BDSM Library - Surprise Visit

Surprise Visit

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: A fun-loving couple gets their kicks by invading a remote home, where they torture and sexually abuse the husband and wife who live there.
Surprise Visit

When I was a teenager, I watched the movie "A Clockwork Orange."  Ever since,
the idea of a surprise visit has fascinated me.  Luckily, my girlfriend, Lonnie,
loves it as much as I do.  We love to get it on with each other, but nothing
stokes our boilers like a bit of the old surprise visit.

It's easy, really, especially since I have a woman helping me.  We like to find
a nice house out in the country a ways, with no close neighbors.  Then we can
have some real fun.  Every time is different, so let me tell you about one night
in particular.

It was maybe 8pm, and just dark.  We were about 10 miles from town, and off down
a gravel road a little way, when we saw this huge house, set back maybe 200'. 
We parked the car just inside the driveway behind some bushes where it couldn't
be seen from the road and walked up to the house.  I hid while Lonnie rang the

After a minute, the porch light came on, and a man opened the door.  Lonnie
smiled and said, "Hi, my car broke down and it seems my cell phone is dead.  I
think I left it on.  Can I use your phone to call AAA?"

He said, "No problem," and stepped back from the door to let Lonnie inside.  As
soon as she was inside, she turned around and showed him her gun.  You should
have seen his face!  Anyway, while he was still sputtering something about what
the hell did she think she was doing, I came in the door and pointed my gun at
him.  Now he knew he was in real trouble.

I said, "Shut up and listen.  As you probably guessed, this is a robbery.  If
you play nice, nobody will get killed, and we'll leave in a while with some nice
new things.  Now, who else is in the house?"

"Just my wife."

"Perfect!" is what I thought, but what I said was, "Fine, now, put your hands
behind you so my friend can put some handcuffs on you.  We don't want you maybe
trying something stupid and getting yourself killed."

The fool let Lonnie cuff him, and we were home free.  "OK," I said next, "Now
let's go find your wife.  Be real quiet.  We want to surprise her."  He led us
through a couple of room and then downstairs.  We came out into a really nice
rec room that had to be in the basement.  It was big, with a bar at one end and
a big screen TV with some nice chairs at the other end.  His wife was sitting in
one of the chairs.

When we came in, she jumped up and started to yell and get excited.  I just
pointed my gun at her husband's head and said, "Settle down, lady, and nobody
gets killed.  We will be your robbers this evening.  Now, shut up and let my
friend take care of you."

She sort of froze, and Lonnie went over and cuffed her hands behind her.  Then
she wrapped a couple of turns of rope around her ankles and pushed her back down
into the chair.  Now we could really get busy.

The room was higher than a normal basement.  The ceiling was maybe 10' high, and
had exposed beams.  Lonnie held her gun on the man of the house, while I got a
portable drill and heavy eyebolt out of our bag.  Using the drill and a bar
stool, I quickly screwed the eyebolt into one of the beams in the middle of the
room.  I clipped one end of a ratcheting tie down strap to the eyebolt and left
it hanging down.  The other end had a ring on it.  The folks were watching all
this with more than passing interest.

Next, I went and got Lonnie's gun and stood behind the woman.  Then I told the
guy, "Alright, now you will do exactly what we say, or it will be bad for wifey
here.  You understand?"  He nodded.  I said, "Good, now don't do anything
stupid."  Lonnie went over to him and removed the handcuffs.  Then she told him
to take off his shirt.  When he hesitated, I grabbed wifey's hair and pulled it
backward hard, while pointing the gun at her temple.  He took off the shirt.

Lonnie put the cuffs back on him, with his hands in front this time.  Then she
used a padlock to connect his cuffs to the ring on the end of the strap.  With a
few pulls of the loose end, she had his hands up a bit above his head.  Then she
told him to kick off his shoes, which he did.  She went behind him and knelt
down.  She lifted up each foot and took off his socks.  Then she reached around
and undid his pants.  With one smooth motion, she pulled his pants and jockeys
down around his ankles.

Leaving him standing there exposed, she went back upstairs.  I said, "Don't
worry, she'll be right back.  She is just going out to the car for a few
things."  A few minutes later, she came back down the stairs with another bag
and a piece of plywood.  The plywood is about 4 feet long and maybe 15 inches
wide.  It has three eyebolts in it, one in the middle and one at each end.

Lonnie got back down and removed his pants and jockeys from his ankles.  Then
she put a leather cuff on each ankle.  After forcing him to step onto the
plywood, and sliding it around a bit, she pulled his legs apart and used a clip
to hook each cuff to an end eyebolt.  He was now standing butt naked on the
plywood with his legs spread wide.  His own weight held down the plywood.

"Well," I said, "This is becoming a very interesting situation.  As you may have
guessed by now, we aren't here just to steal your stuff.  We thought we'd stay a
while and have some fun.  Then we'll steal your stuff.  Since we're going to be
here a while, I guess we should get to know each other.  You can call me 'Sir',
and you can call my friend over there 'Goddess'.  Now, tell us both that you

The woman was a bit quicker than her husband.  She was sobbing now, but managed
to get out, "Yes, Sir, I understand.  I understand, Goddess."  Her husband was
giving us the silent treatment until I reached down with the hand that wasn't
already holding her hair back and pinched her nipple hard through her blouse. 
When she screamed, he said, "Alright, you win.  I understand, Sir.  I
understand, Goddess."

Now, Lonnie really is a bit of a Goddess.  She is 5'8" tall, with dark brown
eyes and black hair down to the middle of her back.  She is stacked, and she
works out several times a week.  I'm a more average looking guy, 5'10" tall,
with light brown hair and blue eyes.  If you care, we are both in our late 20s.

After I let go of her nipple, and she had a moment to calm down, I said to the
woman, "So, wifey, what's your name?  Tell us a bit about yourself."

"OK, Sir.  My name is Tina.  I teach math at the middle school.  I'm 34 years
old.  What do you want to know, Sir?"  Like I said, wifey was a fast learner.

"What's your husband's name?"

"His name is Sam, Sir.  What are you going to do to us?"

"Are you scared, Tina?"  She just nodded.  "Well, wifey, we're going to play
with you, and you will beg to play with us, I promise.  Now me, I'm easy to get
along with, as long as you do exactly what I tell you.  My friend, on the other
hand, is a different story.  What ignites her afterburner is sexual torture. 
Unfortunately, she likes both boys and girls, don't you, Goddess?"  Lonnie just

"Well," I continued, "We might as well get started.  The Goddess likes to start
with the men."

Lonnie got a few things out of her bag.  She went up to Sam and said, "Close
your eyes, Sam, and keep them closed real tight.  I'm going to put a blindfold
on you, and I rubbed the inside with a hot pepper earlier.  If you open your
eyes, you'll be sorry."  She strapped on the blindfold, leaving him in the dark. 
Then she snapped a leather ring on above his balls, and used a strap to tie them
down to the middle eyebolt on the plywood.  She pulled them down until his knees
were bent a bit.  Finally, she pulled on the end of the top strap, lifting his
hands up until he was pulling up on his balls.

Now Sam was really in a pickle.  Besides having his legs spread, he was
stretched vertically.  He couldn't squat more because his hands were taut over
his head, and he couldn't straighten his legs out because it pulled on his
balls.  Lonnie walked around him a couple of times chuckling, and I said, "Watch
carefully, Tina, and maybe you'll learn something about controlling your man."

Lonnie stopped in front of Sam.  She said, "Well, Sam, now I'm going to beat
you.  I will use various whips and paddles.  We're going to do it in stages. 
Stage one is simple.  I am going to continue until you accept 10 blows in a row
without making a sound.  Any sound you make will start the 10 count over."

Then she picked up a paddle.  It was wood, 20" long, and 5" wide, with a nice
handle and a bunch of holes bored in it.  She went around behind him and swung a
vicious slap across his butt.  He yelled, and said, "Stop that, you bitch." 
Lonnie just laughed and answered, "Good, still 10 to go."

The same thing happened another dozen times.  The paddle would fall, he would
yell something, and Lonnie would laugh and tell him, "10 to go."  The
interesting thing was that his dick got hard.  I wasn't surprised, as men all
got hard when she paddled them.  He finally got the idea, and she did 5 without
him making a sound.  Then, without him knowing, she switched to the riding crop. 
The next swing brought the end of the crop right across the end of his dick. 
Sam screamed, and Lonnie really laughed.  Then she said again, "Good, still 10
to go."

Lonnie continued this for maybe 30 minutes.  She would let him get 6 or 8, and
then land a blow she knew would make him yell.  She sometimes brought the crop
down on his cock, and sometimes used either the crop or a cane on his balls. 
Once, she let him get to nine, and then used the wooden paddle hard on his
balls.  He couldn't even yell that time.  All he could manage was a low moan,
and then Lonnie started over.  By the time she gave him 10 light enough so he
could stay quiet, he was a wreck.  I could tell Lonnie was really getting hot.

Next, she took off the strap and leather ring from his balls, and then told him,
"OK, now time for stage two, and some serious ball whipping."  He was pretty
much completely broken by this time, and didn't even object.

Lonnie came over to me and Tina.  I let go of Tina's hair, and Lonnie pulled her
to her feet.  She untied the rope from Tina's ankles, and removed her handcuffs. 
She told her to kneel.

Tina knelt immediately, and then said, very quietly, "Please Goddess, don't hurt
him any more.  I'll do whatever you want."

"That's good," Lonnie answered.  "You do get to participate in this stage.  It
works like this.  I am going to start giving Sam there a real workout on his
balls.  While I do this, you are going to do a real, nice, slow striptease for
my friend Sir, here.  If you don't do it slow enough, I'll tell you to get
dressed and start over."

"When you finish the strip, you will very carefully and sexily undress Sir, and
then you will blow him.  When he comes in your mouth, you will swallow it all
down like a good girl, and then you will lick him clean.  When you are done,
that's when Sam gets to have me quit whipping his balls.  Now, as a warm-up,
crawl over there and suck off poor Sam a little.  If you do a really good job,
maybe I'll take it easy on him, but if you make him come, I'll castrate him
before we leave.  Get busy."

Wifey Tina looked like she was in shock.  She immediately crawled over to her
husband on her hands and knees.  Without hesitation, she took his already hard
cock into her mouth and began to slide up and down.  In a couple of minutes, Sam
began to thrust into her and moan a bit under his breath.  When it looked like
it was getting close, Lonnie told wifey Tina to stop.  The groan from Sam told
us how close he had come.

Lonnie told Wifey to start the strip.  Tina stood up and turned to face me.  She
started to dance as she approached me.  Meanwhile, Lonnie had picked up her
riding crop.  Pacing around Sam, she suddenly brought it up in a vicious cut
between his legs.  He let out a yell.  Tina never missed a beat.  She just kept

Before long, Sam was screaming and Tina finally started her strip.  She was
really taking it slow.  It took her fully five minutes to get completely naked. 
Then she started rubbing up against me, and gradually removing my clothes in a
very seductive way.  In another few minutes, I was also naked, and Sam was no
longer screaming.  He was just sobbing and trying to breathe.

Lonnie is an artist with that crop.  She can make it feel like a blowtorch is
flaming your balls at the same time a car is driving over them.  We've never met
a man she can't completely break, and our technique is even better because at
the same time this guy is living in hell with his balls being beaten to a pulp,
he knows his wife is stripping for me and knows she will soon be blowing me.

Once wifey had me naked, she knelt right down in front of me and got busy.  It
was clear she had done this before.  She did a good job, combining sliding up
and down, suction, and a lot of tongue.  It only took a few minutes before I
shot stream after stream into her sucking mouth.  When I was done, she carefully
licked me clean and wiped me dry with her panties.

Lonnie finally stopped whipping Sam's balls.  By this time, he was hanging by
his wrists.  His legs had given out a while ago.  Lonnie released the ratchet
and he collapsed to the floor, moaning a bit.  Of course his feet and balls were
still fastened to the plywood, so he wasn't going anywhere.

Lonnie came over to where wifey was still kneeling in front of me.  Tina was
shivering and looking at her husband.  Lonnie pointed at him.  "Well, honey,
what do you think?  Quite a man, isn't he?  Watch this."

Lonnie walked back to Sam.  She poked the crop into his balls, and he started
begging.  "Please, goddess, don't hurt me.  I'll do whatever you say.  Please."

Lonnie just laughed and said, "Well, I'm done with you for a while, but don't
worry, Sam, I'll get back to you.  Now it's wifey's turn.  Come on over here,
Tina, and let's get you hooked up."

Tina started to shake.  "You don't have to hurt me, Goddess.  I'll do whatever
you tell me.  Please just tell me what you want, and I'll be good."  Lonnie just
pointed to the floor in front of her, and Tina crawled over to her on her hands
and knees.  Lonnie started walking around and around her just looking at her and
not saying a thing.

While she was doing that, I recuffed hubby's hands behind him.  Then I released
his feet and balls from the plywood and clipped his feet together.  I ran a rope
from his feet down through the D ring on the leather strap around his balls, and
up to his hands.  I snugged it up good at his hands and tied it off.  He was
hogtied, but with the added plus that any movement of his hands or feet pulled
on his already tortured balls.  When I was done, I sat down to watch Lonnie with

Now, Lonnie likes to torture guys, don't get me wrong, but she REALLY likes to
torture other women.  I knew wifey was in for a rough time.  Finally, after
making her wait for it for several minutes, Lonnie told Tina to lie on her back
and spread her arms and legs.  Tina quickly did as she was told.  Lonnie told
her to close her eyes and keep them closed, and not to move no matter what, or
she would be really sorry.

Tina looked good on the floor.  She was maybe 5'4" tall, and about 110 pounds. 
She had small tits, maybe a B cup, and dark brown hair.  Her pussy was obviously
trimmed for a small bikini.

Lonnie calls this her psych tiedown.  She can tell when someone is intimidated
enough for it to work.  Once she has someone scared enough to do this, they
won't move no matter what she does, for fear she will do something worse.  I had
seen Lonnie do this before, and I knew Tina would do her best to stay still and
just let Lonnie whip her.

Lonnie started slow, and I just kicked back to watch the fun.  Lonnie used a
long crop, and she started just flicking it across Tina's skin in various
places.  However, before long she had upped the force to where Tina was crying
and whimpering.  Then Lonnie really went to work on the right breast.

She likes to do that.  She will concentrate on one area for a while.  She had a
nice, steady rhythm of about once every three seconds, but varied it enough that
wifey couldn't exactly predict when the next blow would land.  At first, the
crop avoided the nipple, while covering the rest of the tit with stripe after
stripe.  When the first blow landed on the nipple, Tina screamed.  The next
dozen were all on the same nipple, and Tina screamed the whole time.

Then Lonnie switched to the inside of her left thigh.  Again, she just worked
the one area over and over until Tina was once again screaming and thrashing. 
Next came the belly, and Lonnie must have spent 10 minutes lashing her there,
with Tina screaming and thrashing wildly the entire time.  By the time Lonnie
switched her target to the left tit, Tina was trying to beg, but was incoherent,
screaming and babbling at the same time.

Meanwhile, Sam could hear what was happening to his wife, and he was struggling
to get free.  All he was accomplishing was to jerk his very sore balls around a
good deal.

When Lonnie finished with the left hooter, she straddled wifey, standing with
one foot on each side of her belly, facing her feet.  Then she started whipping
her cunt.  I thought I had seen some thrashing and heard some screaming before,
but this time Tina went rigid and made a sort of keening sound.  After a few
minutes of this, Lonnie finally stopped.  I was hard as a rock from watching.

Tina was just lying there panting.  Lonnie said, "Get up and lie across the pool
table."  Tina practically leaped to her feet.  I knew we owned her.  She hurried
over to the table and I met her there.  I had her lay back across one side with
her butt at the edge.  I put her ankles on my shoulders and entered her in one
smooth stroke.  While I pumped her, I told her to grab the other side of the
table, which she did.  Then, Lonnie started whipping her tits again while I
fucked her.

After a few minutes of being pumped and whipped, her screams suddenly changed
sound and she exploded in a huge orgasm.  It was so amazing that it put me over
the edge, and I filled her with my seed.  As she came down from the powerful
orgasm, Tina passed out.

When she woke up, the first thing she felt was Lonnie's crop coming down on her
nipple.  "Well, wifey, I see you are awake.  Did you enjoy that?  It certainly
seemed like it," Lonnie taunted her.  "Now quit lying around and get up.  I want
you to undress me and lick me to three orgasms.  Right now!"  Tina never
hesitated.  She practically sprang off the table.  She was careful to undress
Lonnie very slowly, and fold each garment neatly before putting them on a chair. 
She had become the perfect slave.

Once Lonnie was naked, she sat in an easy chair and slid her butt forward.  Tina
got down on her knees and got right to work.  Lonnie had to give her some
instruction, as she had apparently never pleasured a woman before.  After she
had been going at it for a few minutes, I picked up the crop and began to apply
it to her ass.

"Better do a good job," I told her, "because I'm going to keep at it until
Lonnie is satisfied."  The more I whipped her ass, the faster her tongue flew on
Lonnie's cunt.  Before long, Lonnie had her first orgasm, and then quickly had
another one.

I kept whipping wifey, but told her to use one hand to finger herself.  "If you
cum before Lonnie does, you'll be sorry," I told her.  Her hand flew to her
pussy.  It was quite a picture.  Lonnie nude, with nude wifey licking and
sucking her pussy like it was ambrosia, and fingering herself madly while I
whipped her ass with the crop.  I was very hard again.

Both Tina and Lonnie were moaning, and Tina was also whimpering from the whip. 
I could tell it was all she could do to hold back, and when Lonnie finally came,
wifey was seconds behind her, and, if anything, this orgasm was even bigger,
although she didn't pass out this time.  Lonnie's was also epic.  When it was
over, Lonnie was laying back in the chair exhausted from the effort, while Tina
was collapsed at her feet.

I said, "Tina, look what you did," pointing at my hard dick.  "Get over here and
take care of this, and this time you had better deep throat."

She got a very frightened look.  "I'm sorry sir, I don't know how.  I have never
done that."  By this time she was kneeling in front of me.

I looked down at her.  "You have two minutes to learn."

She practically attacked my cock.  She was really trying to get all the way down
on me, but her gag reflex was kicking in, and it just wasn't happening.  That's
when Lonnie swung her crop up between Tina's legs and nailed her right on the
cunt.  Her head popped down, and her nose was in my pubes.  Just shows what a
little encouragement can do.

She was still fighting the gag reflex, but now she had Lonnie coaching her. 
"Keep your head all the way down, and keep swallowing.  Use your tongue."  Every
time she would lift her head a bit, the crop would strike again.  After about a
minute or two, Lonnie told her to come up and take a couple of deep breaths, but
then ordered her right back down.  Since this was my third time in an hour or
two, I had a lot of staying power.  Lonnie made her deep throat me for over a
half hour before I finally shot down her throat.  By then, wifey was handling it
like a pro.  Sam should give us a bonus just for training her.

Speaking of Sam, he looked a bit lonely and uncomfortable, so Lonnie went over
and untied his feet and balls.  Leaving his hands cuffed behind him, she had him
get up and follow her to the treadmill that was folded up in one corner.  Lonnie
unfolded it and made him get on.  She took off his blindfold, and then tied off
a rope from the leather ring around his balls to the front frame of the

Then she turned on the treadmill.  He had to keep moving, because the rope from
his balls wasn't long enough to allow him off the back or sides.  She turned it
up to a moderate jog.  It isn't easy to jog with your hands cuffed behind your
back, and he looked pretty stupid.  I wondered what kind of shape he was in, and
I knew he would be in trouble before long.

Tina was just sitting on the floor watching this.  Then she just ignored Sam and
asked me, "What do you want me to do now, Sir?  I could dance for you."  I told
her to go ahead, so she put some music on the stereo and started to dance as
seductively as she could.  I could tell she was really putting her heart into
it, and she never even glanced at hubby.

After a few minutes, Lonnie tired of watching hubby run, so she sat down in a
chair and motioned for Tina to get busy.  Tina got right down between her legs
and started slurping away.  I got a dildo out of our bag, lubed it up, and
handed it to Tina.  "Use this on yourself while you do Lonnie, but don't cum
until after Lonnie does."

Wifey jammed that 7" fake cock into her pussy so fast I thought it might ignite. 
Wow, this cunt was hot for it.  She licked and sucked away at Lonnie's pussy,
all the while fucking herself with the plastic dick.  Soon she was moaning
constantly.  When Lonnie finally had an orgasm, Tina doubled the speed on the
dildo and just about exploded.  I have never seen a woman cum like that.  She
was rolling back and forth on the floor and screaming at the top of her lungs. 
It lasted a couple of minutes, anyway, and when she finally came down, she was
as limp as a rag, just collapsed on the cold tile.

Sam's begging was beginning to reach a high pitch, so Lonnie went over and shut
off the treadmill.  She told him to keep warmed up, as he would be exercising
again soon.  Then she led him over to the pool table and tied him spread eagled
on it, with the ropes from his ankles and wrists going down through the corner
pockets.  Once he was secure, she started hooking up some equipment to his

Meanwhile, I picked Tina up from the floor and helped her into the downstairs
bath.  I got the shower warm and shoved her into it.  She just leaned against
the wall for a few minutes while the water revived her.  Once she could stand on
her own, I told her to get cleaned up.  While she was busy with the soap and
shampoo, I just watched.  She even shaved her legs and armpits.

When her shower was done, she dried off and I had her blow dry her hair.  Lonnie
came in when she was finishing up with a brush.  I said, "How is Sam doing?"

Lonnie chuckled.  "We'll be hearing from him soon."  Right on cue, we heard Sam
scream.  Then he started screaming in short bursts, punctuated by grunts.  It
had a distinct rhythm, almost like a song.  "Yep," Lonnie said, "There he goes,
singing the horizontal mambo.  Take a look, Tina."

Tina stepped to the door and looked down to the other end of the room where Sam
was tied to the pool table.  He was jerking in spasms in time to his screams and
grunts.  Lonnie and I were both surprised when Tina started laughing.  She tried
to stifle it, but couldn't.  She managed to choke out, "I am terrible, but it is
so funny looking.  It IS kind of like a horizontal dance.  What are you doing to

By this time Lonnie and I were both laughing along with her.  I said, "See the
wires going to his groin?  They are hooked to electrodes.  Lonnie smeared his
cock and balls with electric gel, and then fastened electrodes to him.  The
ground is stuck up his ass."

"See how the wires go to the blue box?  The box sends out electric shocks to his
cock and balls.  He screams when his cock gets zapped, and grunts when the
electricity hits his balls.  The shock to the balls feels just like getting
kicked hard, and the prick zaps make it feel like somebody is using a

"The box is controlled by a program on Goddess's notebook computer under the
table.  She has put in a lot of work designing programs for this.  The timing of
the shocks is critical.  When the electricity hits, all of the pain nerves fire
at once.  Then there is a short period when the nerves are recharging and cannot
fire.  This is followed by a very short period of hypersensitivity, and then the
nerves return to normal.  The trick is to time the next shock to hit right at
the hypersensitive period."

She actually looked interested in my explanation.  "How long will you torture
him like this?  Does it harm him permanently?"

"No," Lonnie answered, "it doesn't do permanent damage.  That's the beauty of
it.  Since it isn't destroying anything, we can keep it up as long as we want. 
This program will do active torture like this for between 7 and 10 minutes. 
Then it switches to 3 to 8 minutes of reminder phase, where it just delivers a
shock every 15 to 25 seconds to keep him from relaxing.  Then it switches back
to this active phase, with shocks every couple of seconds.  I set this program
to run about an hour."

Tina never even batted an eye at being told her beloved hubby was going to
scream in agony for the next hour.  Her mindset was beginning to interest me.  I
just decided to ask her what was up.  "So, Tina, you don't seem to care that
your hubby is screaming out there.  Why not?"

Tina actually smiled.  "He has been abusing me since we got married, Sir.  I'm
tired of getting beat up every few weeks.  Maybe this will teach the bastard a
lesson."  OK, that made sense.  I thought I would see how far Tina would go.

"Well, wifey, maybe if you ask Goddess real nice, she'll let you get even with
him."  That made her smile some more.  She didn't even hesitate.

"Please, Goddess, may I torture my husband later."  Lonnie smiled and shook her
head "yes."

We left hubby screaming in the family room and went up to the master bedroom,
where we all showered and Tina got us both off orally one more time.  Then we
went back downstairs to wrap things up.  The computer program had finally quit
zapping hubby.

I grabbed Tina by the hair and dragged her down the stairs and into the family
room.  As we approached the pool table where hubby was tied down, Tina was
sobbing, "Please, Sir, don't make me do it."  Lonnie was trying hard not to

As we got to the table, I handed Tina a riding crop and told her to get busy. 
She started begging again.  "Please, Sir, please don't make me."

I slapped her on the rump a few times, and said, "If you don't want to go
upstairs and go through that again, you'll get busy right now."

Acting reluctant, she took the crop and began whipping her husband.  I kept
slapping her butt, and she kept getting harder and faster.  Pretty soon she was
whipping him HARD, right on his cock and balls.  After a couple of minutes of
that, I dragged her away.

While I was settling down Tina, Lonnie talked to her ever-lovin' hubby.  "This
is how it is, pal.  You wife is so scared of us that she won't ever cross us. 
She won't testify, and if you report it, she'll claim you beat her up and this
is how you are trying to cover it.  Now, pay attention to this part.  You are
not allowed to beat her anymore.  In fact, from time to time, she'll tie you up
and whip you for a while.  You will let her.  We will be calling her now and
then, and if you don't let her do what she wants, we'll be back, and next time,
I won't be so gentle.  You understand me?"

"Yes, Goddess, I'll be good.  You won't have to come back."

Well, that was pretty much it for that night.  They didn't call the cops, and we
did check back with Tina from time to time.  She divorced Sam a few months
later, and he gave her everything.  Now she likes us to come back every so often
and "rape" her again.  She gave Lonnie a key, but that's another story.

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