Veronica Leigh Marquette
(This page has been viewed 130118 times since Nov 15, 2001)
(Author: if you want to add/change/update any information below, please
email me)
- Author's Words:
- I am V. L. Marquette, and have been writing since I was twelve, writing erotica for the last seven years, has four plus books that are being considered for publication. I live by my computer, and for my writing. Anyone who happens to read this piece or any of the others that I might submit to this web page, please feel free to drop me a line. Like most writers, who are subs, I want to know if I did well in my endeavors.
Hello, I have at this time, 6 books completed so far, and another two that are in the middle of being worked on. If you have read any of the Dark Love books, 1, 2, or 3. then please, once you finish with 3, take a breather. for a week or two, DL 3 ends on a hard note, and DL 4 starts as fast and hard as 3 ended. Now for those of you that just want to go one forward don't say I didn't warn you. As always, I welcome any comments about my work. I am always happy to know what those that read them think about them. If you would like to pass on any comment, my sn is Ssshh Silence@aol.com
- Author's Homepage:
- Send Author Email: SsshhSilence (at) aol (dot) com
Total 8 Stories by Veronica Leigh Marquette