two wrists restrains hanging thereof. The nipple clamps continued their relentless gnawing at Robbie’s tender buds of flesh as he raised is arms so that wrists met leather restraints in anticipation of what he would be commanded to do by his mistress.
Melinda came over to her slave and assisted his wrists into the leather and locked them up with a small padlock. He was breathing deeply trying to, “breathe through,” the pain. The next items that Melinda produced from her bag were three two-foot lengths of 12 gauge solid household electrical wire coated with a black rubber insulation. She wrapped the first piece of wire several times around Robbie’s ankles and then twisted the ends together. See repeated the process with the two remaining strands both above and below his knees. She knew that the hard thin wire would start to cut into his flesh in those locations if he chose to wiggle and squirm during his prescribed beating and add to the overall viciousness of the punishment. She positioned herself directly in front of Robbie and stood on his bare toes. He gasped and winced in pain. Melinda began to finger the chain connecting the clover clamps attached to her husband’s inflamed nipples. He screamed as his sadistic wife yanked on the chain and bore down on his toes at the same time.
“Do you want these nice things off now?”
“Yes Mistress. Please, I can’t stand it “.
“Not good enough! I want to hear you really beg first”.
“Oh, please take off the nipple clamps. Please, they hurt so badly – I can’t stand it. I’ll do anything. Please Mistress, show me just a little mercy. Please hurt me in some other was. I just can’t handle those things any longer,” He whimpered as tears filled his eyes.
“That’s much better.”
Melinda released the first nipple and Robbie yelped like a dog followed by a wave of somewhat subdued moaning. The process was repeated for the second nipple and he began to contort his body as if trying to push himself away from the painful sensation on his nipples. His involuntary movement caused the cruel wires that bound ankles and knees to begin to dig into flesh producing intense pain at those locations.
After a few minutes the nipple pain diminished considerably to the extent that he could now remain still and thus reducing the biting effect of the wires.
“Well you had your punishment appetizer. I hope that you appreciated it. It’s now time for the main course. I believe that it’s up to 26 strokes by bamboo cane. Oh, and I believe I recall something about opening the windows and closing the heating vents.”
Melinda circulated around the room opening up all the windows and closing all the heating vents. It was in the middle forties that evening – not all that chilly but enough to keep Robbie alert and uncomfortable throughout his punishment session.
After she completed her task with respect to the windows, and vents she retrieved a bamboo cane from a cylindrical container, which was designed to hold rolled up documents, from the back of the closet.
Melinda explained, “According to our morning agreement, you were two sales appointments short of the goal that I set for you. Therefore you must stand here for two hours. You also bought yourself a plate of spaghetti for twenty strokes with this bamboo cane.” She stroked the air with the cane producing a whipping sound that made Robbie cringe. “Oh, and I almost forgot – six strokes for admiring those beautiful creamy white teenage legs in my presence at the restaurant. How much does that make man-slut?”
“Twenty six strokes Mistress.”
“Good. I see that your math skills are still up to snuff. Now, I know how painful this is going to be for you so I’ve decided to administer only thirteen strokes now and the remaining thirteen in an hour. Now hold the cane in your mouth while I retrieve something to gag you with”.
Melinda retrieved a ball gag from the bag, took back the cane, inserted the gag and buckled it tight behind back of Robbie’s head. She also removed the cock tether. She stood behind Robbie and hit him hard on his ass and the back of his thighs. During the caning, he streamed into the back of the gag. The pain was excruciating and unrelenting until all thirteen strokes were rendered upon his backside. His involuntary reaction to struggle took its toll on his ankles and legs where the wire bonds squeezed slowly into flesh. When it was over, Robbie’s backside displayed thirteen puffy red welts.
“I’m going to leave you now. However, I have one final thing for you.”
Melinda produced a bottle to cinnamon essence oil from the bathroom cabinet.
She returned to her husband who was still withering in pain. She opened the bottle and shook six or seven drops to the liquid into the palm of her hand. She then rubbed the oil all over Robbie’s balls. The sweet aroma of cinnamon quickly filled the room.
“See you in an hour Worm and well start all over again.”
Without further comment, Melinda left the bedroom after extinguishing the candle. She closed the door behind her leaving Robbie to suffer alone in the darkness the painful affect of the combination of the caning, and the cinnamon oil, as the chilly air blew in from the open windows. The effect of the cinnamon oil came on slowly and increased in painful intensity until he felt like a lit match was being held under his balls. He knew from previous experience that the pain from the cinnamon oil torture would continue for a considerably long duration. He had no other option but to stand in his bonds and take the pain. If he moved even the slightest bit the wires would resume their horrible cutting into already tender flesh. He cried and moaned and bit down on the gag as tears freely flowed down his cheeks. The agony was unbearable. His balls continued to burn and burn for at least half an hour before the pain began to abate.
The cinnamon oil treatment was one of the punishments that Robbie hated more that anything. The searing pain on his balls completely over-shadowed the pain of the caning. The wires around is ankles and knees were also having a terrible effect. Alone in the darkness, all that he could to do was to stand there and absorb it all.
At 10:00 sharp, Melinda returned and flicked on the lights this time. Without uttering a single word and with bamboo cane once again in hand, she vigorously slashed Robbie’s already swollen and well marked backside. She administered thirteen more strokes as her victim twisted in agony. At that point, his ass was a lacework of puffy red welts. The wire around his ankles and knees bit a little deeper admitting pain from those extremities that rose up and commingled with the pain from the caning.
From the top of the dresser, Melinda once again retrieved the vile of cinnamon oil with the intent to reapply the oil to Robbie’s balls. Upon seeing his cruel mistress unscrew the cap to the little bottle, his swollen and tear flooded eyes seemed to bulge in their sockets. He shook his head sideways and uttered feeble pleas of mercy that could barely be recognized from the back side of the ball gag. Robbie shook his whole body while absorbing the pain from the wire down below. However, all gestures of protest and mercy were ignored as Melinda shook eight to ten drops of the sweet liquid into the palm of her left hand and while tightly grabbing hold to his cock with her right hand, cruelly massaged the evil oil on to his balls once again. Nothing happened immediately, but beads of sweat were pouring down poor punished slave’s face triggered by the anticipation of the inevitable burning pain which was only minutes away.
Melinda just stood there with cinnamon oil bottle still in hand as she watched Robbie’s face turn beet red. She heard the long continuous moans from her husband as the burning sensation on his balls began to rev up. The moans soon became pitfall little cries and she knew that those balls were burning.
“OK little man, one more hour for you starting now.”
The sadistic female exited the bedroom once again, flicking off the light from the wall switch on her way out, leaving her husband to once again suffer the agonies of hell alone in the darkness of the now chilly room.
Robbie’s second hour was much worse that the first. The wires were really cutting into him. The evil oil in his balls was causing intense sensation that burned on and on. His back side was also red hot as consequence of Melinda’s brutal assault with the bamboo cane. He knew that he was the victim of his wife’s favorite punishment scenario – deliver severe pain to multiple places on her victim’s body at the same time. In this way, the poor victim can shift focus from one pain center to another. Back and forth goes the pain perceptions with no relief and no escape. It was a mental dilemma that must be endured by the helpless victim which served to accelerate his overall agony.
The suffering continued deep into the hour before Robbie began to experience any reduction in pain whatsoever. He continued to moan for most of the second hour of his ordeal while a stream of tears trickled down his checks to land on his bare chest and mixed with drool that came from the corners of his mouth where the ball gag was ineffective at holding back the fluid.
Melinda returned to the place where her captive husband hung waiting for her and hit the light switch on her way in to illuminate the room
“I think you had enough fun for tonight little man. Remember the curvy little body of that nymph who served you dinner tonight - so sweet and so tender. I wonder what she would think of you if she could see you just like this – crying and whimpering away like an insignificant little bug of a man. I’ll bet the sight of you would make her horny and excited to pick up that cane and have a go at you herself. Ahh – but you would like that wouldn’t you little dear. Wouldn’t you?”
Robbie shook his head sideways and tied to say “no” with gagged mouth.
“You’re still a fuckin’ liar even after all this. It’s time to take you down. I’m a woman of my word and I said two hours although I have the desire to whip you all over again and leave you hanging there until morning. Maybe next time I will.”
Melinda removed the gag and undid the wires from around Robbie’s ankles and knees. A thin deep purple line encircled Robbie’s knees and ankles where the wires have been and the skin was broken in some spots producing a few droplets of blood which trickled downward toward his feet. She released his arms which fell to his sides. He immediately latched onto one wrist with his other hand began to massage his swollen areas trying to stimulate circulation.
“You have ten minutes of privacy to go to the bathroom and do whatever you need to do and then report back here to me,” Melinda informed him. Robbie nodded and dragged his poor, tired and tortured body into the bathroom.
The tortured husband/slave returned from the bathroom to find Melinda sitting on her bed naked with her legs draped over the bedside and spread very wide apart.
Fingers snapped. “OK slut pig it’s time to show me your appreciation for the wonderful torture session which I just invested my precious time to give you. On your knees slave! I’m expecting a huge organism as my reward. Now get to it and you better not touch me with anything but that slimy slave-slut tongue of yours.”
Robbie assumed a position on his knees between Melinda’s widely stretched legs and began to dutifully lick away. His tongue worked and worked on Melinda’s sex for what seemed like an hour before she finally exploded in a white hot organism.
Task completed, Melinda reached and grabbed Robbie by the leather collar with her left hand pulled herself up to a sitting position on the edge of the bed and smacked her slave hard on the face with her right.
“Good job slut. Unfortunately, we’re not quite through with your punishment yet tonight. I want you to crawl over to the chamber on hands and knees and wait for me there.”
Melinda made Robbie construct the chamber about a year previously. It was essentially a wooden box constructed out of ¾ inch plywood. The floor space of the chamber was three feet by two feet and it was four feet in height. It was raised four inches off the floor, resting on two-by-fours, which ran along the bottom front and the two sides. It had a door on the front with a hasp for locking. Holes were bored in the floor of the chamber so that air can reach its occupant. The chamber was painted flat black inside and out.
Robbie positioned himself on his knees in front of the chamber to wait for Melinda as so ordered. He anticipated the inevitable.
It wasn’t long before Melinda jointed Robbie in the spare bedroom in which the chamber was located.
“OK man-slut. Get in.”
Robbie maneuvered himself into the box. He had to draw his knees up to his chest so that he could get completely in the evil little prison. It was a tight fit. Melinda produced a pair of handcuffs and a padlock from the pocket of robe that she donned prior to joining Robbie at the chamber. She locked the cuffs on his wrists. An eyebolt was mounted in the ceiling of the chamber. She drew his arms up and locked the chain of the handcuffs to the eyebolt with a padlock.
“Well my dear. This is how you will spend your night again. What a pity. When will you ever learn? You will have all night to dream about that little twist in the restaurant. Can you still remember those beautiful teenage legs from the restaurant? However, with his wrists locked up like that my poor baby won’t be able to play with himself while thinking about her. However, I do have one more very special treat for you.”
Melinda produced the vile of cinnamon extract from the pocket of her robe. Robbie saw the vile and started to whimper. “No Mistress, please not that again. Please I won’t be able to take it. Please I’ll do anything. Please I beg you - not again.”
To Robbie’s relief, Melinda returned the vile to the pocket on her robe.
“Thank you Mistress.”
“Oh Robbie you know I love you but you need discipline – a lot of discipline. I know that the cinnamon oil burns your little balls unbearably and you had two doses of it already this evening. But you know what I want is all that’s of importance. I really don’t care how bad your balls burn sweetie.” I wouldn’t be a fitting mistress for you if it were otherwise.”
Once again Melinda produced the vile. This time she unscrewed the cap, shook a liberal amount in the palm of her other hand, and then massaged it all over Robbie’s balls.
“I gave you a really good dose this time Robbie for complaining. You should be feeling the effect of that in a minute or so. As usual, I expect you to keep quiet and still in there until I feel like releasing you. My thinking is some time tomorrow and then I’m going to work you very hard cleaning the house. There will also be no food for you tomorrow. That massive bowl of spaghetti that you devoured should last you for two days”
Without further discussion, Melinda slammed the door of the chamber closed and padlocked Robbie in for the night. A faint moan could be heard from within the chamber as Melinda walked out of the room, turning off the light on her way. Melinda was content and a sadistic grin spread across her face because she knew that the cinnamon oil was just starting to work its special magic on most deserving balls once again.
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