"The Collared Lotus"
A Work of Fiction by Traveller
Rong Kui was a young, up and coming model. At twenty three, she was well known
in the fetish community on the internet. She was a natural talent, knowing how
to react, how to communicate with her body. One thing she learned from the
bondage community was that it was all about vocal protests at a bondage video
shoot. The audience wanted muffled, erotic moans. Needless to say, she
delivered it very well. Li Rong had websites dedicated to her, a huge cult
following, indeed. Fans kept sending e- mails endlessly. From time to time she
had extreme ones, asking her to perform in private bondage orgies. Others
wanted to buy her used underwear. But Li Rong took it easy. It was only a small
price to pay for being famous. She was about to make the transition to
mainstream. Respected bondage magazines were knocking at her door. Soon the
young Chinese girl's dreams would come true. But Li Rong knew it wasn't that
easy. She still had to live and pay her rent. In order to do that she had to
accept some "odd jobs". She was living alone in a small apartment in
of the latest jobs, the one she was about go to, was one of those, Li Rong
considered to be "odd". A woman named Rose Monet claimed to have seen
a live female/ female bdsm feed of hers. She told Li Rong that she ran a
bondage website and expressed her admiration for her work. Rose told Li Rong
not to worry about the money. She claimed her partner to be a rich eccentric so
money was not a problem. Li Rong accepted the job since she needed the money.
The session would be a nude/ damsel in distress shoot with light bondage. Li
Rong checked the website Rose mentioned. She was a bit startled since the
photos on the site depicted strict bondage. The models did a really good job
with their expressions, Li Rong thought. Their eyes were wide open above the
gags covering their mouths. The terror looked realistic enough.
Rong usually went to bondage sessions with a friend to accompany her. But this
time, not being able to find someone, she had no chance but to go alone. The
oriental beauty looked at her reflection in the mirror. She was a petite beauty
with long, brown hair and almond eyes. She liked wearing clothes that helped her
mystic woman of the far east image; a tight fitting side slit dress, shiny tan
colored pantyhose and open toed, 6'' high heels. She applied her red lipstick
and with her purse in hand, she left for the job.
kept thinking about the new clothes and lingerie she would buy with the money
from this session. This woman, Rose, was generous for sure. As she paid the cab
driver, Li Rong thought how rundown and depressing the place looked. Expecting
a classy hotel, she was a bit disappointed.
be picky if I want to be a model" she told herself.
shoes clicked and clacked on the marble floor as she went inside. The interior
lighting was very dim. Rose was waiting for Li Rong in the entrance instead of
the lobby. She greeted her and ushered her to the elevator rather quickly. Li
Rong thought that was rude. They entered the room, the shoot would take place.
Li Rong looked around, the shades were pulled down, the paint on the walls were
peeling. There were two open suitcases and a big duffelbag on the double bed.
Inside the suitcases were nylon cords, different types of gags, pantyhose,
stockings. The digital camera lay next to the duffelbag. On the minibar was the
brand of water and snacks Li Rong had asked for. Then Li Rong noticed a man
with a handycam in hand, standing in the corner of the room.
she thought "Rose told me it would be just me and her"
my partner, Mr. Kruger" Rose introduced Li Rong.
I'm Li Rong Kui" she introduced herself.
man smiled.
you're ready..." Rose pointed at the bondage gear resting on the bed.
Rong forced in a smile as she sat on the edge of the bed. Rose took a pair of
pantyhose and cut it in half with a pair of scissors. The ripping sound of
nylon made Li Rong feel uneasy.
be picky" she repeated to herself as Rose pulled Li Rong's hands behind
her back and tied her wrists with a piece of pantyhose.
a pleasure working with you. I must say, you have good taste in shoes"
Rose said with a grin as she crossed Li Rong's ankles and tied her feet tightly
with more nylons. More rope went under and above her breasts, causing them to
bulge out.
man came over by the bed and got his video camera ready.
thought this was a photo session" Li Rong told the man.
don't worry. We'll pay for the extras" the man said in a deep voice.
we didn...nNMMMmmm..."
stuffed Li Rong's mouth with a stocking, interrupting her in midsentence.
worry sweetie, everything'll be okay" Rose said as she tied another
stocking over Li Rong's lips to keep the stuffing in place.
don't forget we want violent thrashing and erotic vocal protests" Kruger
Kruger's like the next Stanley Kubrick my dear. He has an original vision...
regarding bondage" Both of them laughed at this comment.
and action!" the man said, drooling over the screen that framed Li Rong's
helpless form. Immideately Li Rong began squirming helplessly.
squirmed sensually in her bondage. Grunting and moaning as she rubbed her
ankles together. From time to time she tried to keep her hair falling over her
eyes and looked directly in to the lens of the camera, causing a bulge to form
in Mr. Kruger's pants. He kept filming the Chinese beauty as Rose took photos of
Li Rong moaned looking at the camera with her seductive eyes. Rose put down the
camera on the mini bar, grabbed a back seamed stocking and sat next to the
bound woman. She kissed Li Rong's neck and stuck her tongue in her ear. Li Rong
was suprised since this wasn't a female/ female shoot. Then without a warning,
Rose slipped the stocking over Li Rong's head.
Li Rong whimpered as Rose adjusted the nylon hood. Li Rong was shocked as the
woman took off one of her high heels and began licking her wrinkly sole. She
sucked her black painted toes, visible under the shiny pantyhose.
Li Rong protested, producing more muffled noises. This wasn't the session they
agreed to shoot. Rose smiled at her and kept sucking on her bigtoe. Li Rong
squirmed uncomfortably as the woman now fondled Li Rong's breasts.
MMMMMMMM!!!!" she yelled into the gag as Rose pinched her nipples and
played with them.
good. Keep it coming" the man said behind the camera. Rose planted another
kiss on Li Rong's neck and went over to the table. Li Rong watched her with
curious eyes. Rose took a pack of Camel's from her purse. She lit one cigarette
with a match and took a deep breath. She placed it on the ashtray. Then she lit
a second one and took both cigarettes in her hand. As Li Rong was watching
Rose, Kruger pulled the stocking hood off her head and plugged her nose with a
Li Rong yelled into the gag. She thrashed helplessly. But the man kept filming.
Rose came back on the bed and removed the clothespin. Li Rong drew air through
her nose, her breasts heaving. But as she sucked in the air, Rose stuffed one
of the burning cigarettes up Li Rong's tiny nostril. Before the girl could react,
Rose stuffed the other cigarette up the other nostril and pinched Li Rong's
nose shut to keep them in place. She couldn't fight for long and Li Rong took a
deep breath, causing her nose to burn.
NNNMMMPPFFRRR!!!" she struggled with all her might. Rose covered Li Rong's
already gagged mouth with her free hand, to reduce her whimpers even further.
Kruger kept smiling as he watched the helpless model squirm in pain. Rose
pulled the cigarettes out of Li Rong's nostrils and handed one of them to Kruger.
that's enough" Kruger said, turning off his camera.
see sweetie, I didn't tell you everything"
Rong was still trying to catch her breath as Rose took a small brown bottle
from the suitcase.
looked at Rose to see her pouring the bottle's content on a pair of pantyhose.
see we work for an international slavery ring" Li Rong couldn't understand
what she was saying.
women to the highest bidder so that they can train them to be their
slaves" Kruger said, taking a deep breath from his cigarette.
the bondage website is just a cover. We lure unsuspecting women, most of them
models or wanna be models... and then abduct them and sell them"
MMPPPFFFFRRRRRRRRRR!!!!" Li Rong thrashed on the bed. She couldn't believe
what they were saying. Of course she had heard about slavery rings but it never
occured that they would be working in the bondage industry. But it made sense,
the victim would be all helpless bound and gagged, thinking she's modelling...
turns out you have a big fan. Mr. Stanton, our newest customer especially asked
for you" Rose said. Li Rong screamed at the top of her lungs, hoping that
someone might hear her. But then again, in a seedy place like this who would
has a mansion where he'll train you to be his slave and maid" Tears ran
down Li Rong's cheeks and she began sobbing.
don't cry honey, you'll get used to it..."
without a warning Rose clamped the chloroformed pantyhose over Li Rong's mouth
and nose.
matter how hard Li Rong struggled, Rose kept the chloroformed nylons over Li
Rong's face.
within seconds, Li Rong was off to dreamland.
going to make some big bucks off her" Kruger said.
but let's hurry. Mr. Stanton's chauffeur's waiting outside"
untied Li Rong and took off the gag. She took a pair of leather cuffs linked
with a short chain. After cuffing Li Rong's hands behind her back, she took another
pair and cuffed Li Rong's ankles. Next Rose slipped the Chinese damsel's high
heel back on. Kruger came over with a pump gag in hand. He stuffed Li Rong's
mouth and kept inflating it, causing the poor girl's cheeks to bulge out.
Satisfied, he took the duffelbag and stuffed Li Rong's petite body inside it.
Rose picked up their stuff. Kruger had Li Rong over his shoulder and the couple
turned off the lights and left the hotel room. Nobody noticed a woman being
abducted in broad daylight... Kruger and Rose went to the back of the hotel.
Stanton's chauffeur was waiting with the motor of the Mercedes running. He
opened the trunk of the car and Kruger dropped Li Rong inside like a sack of
patatoes. The chauffeur closed the trunk and handed Rose a black bag.
tell Mr. Stanton, it's a pleasure working with him"
sent his regards. This means a lot to him. He had wanted to have her ever since
he saw her in a bondage website"
pleasure" Rose smiled.
within seconds the Mercedes was gone, with promising model, Li Rong, bound,
gagged and stuffed in a duffelbag, back in the trunk. A new life was waiting
for Li Rong now. One she'd have a hard time to adjust to... She was going to be
trained to be the perfect slave...
Rong came to, to find herself encased in darkness... She shrieked in panic,
only to find out that she had been gagged effectively. She squirmed and twisted
in her bonds... But no luck. In additon to that, she had been stuffed inside
what it seemed like a bag of somesort. The thrashing and the whimpering only
made it harder for her to breathe. Sweating profusely, she lay still in
silence, trying to understand where she was... She was inside a moving car.
trunk, probably" she thought to herself. The noise of the traffic was
gone. They were probably somewhere outside the city. After an hour, the car
slowed down and came to a stop. Li Rong thought that who ever was kidnapping
her, probably stopped for gas, so she began screaming under the mouth filling
gag. She could hear footsteps... Coming closer. To her surprise, the trunk was
Li Rong yelled into the gag, in hope to attract some attention. She felt hands
untying the end of the duffelbag.
I'm rescued" she thought to herself.
bag enclosing her was removed. Li Rong blinked her eyes, adjusting them to the
sunlight bathing her face. Her make up was every woman's nightmare. The sweat
and the tears had ruined her mascara. Her skin shone with sweat.
Rong saw a woman staring down at her.
she moaned frantically. Strangely enough, the woman was wearing a French maid
she struggled.
as she saw a grin form across the woman's face, Li Rong stopped struggling.
feisty one, isn't she?" the maid said.
had been screaming and thrashing in the trunk for a while" an off screen
voice answered.
Li knew she was in trouble. Here she was, all bound, gagged and vulnerable in a
secluded place. And nobody knew where she was... She sobbed as the man came
into view, reached inside and took her out of the trunk. He carried her over
his shoulder. The maid followed behind them. She smiled at the trussed up
beauty. Li Rong looked around to see where she was. It was a rather big
mansion, inspired by gothic architecture. The man carried her to the back of
the mansion and she saw a big swimming pool and a table under a shade. There
were two figures at the table but Rong Li couldn't see them very well, because
of the way she was carried. The man let Li Rong off his shoulder once they
reached the table. There was a man and a woman, enjoying their late breakfast.
The man was finishing his plate. A young man with cold, blue eyes. He was
dressed in an Armani suit.
woman was a Japanese beauty, clad in a black latex catsuit. She took a drag
from her cigarette and took off her D&G sunglasses to take a better look at
Li Rong. A couple of moments passed in silence as the couple stripped Li Rong
with their gaze. Li Rong's breasts heaved as she tried to catch her breath
after being stuffed in the trunk for so long.
a pleasure meeting you Li Rong. I'm Frank Stanton, your new owner" the man
introduced himself. The woman giggled as she sipped her tea.
That's true, I own her. I paid big money to have her. So pratically, I own
please... grow up" the woman said in a seductive voice.
listen to her. You probably have a lot of questions... All of them will be
answered when the time comes " he smiled at Li Rong.
Rong looked at the man who claimed to own her with hatred.
ah, we were in the middle of an argument.
will introduce you to your new environment" he told the belle captive.
maid stood next to Li Rong with a collar in hand. Li Rong looked at the collar.
There was an inscription on it in Chinese. Also a lotus flower figure was
isn't it?" the man said enthusiastically.
has your name on it. Li Rong, Kui... Beautiful Lotus, the Never Fading
Flower... Such a beautiful name, like yourself"
woman got up from her chair and snatched the collar from the maid's hands.
take care of our new guest" she said as she collared poor Li Rong and
yanked at the leash.
the girl protested.
Frankie, we have company"
ran an appreciating hand over Li Rong's breasts. Then she slid her hand through
the side slit dress.
This whimper was rewarded with a slap across Li Rong's cheek. She looked at her
captress with tear filled eyes, cursing her.
me, slave" Mitsuki demanded. She yanked hard on the leash. The short link
chains of the ankle cuffs and the high heels made it impossible to walk for Li
Rong. But as the cruel abductress kept pulling the leash, she meekly followed
her with tiny steps...
mansion was full of antiques and oak furniture. Li Rong's high heels clicked
and clacked on the chessboard textured marble floor. After climbing three sets
of stairs and reaching the attic, they stopped infront of a door. Li Rong was
panting, her feet were killing her. Mitsuki unlocked the door and pulled her
captive inside. A king size bed with soft cushions, an antique chest and a
plasma screen filled the room. On a coffee table were fresh flowers in a
porcelain vase. There were hooks and rings attached on the ceiling. Also on the
walls and the floor. The room had a nice view of the ocean and an endless set
of mountains. Li Rong's eyes scanned the room. Mitsuki pulled at her leash. Li
Rong cursed her captor under the gag. Her jaw was aching and it was difficult
to breathe with this mouthfilling gag.
is you room, pet. Hop on the bed"
Rong obliged. The oriental beauty lay still on the bed, she could use a foot
massage right now. Mitsuki sat next to her on the bed. She ran her leather
gloved hand over Li Rong's nylon clad leg. Li Rong moaned helplessly.
little kitten. I won't hurt you... Not now, at least" Mitsuki kissed Li
Rong's neck. A tear ran down her captive's cheek.
smell nice. Let me guess... Gucci, right?"
watched Li Rong squirm slowly and sensuously in her bondage. Li Rong constantly
kept grunting under the gag which aroused the Japanese abductress. Li Rong
looked at her beggingly. But the only thing Mitsuki did was smile at her.
going to have good time" she hissed in the Chinese model's ear as Mitsuki
ran her gloved hand over Li Rong's wet cheek and licked the tear away.
kept kissing Li Rong's neck and fondling her breasts as her captive shook her
head from side to side protesting behind her gag. Mitsuki's hand slid inside Li
Rong's dress and under the pantyhose and she began massaging her clit. Li
Rong's body embarrassed her as it responded to her tormentor's touch. She was
disgusted that this woman was touching her vulva and other private parts yet
her body surrendered to sensations she couldn't control. Her breasts heaved
with each heavy breath. Mitsuki brought Li Rong to the brink of orgasm but
denied her the release. Li Rong begged her captor with her eyes for release,
moaning behind her gag. But Mitsuki only smiled at her.
you thirsty?" she asked casually, as she kept twisting Li Rong's nipple.
She nodded enthusiastically, grunting behind her gag.
you have to earn it" she whispered in her ear.
planted a kiss on Li Rong's bulged out cheek and disappeared. Li Rong lay on
the bed. The ceiling was covered with a mirror. The oriental beauty looked at
her bound & gagged body which remided her of the covers of those crime
magazines. She rubbed her wrists and ankles in a feeble attempt to loosen her
bindings. But, of course, it was useless. She squirmed furiously in her bondage
and was left breathless. She breathed through her tiny nostrils. Finally she
managed to sit up and moved to the edge of the bed. Standing up on her high
heels, which felt like a burden, Li Rong began hopping in the direction of the
window. As Li Rong hopped, her breasts danced around, jiggling. By the time she
reached the window, she was exhausted. After waited for a few seconds to catch
her breath, Li Rong produced a high pitched noise, muffled effectively by the
gag. She screamed at the top of her lungs producing those exciting
"mmphhh"ing noises.
entered the room with a bowl of milk in her hand. When she saw Li Rong crying
for help, she put the bowl on the floor and grabbed Li Rong's leash.
no one can hear you from here. I thought you already knew that" Mitsuki
yanked on the leash and Li Rong hopped behind her to the bed.
been gagged for a long time and I know that you're thirsty. In that bowl is
your drink. But if you want me to take off that gag, you have to do what I say.
Rong was late in her reply so Mitsuki yanked on the leash and finally she
nodded; yes. Mitsuki removed the wrist and ankle cuffs. Li Rong rubbed her sore
wrists. Producing a pair of scissors, Mitsuki began cutting Li Rong's beautiful
dress. Li Rong struggled which resulted with Jen pressing her finger on Li
Rong's cheek, threatening her as her red painted fingernails dug into her
flesh. Within minutes, Li Rong's dress was shred into pieces. Li Rong felt
vulnerable and humiliated. Mitsuki on the other hand enjoyed this process of
degrading her captive.
have good taste in shoes" Mitsuki teased as she held the heels of Li
Rong's shoes and slid them off her pretty feet.
smiled at her captive and cut the toes of her pantyhose and off came the nylons
encasing Li Rong's lower body. Next she cut the straps of her bra, exposing her
firm breasts. The Japanese beauty's eyes focused on Li Rong's crotch.
Instinctively, Li Rong covered her crotch with her hands.
tsk, tsk" Mitsuki shook her head from side to side. She cut the sides of
her panties and removed them. Li Rong tried to cover her breasts and crotch
with her hands.
you want to drink that milk, you have to act like a cat" Mitsuki demanded.
Li Rong grunted behind her gag.
like milk, right? I want you to mew like a kitten as you drink it"
went over to the closet and came back with a squeeze bottle of lubricant and a
buttplug which had a furry tail attached to it. Sitting next to Li Rong,
Mitsuki squirted a good amount of gel on her fingers. She parted Li Rong's
buttcheeks and began massaging the crack of her ass. The liquid felt cold and
slippery. As she massaged her asshole, the Japanese woman's finger kept
invading her asshole. Li Rong shrieked into her gag which was rewarded with a
yank on the leash. Then without a warning, Mitsuki stuffed the buttplug in her
Li Rong thrashed, her kicking legs in the air.
abductress pulled at the leash and Li Rong followed, her ass aching. Mitsuki
made her sit next to the bowl of milk. She produced a coil of hemp rope.
Crossing Li Rong's ankles she tied them tightly together. Mitsuki took a moment
to kiss her wrinkly sole and tied Li Rong's hands behind her back. She tied one
end of a piece of around her neck. The other end was tied around her bound
ankles. Next Mitsuki tied another piece of rope around Li Rong's waist and
brought the rope between Li Rong's legs. She parted her outer lips and the rope
went between them. Mitsuki tied the end of the rope around Li Rong's thumbs,
completing the crotchrope.
leather clad woman helped her naked captive to stand on her knees and removed
her gag, Li Rong drooled uncontrollably. Mitsuki stood behind her with a
leather paddle in her hand. She slapped Li Rong's soft buttcheeks with the
it" she commanded.
Rong tried various ways to drink from the bowl. The paddle landed on her skin
your tongue" Mitsuki said as her hand moved the buttplug deeper into Li
Rong's tight little asshole.
Rong drank the milk like a cat, using her tongue. She tried to keep her balance
on her knees but pulled at the crotchrope in the process and the rope rubbed
against her clit. Her tormentor kept paddling her as she tried sipping the
like a kitty" Mitsuki said as she held Li Rong by her hair and pulled at
she mewed erotically as she kept wondering what will these perverted people do
to her. She was brought back from her thoughts as the paddle landed on her bare
purring noises" the woman said as their eyes met in the reflection of the
paddle caught her by surprise and Li Rong had a hard time keeping her balance
on her knees. As Mitsuki pulled at the furry tail of the buttplug, Li Rong's
hands jerked which caused the crotchrope to stimulate her. Soon Li Rong's
mewing mixed with moans of ecstacy.
you little slut... Are you wet?" Mitsuki teased her. She rolled Li Rong on
her back with her feet up in the air. Mitsuki's hand went between Li Rong's
don't remember telling you that you can enjoy it, pet" she said, licking
Li Rong's juices off her fingers. Then without a warning she hit the sole of Li
Rong's foot with the paddle.
it going, pet" she demanded as she rubbed the soft sole of her foot.
sucked on Li Rong's big toe, slid her tongue between her toes and hit her feet
again with the paddle.
kept paddling her pet's feet as Li Rong kept mewing...
had been an hour... The burning sensation on Li Rong's feet left it's place to
freezing as she was forced to stand on one leg on the tip of her toes on a
block of ice ( which kept melting as time passed by ). She was wearing a
karada; a "rope dress" skillfully applied by Mitsuki. Even the
slightest movement caused pressure on her bulged out breasts, buttcheeks or
Japanese nawashi's clearly an expert on this" Li Rong thought to herself
as she tried her best to keep her balance. Ropes tied to the hooks on the
ceiling also encircled her arms and thighs. So even if the ice completely
melted, Li Rong would be suspended in the air. The Chinese model was facing the
plasma screen on the wall. She was forced to watch two short film loops all
this time. One of them featured an Asian woman wearing a mini skirt, stockings
and heels, tightly bound and gagged; whimpering with all her might. The second
film had another Asian woman dressed in a kimono. She was also bound rather
tightly. She kept squirming and moaning as a vibrator penetrated her. The women
on both films were objects of desire to the viewing eye. Presented in a way
that they could do nothing to hide from the viewer's gaze. The unsuccessful
attempts would only arouse the voyeurs even more.
The film loops Li Rong's forced to watch can be viewed through these links:
Rong was feeling sick, the constant muffled noises produced by the helpless
Japanese women mirrored her own with the red ballgag stuffed in her mouth and
the piece of cloth tied over her nose and mouth. Li Rong always thought the
gags used in Shibari were some kind of an hommage to old crime films with the
gag covering the damsels' noses. But now that she was unfortunately
experiencing the same gag first hand, she understood that it's purpose was not
to create an aesthetic image but to restrict her breathing. The way the cloth
was tightly pulled over her nose put pressure on her nostrils and made her feel
dizzy as sucking in the air was the most difficult thing to do in a bondage
position like this.
of the tightness of the ropes, Li Rong's limbs felt numb. She kept breathing
heavily under the gag. The women on the screen meant surrender, probably a not
so subliminal message forced down her throat by her captors. When the door to
the room she's kept in was opened, Li Rong barely noticed Frank in a sharp suit
and Mitsuki in an evening dress consisting of open toe high heels, gloves, silk
stockings complete with garter belt and suspenders, enter the room.
two of them looked at this beautiful but exhausted woman as if she were some
cute little pet they happen own. Frank pulled Li Rong's hair behind her ear.
Immideately she began grunting, faintly.
think she can't handle your ropework, dear" Frank said as he squeezed the
ropes around Li Rong's breasts. Li Rong moaned in pain.
get used to it" the cruel woman spoke. She knelt down and kissed the arch
of her captive's foot. Her toes were aching and Li Rong felt like she could
collapse if it weren't for the ropes suspending her. "Poor, little
thing... You're probably dying to lie down and relax"
faint grunt escaped her. Li Rong saw Frank pour something from a small bottle
on a piece of cloth.
if she'll take a nap, our lotus flower will feel much better" he said as
he approached her with the cloth in hand. Mitsuki pulled away the cloth
covering Li Rong's lower face and finally she was able to breathe again. She
sucked in all the air she could.
dreams, princess" Mitsuki hissed in her ear as Frank pressed the drugged
cloth over her nose and mouth. As Li Rong kept inhaling the sickly sweet
smelling fumes, her vision became blurry. She felt Mitsuki nibble on her
earlobe. Her eyes met with Frank's. He was half gentle and half beastly as he
forced her to inhale the chloroform. The last thing she saw was the image on
the plasma screen. The helpless woman was looking directly into Li Rong's eyes
as she screamed as if to warn her. But Li Rong was too tired to do anything.
She let out one final grunt muffled by the cloth pressed over her face and
then, everything went black...
Is this a dream?" Li Rong thought as she heard some noise in the darkness.
Something familiar... Like the ocean washing the shore. It reminded her of the
times back in China, where she'd sit alone for hours by the open water,
contemplating... Dreaming... To move abroad to become a fashion model...
Without much effort, Li Rong managed to open her eyes for the split of a
second. A blurry vision, nothing else... She blinked her eyes again, nothing
but blinding light... Then her eyes opened wide as she felt a stinging pain on
her nipples. The moment Li Rong's eyes adjusted to the light, she found herself
facing the ocean!
Rong was standing on sand at the tip of her toes. She felt the water wash her
feet as it cleaned the shore. A support system more like a semi cage made of
bamboo sticks helped her stand on her feet. Two bamboo sticks cruelly squeezed
her breasts. The oriental beauty was wearing a latex catsuit that had holes for
her breasts, crotch, tummy and her back, which left those areas vulnerable. To
Li Rong's discomfort, the latex she was wearing was wet and as it dried under the
hot summer sun, it shrunk and tightly hugged her body. She squirmed helplessly
but there was no way out of neither the latex cacoon nor the bamboo cage that
imprisoned her.
you had wet dreams, pet" Mitsuki whispered in her ear and Li Rong felt another
rush of pain on her breasts. The source of the pain was the candle in Mitsuki's
hand. She dripped the wax carelessly over Li Rong's skin as she held an
umbrella with her other hand to protect herself from the burning heat.
I go to the authorities, you're going to jail, you... Bitch" Li Rong said.
This was rewarded with a slap on the face.
and listen good slut. Your life as you knew it... It's gone, the small
apartment and the fashion model dreams... From now on you'll live your life
like a porno film. You'll be used as we like to use you. As our fuck
toy..." Mitsuki grabbed Li Rong's nipple and twisted it. "You're
nothing but a fucktoy" Li Rong fought back the tears in her eyes.
change the position now, shall we?" Frank said as he took a sip from his
whiskey. He untied her hands and feet then began removing the bamboo structure.
As the support system was deconstructed, Li Rong fell on the soft surface. She
tried to gather all her strength and as Mitsuki approached her with a whip, she
pushed her and the Japanese dominatrix fell down. Li Rong got up to her feet
and began running. Frank and Mitsuki looked at her, puzzled by this unexpected
action. Li Rong ran, because her life depended on it. She felt her heart
pounding. Mitsuki's laughter echoed in her ears "You can run but you can't
escape, fucktoy" she shouted behind her. "I'll get her" the
abductress said to Frank who kept drinking his whiskey. Then she started after
their captive.
Chinese damsel looked back to see the leggy woman coming for her. In the
process, Li Rong lost her balance and fell down. Quickly she got up to her feet
and resumed her role as prey. Li Rong didn't know how long she kept running but
no matter how fast she was running, the poor girl could hear Mitsuki's eerie
if I can find a way out of this place" she thought to herself. Lucky for
her, she reached the woods that hid Frank's mansion from the rest of the world
and hid behind a tree. As she was catching her breath, a hand clamped over her
mouth and Mitsuki was on top of her. She felt the cruel woman's tongue in her
ear. She thrashed wildly to get free.
more you struggle, the more you turn me on" Mitsuki said. But to her
surprise, Li Rong managed to break free of her hold. Within seconds, the
huntress was again chasing the scared woman. Li Rong didn't know where she was
going. Actually, she didn't care. The only thing that mattered to her was to
get rid of this crazy woman who was after her. Just as Li Rong looked back to
see where Mitsuki was, she sprained her ankle but kept running. For two seconds
that is... She hid again, behind a much older tree. Li Rong covered her mouth
with her hand to muffle the grunting caused by the pain on her ankle. Just as
she was about move, she heard Mitsuki.
really enjoy this Li Rong. I do... But when our little game is over, you're
going to regret touching me... Ever heard of the cattle prod, babydoll? It's
used to tame wild pets like you. Oh and I'm going to use it on your soft
buttcheeks and listen to your sweet screams"
Rong was paralysed with fear. Mitsuki had her back turned on Li Rong. But she
couldn't bring herself to attack her. She decided the best thing to do would be
to wait till she's gone. Li Rong put a hand over her chest, her heart was about
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