Tim had been driving for a long time that day. He had gotten a very early start (for him) and it was now almost dark. He was having trouble keeping his eyes open. He thought he would need to start looking for a hotel. He was a little worried that it might take a while since he was going through an area with few larger towns, but he had hardly started looking when he saw a little old fashioned looking motel to his right. It was small but didn't look in too bad repair. The sign bragged that they had television and air conditioning in all rooms. Tim figured it would be cheap and as long as it had clean sheets and there weren't bugs he didn't care where he slept. He pulled into the large gravel parking lot shared by the hotel and the tavern next door. He parked near the office. The red sign said "Vacancies", though only "cancies" still lit up. There were only 2 cars there and maybe 10 rooms. Tim looked over at the bar. It was a small white wooden building overlooked by 3 large silos. There were 2 rusty pickups parked by the door under a Pabst Blue Ribbon sign. It certainly looked like a redneck type of bar. Being kind of shy, Tim was always a little leery of going into strange bars. He wasn't a big guy, standing only about 5' 7" and he was kind of thin. He had found trouble enough in the bars around college, let alone a dive bar in the middle of nowhere, but he wanted a beer. He figured it would be safe enough, probably a couple of farmers at the bar watching a ball game. He would keep to himself and nobody would notice him. He decided to go in for a beer or two before checking in at the motel. If it seemed okay, he might come back for a couple more later.
Inside the place looked about as he imagined. It was dim. There was little decoration, but a few neon beer lights adorned the walls. A bar ran down the left side with 8 tall barstools. There was a TV in the left corner of the room with a ball game on, though the sound was down. A jukebox was to the right playing an old country song. There was a little open space behind the barstools, then 2 tables with chairs, then a pool table. The bathrooms were on the back wall. Another door led out from behind the bar, probably to a storage room. There were 2 guys sitting by each other at the bar. One looked about 40, the other in his late fifties. They looked up when he walked in. They didn't look especially friendly, but didn't look threatening either. Tim left 2 empty stools between them and him and took a seat at the bar. He was relieved to see they had Miller on draft as well as the PBR. He ordered a Miller draft. The bartender asked to see his ID. Tim showed him his license and the bartender got him a giant looking frosted mug. It was only a dollar fifty. Tim gave him 2 dollars and the bartender set 2 quarters on the bar. Tim left them there. The farmers and the bartender went back to their conversation about the weather or tractors or whatever (Tim couldn't care less). Tim took a large swig and started to relax. This wasn't so bad. The beer tasted great. A warm beer in a plastic cup would have cost him twice that in the places he was used to. Before he knew it the mug was empty. He sat there a moment staring at the empty mug, thinking he needed to go check in, then asked the bartender for another. He was a little surprised that the bartender took his empty mug and put it in a sink then filled him a fresh frosted mug. One of the farmers got up and left. This just gets better, Tim thought. He had a feeling he might be spending quite a bit of the night over here after all. He took a small sip, determined to make this one last a little longer.
When he first heard the rumbling he thought, ‘that guy needs a new muffler for his truck.' When it got a little louder he realized it was something else, the sound of several motorcycles. He still had most of his beer left when the bikers started coming into the bar. Two men entered first, big guys with old jeans, Harley shirts, leather jackets, and beards. Then a stream of them entered, all talking at once, mostly men, but a few women too. Soon the bar seemed packed with bikers and noise. Tim couldn't believe the change that had happened. The tables were now full. Men pounded on the bar, everyone wanting drinks. The jukebox started putting out old hard rock music, which they had the nervous bartender turn up. A pool game started. There was a line at the bathroom. Smell of dirt and sweat. A huge tattooed man sat to Tim's left, cramping Tim over. Tim wanted to go suddenly, but didn't want to run out on a full beer. He started to drink quicker, thinking he would finish it and then saunter out as if nothing out of the ordinary was going on. Two women came out of the bathroom and sat in the two stools to his right. He tried not to even look at them, fearing that even a glance might get a boyfriend jealous enough to knife him or something, but he couldn't help himself. They were really sexy looking. All skin tight jeans, knee-high leather boots, bare midriff, slutty makeup, lots of cleavage. The exact type of woman Tim was attracted to, but knew he could never have. They both looked to be about thirty. They sat talking to each other, not paying any attention to Tim. Several people came up right behind Tim, yelling at the bartender for drinks. Tim finished his beer and turned in the stool to get up.
He found his way blocked by the huge bikers who were standing directly behind him. There were two men and a woman waiting for the drinks they had just ordered. He wanted to stand and just squeeze between them, but they didn't make it possible. He could only turn around partway and they were right up against him with no room at all between them. They didn't step out of his way. Tim cleared his throat and said nervously, "Umm, excuse me." They didn't move at all, they just continued their loud conversation. They may not have even heard him. The bartender was setting up the drinks on the bar. Tim's leg was pressed up against the woman to his left who stood between him and the front of the tavern. She was a huge woman, bigger than most of the men in the bar, somewhat overweight, but very solid looking. She looked like she was in her mid 40's with a stern face, medium length hair that was black streaked with a little gray. She wore tight worn blue jeans and a new black Harley T-shirt stretched very tight across her large breasts. The men she was talking with were two of the toughest looking men Tim had ever seen, but she looked even tougher. Tim cleared his throat and tried again. “Excuse me,” he said a little louder “I need out.”
The woman looked him over, seeming amused. “Going someplace?” she asked.
“Uh, yeah, I need to get going.” Tim stammered.
“Oh, come on. Stick around a while. The party's just getting started.” Without waiting for Tim to answer she turned toward the bartender. “Hey, get my friend here another beer… and a shot,” she said as she clamped her hand down on Tim's thigh.
“I really should be going.” Tim tried to say but she ignored him. She turned his stool back towards the bar. The bartender had finished pouring the shots she had ordered before and went to get Tim's beer and shot. She reached around Tim to grab two shots off the bar and pass them to her friends. As she did her breasts pressed firmly against Tim's shoulder. Tim tried to back away, but the woman on the stool to his right was so close he was only able to move a little before he was shoulder to shoulder with her. She shot him an annoyed look. When the other woman reached back in for her shot, her breasts pushed even harder against Tim and there was no more room for him to move. Tim was embarrassed, but also a little turned on. The group drank their first shot and she traded the empty glasses for the other round still on the bar, again rubbing her breasts against Tim. By this time the bartender had returned with another beer and Tim's shot. She dropped some money on the bar and took her shot in her left hand. She pushed her way in and the man on the left moved his stool over to give her room to squeeze in next to Tim.
“Bottom's up,” she said lifting her glass in a gesture to Tim. Tim was getting very nervous and wanted out more than ever, but didn't want to offend the bikers. He lifted the shot and smiled weakly at her. They drank the shots at the same time. Tim made a face and chased his with his beer. She just watched him smiling. “My name's Gail,” she said.
“I'm Tim,” he replied after a little pause. She didn't say anything for a while and Tim took a few more drinks of his beer, not looking back at her. He felt uncomfortable with the way she was looking at him and he was very conscious of her breast still resting against his left shoulder. When he did look back over at her he saw that she was staring down right at his crotch. She let her gaze linger there, then looked up to meet his eyes. She had a mischievous smile on her face. “Uh-oh,” Tim thought, “she really is coming on to me.” He had been getting that feeling, but didn't really believe it since she was so much older than he, and so much bigger too. He was sometimes attracted to tall women, but it seemed to him that they always were attracted to men as tall as they were. He also had the older woman fantasy, like most guys, but it was always a really classy older woman in his fantasy. Gail wasn't the type of woman he was looking for at all. He liked really feminine looking women, usually on the slutty side. He liked short skirts, cleavage, and lots of makeup. Gail wasn't that type. She did have big breasts, but otherwise there wasn't much feminine about her. She may be a slut in practice, but didn't dress like a slut really. He was a little flattered, but mostly afraid. He picked up his beer and took a couple of swigs. It was now half gone. He thought he would be able to finish it quickly and get the hell out of here before things got any worse. As if she knew what he was thinking, just then she ordered herself and him another shot. “No really, you shouldn't get me another.” Tim protested.
“That's okay. I insist.” she said, “You can get the next ones.” Tim tried to turn in his stool to get up again, but Gail put her right hand down firmly on his thigh and held him in place. He could feel the strength of her grip as he struggled to turn. She squeezed hard enough to hurt a little and he wasn't able to turn himself. He stopped struggling and picked up his beer again. Gail smiled at him and relaxed her grip, but still let her hand rest on his thigh, uncomfortably close to his crotch. In spite of himself, he was starting to get a little turned on. He had enjoyed the way her breast felt rubbing against him. Her hand resting on his bare thigh gave him a nervous thrill. Soon the bartender was back with two more shots. They drank the other shots of whiskey and Tim chased his with his beer again, which was now almost gone.
The two women who were sitting next to Tim got up and went to the restroom. One of Gail's friends took the seat next to Tim. He pushed the chair back some and sat turned so that he could talk with the other friend who still stood directly behind Tim, who was now right between the three of them, and more nervous than ever. Gail had taken her hand off of his thigh, but now her arm was around his waist. It made him feel trapped. “It feels good to relax a while,” the guy sitting said, “We rode a long way today.”
“Yeah, I'm a little tired,” said the other biker, stretching his back.
“I like a long ride like that…” put in Gail, “it gets me horny.” Her friends both laughed, but Tim blushed and looked down. The shots arrived and they drank them down. Tim was beginning to feel a good buzz after 3 beers and 2 shots in so short a time. Though he liked to drink beer, he rarely drank hard liquor because he couldn't handle it well. He always got too drunk too fast. Tim tried again to excuse himself muttering he needed to get going.
The biker sitting next to Tim said, “When a lady buys you a drink, it's only polite to return the favor. You aren't going to be rude, are you?” He said it mildly enough, but Tim could sense an underlying menace coming from him.
“Uh, no, of course not,” Tim stammered, “I'll gladly buy her whatever she wants, I just don't need anymore now. I'll pay for her drinks and get going.” He was still hoping to get out of there. He really didn't mind paying for her drinks, at this point he would gladly give them everything in his wallet to get out of there (most of his money was still hidden in his car anyway).
Gail laughed, “You have to drink with me or it doesn't count,” she said, “but that's okay, I'm good right now too. We'll hang around a while and have another round later.” Tim realized he wasn't getting anywhere by arguing so he just kept quiet. The two women who had been sitting at the bar before had come out of the ladies room and were dancing with each other in the middle of the bar. “Let's dance,” Gail said, “that will work up our thirsts.”
“Oh, no thanks.” Tim tried to say as she grabbed his hands and pulled him off the stool. “I'm not really much of a dancer,” he continued as she effortlessly dragged him to the middle of the room. He was amazed at her size and strength. She hadn't even seemed to notice that he was struggling not to come with her. The other two dancers made some room smiling at Tim and Gail. Gail held on to his hands and began dancing, simply but with good rhythm. When Tim began to dance as well and she thought he wasn't going to try to run off she released his hands. Now that he was standing he realized just how big Gail really was. He came up to her shoulders and his face was even with her breasts. People were watching them and he felt embarrassed. He hadn't been lying. Though he enjoyed it, he really wasn't much of a dancer. Tim did his best however and Gail didn't seem to mind. By the end of the song, he was relaxing a little. He scanned the room and although there were lots of guys ringed around them, nobody seemed to be paying attention to them anymore. He stole a glance at the two girls dancing next to him, who were dancing very seductively. There wasn't much room for dancing and they occasionally bumped up against him. He was feeling the drinks even more and began to let go and get more into dancing as the next song began. He looked back to Gail and found that he was staring right into her bouncing tits, which were at his eye level. He looked up at her face and she smiled at him. Just then a big heavyset guy barged through on his way to the bathroom. His shoulder pushed Tim right into Gail and he continued on without even looking back. Tim's face was shoved right into Gail's breasts for a few seconds. When the guy had passed, Tim pushed himself back from her chest blushing and stammering an apology.
“That's okay,” Gail said still smiling. They kept dancing for the rest of the song. Gail kept dancing closer and closer to Tim, so that her breasts were very close to his face. He tried to back up some, but the guys behind him didn't give him much room. He kept staring into her huge tits and was getting turned on. He had liked the way they felt against his face and with his beer goggles on Gail was starting to look a little better to him. He was starting to think that maybe this wasn't so bad after all. He was probably not being fair to the bikers. They were probably just normal people out for some fun who just happened to like to ride motorcycles. That didn't make them a gang or anything. If they weren't dangerous there was no reason for him not to just try and have some fun. He didn't know anyone around here, so even if Gail wasn't that great looking, nobody he knew would ever find out about it. Why not go along with her? He watched her tits bounce, remembering how they felt against his face and his shoulder before and he started getting a hard-on. Gail stepped a little closer so they were almost touching his face again and he looked up into her eyes. This time he returned her smile. Then she stuck out her chest and slowly rubbed one tit across his face, and then the other. He didn't try to pull away, just enjoyed the feeling. Somebody whistled, and he was a little embarrassed again, but tried to ignore it. She backed up a little and winked at him. He smiled and looked down.
“Come on,” she said taking him by the hand, “I'm about ready for that drink now.” Tim followed her to the bar. Gail's two friends were sitting at their seats, but one of them got up when Gail and Tim approached. Tim got out his wallet and stood at the bar to order. He jumped a little when Gail grabbed his butt and squeezed. She leaned down and whispered in his ear, her breasts rubbing against his back again, “You order for us, I'll be right back.” She went to the restroom and Tim ordered 2 beers and 4 shots of whiskey while she was gone. Gail's friends watched Tim silently as he waited for the drinks. Somehow he didn't feel as threatened by them now. One of them told him to go ahead and sit down. Tim sat back on the barstool and waited.
The drinks had arrived by the time Gail returned. Again, she squeezed in to stand beside him, though she seemed even closer than before. Her tit rested against his left shoulder. They did the first shot. It went down easier for Tim than the other two had. Then they sipped at the beers and talked a little. Tim told her about how he was driving to California where he had a summer job waiting working for his aunt. He was going back to college for his fourth year after that. Gail kept rubbing her tit against Tim's shoulder as they talked and occasionally looked down at his crotch. He was getting an erection again and he wondered if she could tell.
Then Gail pulled out a cigarette. “Got a light?” she asked. Without waiting for an answer, she rubbed her left hand over where the pockets of his shorts were, feeling for a lighter. She felt his erection, which of course she had noticed, and reached her hand in his pocket and grabbed it. “Oh,” she said in mock surprise, “I guess that isn't a lighter,” and laughed. Her friends laughed too and Tim found himself blushing again. The guy behind Tim gave her a light still laughing. Tim was insulted, while not especially well-hung, he was bigger than a lighter anyway. He was also embarrassed that she had grabbed him that way, and that he was hard. “Oh lighten up,” Gail said, “I'm just teasing.” She put her hand on his thigh and began rubbing up and down, closer and closer to his crotch. After she had smoked her cigarette they drank the other shot and finished the beers. Tim had pretty much decided he was going to go for it and have sex with Gail if that was what she wanted. He was drunk and turned on enough not to care much what she looked like. He had a rubber in his wallet that he hadn't really expected to use. He had only gotten lucky at school twice in three years. He was usually too shy. He was hoping for better luck when he got to California. So, when Gail started pulling him out onto the “dance floor” again, he didn't even try to resist.
They started dancing again and Tim was having fun. He paid no attention to the other people in the bar. The third song turned out to be a slow song and Gail pulled him in close to her. His face rested right against her tits as they swayed. He imagined he looked foolish, but was beyond caring now. His cock swelled again. They danced that way for the whole song, then another fast song played. The two girls started dancing again on this one. They danced even sexier than before and Tim kept watching them out of the corner of his eye. They were playing up to the guys around them, rubbing up against them as they danced. Tim saw a guy pinch one girl's ass and she just turned her head and winked at him over her shoulder. Then the other girl lifted up her shirt partway, exposing one of her tits for a moment. Someone whistled. A few moments later the first girl lifted her shirt as well, flashing both her tits. Tim openly stared this time with a smile on his face. “You like that?” Gail asked Tim.
“Oh yeah,” he answered.
“So you approve of a little public nudity, huh?” she said smiling.
“Sure, what guy doesn't?” Tim said.
“Good,” Gail said and she grabbed onto Tim's shorts and yanked them down to his knees. His underwear came partway down and his cock poked out too. He grabbed onto his underwear with one hand and pulled them back up quickly. He tried to grab his shorts with his other hand, but missed. Gail pulled them down all the way to his ankles. When Tim tried to reach down he lost his balance and fell on his butt. Gail soon had his shorts all the way off and she tossed them to one of the girls who held them up. Everyone was laughing. Gail grabbed onto Tim's shirt and pulled him to his feet. He fought to hold onto it, but Gail pulled his shirt over his head and after a brief struggle had it off him as well. She handed it to the other girl who pulled off her own shirt, then put Tim's on in its place. There was more laughter and whistling. Tim was embarrassed and angry, as well as afraid again. He looked around, but didn't see the girl with his shorts. The other one wearing his shirt was looking him up and down smiling. Tim wished he hadn't worn the skimpy bikini underwear he had on. He had gotten them as a gift once and had never really felt comfortable in them. His cock was very visible in its partially erect state. He tried to cover his crotch with his hands.
“Give me my shorts back!” Tim demanded, looking up at Gail.
Gail just laughed and said, “I don't even have them anymore.”
“I mean it I want them back now!” he said again.
“You're so cute when you're angry,” she said tickling his ribs.
“My car keys and my wallet are in those.” The girl who had taken the shorts came back up empty handed. “What did you do with my shorts?” he said to her.
“They're safe,” she said laughing.
“I want them back now!” he demanded loudly stepping toward her. Two large men stepped between them and gave him a look that made him cringe back. He was back to being more scared than angry.
“Relax,” Gail said, “we're just having a little fun. I'll make sure to get everything back for you if you just play along. Nobody's going to rip you off, I just had to see that cute little body of yours.” She reached out again and snapped at the waistband of his underwear. Tim tried to back away, but was surrounded by a ring of people. Gail grabbed his hands and said, “Come on, let's just dance some more.” She began dancing, moving his hands with hers, making him dance as well. Tim reluctantly went along and began dancing as well. The men backed away, but when he glanced around the room, the men gave him unfriendly looks and the women amused looks. Tim figured it was hopeless and he would have to go along with whatever happened and hope he wasn't beaten to a pulp. By the end of the song he was dancing more normally, though he was still nervous and embarrassed. The girls continued to put on their show, wiggling their hips and flashing their tits occasionally. Less attention was on Tim now at least. They danced for another song and Tim relaxed just a little, his buzz helped him cope, though he really wanted the rest of his clothes back.
As the song was ending Gail started to say, “I'm about ready for another drink.” But then a slow song started and she changed her mind and said, “Oh, but we have to dance to this one first.” She pulled Tim close and again he found his face against her bosom. She reached her hand down and started feeling his ass. Embarrassed, Tim reached behind him and grabbed her wrist and pulled her hand up to his back. Some people watching laughed. It looked more like something a woman would do when dancing with a guy with roaming hands. Gail just laughed too and reached right back down and gave his butt a hard squeeze. Tim tried again, but found he wasn't even able to budge her hand when she resisted. Instead she grabbed onto his hand and led it back around to her own ass. He only left it there a moment, but kept his arms around her this time. She just held him by the hips for a little while to Tim's relief, but then halfway through the song her hands started inching down again. She grabbed his butt with both hands and started kneading his cheeks, while pulling him even closer against her. His face was resting in her tits and his crotch rubbing against her thigh. Combined with the way she was feeling his ass it got him turned on again. By the end of the song he was completely hard. As the song ended she pushed him back and looked him up and down. Tim cursed his choice of wearing those bikini underwear again as his hard-on was so obvious. He was almost going to pop out of the underwear.
Gail grabbed his hand and led him to the bar. Tim looked at the floor to avoid meeting the eyes of the men and women they passed. He had never felt so embarrassed. At the bar, Gail's friends were sitting in the stools again. They gave up their seats, amusement apparent in their faces. The girls who had been dancing were sitting in the next stools again. On the bar were Tim's wallet and keys. He looked at them as Gail ordered more drinks and everything seemed to be there, except his shorts. Gail sat next to Tim this time her hand resting on his thigh. “Where are my shorts?” Tim asked again. He was staying calmer hoping that might help get them back.
“Oh they're around, don't worry. I like seeing you like this now.” she said and she grabbed his balls and squeezed lightly. “You look sexy.” She ran her fingers up his shaft then dropped her hand back on his thigh.
The girl in the next stool (the one still wearing Tim's shirt) turned to them. She looked Tim up and down, her gaze obviously lingering on his cock for a moment. She leaned closer so that her breast rubbed on Tim's right shoulder and said to Gail, “I like your new boyfriend, he's cute,” and she giggled.
“Back off, he's mine!” Gail said, but she laughed too. She grabbed Tim's crotch again. The drinks came and Gail made Tim do another shot and he drank his beer. He was getting drunker and everyone acted like it was no big deal so that he almost got used to sitting there in his underwear. It wasn't very long before Gail wanted to dance again. Tim barely bothered to try to protest as once again he was dragged to the middle of the room. He felt the embarrassment return immediately as all the rough looking men and women watched him dancing there in his bikini shorts. Gail didn't help by grabbing at him and laughing loudly. She kept fondling his crotch Tim would just blush and look at the floor. Every time he did look up he saw faces staring at him. All the women in the bar seemed to be watching. He was starting to get really aroused in spite of his embarrassment. Gail started putting her finger inside the waist band of his shorts, snapping them on the side or in back.
“Please don't,” Tim said, looking up at her pleadingly, “I'm too embarrassed, I have to go.”
“Shhh,” she responded and started tracing her finger along his chest and slowly down his stomach. Then she hooked her finger in the elastic in front and pulled it way out, looking down as she did so. Tim's erection bounced out to laughter. He reached down and struggled with Gail to pull his shorts back into place. She let him do it but grabbed his butt with both hands and pulled him against her. She bent close to his ear and said quietly, “I'm going to strip you in front of all these people. Then I'm going to do whatever else I want with you… and you won't be able to do anything about it.” She smiled at him and he knew she was exactly right. He was afraid of what was in store for him. Gail started grabbing at his underwear again playfully. Tim grabbed onto each side and held tightly.
“Oh come on, just take them off,” the girl who was still wearing Tim's shirt called out. Then she came up and took hold of one of Tim's arms. Her friend took the cue and grabbed the other. Tim could feel their breasts rubbing against him as he struggled. Gail, instead of going for his underwear again, began tickling Tim. Tim was ticklish and soon he was squirming around and laughing. Then Gail stuffed her hand down the front of his underwear and grabbed firmly onto his testicles.
“I'll give you to three to let go. One…Two…” By two she had tightened up her grip enough for Tim to wince and let go. Gail released his balls and grabbed his underwear on both sides and gave a yank. Soon he found himself completely naked, the two ladies still holding his arms. He was still hard and everyone seemed to be staring at him. He was blushing and wished he could get away or at least cover himself. Then the girls released him and backed away looking him up and down. Gail pulled him to her again and began fondling him. “Let's dance some more.” She began dancing and Tim had no choice but to go along. He had given up resisting and just hoped it would end soon. His erection bounced around as he danced. He thought he would die from the embarrassment. Before long she tired of dancing and took him back up to the bar. She had one more drink, but Tim didn't have another.
“Well, I think it's about time for us to leave, lover.” She grabbed Tim's cock and started leading him towards the door.
“Wait, what about my clothes?” Tim asked nervously.
“Oh you don't need those for what were going to do,” she said.
“Please, let me have my clothes back.” Tim pleaded, “Please…” he said again.
“Aw, you're so cute when you beg. It almost makes me feel sorry for you…but I know you really like it. Your cock gives you away. Tim looked at the floor as he was irresistibly led to the door. A woman pinched his butt as he walked past and he could hear people laughing at him. Tim looked hopefully at the bartender before he was led outside. He thought maybe he would call the cops, but the way he quickly avoided Tim's gaze made it seem doubtful. In the parking lot there were even more bikers partying and roughhousing, a new crowd of people to laugh at Tim. Just outside the door Gail pushed Tim against the wall and kissed him on the mouth. It was a long lingering kiss and Gail's tongue probed Tim's mouth. He was still very aroused in spite of his fear and he found he was kissing her back. He was ashamed that the way she could overpower him turned him on so much. It felt so exciting to be pressed against the wall that way, completely helpless and unable to escape. After the kissing she again led Tim by his cock to a motorcycle, hers apparently and she straddled it. She told Tim to get on back. Since he was still surrounded by Gail's friends he saw no choice but to comply. Again he was very afraid. Getting on a motorcycle naked sent visions of what could happen if they wiped out running through his mind. Gail was confident and commanding and soon he was sitting behind her. She started the bike and pulled Tim's arms around her waist. She shifted on the seat so that she was sitting on Tim's cock. Before he could really prepare they were off, Tim shutting his eyes and clutching to Gail in his terror.
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