BDSM Library - Here Kitty Kitty

Here Kitty Kitty

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: Kitty gets a new home.

       Fantasies sometimes get us through our rough day, while other times theyre used to bring yourself to orgasm. 

       I happen to fall in the first category.  When class just isnt engaging enough, or even if it is, I find myself fantasizing.  Sometimes, its a simple daydream about sleeping together with you.  Where Id wake up groggy, and reach around with my hand just to make sure that youre still there, and then snuggling right next to you, Id fall asleep again.

       Other times, its enough to make me want to go change my underwear because I can feel how wet I am.  Wet enough that Id feel it on the inside of my thighs.   Rubbing my thighs together to bring even just a little bit of relief, I look around to make sure no one is looking at me.

       This time however, the fantasy changed. 

       There were a few homes shed been placed within the past few years.  Each one was just as bad as the last.  The last home had forgotten she was there for a week, and didnt leave food out for her.

       That was when she found herself shoved in a big box with only one way to look outside.  The movement of the box and the angry voice from the human shed been living with told her she was being taken somewhere.

       Settling down in the box and waiting for it to all be over with, she laid her head down.  It had been the same as before.  The gentle rocking of the box and the hum of an engine had her asleep before she knew it. 

       Flashes of light here and there hit her face, but for the most part she slept, ignoring the world around her.  The movement of the box changed, and she looked out the little door to see where shed been taken this time.

       Two human voices were outside.  One not so happy the other one was calm.  It was a nice sound she thought, as she caught little bits of the conversation between the two humans.

       “What do you mean it doesnt matter what food she eats?  Dont kitties normally have a delicate stomach?” The calm one asked.

       “It doesnt matter what she eats, as long as you do feed her.  I forgot to feed her once, and she pissed in my shoe for it.” Angry voice said.

       Calm one didnt answer him, and picked up my box carrying me somewhere.  Doors were opened and closed, and my box was settled down on the floor.  Moving to the back of the box, the door is opened. 

       Sitting there in the back of the box, I see the humans legs move away and out of my line of vision while in the box.  With trepidation I move to the front of the box, and step out. 

       The human that took my box away from the angry human is moving around the room, not paying attention to me at the moment.  This room must be where he sleeps, yet there are a few things in the room that just look like they dont belong here. 

       For instance, there is a round pillow right next to the bed where the human would sleep.  Its lined with very fluffy material that looks like itd be fun to scratch and sharpen my nails on.  The human is moving closer to me, and I watch him wearily.  Crouching down as he gets closer, my tail twitches showing my displeasure, and my ears flatten a bit on my head.  For some reason, most humans dont listen to my body language.  Im not sure if thats the case for any other kitty, but Id be most interested to know.  Maybe I should just start scratching everyone who gets too close.

       “Here kitty,” a gentle hand touches my head, and instinctively I move back away from the hand.  The human seemed to have materialized out of nowhere when my mind was wandering.

Fear is running through me.  Not enough to where Id scratch or bite the large human coming closer to me, but enough to keep away from him.

A bed is in the room, but I cant be sure if Id fit underneath it.  Darting to the far side of the bed, I crouch behind it hiding.  My head pops up just enough to see where he is in the room.  Shutting the door to the room, and my only means of escape, the large human walks over to the bed, stopping just on the other side.

Crouching farther down to the floor, my behind twitching just in case he decides to come after me.  With careful slow movements, still watching my stance, he sits down on the bed far enough away to where I dont move.

Looking around the room, I notice there is nowhere to hide, except behind the bed where I am.  Sitting on my haunches, just as the human is sitting on the bed, I watch him carefully for any fast movement.

He relaxes, lying back on the bed, watching me.  The relaxed body language tells me he wont attack, but the males of this species can be quite tricky if not dealt with accordingly. 

“Come here kitty,” he pats the space beside him.

Narrowing my eyes, still watching his body language, my bottom tenses, but I move closer to the bed, gauging his relaxed posture.  When I see that he isnt going to pounce, I move closer to the bed, climbing up and kneeling on the far corner.

Remembering his gentle hands, I crawl slowly forward, ass in the air, front down, showing submission to the human, so he doesnt attack.  Inch by inch I crawl toward him always watching his body waiting for him to pounce.  He doesnt move from his position on the bed, and in the last few inches of space, I move my head toward his hand, rubbing my face against it.

The skin there is warm, and comforting, and the human reaches slowly up to my head scratching me softly.  I know then, he wont attack, but just wants a pet.  Moving closer to him and relaxing my own body I curl up next to him looking up at him, watching how gentle he is.

Slowly his hands move from my head to my neck using tender touches.  Closing my eyes, I stretch out showing my stomach fully.  The human uses a soft voice encouraging me, his hands moving farther down my front touching my tits, teasing the nipples, going in circles around and around.

Once each nipple is teased enough to make them hard, the human moves down to my stomach.

“Good little kitty,” his hand moves closer to my pussy and instinctively my legs open for him.  “Good girl,”

Teasing fingers open my pussy further, spreading around my arousal, my hips moving in answer to his fingers.  Its not enough to get me to purr, but it is very pleasant.

Slowly the human moves off the bed shedding his fake fur, leaving him in his skin.  Its a nice sight, seeing the human exposed in his natural form, just as I am, just as he is meant to be. 

His cock is only semi hard and I wonder for a moment if Ive done something wrong?  He wants to mate, and I am obviously receptive. 

Sitting up quickly the human stops his movement kneeling on the bed in front of me; I wonder if Ive been the one to scare him?  Its a silly thought of course, as he is much bigger than I. 

Frowning, I move closer to him and inspect his cock.  It is twitching but not hard enough to allow for mating.  Sniffing at it for a moment I put my tongue on his cock, feeling it move once more.  Perhaps I havent shown him enough that Im receptive to it?  It must be my fault so I open my mouth fully taking the entire shaft into my mouth moving my tongue around making sure to reach every spot.  Quickly enough, he hardens fully, and I look up at him, and he is looking down at me with a soft smile.

“Such a good girl you are.  Good little pussy,” I can hear in his voice that he is now receptive to me, and what I am doing.  Spurred on by his voice, I lick as much as I can, sucking just a little moving my head back and forth.

His hips move a little and my head moves in the opposite direction his hips are moving.  A moan above me lets me know I am doing this correctly, and the hips move just a little more.

Abruptly, his cock is taken from my mouth and I mew up to him showing my displeasure at the new toy being taken away.

“Its ok pet,” his voice assures me as he moves behind me holding on to my hips tightly, not allowing me to move.

The bed dips behind me but he doesnt enter me right away as I thought he would.  Instead, he reaches somewhere and pulls out a funny black knob looking thing and another funny looking object.  Setting them down beside him, he pushes my head down to the bed so my ass is in the air, exposing my pussy and ass to him.

I feel the tip of his cock teasing my pussy, up to my ass and back down again.  He is fully hard, and in anticipation, I move my hips looking for his cock to fill me.

“Stop that pet,” The light spank isnt enough to scare me, just enough to remind me of my place.  Its nearly playful, but the little sting is enough to make me want him even more.

I meow again at him and keep as still as I can, feeling myself become wetter between my thighs.  Once more the head of his cock is teasing my pussy and ass, and slowly I feel him push his cock in slowly, inch by inch.

The tempo hes set is slow and I feel myself start a low purr.  Hands move from my hips to my ass, caressing back and forth before the warm hands stop and pull my ass apart.  This allows his cock to go farther in my pussy, and exposes the unused hole, and I purr a little louder. 

Picking up the pace a little, just enough so his skin is hitting me and its making a very lovely sound.  Everything that this human is doing to me makes me want more, my pussy getting wetter with every thrust.

Still fucking me, I feel a finger move around my ass, gently probing feeling around.  Its not what I expected yet it doesnt hurt.

“Good girl pet,” his gentle voice behind me commends me as a hand caresses up from my thighs to my ass.

Suddenly I feel something cold and wet hit my anus, and a finger moving around opening it preparing it for something.  Could it be the funny looking knob?  My hips move against my will away from the offending cold, and again I get a light tap on my haunch, though he uses a soothing voice to keep me calm.

His hips have started moving faster and I feel myself getting wetter by the moment.  Slowly ever so slowly my anus is stretched by something.  It is painful at first, but once the object is just past the first ring, it is quite pleasant, and makes me feel fuller than Id ever been.  The knob is fully inserted in my anus, and so is his cock. 

Oh the feeling!  How full Ive become, yet it makes me feel complete, as if this is what Id been missing all this time and didnt know it.  Instantly, I start to purr, showing the human how great the pleasure is that he is giving me.

My need is becoming great, and I whimper from my place on the bed.

“Its ok little pussy; Ill take care of you,”

Hands move from my hips up my back and into the fur on my head.  Grabbing onto it and pulling my head back by my fur, he really starts fucking me, bringing my orgasm closer to the surface.

“Thats it, cum on my cock pet.” He grabs on to the fur on my head and pulls back a little more only increasing my need, and want, my pussy getting wetter, the fluttering in my stomach moving.

One hand in my hair and one hand on my hip I let my orgasm go through me, moaning.  With every thrust of his hips the knob is pushed deeper in my ass increasing my pleasure.  My thighs are soaked by now from my release, yet the human is still going.  Harder and faster than Id thought possible, this goes on for a long moment before I hear him in his own release.

Slowly, his cock becomes soft, and he releases his hand in my fur.  Once he is no longer inside me he guides me to lie down on the bed beside him, and I fall asleep happily beside him.

       Slipping back into the room, he saw that she was asleep on her stomach, snoring slightly.  The lights had been dimmed earlier, but knowing that the restraint system was in place he wasnt worried.

       Moving to the side of the bed without making a noise, he stood there for a moment gazing down at the sleeping form in the bed.  The cat tail hed put in her ass earlier was still attached, the cat ears still on her head, but slightly askew.  Beneath her hair he could see the collar hed put on her earlier that evening. 

Her breaths were even and slow, her eyes moving behind her lids.  With care, he took one of her hands and extended it toward the edge of the bed.  Looking at her to gauge if shed wake, he saw her breaths still even, and attached her wrist the restraint.

       Attaching her foot to the other restraint he quickly did the other hand and foot, admiring how stretched out she was.  There was a little slack left on the feet restraints, but not enough so that she could flail around when he started. 

       Running a hand down her back to her ass, he stroked the tail first then moved on to her ass, touching the soft skin beneath his hand.  Her skin was cool from the air conditioner, and there were the beginnings of goose bumps appearing on her skin.  Shed wake soon enough, probably when she moved around to look for a blanket.  With one last glance at the body on the bed, he moved over to the dresser in the room, taking out the riding crop that had been purchased not long ago. 

       Looking around the room, he took one of the chairs sitting in the corner, and slid it over to the side of the bed where he could watch her sleep, and eventually wake up.

       Sitting down in the chair, he sat back, watching her all the time swishing the crop up and down.  In time, she started to stir.  First her legs moved and when they met resistance, her hands followed behind.  Fingers stretched out feeling around, she found the restraints, and her head looked up. 

       Blinking she looked around and moved her head to the other side, seeing him in the chair, and gave him a smile.  Once she saw him her breathing had slowed, yet she didnt say anything to him just watched him from her place on the bed.

       “Well kitten, since weve done one of your fantasies, its time for one of Daddys.” His voice floated above her and she closed her eyes from the sound of his voice.  It always had a calming quality to it, but what about it she couldnt place.  Not that it mattered really, just hearing him was enough.

       Laying her head down on the bed, she closed her eyes.  “Youd better keep those eyes closed babyslut, else Ill have to blind fold you.”

       “Alright Daddy,” her voice replied softly.

       “Perfect little one,”

       Running the crop over her ass he moved down toward her thighs, stroking around.  He noticed then her shiver, and he smiled to himself.  The anticipation was high for both of them.  She wanted nothing more than to please her Daddy, and he wanted nothing more than to see how pink her skin got.

       Starting off at a slow pace, he hit her bottom, watching her carefully.  Not even a flinch or moan came from her and he repeated this several times over her ass and thighs.   He didnt have to wait long before she started wiggling her ass, as she always does when shes aroused, and he smiled to himself.  With a flick of his wrist he moved the crop from between her legs, rubbing her pussy, and hearing a little whimper from below him.

       “Poor little babyslut,” He said with a smile in his voice. “Though this time Im afraid you wont get what you want until I do.”

       Bringing the crop up to his nose he smelled leather, and her own essence. 

       “My my, you are a little slut arent you?”

Flicking the crop again down on her ass a few times, and then sliding it between her legs, he moved to the side of the bed.  A few quick slaps across his brand new pussy, harder than before.

Moaning, she moved her hips again, but not enough to matter.  Every few moments hed slap her pussy with the crop only causing her to moan a little louder than before.  Moving along her ass to her thighs and back, her skin was getting quite pink, her breathing fast and deep.

Her hands were clenched, and her toes were curled just a little.  Running a finger down her ass crack to her pussy, feeling how wet she was.  All for him.

“So wet for me pet,” He said as he placed the crop to the side.

Moving his head to the side, trying to decide what to do, absently he fists his cock slowly.  

At the end of the bed he moved in between her spread thighs running his hand slowly from her calves to her ass, one hand on each leg.  Grasping the tail, he pulled it out a bit exposing the plug settled inside her.  There was no need to remove it, but the moaning coming from his pet wasnt something hed turn down.

Making sure the tail was away from her ass, he brought his hand down softly at first spanking her.  Increasing the pressure he put on her ass, he pulled her cheeks apart, listening to her breathing.  She wasnt distressed in anyway, merely aroused.

Cupping her pussy in his hands he looked up at her, not that she could see him but it didnt matter then. 

“Whose pussy is this?” He asked her moving two fingers inside her pussy slowly teasing her.

Her breath hitched before she answered. “Its your pussy Daddy.” Moaning, she moved her head to the other side. “Daddy please?”

“Whats wrong pet?” He asked his voice full of amusement.

“Daddy, please I need you.” She was desperate, but not quite enough yet.

“What do you need from Daddy?”

She was starting to squirm around more, and in answer he spanked her, the sound resonating off the walls.

“Stop moving and tell Daddy what you need!”

“Daddy, please fuck me.”  Her voice hadnt gone up in volume, but there was desperation there.

Lifting up her hips he thrust inside her giving her no warning.  Biting her lip moaning her eyes still closed, and then she moved her ass a little.  Keeping a steady pace, enjoying the feeling of her tight pussy around his cock, wet and warm.

There in front of his eyes was the tail moving from side to side along with his movements.  Grabbing on to the base, he moved it in and out of her ass, feeling it move against his cock, increasing the pleasure for both of them.

Both moaning at the sensation, both feeling their orgasm coming on, he gabbed on to her hips harder, and started plowing into her pussy.   He felt the beginning of her orgasm around his cock and was too lost in the feeling to tell her to stop.

“Thats right babycunt, cum on Daddys cock like a good little slut.”

Moving faster and harder inside her, keeping a harsh pace, his balls contracted and he exploded inside her pussy.  The last vestiges of her orgasm were still moving around him, as he came down himself.

“Such a good little kitten.” His voice rough, running a hand up her back and into her hair feeling the collar around her neck grasping onto it.

Slipping out of her pussy, he let her out of her restraints and lay down next to her, kissing her on the forehead holding her close.

“My Daddy,” he heard her voice from beneath him.

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