BDSM Library - The Prey, The Hunt, The Capture, The Rape

The Prey, The Hunt, The Capture, The Rape

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: Christie and Gia are childhood freinds and co-workers. For one man, they become the prey, as he sets up the perfect hunt, and the most degrading, brutal, merciless torture he can imagine.

First of all, this is my first rape-story, actually, my first story ever. It was written in a moment of inspiration. This story is pure fantasy, you should be an adult to read it, don’t read it if your easily offended and all that crap. Enjoy!

The Pray, The Hunt, The Capture.

“… and so Paul asked me to drop off the presentation tonight, when I‘ve had time to spell-check… Again! ” Christie said, no doubt hoping for some sympathy, or at least a few acknowledging words.

She had been complaining heavily to her friends about her boss, Paul, ever since he started hitting on her on a daily basis. Every day Christie had to fight off his ill-concealed advances. Once, at a company-party, he had even tried to force himself on her, by following her when she went to the bathroom. Later he had excused himself, saying that he was too drunk to remember anything…

“Just drop it off, and leave..” Gia replied, a little annoyed at her friends constant complaining. Being co-workers and childhood friends, the two of them were more like sisters. Christie at 24 was one year older then Gia, and both had grown up in the same small country-town, which both of them couldn’t wait to get away from. But that’s pretty much where the similarities end.

Christie had grown up as the daughter of the towns only doctor. The family was very well off, and respected in the community. Christie pretty much always got what she pointed at, and her hunger for new toys was never ending. Even now at 24, she always wanted more, and a sweet-talking phone-call to daddy would normally assure a healthy “allowance” if she was low on money. However, she found that moving to the big city was not all roses.
She certainly has the looks, being a tall and natural beauty. She takes great pride in her long, naturally-blonde hair, which she takes meticulous care of, trying every imaginable hair-product at least once. She also takes care of her body with daily workouts, as she has been taught the importance of a healthy body all her life. She likes to show everyone just how stunning she is, by always wearing pretty revealing clothes, and especially skirts that are only just long enough, not to be considered totally slutty, showing her long, perfect legs. Her natural C-cup breasts are always presented imposingly, as her ever-changing outfits never fail to draw attention to them.
As such, Christie was always popular with the guys, perhaps especially so, because her wits are no match for her looks. Coming from a well educated home, is no guarantee for smarts, especially if you get lazy.

Gia on the other hand had a very different upbringing. Her father had died of drinking when she was only 4 years old, and her mother, who had to support her and her younger brother by herself, had not been home much, having to work several jobs just to pay the bills, and her late husbands gambling debt. This meant, that Gia had to be responsible and focused from a very young age, especially after her aunt who had been helping out at home died when she was just 12, leaving her to take care of their home and her brother by herself, most of the time.
This meant, that Gia was quite smart and resourceful, when it came to life. A quality, that had no doubt helped her win acceptance with the “upper class” family, as Christies parents often described themselves as. She was considered good company, and for a long time, she was very happy to “belong” to a “healthy family”, of sorts. In recent years though, she had grown more and more disgusted by the emotional shallowness and the self-congratulatory nature of Christies parents. But even though she had her doubts, her friendship with Christie had not suffered the same. Christie and Gia’s friendship had developed into a fact of life, they complimented each other in different ways, and both relied on each other for support, and advice. Gia always being the more careful, and diplomatic of the two, while Christie was always looking for a good time, and was skilled at achieving it!

“I know! But this is like the 5th time this month, that I have to go to his place already. I mean, every time he has a boner when he opens the door! Every time! And last time he was just wearing his bathrobe, you know.” Said Christie, as she pulled aside the curtain to the changing-room, to reveal the latest fashion creation, in a never ending stream of outfits to be judged and examined.

“Does this make my ass look good?” she continued, posing in the booth.

“Yeah, you look great Chris, it doesn’t make your ass look big at all” Gia said, with a big smirk on her face. “Now can we please leave, we’ve been here for almost 2 hours now, and I really need to get some work done for tomorrow, and so do you.” she continued, gesturing at her wristwatch, 5:45 pm.

“Well, I cant help it if I like to look good” Christie sapped back, as she slid back in the booth, and out of the expensive designer dress.
This comment annoyed Gia, as she had always been second in line, when it came to the guys, even when she tried to dress like her friend in the past. Now she has stopped trying to compete, and has found her own style, which is radically different. It isn’t because Gia is not beautiful, that she has a hard time with men, it was and always has been her high demands. Even though she doesn’t possess the supermodel-body of her friend, Gia is also more then able to turn heads, if she wanted to.

She has a more petite body, with gentle, and innocent features. Her hair is short, and darkish brown, with some highlights. She has a fuzzy hairstyle, which gives her a bit of a boyish look. She usually wears out-of-fashion clothes, which she combines very carefully to make her own rebellious fashion statement. Her breasts, equal in size to her friends, yet proportionally bigger, which have given her some unwanted attention from the wrong guys in the past, are tucked away under a baggy blouse, and are only seldom let out for some fresh air. Gia is after all, not like Christie.

“You’re taking forever…” Gia said, after having waited impatiently and annoyed for a while.
“Just a minute, jeez” was the reply.

The two girls live together now, after Gia moved to the big city, half a year after Christie. Their apartment is not very good, but not too bad either. It has a decent living-room, a small kitchen, bathroom, and two small rooms for them to sleep in. Christies parents have bought the apartment for their daughter to live in, but had decided on this place, instead of a more expensive apartment, because they too were growing weary of their daughters laziness, and wanted to motivate her, by showing what life is like when you are not rich. This had been the fuel for some intense discussions, but ultimately, she had no choice.
Gia was more then happy with the place, and most of all she was happy to be away from home. Her younger brother had moved away half a year before she eventually did, to work on a cruise-ship, playing the guitar in the lounge-band. It seemed her mother had grown more and more depressed over the last few years, and while Gia knew, she had her reasons, it made life at home unbearable. The gambling debt was still not repayed, and when she couldn’t pay, Gia’s mom had to make payments in other ways, which meant a steady flow of horny “bill collectors” knocking on the door.

Christie finally walked out of the booth, now dressed un her usual short skirt, and tight shirt. “Lets pick up some food on the way home”, Gia suggested.

When they arrived at their apartment, fast-food in hand, they sat down and started to eat. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, as the discussion touched on work, guys, and Saturdays office party nothing would seem odd, or different, but something was.

You see, the difference was, that I was now getting live-feeds from every room, as the spy-cams and microphones I had installed while they were away worked beautifully. I was able to pick up everything, with my van parked across the street.
So, who am I? you are probably asking yourself. And while I’m not going to give you my fucking life story, I can tell you this. My name is Alex, and I used to work at the same crappy office as our two secretaries here. I wasn’t fired, I quit 3 weeks after Gia had been employed in costumer service. I had to get some distance between us, if I was going to carry out the plan, I had been forming in my mind, ever since that cock-tease Christie was hired to be the bosses personal secretary. I hated that cunt from the first day I met her. The way she plays the guys disgust me, especially when she wont even put out in the end. Fucking cock-tease.

Anyway, its not like I started really planning right away, I mean, as much as I wanted to fuck her, and fucking put her in her place, I don’t just go around raping every bitch that crosses my path. It was only when Gia arrived, and started with her snotty remarks, and blank rejections, that I was pushed over the edge. These two “best friends” were going to get punished for their insolence, no matter what lengths I had to go to, to make it happen.

After quitting my job, I bought an old farmhouse outside of the city, in a remote area with few neighbors, and started setting up my rape-dungeon. The place was great, as it already had a pretty large basement, which I expanded with the help of some illegal immigrants, who were only too happy to get work, and who I knew would not rat me out, if it came to that. After 6 months of work, the basement was completed, and the house, which had been a disaster, was in decent shape.

Oh yes, I was patient, and careful. I bought all kinds of equipment from those magnificent online stores, that deliver whips, chains and giant wooden crosses right to your doorstep.

Never once did someone come to say hello, or welcome me to the tiny community, which only bolstered my confidence further. These bitches had no idea, what I have in store for them.

You learn interesting things, when you can watch someone at home, 24/7, and I eventually found the opening I had been waiting for. Gia and Christie were at home, getting ready to hit the night, and do some serious partying. It was the usual thing, for a Friday night, and I was bored to death in my van outside, when the phone rang.

This usually got my attention, and the shocked face Gia made, as she answered the phone really got my attention, as I quickly turned up the sound from the mic near the phone.

Gia: “… in the hospital? What happened?!….. Is she going to be ok? … I.. I’ll come right away… oh my god…”

I knew about her mom, and assumed that she had had an accident or something. My thought was soon confirmed, as she hung up and explained the situation to her friend, tears streaming down her cheeks.
Gia obviously felt more for her mom, then she usually showed.

Christie: “What.. What’s happened?”

Gia: “Oh my god… my mom, she’s in intensive care, someone beat her up..”

Christie: “Oh no! that’s terrible. Are you going… I mean, do you want me to come?”

“I.. I..” Gia stuttered between sobs, as she tried to control herself, but was too shaken up, to be successful.

Christie walked across the room, and hugged her still whimpering friend, and said “Come, ill take you to your mom… come on, lets go”

As I watched the scene, my excitement rose, as I knew that this was the perfect opportunity to do maximum damage to these sluts, physically and mentally. Even more importantly, I had learned of the old hospital, in their home town, through the many conversations I had listened to the past weeks, and months. I knew exactly where they were going. I had driven the stretch several times, looking for good “ambush-spots” along the road. Luckily, there were many, as the slow and winding road passed mainly rural and deserted areas.

My heart was pounding as I watched them get ready to leave, and I ran through my checklist in my mind, as to calm myself, and to make sure, I don’t end up like one of those fools on COPS. Luckily, I was well prepared, as my van was always packed with the things I would need, to abduct the two of them.
I had my spike-strip, my disguise, my ropes, gags, blindfolds, and finally, my knock out shots. An injection will pretty much knock them out instantly. I very much prefer to have them sleeping during transport.

I could now see them leaving the apartment and heading for Christie’s car, which was parked 2 spaces in front of my van. They were both still dressed for the party, but there was nothing high-spirited about the looks on their faces. This gave me an instant hard on, just thinking of how, they both were going to find out, that things can be much, much worse!

As they sped off, I followed, never too far behind, and never too close, always able to anticipate their next move. After leaving the city, the cars became farther apart, and I tried to keep my distance. I knew by now where I was going to strike, as they turned down a small, winding road, I knew that it was time. The road was seldom used by others then the locals, and there was no sign of other cars, so I sped up, and overtook the car, unable to resist a glance at them as we passed, they were too pre-occupied to notice. I had gained some distance, as I saw the sharp turn in the road, where I would strike. I parked my van, and quickly jumped out to deploy my spike-strip. Once deployed, I got back in the van, and drove off, knowing that the trap was set.

Inside the car, Gia was still distraught and on-edge. Although she had a hard time admitting it, even to herself, she loved her mother above anything else, even though, she had made many choices, that Gia didn’t agree with. She was still her mom, after all.
Christie was trying to console her friend, and kept saying, that everything was going to be alright. There was not much else she could do, besides bringing her friend to her mom, now less then an hours drive away.
As they approached the turn, some bats scurried from a nearby tree, causing some chock to the girls, and their car to swerve, almost causing it to miss the strip completely, luckily for me, the rear right tire nicked it just enough, to cause it to loose pressure. And from my vantage point I could see the car coming to a stop about 200 yards after the turn, and two apparently very distraught bitches getting out.

“Perfect. Now its time to pick them up” I thought to myself, as I put on my farmers-outfit, complete with fake beard and “no-correction”-glasses. They would not recognize me right away, and that was good enough.

As I pulled up my van, next to their car, they both looked happy to see me.

“Christie: “Hi! Can you help us please sir? We seem to have a flat tire”

I was quite surprised by the friendliness and innocence in her voice. This was not her usual suck-up, but then again, she was stranded and pretty desperate. Gia was sitting in the passenger-seat, looking for something in the dash. I was of course more then happy to help, so I let loose my southern accent, which I had practiced well.

“Sure missy, Let me jus get what I need from the back” I said, stepping out of the van and walking around the back, to my surprise, Christie followed me around.

“Thank you sir, you don’t know how thankful I am, see, I really need to get my friend….”

As she was talking, I opened the door, leaned in, and quickly grabbed the knock out shots I had prepared. As I popped back out, she was still talking… that stupid cunt, and I saw Gia still pre-occupied in the car, so I asked Christie to walk with me to the other side of the van, out of sight, to get the auto-jack, supposedly. Once out of sight, I grabbed her, muffling her, and instantly ramming the needle into her thigh! A few muffled yelps and a little commotion was all she had time for, before sinking to the ground, and passing out. Gia had heard something, and was now yelling from the car.

“What’s going on?” she asked, as I appeared.

“Yer friend is having a hard time liftin the auto-jack by herself” I said with a sly smile, as I approached Gia, who was clearly confused by that statement. I could see real fear in her eyes for a second, before she got out of the car, and said “I think I better help her out…” while moving backwards away from me, naturally, she didn’t get far, I grabbed her arm, and pulled her towards me. “Not so fast, bitch!”
I rammed the second needle into her leg, and watched her pass out, while trying feebly to scream for help.

My heart was pounding harder then ever, as I pulled First Christie, then Gia into my van, where I gagged them, and tied their hands and feet tight. Not that they were going to wake up before I got them to my place, but just in case. I pulled their car onto a roadside parking lot I had found nearby, and which looked very deserted, before heading for home. My dick pounding against the fabric of my pants, and unable to wait any longer for the torment to begin, but then again, I didn’t have to, as I saw my destination up ahead, now it was time for the real fun to begin.

Let the Torture begin.

Having pulled them from the van, one at a time, I put them in the cell I had constructed as a part of my torture-dungeon. It was a big cell, constructed like an old-fashioned jail-cell, with bars on every side. It was located in the corner of the largest room of my basement-complex. The cell itself is 3 by 3 meters, and has bolts and chains in the floor and ceiling. It also has a toilet in the corner, and bunk beds, consisting of only a thin mattress, which conceals a number of very uncomfortable bolts and spikes. Straps and hooks ensure, that whoever sleeps in them, doesn’t get out.

I did not put them on the bunk beds, though, I decided to put metal-collars on both, and attach them to bolts in the floor, forcing their heads to be close to the ground at all times, limiting their movement to crawling on the spot. I figured they wouldn’t wake up for a few hours, but you know me, just in case…

Heading upstairs for a beer, I wondered if the knock-out drug was really such a good idea after all, as I had a throbbing hard-on, and some time to kill. It did however give me some extra time to plan my destruction of those two bitches. As I carried them from the van, I very nearly fucked Christie right then and there. Man, her skimpy outfit would leave any man hard pressed to restrain himself, but I wanted to save the moment, I wanted their humiliation to be perfect, and their suffering long.

As I thought of them lying down there I decided that I would punish Christie first. Her slutty attitude won her that honor, besides, I wantet to fuck with Gia’s mind, and blowing off some steam on Christie would help me do that. I knew exactly what I wanted to do, as I walked back downstairs, feeling like life couldn’t get any better.

Looking into the room, I saw the bitches still sound asleep. “perfect”, I thought to myself, as I picked up two buckets of water, and headed towards their cage. Slipping inside, I stood menacingly over them. I decided to cut the ropes around their feet and arms, and removed the gags from their mouths, before dumping two buckets of ice cold water over them.

The effect was as desired, Christie immediately sprang to life, chocked and gasping from the cold water, Gia was more dazed, but also shaking from the cold.

“Wha… wha.. “ Christie stuttered, before fully realizing her situation, which sent her into a panicked frenzy. “Let me go! Let me go! Who are you? Oh my god, please!” she screamed out, trying to get a look at me, but so far only seeing my boots. I let her have it.

“SHUT UP! You fucking bitch! You don’t remember me, but I remember you, slut! And I’m here to make you pay for being such a fucking cock-tease!” She coiled back in fear and panic, but was unable to move an inch. “Please! I’m sorry! I’m Sorry! Please let me go, I wont tell, please!” I let out a loud laugh, aah, yes indeed, it was good to be me.
This seemed to quiet her a bit, as she squirmed to get a better look at her captor, while softly pleading me, not to hurt her. I ignored her pleas. By now Gia was wide awake, and looking very miserable and scared on the floor next to her friend. I sat down in front of her, and pulled her hair, forcing her to face me, as I stared at her, with all the hatred in my soul. “As for you, my little bitch, I’m sure you remember me” I said, and by the look on her face, I could see she knew exactly, who I was.

We had been flirting at an office-party, and having a good time, before she decided, that I was not “cultivated” enough for her. That little bitch had told me to my face, and even slapped me, when I tried to kiss her. Now things were different, and the pure terror in her eyes almost made my hard-on rip the pants. “Alex, I rememb..” *Slap!!* I nailed her right across the cheek. “That’s SIR to you! Bitch, and if I want you to fucking talk, I’ll tell you! Still grabbing her hair, I moved in real close, and whispered, “Oh, and by the way, I hope your mom lives to learn what I’m going to do to you, I hope I didn’t fuck her up too bad..”

This sent her face into another 10 degrees of agony, as if, it had slipped her mind momentarily. Naturally, I didn’t have anything to do with what happened to her mom, but I liked the thought of her thinking that I did. Judging by her sobbing, I knew I had convinced her.

I then turned my attention back to Christie, who sat quietly on the ground, looking into the ground, trying to compose herself, but with an expression of pure fear. I quickly unlocked her metal-collar from the bolt, and dragged her to her feet. “Now bitch, you and me are going to have a real good time.” I said, as I pulled her close, letting her feel my hard-on rub against her.

“Please, please don’t” she whimpered, already looking defeated, and accepting of the fact, that she was going to get raped, whether she resisted or not. I just grinned, and moved aside, letting her inspect the rest of the room, we were in. This sent her into another panic, as she noticed all torture-equipment I had ordered and constructed. There was a whipping post, a wooden horse, stocks, my impalement chair and much more, and this was just one room. Of course, she didn’t know that… yet.

When she started to struggle harder, I slapped her 3 times, with all my force, sending her tumbling to the ground. “This bitch needs to learn a lesson.” I thought to myself.

“Are you going to fight me bitch? I hope you do, cause I’ve been looking forward to hurting you for a long, long time!”

“No please” she cried out. “Please, ill be good, please, just don’t hurt me!”

“I’m loosing my fucking patience with you. Now get up! And stand in front of me. And don’t fucking say anything but “yes sir!” understood?”

She hesitated for a short while, then she spoke very softly “yes sir” and slowly got up to stand in front of me. Once there, I slapped her again. “Too fucking slow, bitch. I think we need to improve your attitude, do this one the hard way, since your such a cock-tease out in the world, and such a shy bitch, down here”.

I could see, that she didn’t like what I just said, and that she was about to snap again, but I wouldn’t delay any longer. I was fucking about to explode, and this bitch was going to get it good.
As I jumped on her, cuffing her hands behind her back, and pulling her kicking and screaming out of the cell, Gia was on the ground sobbing, and curled up in a fetal position, knowing all too well, that she was next.

“So, you think you have a fucking say in this bitch?” I said as I dragged her to the stocks, our first bit of fun. She kept silently pleading, but I was too fucking horny to correct her now.
The stocks were designed to be as uncomfortable as possible. I had modified them myself after they were delivered. I started by shortening the height, bringing the head down to perfect face--fucking height, secondly I installed heavy wooden bars, which extend behind the stocks, and force the unlucky victims ass up high, while also forcing her to stand on her tip-toes. A spreader-bar ensures easy access, and finally, I drilled a small hole above the one for the head.

As we stood before the beast, I could sense her horror, but she stayed quiet, not anxious to get slapped around any more. If she only knew.

“Now bitch,” I said, grabbing her chin, and making eye contact, “Now your gonna get fucking raped, ever been raped before?”

No reply…

“Since you fucking show it all off, in your skimpy little outfits, but didn’t think I was good enough to enjoy it, I’m gonna make sure you don’t enjoy this one bit!”

Just as she wanted to speak, I grabbed the gag again, and gagged her before she could protest. Then I led her to the back of the stocks, and bended her over the wooden bar, positioning her head, in the head socket, and slamming it shut for now, with her hands still cuffed behind her back, and her feet frantically trying to position themselves, so she wont strain the neck. Aaah, it is beautiful.

“You like that, bitch?” I taunted, as I proceeded with applying the spreader bar, which only made her task even harder.

Finally, I uncuffed her arms, and put them in the arm-sockets before locking the stocks again.

I stood back, admiring the sight. Finally, after all my planning and work, That bitch Christie was under my complete control, wet and shaking with her ass and mouth perfectly presented, ready to be fucked.

I walked a couple of circles around her, fully taking in the view. Her legs were straining under the fabric of her stockings. She was wearing large-netted black stockings, which had already suffered their first tears. Her short and tight black skirt had rode up, and now did nothing to cover her soaked white silk-panties. The shape of her pussy was clearly visible through the fabric. The top she was wearing had lost a strap, so her white silk bra was clearly visible, and equally see through. The look of defeat on her face had changed though. There was a hint of defiance in her now, as she was straining in the uncomfortable position.

“Well well, your looking very fuckable now, slut.” I said, as I grabbed a cane from the wall next to her. “Very fuckable indeed, but first I want you to suffer!” As soon as I had said it, I started whipping her hard and mercilessly with the cane. First, I whipped her ass, hard and long, sending her into a frenzy, and I enjoyed every fucking muffled scream, the bitch had to offer. I made sure to hit the same spot twice, or even 3 times, harder each time, untill her entire ass was glowing red, and starting to bleed. She had never stopped screaming. I must have hit her well over 100 times, and I was putting a good amount of force into it too. I liked to make bitches scream, Always had. But this thrashing was different. This was no submissive slut, looking for some pain, this was rape, the real deal, what I had always wanted, and I wasn’t going to hold back one bit. This bitch was going to get fucked up, so she can serve as an example to my other bitch. Finally, I sit down in front of her, looking into her tear-filled eyes.

“Aww, does that hurt?” I ask, as gently as I can,

”Omph!.. Uuff!.. Uuuuh-huuuuh…”

“What is that? Are you saying you want to get fucked now?”

“Uuh huuuh, uh huuuh” she mumbles, nodding her head intensely.

“Not yet, you fucking whore” *slap!* *slap!* “But perhaps its time to up the ante a little”

Having said that, I grab some scissors and walk behind her, to start cutting away her skirt and her top. “We wont need these anymore”. As I rip the skirt and top from her body, I am taken in again, by just how perfect this bitches body really is. Her tanned body is perfectly shaped, and waxed all over. There is not a hair at all except on her head. I decide I want to see it all, and cut away her bra, exposing her perfect firm breasts, and an added bonus. It seems the cold water has stiffened her nipples considerably.

“Looks like your enjoying this, getting your nipples all hard for me”. As I slide my fingers across her breasts they stiffen further, so I squeeze them, and mold them, and pull them for a while, never failing to force a scream from her lips. “I think we need something for these” I say, as I smack her ass hard for emphasis. “I think these extra strong clamps should do, you see, I added this spring myself….”

As I clamp them on, I know she is in a world of pain, as she literally tries to break the stocks apart. I let her struggle for a while, until she settles down again. “Yea, I know that hurts, bitch, and its going to hurt even more when I take them off, so be quiet…. Alright, just one more thing, then you’ll get fucked, I promise..”

I now cut away the panties, making sure to take my time, and let the scissors move around her pussy, causing her to tense up even more. I love it. When I finally rip the stockings apart, the tattered panties follow suit. She is now completely naked, and ready to be fucked, almost. For my final bit of cruelty, I slide her hair through the small hole, I’ve drilled for that very same purpose and tie a rope around it, making several tight knots. Then I get a special toy, just for this situation. A large metal hook, not sharp, but very, very large. I walk on front of her, holding the giant hook in front of her. Christie looks at it in horror, but doesn’t try to speak.

“Can you guess where this is going?” Of course she couldn’t. Only a pervert like me would even get that thought…

“That’s right, because you’ve been so good, this is going op your ass!”

Now THAT sent her kicking once again, but she knew she was helpless, and stopped. There was no escape from this, she could only try to take it. She had never been this helpless, never had she been out of control. She was always the one in control, and now she was humiliated and beaten.

As I moved behind her, and pushed the tip of the hook against her butt-hole, she stiffened again, which I saw as a signal to ram it up hard, which I did, as far as it would go. I guess she had never don anal, as the sounds she was now making, were even more frantic and pitiful. I quickly attached the rope, which I had tied to her hair, to the hook, and tightened it, as much as possible. This meant her head was now forced back as far as possible, and any attempt to lower it, buried the hook deeper in her ass.

As I saw her there, totally helpless, I decided that I was going to videotape my mouthfucking of her, to keep the memory alive, I never wanted to forget this. As I set up the Camera I could see she had noticed. “That’s right bitch, your going to be a fucking star! I’m sure a lot of people on the net would pay top dollar, to see you get facefucked like this.”

I moved over to her, and removed her ball-gag. Immediately she started pleading with me. “Please, it hurts so bad, please, let me go”

“What, the clamps? Do the clamps hurt? Do you want me to take them off?” I asked

She was quick to say yes, perhaps having forgotten my earlier warning. I decided to grant her, her wish. But before I did so, I got the spider-gag ready.

“Alright, ill take them off now for you”, I quickly grabbed both clamps, and let them fall to the ground. As the blood rushed back into the now seriously bruised nipples, she let out a scream like no other I’ve ever heard. I mean, even the most experienced sadist has probably never heard a scream like this one. The funny thing is, that half way through it, she simply lost her voice. I didn’t mind though, as I quickly used the opportunity to insert the spider-gag, which will force her mouth open.

I now stood in front of her, opening my pants. “Alright, and now for the fucking. I hope you can fucking hold your breath!”, as I pulled out my dick, her eyes widened, as my 8 inches stared her in the face. I had always been big, and after surgery, I’m massive, not only the length, but the width as well. I was going to fill her fucking throat to the limit.

“Now bitch, stick out your tongue, and lick it”.

She hesitated a little, but finally stuck out her tongue, and started licking the head of my already rock-hard dick. Of course, i just wanted the tongue out of the way, so I could fuck her throat. So without warning, I pushed my dick down her throat, as far as it would go. She started choking immediately, but I didn’t really care, she couldn’t bite down, or pull away anyhow.

As I was ramming her throat, while her body convulsed beneath me, I started thinking life. My new life as the merciless master of these two bitches, that is. And I thought to myself, that I had never been this fulfilled before, and this was only the beginning.

(to be continued)

Comments and suggestions would be greatly appreciated: (copyright: ME) ;o)

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