BDSM Library - Kryztal


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Synopsis: Caroline and Hal Blaine lived in a perfect world of Hollywood glamour and wealth until an enemy told Caroline about Hal's dirty little secret. Disgusted and intrigued, Caroline had to know more. And then, she met Kryztal.

Kryztal Part 1 (of 10 Parts)
Carmenica Diaz © 2004

Kryztal Part 1: The lid to Pandora's box was ajar .

Caroline Blaine was beautiful, haughty and a perfect bitch.

Perhaps this was why she was so successful as a lawyer. Caroline had the capability of going ruthlessly for the jugular while smiling sweetly at the judge. She had everything – beauty, career, a refined accent, and a handsome husband.

Life, on a superficial level, was great but in those rare honest moments, Caroline admitted cautiously that, perhaps, there was something missing.

Caroline was a rarity in Hollywood as she was truly a natural blonde. That hair, together with legs to her armpits, large breasts, honey coloured skin and a warm and sensuous smile, made her the stuff men dreamed of and women envied.

Even though Caroline had lived in California for ten years, she scrupulously maintained her English accent; in fact she became more British as the years went on as it gave her a distinct and different image. Caroline hadn't been back to London for six years and sometimes wondered what her old school friends in Chelsea would think of her now.

It was a different time, a different world , she would tell her self when old memories came back, I was a different person to what I am now.

The firm of lawyers that employed Caroline saw her as the perfect addition to their partner ranks - a beautiful young woman with a stylish English accent who was not ashamed to be a carnivore in the courtroom. Only in Hollywood could a lawyer look like a movie star while the movie stars looked and acted like lawyers.

It also helped Caroline's image that her husband of almost ten months was also a successful Hollywood agent and as ruthless as he was handsome. Hal had been blessed with perfect teeth, dark brooding eyes and a crooked grin that seduced women and put men off guard before he crucified them with delight. It was said around Hollywood that nobody closed a deal like Hal Blaine, nobody could outwit or out-negotiate Hal Blaine.

Originally from Georgia, he had spent several years in Boston before moving to California and his dress sense was impeccable. He favoured expensive American suits, crisp shirts with glittering cuff-links and, of course, always the perfect tie. In an industry where 'California Casual' was the fashion, he stood out as a man of style and a man that women always noticed when he walked into a restaurant.

Caroline sometimes thought the suits were just a little ostentatious and a little shiny for her tastes, not subtle and refined like the English or Europeans but, she told herself, it was America and Hal was certainly one of the best dressed men in her circles.

He also had a voracious but casual appetite for sex. Caroline accepted the sex although she never achieved a real connection to it. Sex was something men needed and she accepted her lot as one who gave when the mood suited her.

On the surface, Hal and Caroline appeared to be remarkably suited to each other.

And they were, but not truly until Kryztal came into the picture.

Bea Rutledge was the most successful Madam in Hollywood and her girls only provided their special and discrete services to stars. Anybody that was making less than three point five million a movie could not get near one of Bea's girls; Bea's girls were special, and had specific tastes that would appeal to certain producers, directors and stars. A date with a Bea Girl was not a simple fuck, it was an event worth paying for, and paid they did, and then paid extra to remain anonymous.

Bea was not the stereotypical owner of a high class escort service; if they made a movie about her she would, of course, be played by some blowsy blonde, addicted to cigarettes and cheap cracks – Hollywood producers love stereotypes. Instead, she was short and slight with dark hair cut in a pageboy style, and she dressed severely in men's clothes and always wore dark glasses.

It was rumoured Bea preferred women and had told Julia, a famous actor, that, 'Men think with their cocks, thank God! If they didn't, I'd be broke and I wouldn't have my lodge in Aspen. Women think with their hearts,' she had said softly, gently stroking the inside of Julia's wrist.

It was also rumoured that Bea and Julia spent a week in a famous Hollywood hotel suite where they played many games that involved a dildo imported from Holland they had nicknamed Frederic. Apparently, so the story goes, when the epic week ended, Bea gave Frederic to Julia, who had it mounted on an polished stand and put it in her hall closet next to her Oscar.

Unfortunately, the law enforcement officials didn't turn a blind eye to Bea's business activities. She always blamed the ultra conservative right wing of American politics, but not too loudly as a great deal of the conservative senators and congressmen were actually customers.

Apparently, these conservative politicians enjoyed being flogged by a beautiful girl called Tanya dressed as a catholic schoolgirl. Tanya, who was twenty-four but appeared to be sixteen and specialised as Bea's Schoolgirl , always took to the flogging with relish and left her conservative clients gasping in pain. Sometimes, when she was watching television with her lover Sonja, she would giggle when she watched her customers secretly wince at press conferences or in interviews.

But, political hypocrisy and desperate image consultants prodded the law into action and, therefore, Bea had to spend a healthy amount each year to retain the services of an accomplished firm of L.A. lawyers.

And that firm was where Caroline worked.

From their first meeting, Bea and Caroline hated each other immediately and intensely. That meant, of course, that they were exceedingly polite to each other and smiled a lot. Men had no idea as to the extent of the mutual hatred between the women and sat in blissful ignorance in a minefield of hate. Women wished they could get out of the room before either Bea or Caroline produced a weapon of mass destruction from their Louis Vuitton handbags and dropped it on the polished conference room table.

'Prostitution is such a tawdry case,' Caroline had smiled sweetly at Bea, 'but I believe the current crack down will disappear soon and your hookers will be safe to walk the streets again.'

Bea inwardly seethed. 'My girls don't walk the streets, as well you know. They offer services far more detailed and caring than a quick roll in the hay. I imagine a quick roll in the hay with the lights off is what you occasionally give that new husband of yours, poor dear.'

'How dare you!' Caroline flushed deeply. 'Our sex life is very full, not that it's any of your business!'

'But it is my business,' Bea smiled thinly, gathering her handbag, 'Hal has a standing appointment with my girls every week.'

Caroline blinked and gaped as Bea opened the door. 'He comes for what he can't get at home,' was her parting shot. 'Call me if you want to know what he likes. It would appear that I know, but you don't!''

That night, Caroline almost attacked Hal and was very aggressive in their lovemaking. Why, she even forced herself to suck his cock for a few minutes before sitting astride him and ramming him into herself. All the time she was mechanically fucking her husband with an obsessed vigour and energy, Bea's taunting words haunted her.

She couldn't sleep and stared at Hal's sleeping face. Bea was lying , Caroline told herself, she had to be! Why would Hal go to her girls? I let him fuck me regularly, don't I? He loves me, doesn't he?

It became an obsession and, at last on Monday, she shamefully called Bea. 'Want to know what Hal likes?' Bea had mockingly asked in a voice laced with silken triumph.

'Yes,' Caroline had admitted, face red and feeling like crying. 'Yes, I do.'

Bea gave her an address. 'Be there at two-thirty on Wednesday. You'll get to see what floats Hal's boat.' Bea was laughing as she disconnected the call.

Caroline showed up at the appointed time dressed in a simple business suit and waited. Bea entered, as usual wearing dark glasses and they air-kissed with restrained hatred. 'This is Caroline,' she said to the two women standing beside her in black Armani pants suits. 'She wants to see Hal in action.' The women nodded and Bea slid some papers across her desk. 'Sign this, it's just a standard disclaimer for entering these premises.'

Caroline glanced at the papers but she was so upset at what was happening, so obsessed by it all, that she committed the number one sin of lawyers – she didn't read the documents before signing them.

Bea smiled. 'Go with the girls and you will see what Hal likes.'

The women led Caroline to a room with a large four-poster bed. 'I am Breanne,' one said, 'this is Zoe, take your clothes off.'

'What? Are you kidding…'

'Take them off or we will take them from you,' Breanne said calmly.

'We'd much prefer if you struggled,' Zoe said with a cruel smile and Caroline suddenly felt frightened. 'We always enjoy a good struggle.'

'I don't…'

Breanne stepped forward and slapped Caroline hard across the face, so hard the force of it sent her reeling across the bed. 'Get naked, slut, or there will be more!'


Zoe gripped a handful of Caroline's hair and tugged it viscously before slapping her again. 'This isn't a courtroom, sister. We don't do debates!'

Tears rolling down her wounded face, Caroline kicked off her shoes while she unbuttoned her coat. The two women stood with arms folded, smiling until Caroline was down to her coffee coloured lace bra and panties.

'Please…' she began but Breanne wouldn't let her continue.

'Naked, or I'll let Zoe take them off you!'

Sobbing incoherently, hoping the nightmare would be over once they stole her clothes, Caroline unsnapped her bra, and shimmied out of her panties.

Zoe calmly gathered the clothes and Caroline stood with one arm across her breasts, the other covering her crotch. 'I've seen it all before,' Breanne said wearily, 'you've got nothing new and nothing special, baby.' Disdainfully, she offered a small drawstring bag. 'Jewellery – rings, watch, earrings, bracelets, put them all in here.'

Woodenly, Caroline complied, dropping her various pieces of jewellery into the bag. 'Hair clip,' Breanne prompted and Caroline removed it, her hair falling forward.

Zoe returned without the clothes and then both of them advanced on Caroline. 'What do you want…'

Breanne slapped her again and Caroline fell on the bed. Suddenly, leather cuffs were wrapped around her wrists and then attached to ankle cuffs so she was locked in an uncomfortable position, wrists to ankles, knees bent and exposed, so exposed.

The door opened and Bea entered, smoking a pink cigarette in an ebony holder, smiling. 'Now, that's much better. That has to go,' she said, gesturing at Caroline's pubic hair, 'he may recognise it.'

'Please…' Caroline whimpered, trying to move, but whatever position she tried, her pussy was openly exposed, her large breasts rolling over her rib cage, nipples stirring.

Breanne ignored her and the other woman held Caroline's legs apart as Breanne switched on the clippers she had suddenly produced. 'No…!' Caroline's head moved from side to side in her humiliation as the clippers ran roughly over her sensitive groin. Zoe winked at her, sprayed her crotch with shaving lather and proceeded to shave. 'Don't move,' she warned and Caroline tried to bury her head in the bedclothes to hide from her own shame and Bea's mocking eyes. It was done, so smooth, and Zoe calmly removed the shaving cream with a fluffy blue towel.

Caroline had always privately referred to her vagina as her 'bits' and now her bits were so clearly visible. It was impossible for Caroline not to see her bald crotch; she stared down at it, her large intimate lips gleaming pinkly against the smooth skin.

Breanne beckoned to Bea and pointed at Caroline's crotch. 'Look,' she said and Caroline turned her head away in shame as Bea leaned forward to look at her newly shaven groin.

'It's a birthmark,' Bea announced and Caroline knew Bea had identified the small almond shaped birthmark on her inner left thigh, situated where her leg met her groin. 'He might recognise it, so cover it.'

Zoe applied a thick coating of a flesh covered plastic skin over the birthmark and Bea smiled down at the red faced Caroline as they waited for it to dry.

Breanne and Zoe approached Caroline, both carrying bottles of scented oil. Despite Caroline's protests and her horror at having two women intimately touch her, the women oiled every part of Caroline's body so she gleamed in the light and smelled of a musky exotic perfume. The oil, in Caroline's horrified eyes, made her large breasts look lewd and her now-bald bits, obscene.

'Why are you doing this?' Caroline cried but the three women ignored her.

'The hair,' Bea instructed, exhaling smoke and Breanne snapped a rubber cap over Caroline's hair, holding it close to her skull while she fitted a bright red wig on Caroline's head.

'A redhead,' Bea said maliciously, 'Hal loves to fuck redheads!'

'I'll sue you,' Caroline bawled. 'I'll see you in prison, you…'

'I doubt it,' Bea said evenly, 'you signed a release, baby.'

A leather hood was snapped on which covered her upper face to her nose, leaving her mouth and chin free, then closed around her throat. The ponytail of fake red hair emerged from a hole in the rear of the hood and Breanne locked it on with a gold lock.

They pried her mouth open and inserted a ring gag so her mouth was forced to form an 'O' and she couldn't make intelligible sounds. She drooled, her eyes rolling in the eye slits of the hood as they also locked it shut.

Breanne used the same blue towel to clean the make up from Caroline's lower face and then applied thick lipstick in a shade of orange Caroline would not be normally caught dead in.

'Roll her over,' Bea said, stubbing her cigarette out in a large glass ashtray. Caroline tried to resist but found herself face down, her head turned to the side and her fleshy bottom pointing to the roof, knees bent and her entire crotch obscenely displayed.

Suddenly, she felt hands around her waist and she was lifted up while an enormous round cylinder of a cushion was slid under her breasts. When she slumped down on it, she was bent with knees on the bed; her upper body hanging over the cushion so her breasts wobbled free and her head hung uselessly. All the time, Caroline knew her legs were forced apart and she was helplessly displayed.

'Tattoo,' Bea snapped and Caroline tried to protest but her mouth could not form words, spittle rolling from her gaping mouth. 'Don't worry,' Bea laughed, 'it's not permanent.' A transfer was applied to Caroline's bottom on her left cheek and, in black, it said simply 'Pain Slut'.

'Turn the lights down low,' Bea instructed the others, 'our friend here is probably only used to being fucked in the dark.' Bea knelt down so her face was close to Caroline's. 'The tattoo says Pain Slut,' she said softly, 'and that's what you're going to be because it's what Hal likes. I don't think he'll recognise you with the hair, bald cunt and the tattoo but, then,' she laughed, 'he just might… you might have a highly individual cunt that he'll recognise it immediately.' She patted Caroline's arm. 'I doubt it though. Men are so unobservant and a cunt is a cunt when their dicks are hard.'

The women left Caroline alone in that ignominious position, face down, wrists and ankles connected so her knees were bent and her wobbling bottom and bits would be the first thing that anybody entering the room would see. Then, they would see her breasts hanging like udders over the cushion. Stupidly, the vain part of her wondered why they didn't leave her in a more flattering position.

She remained like that for ten minutes and then the door opened again. From the corner of her eyes, she saw Bea standing in the door way, her arm linked with Hal's as both looked in. 'This is Kryztal,' Bea said. 'She's new and she likes what you like. From opposite ends, of course,' she laughed.

'She looks great,' Caroline heard her husband's voice. 'You've got her all ready for me?'

'She's a submissive pain slut and we treat her that way. Of course, she loves it.'

'Okay, thanks Bea,' and, to her horror, Caroline saw her husband kiss her enemy's cheek.

'Oh, don't worry about condoms,' Bea said with a laugh, swinging the door shut behind her.

'You sure?'

'She loves bareback and she's clean.' The door shut and Caroline was alone with her husband.

'Well, hello Kryztal,' Hal said, his fingers lightly tapping Caroline's oiled and gleaming bottom. Caroline gurgled in the gag and then cried out as Hal slapped her bottom hard. Then he slapped it again and again until it was covered with red marks and it was stinging. Caroline felt humiliated and used but, strangely, she also felt aroused.

There's nothing I can do , she told herself, I'm helpless, go with the flow; Hal comes quickly so it will be over soon.

She heard him undressing and then rummaging in the chest of drawers. 'Bea always leaves me some toys,' he suddenly said, and Caroline tried to turn her head to see what he was doing.

His hand slapped her bottom again and she gurgled into the gag, then suddenly screamed as she felt him clamp something sharp over her nipples. 'I think nipple clamps are great, don't you, Kryztal?' Hal laughed as she wriggled and moved but it just made her breasts move all the more.

'I'm going to have fun,' he said, suddenly close to her ear, fingers roughly kneading her breasts, 'and I don't give a fuck if you do. It's my dime and I'm having fun.

Caroline yelped into the gag as two fingers pushed into her pussy, moving deep and searching. 'You are a pain slut,' he murmured, 'you're so wet.'

I'm wet , Caroline asked herself, I'm enjoying this ?

Whistling, he removed something from the drawers and Caroline felt him buckle a wide strap around her waist, sliding it between her skin and the cushion, pulling it cruelly tight. A vibrator slipped into her pussy, moved in and out in a slow maddening rhythm and then was suddenly removed while fingers pushed something wet and cold on her bottom. No , she silently screamed, not that, please not that, not my bottom!

The vibrator began its relentless journey into her anus while Caroline gurgled and spluttered into her gag, drool escaping from her desperate lips. Suddenly, she felt a second vibrator slipping easily into her pussy and she was so full, so violated. The vibrators hummed into life and Hal connected another strap to the belt around her waist, jerked it between her legs and fastened it back to the belt, keeping the two pulsing vibrators securely in place.

Hal moved to the front, shoved his cock deep into her mouth that was held open by the gag and began to fuck her face. 'Make me happy, baby,' he said warningly, 'or you'll regret it. Come on, lick and suck.'

Tears were forming in her eyes. Her bits and bottom throbbed to the vibrators, her nipples painfully aware of the clamps, and Caroline desperately began to suck and lick her husband's cock with a vigour she had never before shown.

'Pathetic,' he said succinctly, removing his cock and jerking the clamps from her nipples in one swift movement.

The pain was enormous, worse than when he applied the clamps, and Caroline shrieked into the gag, her body rigid with the pain, her head turning from side to side while she tried to ignore the waves of agony.

Blinking the tears from her eyes, she saw his cock was in front of her face. 'Try again, bitch,' he said softly.

Caroline lunged for that cock, bringing her head over to it as quickly as she could before he did anything else to her. Hal slipped the cock into her mouth and smiled as she slavishly licked and sucked, trying to make him come so he would stop, leave her alone, anything!

'You are the worst cock sucker I have ever met,' he said, removing his cock and walked to the drawers, ignoring Caroline's gurgling pleas.

He returned with a strange device, a stubby handle that had many straps of leather attached to it and she stared at it, eyes wide, as he laughed quietly.

For the next twenty minutes he relentlessly used the flogger over her ass and back while the vibrators churned within her. Her muffled screams of pain became pleas of desire as her skin glowed red.

On and on, he flogged – her bottom, her thighs, her back, nowhere was safe, and Caroline felt as if she was just one moaning animal of lust, trying to move her clit against the leather of the belt that was tightly fastened over her crotch. For the first time, Caroline's entire body was alive with lust and connected to sex. The lid to Pandora's box was ajar.

Hal dropped the flogger on the bed and surveyed his handiwork. The slut's skin was red hot and he unfastened the leather straps and laughed as the vibrator in her pussy immediately slipped out, lying glistening on the bed. With another laugh, he jerked the vibrator out of her bottom and Caroline moaned into the gag, the bedclothes wet from her saliva.

Without any thought or concern for her, he fucked her and fucked her hard. Touch my clit , Caroline silently pleaded, please , but Hal ignored her clit and focused on her cunt, ramming that large cock of his in and out.

Almost casually, he pulled out, leaving her vacant and empty, wanting more and, walking around, pushed his cock into her mouth. 'Last chance,' he whispered and she desperately sucked, tasting herself on his cock.

With a grunt, Hal came and his cum flooded her mouth while he forced her to continue, forced her to swallow until he finally pulled out, leaving her still face hanging down, his semen trickling through the hole in the gag, dripping on her dangling breasts

In a daze, desperately wanting to cum herself and still tasting his cum, she heard Hal dress and then saw dollar bills flutter onto the bed next to her head. 'There you go, pain slut,' he laughed.

Hal turned to go but then returned as if he had thought of something and Caroline felt his fingers on her bits, feeling something hard being forced inside her. It was bigger than the vibrator and filled her, making her want so much more.

He was chuckling as he left and Caroline felt something light caress her thighs and ass. He's inserted the handle of that whip thingy in me , she realised with horror and shame, he's left it there for them to see .

At that point, Caroline really wanted to die. It was an intense contradiction that she also wanted desperately to cum, that she was vibrantly and sexually alive.

A short time later, Breanne, accompanied by Zoe, entered and calmly unstrapped the gag from around Caroline's head. Gratefully, Caroline began to flex her jaws as the hood was unlocked and removed, as was the wig and skullcap.

Breanne put the items on the chest of drawers while the other woman released Caroline's ankles and wrist. 'I'll let you get that out,' she said with a smile, pointing at the flogger that poked from Caroline.

Face bright red, Caroline gently pulled it from her glistening wet bits and dropped it with disgust on the bed.

Groaning and wincing with pain, Caroline shakily got to her feet as Breanne put her clothes on the bed. 'There's a bathroom there,' she said, pointing at a small door Caroline had not noticed before. 'Be quick, we have to get the room ready for the next client.'

Caroline tottered into the bathroom. Her entire body was aching; her back, her bits and bottom and especially her nipples, which felt as if they were on fire. Her face felt as if the gag had mashed it and her bottom cheeks were burning. 'Oh, no,' she murmured when she saw the red marks over her back and bottom, 'how will I ever explain these?'

Bea, flanked by the other two women, was waiting for her when she reluctantly emerged from the bathroom, hair wet from the shower and walking gingerly.

Unable to look Bea in the eye, Caroline looked around for her handbag, saw it, and picked it up. 'I put his tip in your bag,' Bea smiled coldly, 'hookers always want their money.'

'You bitch,' Caroline said quietly, eyes lowered, just wanting to get out of the room.

'I wonder what Hal would think if he knew he had shoved the handle of a flogger into his wife's cunt after flogging her? Oh, don't worry,' Bea sneered when she saw Caroline's face go white at the thought, 'it will be our little secret. I imagine it would be difficult for you both to go on with your marriage when all your dirty secrets were out. How would you smile sweetly at each other over the breakfast table if you both knew? Pass the orange juice dear, and why did you push that flogger handle in my cunt last night?' Bea found that hilarious and laughed loudly.

'Fuck you,' Caroline said, pushing past.

'I think you were the one who got fucked,' Bea laughed, 'and I think you liked it.' The other women grinned when they saw Caroline's face flush. 'Give me a call if you want to come back, Kryztal,' Bea mocked, 'we've always got a slot on our roster for a pain slut!' Caroline slammed the door behind her.

Resisting the urge to rub her smarting bottom through her skirt, she walked gingerly to the street, searching for a cab and wondering how she was going to hide the marks from Hal. She had no idea what would happen if Hal realised that Caroline knew of his activities and had even witnessed them first hand – really first hand.

It was a hateful experience she had endured but despite all her faults, Caroline actually loved Hal and believed, no, hoped , he still loved her.

I never knew he was such a dominating man , she thought, searching the street for a cab, so rough and powerful . It's a pity , the thought slipped into her mind, that he didn't let me cum .


End Kryztal Part 1 (of 10 Parts)
Carmenica Diaz © 2004

Kryztal Part 2 (of 10 Parts)
Carmenica Diaz © 2004

Kryztal Part 2: Kryztal is available .

Caroline didn't return to the office. Instead, after a long bath to totally remove the scent and feel of the oil on her body - something the quick shower hadn't been able to do - she wondered desperately how she would conceal the marks.

Standing naked in the bathroom, Caroline examined herself carefully, particularly the red marks that covered her back and bottom. He really walloped me , she thought wonderingly, really laid into me like he didn't care. Of course , she reminded herself, he didn't care. In his mind, I was just a slut called Kryztal.

Her nipples were sore, as were her bits and bottom. Her fingers hovered over her clit, and it would be so easy to lie on the bed and cum at last, to find sexual relief, but she didn't because she just didn't want to use her vibrator so soon after those othe r vibrators had been used on her. A small voice inside her also stated that if Caroline did masturbate, it would be completely unsatisfying alone. Why did all that sick stuff make me so hot ?

It had taken some scrubbing to remove the fake tattoo and that in itself had hurt as the stiff bristles rubbed over her stinging bottom. Through gritted teeth, she stoically bore the pain as she removed the last piece of evidence that she had once been Kryztal.

She lavished perfume on herself in an effort to remove the last lingering traces of the oil and then hunted through her drawers for an old pair of pyjamas she had received as a gift a few years ago. They were a little big and baggy in silver satin material covered with plump red hearts. Hal hated them, said they were frumpy and definitely not sexy, so she never wore them.

Hopefully , Caroline thought as she adjusted her hair, Hal wouldn't want sex tonight . For a fleeting moment, she was jealous of Kryztal but she thrust the entire episode from her mind. I just have to be a better wife, Caroline told herself, so he won't need to go to horrible places like that again.

Hal was going to be late as he had a client meeting, or so he had told Caroline. Of course, she was now immediately suspicious of everything he had ever told her. Slipping into bed, snapping off the light the moment she heard his BMW pull in, Caroline pretended to be asleep while asking herself over and over again, What's wrong with me? Why aren't I enough for my husband? How can he love me and go to a place like that? Perhaps, a pervasive voice whispered in her mind , he doesn't love you and, honestly, do you really love him?

Hal stood in the dark bedroom, silhouetted by the door and whispered, 'Are you awake, honey?' He was rewarded by silence and deep breathing and he silently closed the door, slipping into the living room for a drink, telling himself with a grin that Caroline must have had a hard day in court.

Caroline heard the door close, wiped the soft tears from her eyes and tried to go to sleep, hoping to dream of a fluffy and safe world where she was still in control and people were nice to each other and nobody knew what a flogger was! And husbands and wives loved each other and dreamed of white picket fences.

When her eyes flickered open as morning light filtered through the Roman blinds, Caroline heard Hal's deep breathing behind her, his body pressing against hers and she immediately felt his morning erection. Well , she thought savagely as she pulled the covers back and ran to the bathroom, he can fix that without me !

After going to the toilet, she tiptoed back in to select underwear including a full slip as well as a robe, and then locked the bathroom door behind her. The marks are fading , she tried to convince herself as she studied her bottom, and they'll be gone soon . Her bits were still sore, the thought of having sex made her wince and she flinched when she experimentally touched her nipples.

He enjoys doing that stuff , Caroline wondered, why does he ? It was an obvious question, but Caroline ignored the more obvious one: why was she still brimming with unfulfilled sexual desire, why did constant images of what he had done to her flicker within her mind and continue to stimulate her?

Hal was awake when she slipped back in fresh from her shower, smelling sweet, head down and holding the robe closed primly at her throat.

He smiled and patted the bed. 'Come back to bed, honey,' he said, pulling the sheet back to display his rigid cock, 'I've got something for you.'

God, he's an animal! If he thinks I'm going to let him after what he did to me! But, he didn't know it was you an inner voice corrected her, did he? I don't care , Caroline argued silently with impeccable female logic, he should have recognised me and rescued me! But then, you wouldn't have been flogged, would you? I don't wish to discuss that ! I think you liked it, I know you liked it!

'I can't,' she mumbled, ducking into her walk-in wardrobe, looking through the rows and rows of dresses and suits, 'I have an early meeting,' she called out with what she hoped was a cheerful voice.

Dressed in a charcoal skirt and jacket, peach blouse and dark stockings she emerged to find Hal still grinning, a cold glimmer within his eyes, and still with an erection. 'You sure, honey?'

'Yes,' she said, dropping her heels onto the polished floor and carefully stepping into them.


There was something in the way he said it that made Caroline look up. There was obvious disappointment evident in his voice but there was something else, something that made Caroline suspect that Hal was thinking of visiting Bea's. God no! Not that bitch and her sluts !

It was a simple part of her character that Caroline didn't like to lose and her competitive streak took over. There was no way he was going back there! Caroline sat on the bed and smiled at her husband. 'Maybe I've got time to help,' she said softly, sliding her hand under the sheet and gently wrapping her fingers around his cock.

Hal moaned softly as she slowly began to tug his cock, sliding the foreskin up and down. Jesus,' he said, lying back, the sheet falling to one side and Caroline looked at his naked body, the firm stomach and chiselled chest, strong arms and, of course, the rigid cock that pulsed in both her hands.

He opened his eyes lazily to look at her and Caroline smiled and then pouted, 'You don't like it?' Her fingers kept moving softly and he gasped.

'I love it,' he said and his eyes widened as Caroline smiled, leaned over and took the head of his cock in her mouth, her glossy red lips closing over it, sucking. He stared at her, dressed in her formal business attire, legs sleek in nylon and so cool and professionally dressed and yet she was sucking his cock. It had been a fantasy of his for some time and now it was real.

'Ooh,' he moaned and he came quickly, spurting in her mouth. To his surprise, she swallowed his cum and licked his cock. As he lay panting, she placed his cock gently on his thigh, demurely wiped her lips with a corner of the sheet and smiled at him. 'You've never done that before,' he whispered, 'Come here,' he said, reaching for her to kiss her and as he did, Caroline thought, well, I actually have done it before but it was after you flogged me!

As Caroline drove to the office, still tasting the mouthwash residue in her mouth, she admitted she felt rather sexy and sensual. More importantly, Caroline felt desired and that she had satisfied her man. Perhaps he does love me, she told herself, maybe I'm imagining things .

After a few days, the red marks had disappeared sufficiently for Caroline to believe they would soon be gone. A few small bruises would remain visible for a few more days and she had no idea how to explain those. Also, her pubic hair would take a long time before it had grown enough for her to allow Hal to see her naked and make love - in the dark of course. When it's long enough , she planned, I'll just tell him I trimmed it for a new swimsuit or something. That is, she thought petulantly , if he asks. Apparently, he doesn't notice anything about me!

Caroline was obsessed with making sure she gave Hal a hand job or a blowjob every day. Hal frankly thought it was weird and a little mechanical of her, but accepted them gladly. When he suggested they make love, Caroline desperately claimed 'women's troubles' and he shrugged and allowed her to suck him again. At that point, Caroline actually did have her period but she continued with 'women's troubles' after the 'visitor' had left. Caroline's objective, her obsession, was to get him to cum so he wouldn't call Bea. Perhaps also, it was a way of proving to herself that her doubts were false, that she did love him.

Of course, she didn't cum herself and was a bubbling inner sea of sexual discontent. And she had never bought so many bottles of mouthwash in her life and she had them scattered everywhere – in the car, in her office, in all the bathrooms and even carried a small one in her handbag.

Walking down the corridor to her office, Caroline passed Royale and smiled hello. Royale was a softly spoken black woman from Baton Rouge and, although she and Caroline were friendly, they had never developed a deep friendship. It was never discussed by either of them but it was, Caroline felt, because Royale had kind of stepped into her shoes.

Hal had engaged the legal firm Caroline worked for and she had begun to work with him, and that was when the attraction began. After they were married, the firm allocated a new lawyer, Royale, to work with Hal's company.

Jo, Caroline's secretary buzzed her and said 'Bea Rutledge is on line two, Mrs Blaine.'

Steeling herself, Caroline picked the telephone up and said coldly, 'Yes?'

'How's that handsome husband of yours, Caroline?' Bea asked nastily and Caroline could imagine her smiling as she said it.

'He's been in New York for a week,' she answered coolly, 'he won't be back until next week.'

'Apparently, he's arranged an interim flying visit,' Bea said smoothly, 'he called me to ask if Kryztal was available tomorrow.'

'What?' Caroline's world collapsed, heart pounded loudly and the hand that now held the telephone as if it was a hissing serpent, trembled.

'I think you heard. Well,' Bea snapped after a moment of leaden silence, 'is Kryztal available?'

Caroline stared at that hateful telephone. He was going back to Bea's , she thought miserably, after all those hand jobs and blowjobs, he's still going back! One week away from me and he runs to Bea! I'm not enough for him! He doesn't love me!

And, a tiny voice whispered, he wants Kryztal! If you say no, Bea will set him up with some other slut, do you want him with another woman? And then that tiny voice snickered and asked, Don't you want to be Kryztal again? Do you remember what it felt like? And you do so need to cum.

'Yes,' Caroline whispered, 'Kryztal is available.'

'Tomorrow at two and it would be helpful if you shaved and didn't wear all the jewellery. I run a volume business and it takes time to get you ready, and time is money!'

'I'll prepare,' she murmured, wondering if she was about to cry.

Caroline hung up and called Jo in to rearrange all her appointments for the next day. 'Is everything okay, Mrs Blaine?' Jo asked and Caroline tried a weak smile.

'Yes, I'm just a little off colour.'

She didn't sleep that well that night, tossing and turning with strange dreams. One of the dreams stayed with her when she woke, it had been so vivid. Caroline had been dragged naked and in chains to the centre of the colosseum in ancient Rome and it was full of jeering Romans in their togas as she was flogged by a huge muscular man with a metal mask and then given to the lions. Instead of eating her, the lions mounted her and fucked her to the applause of the crowd and thumbs up from the emperor.

Caroline went to the office for the morning and then returned home to prepare. After removing her makeup and taking a long hot shower to remove all traces of her signature perfume, she sat on the toilet and gently lathered her pubic region. Carefully, Caroline shaved herself and stared at her bald crotch. It will take ages to grow, she moaned silently, I'm right back where I started.

Dressed in jeans, sneakers and jacket and wearing dark glasses, Caroline took a cab to Bea's. She had left all her jewellery at home, wound her hair close to her skull in a flat bun and wore no makeup. No one, she told herself, would recognise me if they saw me like this . That thought, and the thought of what she was doing, gave her an illicit and deep thrill.

In the back of the cab, Caroline stared at the traffic sliding past, normal people going about their normal and mundane lives while she…well, what she was doing was definitely not normal. That made it all the more puzzling why she had been seized by a low throbbing sexual desire since she had agreed to be Kryztal once again.

Breanne silently showed her to different room with some sort of pulley device attached to the ceiling, a ceiling that was also covered with a mirror. She looked around and couldn't see a bed, just the dreaded chest of drawers, and a door to what she guessed was the bathroom and a long black leather sofa.

'I'm surprised to see you again,' Breanne said flatly, 'but I guess you know what you're doing. Do you want to get ready?'

Caroline warily looked at Breanne, who studied her calmly, arms folded. Sighing, Caroline kicked her sneakers off, slipped her jeans, jacket and top off and dropped them on the sofa. Breanne scooped them up and waited for the plain white underwear Caroline had chosen. Somehow, wearing sensual lingerie to this event was tacky, almost dirty, and definitely absurd.

Trying to be haughty and disdainful, which is rather difficult to achieve naked in front of someone who is fully clothed, Caroline tossed her bra and panties onto the sofa and watched as Breanne scooped them up.

'The wig and other stuff is in the bottom drawer, Kryztal,' she said with a sad smile and left with the clothes.

Caroline snapped the skullcap tightly over her head and then slid the bright red wig on. She had to grudgingly admit, it did kind of suit her in a brash way and she pulled it into a long ponytail. A tube of lip-gloss was also in the drawer, in that absurdly bright orange colour, Caroline noticed, that only sluts would wear. Shrugging her shoulders, she applied the lip-gloss and smacked her lips at her reflection. Wish I had some eye shadow , she found herself thinking, I could make my eyes slutty as well .

The flesh coloured plastic paste was also there and she bent over and smoothed it carefully over her birthmark. While it was drying, Caroline removed a leather hood from the drawer and put it on, leaving it undone at the back. I look like catwoman , she laughed at the reflection in the mirror spite of herself, it's even got little ears! How could men find that sexy? The hood enclosed her head with large holes for her eyes and mouth and smaller holes over her nostrils but left her mouth free and fastened around the throat.

Breanne returned and nonchalantly tossed Caroline a bottle of the oil. 'I'll do your back,' she said, showing Caroline the other container she carried.

Caroline rubbed the exotically perfumed oil on her breasts, legs, arms and stomach while Breanne smoothed it in on her back and bottom. 'You've still got a few marks from last time,' Breanne observed but Caroline icily ignored her.

Gleaming in the light, Caroline inspected herself in the mirror while Breanne arranged her ponytail through the hole in the back of the hood and then locked it tight.

Bea strode in and Caroline glared at her through the hood, hands on hips. 'Kryztal,' Bea said with a mocking smile, 'how nice of you to come.'

Caroline turned back to the mirror, hoping Bea would take the hint. Breanne knelt and applied the tattoo transfer to her left bottom. 'Let me cut to the chase, Kryztal,' Bea snapped, 'it's forty percent for you and sixty for me, I cover all overheads. Last time, I kept it all, call it a tuition fee.'

Caroline whirled on her angrily. 'Forty percent? What are you talking about? What do you think I am…'

'I think we know what you are,' Bea said mildly, lighting one of her pink cigarettes. ' You get forty percent and any tip he leaves.'

'Do you have to smoke that thing in here?' Caroline snapped. 'It smells like burning rubber!'

Breanne grinned at that and then quickly formed a blank expression when Bea glared down at her. 'If you don't want the forty percent, fine!' Bea snapped.

'Forty percent of what?' Caroline demanded.

Bea slyly smiled. 'How much for an hour with Kryztal? Five.'

'Five? Five what?'

'Five thousand dollars.'

Caroline suddenly felt weak and steadied herself with a hand to the chest of drawers. 'Hal pays five thousand dollars?'

'No, he gets a discount because he recommends so many of his clients. Hal only pays two and a half. It's a bargain,' Bea added maliciously as she swept out the door.

Caroline was stunned and Breanne held up the ring gag. 'You don't want him to hear your voice, do you?' Caroline shook her head and meekly accepted the gag. Breanne locked it tight and then locked leather cuffs with large metal rings on Caroline's wrists and ankles.

Breanne pressed a button and four chains with hooks on the end slowly lowered from the ceiling. Caroline looked desperately at Breanne, questions alive in her eyes, but Breanne ignored her, fastening one hook to each wrist and ankle.

The chains smoothly retracted into the ceiling and in a matter of minutes, Caroline was suspended horizontally in mid air, staring up at her reflection in the mirror above her. The chains pulled her arms and legs out so she was in a star shape, her breasts falling to the side, head hanging back and her crotch exposed and open.

'Have fun,' Breanne said sadly and turned down the lights before closing the door behind her.

It was difficult for Kryztal to keep her head from falling back and utterly embarrassing when she looked up and saw her naked reflection in the ceiling mirror. The gag was beginning to hurt already and Kryztal wondered how long she would have to hang like this.

She didn't have to wait long. The door opened and Hal stepped inside, nonchalantly dropping his coat over the back of the sofa like he was in his own place.

His face was alive with a cold smile, one that Kryztal had never seen before, and his eyes glittered as he inspected her, examined her like she was a piece of meat he had just bought. In a way , Kryztal told herself, he had, and she tried to remain calm, to keep the fear that was surging within her under control.

'Ah,' he said softly, bending over so his face filled the eyeholes of the hood, 'Kryztal, I just couldn't get you out of my mind, thinking about what I would do to you if I got the opportunity again.' Hal laughed and walked to the control panel. 'I want you at the correct height,' he said. The pulleys whirred and Kryztal felt herself being lifted.

Hal stood with his groin level with Kryztal's face. 'That's better,' he said, 'now, let's check the other end.' Kryztal looked up at her reflection and saw Hal was standing between her legs, his groin inches from her pussy. 'Just right,' he said, looking up at the reflection on the ceiling and grinning.

She heard him at the chest of drawers and her heart sank. Moments later he was leering down at her and Kryztal began to struggle and gurgle in the gag when she saw the nipple clamps in his hands.

Laughing, he squeezed her left breast firmly and sucked hard on her nipple, his teeth dragging across it, teasing it until he let it go and snapped the clamp closed on it.

He stood with his arms calmly folded, his Ralph Lauren tie loose at his collar while she bucked on the swing, eyes wide and spluttering in her gag. 'The other one looks lonely,' Hal laughed, walked around and the same procedure was applied to her right nipple.

Tears were gathering in her eyes from the pain and she knew it would be worse, much worse, when he removed them. Her eyes bulged when she saw him in the reflection standing between her legs, fingers touching her lips with one hand and a clamp in the other. No , she silently screamed, no, please, please, not that ! But all Hal heard was a rising crescendo of unintelligible squeaks, which he completely ignored, and calmly pulled the sensitive skin of her pussy out to gain purchase between forefinger and thumb, and then snapped the clamp shut.

The two intimate clamps were attached and Kryztal was writhing on the swing, rocking back and forth, tears flowing from her eyes, perspiration building under the hood and salt beginning to sting her eyes. Strangely, it didn't hurt as much as her nipples but at the back of her mind, she wondered what it would feel like when he removed them and the blood flowed back.

As Kryztal rocked back and forth in her own world, Hal casually undressed and soon presented his hard cock to Kryztal's mouth, which was forcibly held open by the gag. He began to fuck her face and then stopped, positioning her and then rocking her back and forth on the suspension so she was sliding up and down his cock. 'I think I'll patent this,' he chuckled, 'the automatic face fuck.'

He withdrew his cock and walked to the drawers. A moment later, Kryztal heard that now familiar whistling of the flogger and was blinded by white-hot pain as he whipped it over her bits. Sobbing into the gag, Kryztal rocked back and forth, trying to escape the small stings and he laughed. The clamps were suddenly removed and the rush of blood stung but, thankfully, didn't hurt as much as she knew the nipple clamps would when they were removed. The thought occurred to her that she was getting used to the pain, that she didn't feel it as sharply as the previous time.

Hal adjusted the controls of the pulleys and Kryztal felt the chains holding her arms begin to rise while the ones connected to her ankles began to fall. In a matter of seconds, she was upright, swinging gently from her arms and her toes about six inches from the floor.

'Beautiful,' Hal said, looking at her glistening body as it swung gently before him. Kryztal blinked furiously through the hood, trying to clear her eyes from the stinging perspiration and saw Hal was naked, his cock hard, and was tapping the flogger in one hand while he watched her.

Standing behind her, he began to flog her and Kryztal writhed on the chains as he methodically flogged her bottom and back. Salvia dripped from her mouth as she futilely attempted to form words, to scream, to protest – anything! But still he flogged until his own body was glistening with perspiration in the amber light.

Kryztal saw the flogger suddenly fly past her as Hal tossed it towards the sofa and she hung, head down, sobbing into the gag and trying to regain her breath. She was deep in a space she had never visited, the world had slowed down and her body was becoming numb while her clit throbbed with need, a need that was becoming desperate.

He stood in front of her again and her eyes bulged when she saw he had a long thin cane in his hand and a cruel smile on his face. 'I'm going to give you three strokes,' he said calmly. Kryztal wanted to scream at him, to beg, anything! 'These canes can break your skin and mark you badly,' he said in that southern accent Kryztal had once thought had sounded so soft and sexy. 'I don't give a fuck if it does mark you, but you probably you do. Listen.' He swung the cane through the air and Kryztal heard the whistling sound it made. 'My advice is that when you hear that, you swing forward, to minimise the stroke.'

No , Kryztal screamed in her gag, please oh please, don't!

Hal watched her and said, 'I don't know why they insist on locking that gag on you. Next time, I'll ask them not to, I'd like to hear your special little begging, baby.'

He walked behind her and Kryztal listened intently and jerked forward frantically when she heard that awful whistling noise. The gag muffled most of her scream as the white-hot slash of pain cut across her bottom, but Hal smiled at the noises Kryztal was uttering. She danced frantically on the chains like a deranged puppet, trying to minimise the pain, but to her at that moment, everything in her world consisted of one agonising moment of a blistering, slicing pain.

Sobbing, Kryztal tried to listen for the second. It was the second, wasn't it? God, when was this torture going to be over? Don't hurt me, please don't hurt me!

She managed to swing forward the moment the awful sound of the cane reached her ears and writhed in burning agony on the chains, rocking and sobbing incoherently, her breasts rising and falling as she gasped for air against the pain.

The third stroke was fast in coming, she wasn't really prepared and it felt like someone had cut her skin with a knife that had been heated in a furnace. Tears were rolling freely out of the bottom of the hood and she didn't even realise that Hal had adjusted the chains and she was horizontal again.

Looking up at her reflection, Hal standing casually between her legs, it took a moment to realise he was fucking her, casually using her while she hung there. It was a shock to realise she hadn't even felt him slide in, that he was using her as casually as a college boy jerks off before classes.

Kryztal's eyes stared up at the reflection, wondering if she would see blood dripping from her slashed bottom. He smacked her stomach as he fucked her but it didn't hurt, it was really nothing compared to the caning.

'You're so fucking wet. You really are a pain slut,' he murmured and Kryztal wondered if she heard an admiring tone within that devil's voice, perhaps even surprise. 'There's something I want to try,' Hal said, smiling up at the reflection while snapping a latex glove over his hand. 'You see my hand? I want to get this into your juicy cunt, right up to here,' he said, tapping his wrist and Kryztal was horrified.

'And you're going to help me,' Hal said as he coated the glove with lubricant. 'If you don't,' he said coldly, 'I will give you ten strokes with the cane across your back. You'll be like a zebra for months.'

The implications of what he said hit her like a ton of bricks. I have to try, I have to, Kryztal told herself, women have babies, I can do it! The thought of ten strokes with the cane made her shudder.

Kryztal felt Hal's fingers inside her. Was it two fingers , she wondered, he has such big hands, was it two ?

She squinted up at the reflection and saw he was moving his fingers in and out and God, it felt good ! 'Okay,' she heard him say as he bent low over her, 'that's four fingers.'

Four fingers , her mind screamed, impossible! But she felt full, felt owned.

'Okay, slut,' he said calmly, 'start rocking and fucking my hand so I can get my thumb in. Or, maybe you want the cane?'

Frantically, Kryztal began to rock, to move back and forth and she was fascinated by the lewd image in the mirror as it looked like she was fucking his hand. Back and forth, back and forth and deeper and deeper. God , she moaned into the gag, this feels wonderful, so full, so big !

Somewhere in the dark recesses of her mind, Kryztal heard Hal laugh in victory but she didn't care. Then, pain hit her nipples as he ripped the clamps from her and she bucked and rolled on his hand, eyes widening when she saw in the mirror he had his hand in her to his wrist.

It hit her like a tidal wave and she was full of wet hot desire. Please , she begged into the gag, please let me cum !

But he didn't understand and probably didn't care as he slowly removed his hand, pulling her cunt open to allow air in so he could free that hand, that large hand. As he flexed his free fingers, he leaned forward and stared at her groin, frowned and then a thoughtful expression flickered across his face.

Kryztal felt disappointed, felt empty and discarded, as she lay suspended, head back, fake red hair hanging in the space as Hal walked around her and thrust his cock into her mouth.

Dully, she sucked him and dutifully accepted his cum. She was used to it now and just wanted to get it over with. Hal dressed in silence, spilled dollar notes on her stomach and left, the door slamming behind him.

Breanne took her down and removed the cuffs, hood and gag while Caroline tried to flex her aching muscles. Gathering her courage, she turned to the mirror and examined her back. Three red stripes could be seen across her bottom while the rest of her skin was flushed from the flogger.

How do I explain this , she worried, head in her hands, how do I ?

Caroline didn't bother with a shower and dressed in her clothes that were offered by Breanne. She wanted to get out of there as quickly as she could and didn't protest when Breanne pushed a wad of notes, plus the notes left by Hal, into her handbag.

Her body hurt with every step she took towards the street and she hoped that Hal was sticking to his publicised itinerary of being in New York for another week. She wanted time alone, time to think this all through, time to make some decisions.

As she rode home in the cab, her bottom and bits hurting every time she moved on the car seat, she wondered dismally what she was going to do. This , she told herself, can't go on. Kryztal has to go and we have to talk this through. If it ends in divorce , Caroline sighed, so be it .

Caroline stared at the 'normal' world through her dark glasses and hoped she would get home before she began to cry.

End Kryztal Part 2 (of 10 Parts)
Carmenica Diaz © 2004

Kryztal Part 3 (of 10 Parts)
Carmenica Diaz © 2004

Kryztal Part 3: The genie has been let out of the bottle.

Caroline gingerly undressed while she ran a hot bath. She felt confused; there was no doubt she hurt all over but, even though she tried to ignore it, the fact was she was also sexually alive. The genie , Caroline thought ruefully, has been let out of the bottle . How were she and Hal , she wondered, going to get through this without a divorce? Maybe a divorce is the answer, we're both not happy, maybe it's the only solution ?

Staring at her face in the mirror, Caroline rehearsed what she would say to Hal. 'Hal darling, I know you've been paying large amounts of money to flog, hurt and fuck other women. Honey, we have to talk.' It sounded too stupid for words. 'By the way honey, remember Kryztal, the one whom you put your whole hand into her thingy? Well, that was me.' Caroline blushed when she said it and turned away from the mirror.

Her body still shone from the oil and Caroline took a hand mirror to fully examine her bits as she crouched on the tiled floor. Even squatting hurt like hell and she stared at her gaping bits. Did he really get his whole hand in there , she wondered, did I really fuck his entire hand ? The thought of it, the memory, made her weak and she groaned as she stood up.

Bending over, she tried to see what damage had been done to her bottom and gasped when she saw the three red stripes criss-crossing her cheeks. How did he manage to hit me so well , she puzzled, when I was moving so much ? It was a shock like ice water thrown on her when she came to the conclusion that he had done it before, that he had practised on some other poor girl!

It was then she noticed that one of the stripes had split the fake tattoo and half of 'Pain Slut' had vanished, leaving only the word 'Slut'. Her back was flushed with red marks from the flogging and she felt vaguely proud she had been able to withstand the onslaught; that, somehow, she had survived. Maybe , Caroline guiltily mused, maybe, I am a pain slut.

The bath was heaven for her aching limbs and Caroline almost fell asleep. Again and again Caroline drained cool water out of the bath and added more hot, sighing every time she lay back, closing her eyes. Hours later, she emerged pink and wrinkled, wrapped herself in a large towel and slowly walked through the house as if Caroline was making sure it was all the same, that nothing in her normal life had changed.

Wandering through the kitchen, Caroline briefly considering eating something but decided that, at that moment, she couldn't stand the thought of food. It was still early but she was exhausted.

After rubbing some cream onto her poor bottom, Caroline retrieved her pyjamas with the plump red hearts and collapsed into bed, falling immediately into a deep but troubled sleep.

Waking early, Caroline groaned as she moved but, gritting her teeth, managed to walk across the room to go to the bathroom. The stripes were still there - it hadn't been a bad dream, it was reality.

Caroline sniffed her arm and thought she could still smell the oil so she had a long hot shower, groaning and sighing as the steamy water touched her back and bottom.

As she dressed, there were twinges of pain and discomfort from her bits, bottom and back. The bra straps hurt and her panties and pantyhose felt very strange indeed over her bottom while her arms and legs felt like she had run a marathon.

'Good morning, Mrs Blaine,' Jo called brightly as Caroline walked gingerly past her desk. Jo watched her and asked, 'Are you okay?'

'Yes,' Caroline said through gritted teeth. 'I think I put my back out getting into my car,' she lied.

Jo reached for the phone. 'Shall I make an appointment with Doctor Robinson?'

'No!' Caroline said quickly, she couldn't let her doctor examine her! 'No, I'll be fine, it's just a twinge,' she said as cheerfully as she could and sighed when she collapsed into her chair.

Somehow Caroline survived the day, and the next one after that. Hal didn't call, he was, supposedly, still away on his trip, and she didn't call him. Caroline didn't know what to say to him, she was still thinking that through, but knew she didn't want to discuss it on the telephone.

'Mr Blaine called, Mrs Blaine,' Jo said when Caroline returned from court. 'He said he wouldn't be coming back from New York until next week.'

'Oh,' Caroline said, heart pounding. 'Does he want me to call him back?'

Jo shook her head. 'No, he said he'd be rushing to and from meetings all day.'

'Oh, right then,' Caroline said, relieved.

After a week alone, Caroline was feeling much better, almost recovered, and even imagined the red stripes on her bottom were beginning to fade.

One evening, she dropped her handbag and keys on the antique dresser in the foyer and idly sorted the mail she had retrieved from the letterbox. Then, Caroline went straight into the bedroom, unsnapping her bra and sliding her arms through the shoulder straps as she walked, kicked her heels off and peeled her pantyhose down, tossing them into the hamper with her bra.

Barefoot, Caroline walked into the living room and jumped in surprise when she saw Hal seated calmly in his favourite leather armchair, fingers together in a steeple as he smiled bleakly.

'Hello, darling,' she said brightly, 'when did you get back?'

He unwound his long frame from the chair and began removing his tie as he walked towards her. Dropping the tie on the sofa as he passed it, he said, 'This morning,' and then he slapped her.

She reeled back in shock and saw that cold smile he had when he caned Kryztal filling his face. His fingers seized her hair and he led her, half dragged her, to the dining room.

'Hal…' Caroline managed to whisper, her hand to her stinging cheek as she followed him in a half crouch, dragged by her long hair.

'Shut up,' he said mildly, releasing her hair and pushing her so her bottom was pressed against the edge of the long mahogany dining table. Caroline shuddered at his smile and the coldness in his eyes as he examined her.

In one quick movement, his large hand gripped the front of her blouse and pulled. The expensive cloth ripped, buttons popped, flying through the air as her large bra-less breasts swung free.

Caroline opened her mouth - to protest, to scream, something - but didn't get a chance as he disdainfully slapped her again. Spinning her around, she was forced face down on the table, bent at the waist, and her breasts mashed against the polished mahogany.

His fingers jerked her skirt up around her waist and Caroline heard her panties tearing as he brutally ripped them from her. She felt his fingers trace the remnants of the red stripes and then slid inside her with such urgency that Caroline gasped into the tabletop.

'So wet,' he mocked, 'so fucking wet!'

A rustle of clothing and then his cock slammed inside her, pushing her against the table, his hand on her back forcing her face down as he fucked her.

Caroline moaned, eyes closed, saliva dribbling onto the polished timber. God , she silently screamed, this is so good, so good !

His cock became still, didn't move, just filled her, teased her and drove her crazy, so she tried to move against him, wriggling her bottom, but stopped immediately when he spanked it.

He leaned over her, his cock moved slowly inside her, once, twice, and then stopped again as Hal's lips pressed against her ear. 'Does Kryztal want to cum?' he whispered mockingly and Caroline stiffened.

He knows , she screamed to herself, he knows !

Hal moved inside her again, pushing Caroline hard against the tabletop and she moaned. 'I saw the birthmark and then I made Bea tell me,' he said softly. 'We've wasted a lot of time, baby, but we can make up for it now that I know.'

He spanked her bottom again and that coupled with his cock brutally slamming in and out made Caroline moan in ecstasy.

Hal's lips were at her ear again. 'Does Kryztal want to come?' he teased. 'Does she?'

'Yes,' Kryztal admitted in a low throaty voice, 'yes, please!'

'Say it!'

'Please Hal, let Kryztal…'

He slapped her bottom hard and she groaned.

'Not Hal – Sir! Say it!'

'Please, Sir,' Kryztal moaned, 'please let Kryztal cum!'

His large hands seized her hips and pulled her back slightly from the table. 'Finger yourself, bitch,' he said as he began to fuck her. 'Play with yourself while I fuck you!'

Kryztal didn't have to be told again and her fingers slipped between her legs, teasing and tweaking while Hal fucked her. She had been on sexual edge for some time and it didn't take long.

Her eyes rolled in her head as her face slid back and forth over the polished timber and her fingers stroked her clit. 'God!' she screamed and then moaned and moaned as Kryztal finally came. The orgasm flooded through her in waves and she was so overtaken by it, she didn't even notice when Hal came.

Kryztal lay happily on the table, still bent at the waist, face against the timber as Hal's fingers stroked her bottom gently. 'Good girl, Kryztal,' he murmured.

'Thank you, Sir,' she whispered and sighed contentedly.

Weeks later, Jo buzzed Caroline and said, 'Mr Blaine is on line two, Mrs Blaine.'

'Hello, darling,' Caroline said.

'Hello, baby,' his deep voice flooded down the line and Caroline smiled. 'I'm still thinking about this morning.'

Caroline flushed. He had told her to kneel in front of him after she had dressed in her business suit and she had obeyed, hoping she wouldn't ladder her pantyhose, and then sucked him until he came, swallowing it all dutifully.

He had then ordered her to pull her panties and pantyhose down, skirt up, squat and use her vibrator until she came nosily. Caroline remembered how he had calmly tied his tie as she had grunted and groaned at his feet, choosing his cufflinks for his crisp white shirt.

He had ordered her to pull her panties and hose up after she had come, not allowing her to wipe herself, and Caroline had driven to work sticky and warm. Cruelly, he had also forbidden mouthwash until she arrived at her office so Caroline had tasted him all the way.

Jo had looked at her strangely when she found Caroline gargling mouthwash in the bathroom. 'Sore throat,' she had guiltily explained and Jo had looked at her pointedly, prompting Caroline to wonder if she smelled of sex.

'That dinner party we were supposed to go to has cancelled,' Hal said. 'We have the evening to ourselves.'

'That's great. What will we do?'

He paused and Caroline felt herself grow even more sticky when he said slyly, 'I think Kryztal should come out to play. I have some new toys I'd like to try out. Do you think Kryztal wants to come out to play?'

Caroline cleared her throat, thought of the new red wig in her wardrobe and whispered, 'Yes, I think she does. I think Kryztal wants to play.'

End Kryztal Part 3 (of 10 Parts)
Carmenica Diaz © 2004

Kryztal Part 4 (of 10 Parts)
Carmenica Diaz © 2004

Kryztal Part 4: A small surprise for Kryztal.

Caroline felt a rush of sexual excitement as she began the drive home to the beach. Tonight would be the first time that Kryztal appeared at their house, the first time that Kryztal would 'play' with 'Sir' at home. He had told her to be ready by seven and then he had added slyly, 'I have a small surprise for Kryztal that I'm sure she's going to love. Too bad if she doesn't,' he laughed and hung up.

After that first night when Hal had forced Kryztal to reveal herself, after he had brutally and viciously fucked her on the dining room table, he had calmly opened a bottle of wine and poured two glasses while Kryztal had sighed in satisfaction, lost in a humid and sensual haze on the tabletop.

'Caroline,' he said, 'time to talk, honey. Caroline!'

His words had snapped her back from the warm space of sexual satisfaction and devotion. Groaning, she sat up and looked around for her ripped and discarded clothes as Hal watched her with amusement. 'Forget them, honey. Go wash your face and put your robe on,' he gently ordered and in a fog, Caroline stumbled to the bedroom.

The cold water began to bring her back and Caroline blinked at herself in the mirror, the red mark from Hal's palm on her cheek clearly defined. 'I think,' she confessed to her reflection in a low voice, 'I've just had the best fuck of my life.'

When she returned snug in her white robe, Hal had taken her hand and pulled her down to sit next to him on the sofa. He handed her a glass of red wine and Caroline pulled her bare feet up under her and leaned comfortably against him, listening as he spoke.

He gently kissed her forehead and said, 'I love you baby, now more than ever.'

'I love you, too,' she had smiled and kissed him. Do I really? she had wondered and had quickly dismissed that traitorous thought.

'Kryztal is a submissive pain slut, isn't she?' he had suddenly asked and Caroline tried to look away. 'Isn't she?' he demanded softly.

'Yes,' Caroline admitted in a soft shameful voice.

'And I'm a Dominant with sadistic leanings. Kryztal and I are a perfect match, aren't we?'

'I suppose so,' she said, trying to avoid his eyes.

Hal turned Caroline's face around and smiled thinly. 'You know why I was so taken by Kryztal that first time? Do you?'

Caroline lifted her eyes and looked at him, searching for a sign of love in his eyes but failed. 'No.'

'Because she reminded me so much of you, I could do the things I had always wanted to do with you.' Hal laughed. 'It's ironic, isn't it?' He sipped his wine and took Caroline's hand. 'Now that I have Kryztal to play with, I'll never have to go to Bea's again.'

Her eyes had lit up at that. 'You promise?'

'I promise. I think I have all I need with Kryztal, don't you?'

That night they had made love tenderly and he had called her Caroline when he came. It was then that Caroline realised that they both considered Kryztal to be a different person to her, an alter ego. Perhaps Kryztal was the body that Hal could use to gain the cruel satisfaction he needed and, luckily, Kryztal craved it too.

There was a doubt in Caroline's mind that Hal loved her, but she didn't know if he loved or hated Kryztal.

Caroline rushed to the bedroom, stripping clothes off as she went. The drive to the beach had taken longer than usual and now she was in a rush. She was surprised to see a package on the bed, carefully wrapped in a beautiful red paper with a silk ribbon and delicate bow around it.

The card said simply, 'Kryztal' and Caroline immediately wondered who wrapped the package; Hal would not have had the patience. She was sure a woman had wrapped it, but who would have done it for him? Who knew about her?

Inside were two items: a hood made from soft, supple leather and a pair of thong panties in white silk. Her eyes widened when she saw the panties were a size smaller than what she wore and wondered if he had made a mistake. No , she told herself, Hal doesn't make mistakes like that, he's planned it . Immediately, she knew she was wet.

There was no time for a long bath as Caroline had planned so she made do with a long hot shower after a quick touch up with the razor. She now accepted that she had to keep her pubic area bald and had even considered a complete waxing. A week ago, Caroline had purchased the wig, lip-gloss and even the body oil which she now began applying. When she attempted to massage the oil into her back, she smiled ruefully and said, 'Where's Breanne when you need her?'

Caroline applied the orange lipgloss, made her eyes up in a heavy, dark fashion and slipped on the red wig. Fluffing the wig with her hands, she smiled in the mirror and whispered, 'Hello, Kryztal.'

She glanced at the clock, saw she had just five minutes, tied the wig into a ponytail and slipped the hood on. It covered her face to her nose, leaving her mouth visible and clipped together at the back with a hole for her hair. Reluctantly, Kryztal pulled the panties up and saw how the white silk bit into her tightly. After looking in the mirror, she was dismayed to see that the outline of her bits was clearly visible. If I get any wetter , she thought, these stupid panties will be transparent!

The sound of Hal's BMW driving into the garage thrust a tremor of fear and excitement through her. Quickly Kryztal ran into the living room, her beautiful naked body gleaming with the oil, her large breasts wobbling with the exertion and the tiny white panties disappearing into her bottom and tightly cupping her groin.

Standing in the centre of the living room, she bowed her head and stood with her hands hanging by her sides, waiting as the hunger for submission took control of her supplicant body.

He was standing in the doorway, she knew it, she could hear his breathing, and Kryztal realised he was examining her, staring at her, and she hoped he approved.

Hal walked past her, a flash of white shirt made her quiver, want him – wanted him to do things.

Kryztal felt his fingers lightly caress her bottom, touch her almost lovingly. His fingernails scraping her flesh as he traced the thong made her weak, almost senseless with desire and submission.

Suddenly Kryztal could feel his breath on the hot skin of her throat, his voice in her ear and that deep voice resonating within her as he simply instructed, 'Open your mouth.'

Willingly she did so and tasted the smooth roundness of the gag as he pushed it in. It was different, a solid ball, and Kryztal struggled to breath only through her nose. He waited while she overcame her panic and then buckled the gag tight, flicking the ponytail of shining red hair over the burnished silver buckle.

He pushed her to the mirror, standing behind her and cupping her breasts in both of his large hard hands, teasing her nipples as they both stared at her reflection. The gag was a white ball and it pushed her orange-coated lips apart and her eyes flickered wildly through the eyeholes of the hood.

'Beautiful,' Hal said softly and led her to the dining room. Gently, he took her left hand in his hands and fastened a wrist cuff with a D-ring around it and then, slowly and softly, the right hand.

Kryztal was breathing heavily through her nose, her breasts with erect nipples rising and falling quickly and her eyes appeared almost hypnotised by his strengths. One thought kept reverberating within her as she watched him, saw that hard smile and those blue eyes flashing in the low light, just one thought over and over again – Fuck me! Use me! Please !

Hal pushed her face down onto the dining table and Kryztal sighed as her breasts touched the polished mahogany. He's going to fuck me , she thought lazily, he's going to use me on the table again !

Smiling languidly, Kryztal rested against the table while he used white cord to tie her arms to the corners of the table so she was stretched out, face down and vulnerable. Kryztal loved it, desired it and wallowed in it, her mind slowly slipping into depths of submission.

Time stood still as he lashed her ankles to the legs of the table and Kryztal realised she was totally at his mercy, it was impossible to move, bent over the table top, and her bottom accentuated by those absurd panties.

An electric shock rippled through her when he kissed her throat, his end of day stubble grazing her skin, telling her he was close, was in control, and so masculine and strong. A small moan was lost in the gag as his fingers pulled the crotch of those ridiculous panties aside and slipped inside her, moving, teasing and exploring. Kryztal opened willingly, let him do what he wanted to do, and wondered how many fingers were inside her.

He stood and smiled down at her and Kryztal blinked up at him through the eyeholes of the hood, wondering why he wanted her to wear it at home. Does he want , she wondered, to avoid my face, not look at me?

The doorbell rang, the sound of it vibrating through the house and through Kryztal's heart. Hal smiled down at her when he saw the frantic movements as her head jerked towards the door and back to him.

'Your surprise is on time,' Hal said, his blue eyes ice cold. 'We have company. Aren't you glad I insisted on those panties to preserve your modesty?'

No , her mind screamed, not like this ! And she tried to close her legs but couldn't, she was trussed down, bent at the waist and her bottom, split by those wispy panties invitingly on display.

The front door opened and she heard Hal say, 'Right on time.'

A woman's voice, curt and cold, said, 'This is cash, right? No questions asked?'

'I've got the cash here,' Hal said and for some reason, Kryztal just knew he was smiling.

'Show me.'

There was a faint sound and Kryztal frantically looked around while her supportive inner voice consoled her with, At least it's a woman, better than a gang of Hells Angels! But…was it?

Footsteps, and they entered the room and Kryztal shrank, completely humiliated, as she knew she was an obscene sight, bent over, offering herself.

The footsteps ceased and there was a short intake of breath. 'Well,' the woman said in a husky voice, 'that's appealing.'

'She's beautiful, isn't she?'

'Yeah, she certainly is. Is that your wife?'

Kryztal's hooded head jerked around and saw a short woman with a shaven head and many face piercings staring at her with undisguised lust. She was dressed in a shapeless black dress to the calf and heavy workman's boots. Even though the leather hood covered her face, Kryztal knew her face was burning hot in embarrassment as this complete stranger devoured her bound body with her eyes.

'No,' Hal said calmly, 'my wife is out of town. This is Kryztal, she's a slut for hire.'

'Is she?' the woman said with interest. 'How much?'

'Five thousand dollars, you can do what you like for that.'

'Out of my league,' the woman said regretfully. 'Where do you want it?'

Kryztal felt Hal's fingers linger high on the left cheek of her bottom and then prod into her flesh. 'Here.'

'Okay. Can you get some of that oil off?'


Kryztal spluttered in her gag as she felt Hal rubbing her bottom with a cloth. 'Are you sure she wants this?' the woman asked.

'Of course, she just wants to be forced, that's all. She's a submissive bitch.'

'Okay,' and Kryztal could imagine the woman behind her shrugging, 'whatever.'

Hal's face suddenly loomed over her and Kryztal saw that wicked smile. 'I suggest you be very, very still,' he whispered. 'Any mistakes, any complaints from…' he turned back to the woman, 'what's your name?'


'…Any complaints from Sophie,' he whispered, 'will mean more strokes from the cane!'

The cane! God no, not the cane again! I never thought he would use it on me when he knew it was me! Please no, I'll be still!

Kryztal felt finger on her bottom and guessed they were Sophie's. 'She's pretty turned on by this, I can smell her,' Sophie observed and Kryztal just wanted to die.

'She's a pain slut,' Hal said dismissively.

A whirring sound filled the room and Kryztal felt the first pricks against her skin at the same time she realised what was happening – she's tattooing me ! Immediately with that realisation, Kryztal felt a mixture of relief and fear. What was she tattooing me with , she wondered, and how will I hide it ? A secondary realisation was that she would have to discard her latest swimsuit as her first thought was the tattoo would show. Damn, that white swimsuit cost five hundred and thirty five dollars!

'Have you made her do stuff with a girl?' Sophie asked after working for several minutes, the needle pricking and whirring. Kryztal's head swum at the thought of what might happen, what he would force her to do with this dreadful woman, this tattooist!


'I thought it was every man's fantasy?'

Hal laughed. 'Not mine. I have others.'

Moments slipped away and became time that vanished, flickering thinly like distant music heard on the wind.

'That's it,' Sophie said, packing her tools away. 'Here.'

'What's this?'

'Instructions how to care for the tattoo.'

'Give it to her. Put it in her panties.'

'Can I?' And Kryztal thought she heard Sophie's voice crack.

'Sure, she has to care for the tattoo after all.'

Kryztal felt the fingers slide around her skin and felt the paper being slipped into the front of her panties, a sly caress, and an intake of breath.

'Five thousand dollars?' Sophie asked in a hoarse voice.

'Yep,' Hal said.

'Guess I'd better start a savings plan,' Sophie said reluctantly. 'Okay,' her voice becoming more business-like, 'cash?'

'Right here.' They walked away and Kryztal heard them at the door. 'Count it if you like, but it's all there.' Silence and then the door opened.

The front door closed and Hal was leering over her, fingers pushing the panties aside and then his big fingers were fucking her, moving in her, and Kryztal couldn't help herself and moved on his fingers, tried to suck them in deeper.

Suddenly he was gone and she felt the first stroke of the flogger immediately. On and on he flogged her and a distant dull voice within her pointed out he didn't care about the tattoo, he just flogged and flogged.

Her back and bottom sang!

Oh, how it sang!

Rough fingers pulled her panties to one side, the paper with instructions written on it bristled against her clit and Hal's cock sank in her, pushing, filling her and fucking her, just using her. Yes, fuck me, please, use me!

His lips were at her ear, hot and wet, and Kryztal moaned into the gag. 'It says 'pain slut', that's what it says,' he said in a heavy voice as he fucked her from behind. 'When I first saw Kryztal, she had it. It was beautiful and now she's got it again.'

Kryztal felt him unbuckle the gag and she gasped in relief when he pulled it from her mouth, tossing it to the floor and she tugged against her restraints, feeling them, worshipping them.

He grew urgent, fucking her and the panties rubbed against her as he pushed them to one side. Suddenly, he grunted and spurted inside her and she wanted to scream, Oh no, not now, please, I need to come !

'Does Kryztal want to come?' he said, pulling out of her, leaving her vacant.

'Please, yes Sir, please?'

The restraints were unsnapped and Hal pulled Kryztal to her feet and led her to the mirror. Pulling her hands behind her back, imprisoning her wrists in his hand, he turned her so she could see the mark of the tattoo. Even though it was reversed in the reflection, Kryztal knew what it said, she was marked with 'Pain Slut' permanently. With a small sigh of relief, she hoped the tattoo was high enough to just be covered by a swimsuit.

He nuzzled her neck and his other hand slipped into the tight silk panties, teasing her clit. 'Look,' he breathed in her ear and squeezed her wrists together with his hand while his other fingers danced on her clit. 'Look at the slut!'

Kryztal stared at herself in the mirror as he savagely ripped the soaked silk thong down around her thighs and penetrated her with a large finger while his thumb massaged her clit. Her mouth hung opened as she felt the orgasm build, her breasts swaying and Kryztal admitted she did look like a slut, allowing herself to be casually and callously manipulated by him. I can't stop him , Kryztal realised, I can't! He can do what he wants to me and that thought sent her grunting and groaning into orgasm as he brutally fucked her with his finger.

As Kryztal recovered from the shattering orgasm, she felt him pull her panties up, snapping them around her flesh. Dully, she felt him slip the piece of paper back into her sodden panties. 'Don't forget the instructions, Kryztal,' he sniggered. 'I don't want any problems with that tattoo.'

'No, Sir,' she said, taking the folded sheet of paper from her panties, noticing with shame that it was wet with her juices.

Kryztal wanted to look at the tattoo closely, to see exactly what he had done to her, but didn't want to displease him, so she stood, head down, holding the single piece of paper in her hands.

'Kryztal,' he said distantly, 'I'm going to have a drink. You can go to the bathroom and fix yourself. You might want to tell my wife to come out,' he said, looking out the window.

'Yes, Sir,' Kryztal said and, turning, walked silently to the bathroom.

Kryztal snatched the hood off and threw it into the basin, followed quickly by the wig. Angrily, she removed the orange lip-gloss and eye make up.

Caroline used a hand mirror in conjunction with the wall mirror to closely examine the tattoo. It was in blue-black ink and spelled out clearly two simple words – Pain Slut. She felt weak. How will I hide that when I go to the doctor? Can it be seen through my clothes? How could he do this to me, how could he if he loves me?

She peeled the panties down and threw them at the hamper but missed and they fell on the floor. Caroline left them there and picked up the instructions for caring for the tattoo, read them and tried to throw them at the hamper as well.

He's permanently marked me , Caroline told her reflection, he doesn't care ! No , the thought occurred to her, he marked Kryztal, not you . She turned around and looked over her shoulder at her back and, strangely, felt proud of the marks, proud that Kryztal had withstood that flogging.

The tattoo instructions said to keep it dry for 48 hours. How , Caroline angrily wondered, am I going to do that? Does he think I'm not going to have a shower?

Under the shower, Caroline managed to avoid getting the tattoo completely wet and scrubbed the oil and the last remnants of Kryztal away, everything except the tattoo, which could never be scrubbed away. Ever.

Hal had made one of his favourite sandwiches and had opened wine. Two glasses were on the kitchen table when Caroline came in dressed in her robe. Underneath she was wearing a dark blue lace baby doll and panties and was pleased because the panties covered the tattoo easily.

'Honey,' Hal said with a big smile as he enveloped her in a hug and softly kissed her. 'I've made you a sandwich.'

Caroline smiled and sat down carefully, conscious of the tattoo and the twinges in her back. 'I've closed that deal with Jude, he's got the role and I pick up fifteen percent.'

'Congratulations,' Caroline said, cutting the sandwich into smaller bite-sized pieces.

'We should celebrate, go to the Caribbean or something if our diaries connect.'

'Sounds wonderful,' Caroline said automatically and looked at her husband. Hal smiled gently at her, his eyes dancing in the kitchen light and Caroline wondered if, deep inside, he hated Kryztal.

End Kryztal Part 4 (of 10 Parts)
Carmenica Diaz © 2004

Parts to follow are:

Part 5: If Kryztal vanishes

Part 6 : I'm Caroline, Kryztal doesn't exist .

Part 7: We need to have a conversation.

Part 8: Why am I doing this?

Part 9: Did I get blood on your shirt?

Part 10: The ultimate gift .

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