The Hotel.
Ch 1
She was nervous as she checked into the hotel. They had never met, but over the last few months of chatting online, she felt like she could trust him completely. As the desk clerk gave her the key, he also handed her an envelope that He had left for her. She knew it was her instructions. They had discussed this scene before. She would be his for 24 hours. She knew he would respect her limits, but still was a little scared not knowing what he would do with her or to her. She couldn't wait to get up to the room and opened the letter it in the elevator.
Since you are reading this, you have not backed out yet. Over the next 24 hours your body will be used and violated in ways you can't even imagine. There will be no permanent marks, but I intend to push your limits for pleasure and pain. I will arrive at 5 sharp. I expect you to be ready. You will be on your knees, hands cuffed behind your back, blindfolded and gagged.
She could feel her excitement rise as she read it again. She knew she should just leave. How could she put herself in this position, at the mercy of a stranger. It was just plain dangerous. Maybe that was the reason she was so wet. To be at the total mercy of another, having no control and unable to stop if it turned out to be not what she wanted. Maybe that's what excited her the most, that once they started, she had no way out, she would have to endure whatever torments he had planned for her. God she was wet.
Checking the clock, she saw it just past 4:30. She had time for a glass of wine before she had to get ready. She put on some music as she poured herself a glass. It seemed to go right to her head as she emptied her second glass. Dancing to the music, she shed her clothes, fantasizing about the being tied and helpless under her master.
Reaching into her bag, she found the ring gag he had instructed her to buy. She had tried it on at home and though it was a bit uncomfortable, but now, she eagerly forced it into her mouth and buckled it behind her head. As she dug through the bag looking for the other accessories, she happened to catch herself in the mirror. She almost laughed as she took in the image. With the ring gag forcing her mouth open, she looked like one of those blow up dolls.
Checking the clock again, it was 4:55. Time to get in position. She kneeled down at the end of the bed and put on the blindfold, carefully adjusting it so she couldn't see. Next she picked up the handcuffs. She knew this was her last chance to back out. Once cuffed, she would have no escape, he was the only one with the key.
As her heart pounded, she took a deep breath, placed her hands behind her back and snapped the cuffs shut. There, it's done. She thought to herself.
Now she sat, and waited. The minutes seemed like hours. She had no way to tell what time it was, but it had to be after 5. She started to worry a little. What if he didn't come? How would she get free? Then she thought, what if he DID come, what would he do to her? She felt her pussy tingle as she imagined his rough hands tormenting her body. She was startled from her daydream by a knock on the door.
"House keeping" She heard a voice call out. It was the voice of a woman with a thick Mexican accent. She tried to yell for her to go away, but the gag prevented any intelligible sounds from leaving her mouth.
Her heart was now pounding and her mind raced. What would the maid think? How would she explain this?
She jumped to her feet as she heard the key card slide into the door. If she could just reach the door and flip the lock. But with the blindfold, she knew she had little chance of that.
She got to the door just as it was opening. Plan B, maybe she could hide behind the door. She threw herself against the wall, knowing that she was sure to be found out. He whole body trembled, unable to see or do anything to stop what was about to happen.
She held her breath, waiting for the scream of the maid once she was spotted. Seconds passed. Nothing happened. She listened intently. Nothing.
Did the maid leave? In her panic, she didn't hear if the door closed or not.
Then suddenly. SMACK! her left breast stung with from the slap.
"I thought I told you to be kneeling." Said a stern, rough voice.
It took a second, but she quickly realized that this was her master. She dropped to her knees, but not before another slap flattened her right breast. With her hands cuffed, she couldn't protect herself or even rub her now throbbing breasts.
Her mind was spinning as she tried to apologize and explain that she thought it was the maid. But the gag just made it garbled mumbling. He slapped her hard again across the breasts, while her reminded her not to talk unless asked a question.
She sat there trembling, wondering what she had gotten herself into. This was not exactly how she had imagined it. She wanted to tell him the deal was off and just go home. She tried to express this through the gag, but was interrupted with repeated slaps to her breasts. After 6 slaps, she was on the floor. He stopped to explain.
"You've agreed to be here, now maybe you're not ready for my skills, but, for the moment, you don't have any say in the matter. I would suggest that you follow instructions, as it will be much less painful for you."
Grabbing her hair, her pulled her up to a sitting position. She managed to hold back the tears, but couldn't seem to stop trembling. She knew she had no way out, and might as well do as he says.
"Stand" he ordered.
She hesitated, only long enough for him to grab her hair and help her to her feet.
He stood there for several minutes without saying anything., just admiring her body. A smile crossed hi lips as he thought about all that he had planned for her.
Her state of mind was quite different. Blindfolded and cuffed, she knew she had no way to escape. Her mind raced, this man may not even be the one she was talking to online. Or, maybe he would invite all his friends over for a gang bang. Or worse, yet, what if he never let her go.
He let her stand there a few minutes, allowing her to ponder her fate before reaching behind her head to unfasten the gag. As he pulled it out, she stretched her mouth but knew better then to try to talk.
Next came the blindfold. She slowly opened her eyes and found herself staring into two dark brown eyes. There was a certain softness there, and her fears and apprehensions quickly melted away. He gave her a small smile and a wink. Stepping out of character for a moment, before giving her a smack on the ass and saying.
"So, let the games begin."
"First I need to inspect my new toy."
She looked over to see what he had brought, but quickly realized her was referring to her.
"Just relax." He whispered into her ear as he bent her over at the waist. She bent over until her forehead was resting on the edge of the bed. With his feet, he pushed her legs apart until she was standing spread as far as they would go.
She felt totally exposed. She trembled as he ran his hands over her body. Here she was, a respectable professional woman, subjecting herself to torment and humiliation.
His fingers continued to roam her body for several minutes. Tracing patterns on her legs, up over her back, and around to her stomach. With both hands he gently cupped her breasts and gave them a little squeeze before rolling her nipples between his thumb and forefinger. She let out a soft moan as he pulled her nipples down, turning her breasts into stretched cones pointing at the floor.
Moving his hands down her back, his fingers traced her spine. Ever so slowly they painted a line down between her spread cheeks. She jumped slightly as they passed over her rosebud, and continued on to caress her slit.
He toyed with the folds of her pussy for a few moments before plunging one finger deep inside. He was pleased with how wet she was as he started sliding his finger in and out. She couldn't help thrusting her hips against him. A hard slap to her ass reminded her that she was instructed not to move. As her ass glowed with the sting, his hand returned to her pussy. This time his thumb invaded her flesh, twisting as the rest of his hand cupped her mound. She tried to control her movements, but with his hand just touching her clit, she could not help to press down slightly, desperately trying to increase the pressure on her clit.
"I see we have to work on our self control." He said as he slapped her other cheek.
He went to the bag he had left by the door. She knew better than to try to look and see what he was doing. As he returned, she tensed her muscles, waiting for what he would do next. She was startled by something cold touching her anus. She sucked in her breath as she felt him spearing some lube around her backdoor. They had talked about this, and she thought she might want to try it, but only if she was really drunk and really horny. She wasn't sure if she could take anything right now with her body all tense. As he slowly pushed his finger in, she knew she had no choice in the matter..
It hurt a little, but as he moved around inside her she seemed to relax and grow accustomed to the intrusion. Just as she was begining to relax, he slowly withdrew the invader. More lube was applied, and she felt the finger return. Only this time, it wasn't alone. A second finger was now seeking entry into her quivering ass. "Lets not get crazy" she thought to herself. One finger was a little uncomfortable, but now with two, it was a little painful. Again moving slowly, her massaged her ass, inside and out.
As she relaxed around his fingers, his thumb found its way into her cunt. His hand now gripped her tightly from the inside. He continued for several minutes, sliding in and out of her ass and pussy at the same
time. She struggled to remain still, but couldn't help thrusting her ass back against his hand.
He quickly pulled his hand away, and followed that with several hard smacks on her ass.
"Kneel". He ordered.
It was the first time he spoke in nearly 10 minutes.
She quickly sat on her legs, with her hands still cuffed behind her back.
"You are a very nice specimen, this collar indicates that I have accepted you for training. From now on, this collar must always be worn in my presence as an indication of your willingness to submit."
He pulled a studded dog collar from his pocket and fastened it around her neck She wasn't sure why, but she somehow felt a feeling of pride from his acceptance.
Now, your training will begin. Please read this list of rules. You will follow them at all times.
1. Always refer to me as "Sir" or master
2. Your collar must be worn at all
3. All commands must be followed immediately or you will be punished
4. While not under a direct command, you are to wait in a specified
position for your next command.
5. Positions:
Position 'A' - Standing, hands
behind your neck, feet spread.
'B' - Kneeling, hands clasped behind
back, head down, knees spread.
Position 'C' - On your knees, forehead on the
ground, ass up.
Position 'D' - On the floor face down, hands holding ankles.
Knees spread.
"Now, lets begin." He said.
"A!" he shouted.
She quickly jumped to position, standing perfectly still as he walked around her and made minor adjustments to her posture.
She dropped to her knees, heart pounding as she waited for his critique. "Keep your knees spread wide, Slut!" he shouted.
He could see in her face that she took offence at that name. Reaching between her legs, he dipped a finger into her dripping pussy. As he pulled it out, he brought it to her lips.
"Suck" he ordered.
"Who else but a true slut would be so turned on simply by posing with their legs spread?"
She wasn't sure if it was a rhetorical question or not. If she answered, she risked punishment, if not, she may still be punished.
He was quick to move.
"Your slave, Sir." She yelled out just as his hand smacked her breast.
"Very good, slave." He replied.
Despite the sting to her breast, she was pleased with the compliment.
The next several minutes were spent stepping through each position. His voice was cold and uniform as he called out letters and she jumped to comply. Finally he stopped, with her standing in position A. Taking a moment to catch her breath, she noticed that he had a set of nipple clamps in his hands.
He placed one on each nipple. They were tight, but not really painful. Each clamp had a short chain with a hook on the end. She was curious as to what it was for, and guessed that she would find out soon enough.
She watched intently as he pulled two cloth pouches from his suitcase. They were about the size of an apple but looked very heavy, probably filled with ball bearings.
As he attached one bag to each nipple clamp she began to panic, that weight would surely tear off her nipples. Once secured, he held the bags in front of her in each hand. She braced herself, ready for him to drop the bags and inflict incredible pain onto her clamped nipples.
Several minutes passed as she waited for the inevitable. Finally he spoke. "Hold out your hands." She quickly complied as he placed the weighted bags in her hands. "Hold those for me, please." He said.
This was one request she was more than happy to comply with. Each bag weighted about 2 lbs.
"Thanks you , Sir" she replied as he turned away.
He paused mid turn. She immediately realized that she had spoken out of turn.
He seems to ponder a moment. True, she has spoken out of turn, but it was right for her to thank him for his mercy. He decided on a warning.
"Do not speak out of turn again, or you will put your hands back behind your head." She just nodded, not wanting to test his threat.
He went over to the bed and carelessly dumped out her suitcase. Rummaging through her things he would pick up certain items and put them into two piles. She watched patiently as he picked through her things and examined them, apparently trying to pick out an outfit for her.
As he did this, her arms grew tired. She fought gravity, and struggled to keep the weighted bags held high. As her arms drooped, her nipples were stretched. She quickly lifted them up again to relieve the pain.
He noticed this and smiled. Knowing her predicament; that eventually her arms would be too tired to support the weights.
As he picked and outfit for her, he watched as her arms began to tremble. She was grunting now, unable to support the weight of the bags as they pulled on her nipples.
Finally her came over to her. Her eyes begged him for relief. "You may put your hands back on your head." He calmly stated.
She hesitated for a second, realizing that she would have to let the bags hang, supported only by her tortured nipples.
"Now!" she heard him shout. Knowing that she had just earned a punishment, she quickly released the bags and clasped her hands behind her head. The pain was intense as her nipples were stretched towards the floor.
The 2 seconds that they hung there seemed like hours.
She had tears in her eyes as he lifted the bags and unclamped her nipples. As her circulation returned, they throbbed like never before. He could see the pain in her eyes as be bent down to kiss them and massage each nipple with his tongue. He then moved to her face, and kissed away her tears.
She would never want to admit that she loved the way that the clamps felt on her breasts. She loved the way they pulled. The hard pull felt so good, although she can't describe the pleasure that she felt, how she loved the grip that held so tightly on her sore breasts. But she didn't dare say a word. Biting her lip, she didn't want him to know how hot she felt, how much she really wanted him.
He pulled out more of his toys, and by this time she didn't even question these things in her mind, she wanted them all to happen. He took out some rope, and proceeded to tie her to the bed. Her arms above her head, legs spread wide to each post. Carefully taking clothespins, he attached to her inner lips, outer lips, and what she wasn't prepared for, her clit. He hadn't have been able to know how sensitive her clit was. Just the slightest touch, and she would squirm and shiver to be touched further. She wants him inside her now! He's felt every inch of her, now he needs to feel inside. She wants him inside her hard and rough.
He continued to tie her body, although she couldn't move. He tied each of her breasts with such care and precision, popping her breasts from her body. They felt so firm, and her nipples sprang with want for him. He continued down her stomach with his tongue. She lay unable to take him, and bring him into her. All she could do was pant and moan until he stuck the ball gag into her and tied it around her. Now she could only mumble and want. He continued to take his tongue down her body slowly licking each inch of her, she arched and moved liked he had never seen.
He wanted to untie her, only to tie her again in another position. He wanted to be able to slap her burning ass more, her wanted to touch her from all angles, he wanted every inch of her.
Looking at his watch, he saw it was getting late.
"We need to get you dressed for dinner." He whispered into her ear as she was denied her orgasm.
Untying her hands, he told her she had 5 minutes to get dressed. She jumped at his words, knowing a sever punishment would result if she didn't comply. Her fingers tore at the ankle cuffs, in seconds she was free.
Grabbing the clothes he laid out on the bed, she wasn't surprised that there were no panties or bra. She pulled on the black leather mini skirt. It was a little tight, but at least it covered her well, stopping just above mid thigh. The shirt he had selected was a thin white t shirt. Stretching it over her head, she noticed it was nearly skin tight, and did a nice job of showing off her perky breasts. She knew she still had a few minutes, so she ran to the bathroom for check her hair and makeup. Luckily she was low maintenance, just a little touchup is all she needed.
She popped out of the bath room just as he was checking his watch. "Just in time." he said with a smile.
"Position A!" he commanded.
She jumped to attention, crossing her hands behind her head and spreading her legs. This forced the skirt to ride up a little.
"Very good," he said as he inspected her. "But we need to accessorize a little bit."
He sat on the floor between her legs with his face inches from her pussy. She just wanted to grab his head and pull him in.
She stared straight forward as he played with her cunt. Pulling at her lips and sliding his fingers around in her juice.
She heard the clanking of a chain and knew he was attaching the nipple clamps to her pussy lips. They didn't hurt, but she was worried that some one might hear or see it while they were out. She looked at herself in the mirror and was relieved to see that the chain was not visible under her skirt.
"Ready for dinner?" he asked. She began to follow him to the door when he stopped, "Oh wait, there's one more thing." Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a black leather strap. It looked like a dog leash, except it was only 3 feet long. One end had a clip, which he quickly attached to the chain hanging between her legs.
"Now we're ready" he said giving the leash a light tug.
She was a little bit worried now. He couldn't possibly be planning to lead her through the hotel by a leash, and not just a leash, but one attached to her pussy lips.
She hesitated a little, but a slightly firmer tug convinced her to start walking.
As they entered the hallway, she was about to break her silence. They had previously agreed on limits for
public play, and being led around by her pussy certainly crossed that.
Once in the hall he turned to her and tucked the leash into her waist band. He watched her face and could see the fear turn to relief.
"Very good" he reassured her, "soon you will learn to trust me."
He took her arm and walked with her to the elevator. Checking herself in the mirror, the strap matched the skirt so well it looked like part of the skirt, despite the fact that it went down between her legs.
They were alone in the elevator, and he quickly lifted her shirt and began roughly pinching and sucking her nipples.
She held him close, and didn't even feel the elevator stop. As the doors opened, he had already yanked her shirt back down and was straightening his jacket.
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