The Long Arm Of The Law
By Ashtree
There was no doubt Geraldine enjoyed her job as a policewoman. Not only did she actually enjoy the idea of serving the community and upholding the law but sometimes very occasionally, there was also the chance to indulge in her favourite pastime – sexually dominating some of the females who broke the law.
Such a scenario was developing now, a young shoplifter, Julia, had been arrested in one of the shops in town and after the usual caution that passed for justice these days Geraldine was detailed to take her home and explain the situation to her parents.
Things started to go Geraldine's way as soon as Julia let her into the house, which was noticeably silent.
“Well, where are your parents?” Geraldine demanded.
“There not here, are they?” Julia replied in a tone, which set Geraldine on edge straight away.
“Don't get clever with me, I can see that, when are they coming back?”
She shrugged. “ Monday, I think, they've gone away for the weekend.”
An idea began to form in Geraldine's mind, and as she took the information in she took another look at the girl, slim, pretty with shoulder length hair, 16 the arrest form had said. Geraldine's sexual instincts began to stir, and though this one was a bit younger than she would normally go for this might be too good an opportunity to miss. Geraldine broke the silence in the room.
“What do you think they'll do when they find out about your thieving?”
Julia cringed visibly. “Christ, kill me probably.”
Bingo, Geraldine thought, now to move in. “Well, there might be a way of making sure they don't find out.” As she said this Geraldine moved close to Julia and lifted her face with her hand. The girl looked puzzled and afraid.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you're a pretty young thing If you let me have some fun with you, there's no reason you're parents need ever find out their little girl's a thief.”
Julia looked stunned by this. “Fun?”
Geraldine felt a flash of anger, was she being deliberately stupid? But she calmed herself. “Do have I to spell it out? Let me sleep with you and that's the end of it.”
The girl looked very shocked now. “But you're a policewoman?”
“And you're a thief who's going to get in a lot of trouble if your parents find out. But if that's the way you want it I'll come back Monday.”
“No, I'll do it, but this is the only time, yes?”
“Yes, just this time then, as long as you stay out of trouble, our path's will never cross.”
Julia looked disconsolate. “OK.”
Geraldine felt a surge of sexual energy race through her body, she leant forward and kissed the girl on the lips holding her tightly by the shoulders as she forced her tongue between her lips, eventually Julia succumbed and opened her mouth to receive Geraldine's tongue. When they broke away Geraldine took her hand.
“Where's your bedroom then?”
As if in a daze Julia led Geraldine upstairs and into her room, on the way Geraldine feasted her eyes on her denim clad bum. It would be a pleasure to deal with that, she thought.
Once inside Geraldine shut the door and removed her jacket and hung it on the chair by the dressing table, as she did so she noticed, lying on the table, a long handled hairbrush. That would come in handy later, she thought.
As she turned round she noticed Julia as about to start getting undressed.
“Wait.” Geraldine commanded and walked over and sat down on the bed. “Come here.” She now ordered and her pussy tingled as she meekly obeyed. Geraldine continued. “You've been a very naughty girl, and naughty girls get punished. I intend to give you a spanking before we begin to help you change your ways in future. But before I begin you must ask me to spank your naughty bottom, understand?”
Julia couldn't believe her ears and didn't reply until Geraldine tapped her lightly on her legs.
“Well, ask me.”
As if in a dream Julia found herself uttering words she never dreamed she would. “I've been a naughty girl, will you spank my naughty bottom please.”
This of course was a dream come true for Geraldine and she didn't even bother replying to the girl as her shaking hands began to unbutton her jeans. Once undone Geraldine slid them down her legs feeling the outside of Julia's thighs as she did, she told the girl to step out of them.
“Bend over my lap.” Geraldine's voice was almost breathless now as Julia meekly did as she was told allowing Geraldine to gaze lustfully at the gorgeous cheeks barely clad in the skimpy material of her knickers
She lightly brushed her hands over their smooth surface, and then squeezed the cheeks they encased; Julia's bottom shivered at her touch and Geraldine knew she couldn't keep her carnal feelings under control much longer.
“O.K. I'll start off with a warm up on your knickers, then we'll carry on without them.”
Then she swiftly raised her hand and brought it down sharply on Julia's behind, the girl bucked very slightly but otherwise showed no reaction, but as Geraldine repeated the blow Julia's began to wriggle about on Geraldine's lap in a futile effort to lessen the impact the blows were having.
The sensation of Julie wriggling about in her lap was almost too delightful for words for Geraldine but she didn't want it to be over too soon, she still wanted to use the hairbrush on her unfortunate prisoner, plus she hadn't got round to spanking Julia's bare bottom yet. Geraldine paused in her punishment and gently caressed the poor girls bottom, despite the protection (or lack of it) of her knickers the flesh was already hot and Geraldine let her hands roam over the red globes, gently kneading them. Then she slid a finger under the thin panties and twisted them so as to force the material into the crease in Julia's buttocks. Julie cried out in surprise and pain at this, the punishment so far had been a lot worse than she had expected it to be and she was beginning to regret her allow this pervert to get her hands on her.
It was probably lucky for Julia that Geraldine couldn't read her mind at that moment or else the subsequent stage of the punishment would have been a whole lot more painful, as it was Geraldine was reaching the stage where her arousal was beginning to override her desire to punish Julia, soon she would just want to get her tongue to work on her delicious body.
Geraldine pushed her hand between Julia's thighs and pulled her legs apart; when Julia resisted this she slapped the inside of her legs sharply.
“You will do as I tell you, understand? Now spread your legs.”
As Julia did so Geraldine ran her fingers lightly up the girls inner-thigh causing her to shiver as if in anticipation. The fingers continued upwards until they were resting on the pantie covered entrance to Julia's pussy, then rapidly slid under the material and raced upwards, over Julia's buttocks until Geraldine had a firm grip on the greater part of the flimsy material. Quickly twisting it round her fingers she gave a sharp tug and Julia's thin panties were ripped off.
“Now,” Geraldine tried to sound calm despite the raging fires within, “I'll continue without that flimsy inconvenience.”
“Please, please don't hit me any more, I don't care if my parents find out, I'll owww.” Julia's voice trailed off as Geraldine landed a sharp tattoo of smacks on her bare nates.
Geraldine pushed her hand between Julia's legs again and deftly slid two fingers inside Julia's pussy, this caused Julia to wriggle and scream in protest. Geraldine hooked one of her legs around Julia's to control them, and then she calmly grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her head back to silence her.
“Listen here you thieving little bitch, what you want or don't want doesn't matter. You are going to let me do whatever I like, understand?” Geraldine snarled at her captive whilst still pushing her fingers in and out of her pussy.
Through tears part humiliation and part pain Julia mumbled her agreement.
“Good, now be a good girl and come on my fingers.”
Geraldine had found Julia's clit by now and was rubbing it so that despite her best efforts Julia couldn't help getting aroused, Geraldine sensed the change in Julia's body and changed the tempo of her fingers, a slight cry escaped Julia's mouth as Geraldine's expert fingers brought her to her climax, Geraldine removed her fingers form Julia's sticky snatch and licked them.
“Hmm, you taste lovely” She informed the shamed girl.
“OK, Get up now, let's have a look at what else you've to offer me.”
As the girl shakily rose to her feet and stepped back Geraldine stood up and moved round behind her, she grasped the bottom of Julia's T-shirt and pulled it roughly up and off, leaving her clad only in her bra. Geraldine rested her hands on Julia's slim hips and kissed her gently on her neck.
“Hmm, you're a sexy little thing.” She murmured in her ear as her hands slid up Julia's body and began to unclip her bra. She slid it off her slim shoulders and tossed it to the floor, then began to squeeze and massage Julia's breasts from behind, pinching each nipple between finger and thumb, and kneading the fleshy mounds. Julia bit her lip as Geraldine dug her fingernails into her captive, all the while whispering dark promises into her ear.
Abruptly Geraldine stopped.
“Get onto the bed, facing the wall on all fours.” She ordered.
Julia hurried to obey, placing herself as ordered on the bed facing away from Geraldine, who was hurriedly undressing. Rapidly Geraldine stripped down to just her stockings and suspenders, spotting Julia's dressing gown hanging on the door she removed the belt and then on her way back to the bed picked up the hairbrush from the dresser. Geraldine climbed onto the bed next to Julia and immediately gagged her with the dressing gown belt, brusquely ignoring Julia's frightened whimpers.
“This might hurt,” Geraldine gently told her, “and I don't want you screaming the place down.” Then she moved herself down towards Julia's bottom; she knelt level with Julia's hips, pressing her self against the younger girl's body and slid an arm round her waist, hugging her tighter.
Geraldine gently trailed the bristles of the hair brush up the back of Julia's thighs and over her buttocks noting with a great deal of satisfaction how this made her shiver in apprehension, so she did it some more, laughing the whole time.
Suddenly, without giving Julia any warning she twisted the hairbrush round in her hand and began to spank Julia's already red bottom with it. Julia had thought the hand spanking was bad but this was 10 times worse, but Geraldine's grip on her waist prevented her moving any great distance to avoid the blows. The gag in her mouth prevented her giving full vent to the pain radiating out from her bottom, but even so she managed to make enough noise to give Geraldine the added satisfaction of knowing how much pain she was actually inflicting.
Geraldine rained down blow after blow on Julia's tempting target, becoming almost mesmerised as Julia wriggled and shifted her thighs in vain attempt to spread the pain around, and the sobbing coming from behind the gag was music to Geraldine's ears. The effect of all Julia's struggling was transmitting itself to Geraldine's body due to their closeness and she could feel the growing throbbing in her pussy reaching a crescendo. Her whole body tensed and she increased the tempo of the blows as the climax engulfed her, hugging her victims soft flesh into her as she came.
Geraldine couldn't remember the last time she'd given herself an orgasm just through spanking a girl, and couldn't wait much longer to get to work on the rest of Julia's gorgeous body. Julia by this time had slumped her face down onto the bed and was wailing uncontrollably, but this elicited no sympathy from Geraldine who, grasping the long length of dressing gown sash, pulled Julia upright.
“Stop crying for God's sake,” Geraldine snapped, “and get off the bed.”
As the sobbing girl did as she was ordered Geraldine also got off the bed and searched in her police jacket for something. Julia stood there rubbing her sore behind with both hands and failed to notice Geraldine moving swiftly behind her, suddenly she felt both her hands being grabbed and pinned together, a split second later she felt a ring of cold metal close round her wrists as Geraldine snapped on her handcuffs.
Julia began to panic now, and shrieked all manner of protests and curses into her gag, Geraldine simply cut her short by tugging sharply on the dressing gown sash, forcing her head back.
“Shut up, well I think I've punished you enough, now I'm going to fuck you. There's no point trying to stop me, it's going to happen so you might as well just lie back and let me enjoy myself. But I don't fancy doing it on your bed, seeing as your parents are away I thought we might use their room.”
The grotesque idea of being raped by a policewoman on her parents bed set Julia's head spinning, but Geraldine gave her no time to spit her protests into her gag as she pushed her, by her shoulders, out of the door onto the landing. Without waiting to ask Julia which door led to her parent's room Geraldine pushed her reluctant captive down the hallway, trying each door in turn. After a couple of wrong guesses she pushed open the door to what was clearly the master bedroom.
Geraldine's breathing was becoming fast and shallow as her excitement mounted and she rapidly frog-marched Julia over to the bed and pushed her face down onto it, she fell on top of the her bound and gagged victim and placed her mouth next to her ears.
“Just think we're going to make each other come all over your parents bed.” She hissed and then began to kiss Julia's neck; she kissed down to her shoulders and all the way down her back to her bottom. Geraldine gazed transfixed at the red marks from the beatings she'd handed out and then placed her cheek against the glowing flesh.
Julia just lay face down, sobbing quietly, knowing there was nothing she could do to prevent this perverted woman violating her in any way she chose, she felt Geraldine covering her sore bottom in kisses, hearing her sort of grunting in her lust. Was this humiliation ever going to end?
Geraldine was temporarily besotted with Julia's bottom, it had been a real sexual high just to punish it, and now she couldn't stop herself kissing and licking it with a passion. The meek way Julia was just lying there and taking it sent her to greater heights of lust and she couldn't resist biting hard onto the fleshy mounds, noting that this too produced almost no reaction in her victim.
She kissed her way down the backs of Julia's thighs, they felt smooth and firm to her lips and teeth, then she kissed her way back up again to the glorious bottom and gave it a final covering of kisses. She grasped one of Julia's shoulders and twisted her onto her back and turned her attentions to the front of her legs.
Deliberately avoiding Julia's waiting pussy Geraldine kissed her way over her flat stomach and gleefully fell onto her tits. The touch of Geraldine teeth on her nipple caused Julia to struggle under the weight of her attacker, but it was to no avail. The only result was a sharp slap across her face from Geraldine.
“Cut it out, little one, I haven't finished yet.” Geraldine lifted her mouth from Julia's breasts just long enough to say that, before biting down hard onto the succulent target. At the same time she slid her right hand down between Julia's thighs and before Julia could clamp them together in protest, had slid 2 fingers into her pussy.
Julia's body began to betray her now as Geraldine's fingers expertly massaged away at her clit, and her lips flickered and teased across her nipples, to her dismay she felt her pussy responding. Geraldine felt the wetness on her fingers and abruptly moved up to Julia's neck, with her other hand she pulled the gag out of her mouth and, as Julia was trying to gasp for air, planted her mouth on the girls and forced her tongue inside.
Geraldine kissed deeply, all the while still fingering Julia's increasingly wet pussy. Julia was making strange noises now as Geraldine's tongue teased hers, and her body lifted slightly as if guided up by her deft fingers, but just as suddenly as it began Geraldine broke the kiss and removed her fingers from Julia's pussy.
The respite was short lived, though, as Geraldine shifted herself around and over Julia, straddling her face with her stocking clad thighs.
“Time for us to see how wet we've made each other,” Geraldine announced “Be a good girl and make me come.”
Julia suddenly realised what was about to happen, but before she could protest or twist her face to avoid it Geraldine clamped her thighs tightly on either side and lowered her mass of black, curly glistening hair onto Julia's face. Geraldine gently rocked backwards and forwards to settle her pussy into position on Julia's mouth, and then, to further encourage the reluctant girl, twisted one of her nipples viciously.
“I want to feel your tongue, little one, or I'll twist harder next time. Oh yes, that's good.”
The threat had the desired effect and Julia's tongue began to probe at Geraldine's highly charged pussy lips. Now Geraldine lent forward and pushed Julia's thighs apart, then she spread Julia's own lips and set her own tongue to work.
Geraldine was an expert at giving oral to women, even hitherto reluctant ones and her tongue began to work it's magic on Julia's clitoris, she felt Julia's body trembling and knew they were both not far off coming. One final stab at the bud tipped Julia over the edge and her slight hips bucked upwards under Geraldine's weights as the policewoman lapped up her juices. Then Geraldine came in a massive juddering climax, flooding Julia's reluctant mouth, so that it ran down her cheeks aswell.
Drained Geraldine lay slumped on top of the girl for a second or two, her face still buried between her thighs, she relaxed her own leg's grip on Julia's cheeks and the girl gasped for air, sobbing at the whole humiliating event. Geraldine stabbed her fingers none too gently, into Julia's sensitive pussy and, once they were coated with her juices, rolled off her.
With her dry hand she pulled Julia's head round so she was watching as Geraldine wiped her sticky fingers on a pillow.
“You'd better get that cleaned up before your parents get back.” She harshly informed her victim, who was now crying like a child.
This cut no ice with Geraldine who calmly got off the bed and returned to Julia's bedroom and got dressed. Then she returned to find Julia still lying on the bed crying, Geraldine un-cuffed her and slipped the cuffs back into her pockets.
“Right, I hope you've learnt a lesson today, if I ever see you down our Station again, well I'm sure I don't have to spell it out.” With that she turned and left the crying girl, and returned to duty as if nothing had happened.
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