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Review This Story || Author: Leones

Status Adjustment

Part 2

Status Adjustment
Part 2

Even though she was in bed early it was the most enjoyable evening Tina had had
in a great long while, maybe ever. The image of Bonnie flat on her stomach and
helpless was burned into her memory, it felt good to live it over and over,
again and again, she couldn't help but wonder what affect the incident had had
on Bonnie's psyche. If Tina could have only been a fly on the wall in room
number 24 at the King's Lodge motel she would have known.

Bonnie was an absolute vision of beauty as she lay naked on the king size bed,
her bronze tanned body outlined in exquisite detail by it's exotic contrast with
the solid white sheets, her slightly parted thighs offering a titillating peek
at the soft tufts of yellow-blonde down at their apex. Johnny was in the
bathroom taking a leak.

"God damn it Johnny, can't you close the fucking door?"

"What in the hell is up your ass tonight, anyway?" "You've heard me piss

Johnny returned and sat on the edge of the bed next to Bonnie.

"You've been this way all night, you hardly spoke a word at Teensters, then you
half heartily go through the motions of foreplay and then when I go to fuck you,
you won't let me put it in."

"Don't be crude Johnny, nobody fucks me, you make love to me."

"Well excuse me Miss High and Mighty, call it what you want but this is one of
the times we don't have to do it in the car and it's damn expensive."

"If it's the fucking money your worried about, then I'll pay for the god damn

Johnny threw his hands in the air.

'I don't know what your problem is tonight and right about now I couldn't care
less, get your fucking clothes on, I'm taking your ass home."

Not surprisingly, Tina slept peacefully that night, almost as if she had been a
fly on the wall in room 24 at the Kings Lodge motel.


At school on Monday, Bonnie avoided Tina, only making distant eye contact a
couple of times when Tina wasn't looking. As usual, with no cheer practice,
Bonnie, Linda and Yvonne met in front of the school so they could walk home
together. Bonnie attempted to act casual and nonchalant as she spoke.

"You guys go on ahead, I have a couple of things to take care of before going

Both girls regarded her curiously and she looked sheepishly in return. Yvonne
put it straight on the line.

"Your not afraid to go by Tina's house after what happened on Friday are you?"

Bonnie feigned a nervous laugh.

"Are you kidding?" "I can handle her, no problem, you guys go on ahead, I'll
catch you later."

Yvonne and Linda took off for home, Bonnie in the opposite direction. The tall
athletic blonde felt ashamed and humiliated deep inside herself, walking around
the block and slinking down the alley located in the middle of the block she
lived on in order to avoid passing scrawny little Tina's house. While walking
alone and thinking, Bonnie decided this would be the last time, no more dodging
the little runt, this had to end, after all she was bigger and stronger, one
solid punch to the jaw and Tina would be history. Bonnie almost froze in her
steps when Tina stepped from behind a van parked in the narrow alley and stood
directly in her path.

"Hello Bonnie, taking the long way home today?"

"Look Tina, I don't want any trouble."

The smaller girl smiled, almost sinister.

"There won't be any trouble if you turn around and walk back around the block."

Bonnie knew if she did, she was lost for good, her life at school would never be
the same. She moved forward, her right arm at her side but the fist clinched
into a solid ball, when Bonnie got within range she aimed a hay maker at Tina's
face. With ease Tina's left arm deflected the blow while the extended  knuckles
of her right hand delivered a debilitating blow to Bonnie's throat. The
beautiful blonde was paralyzed, mouth agape, gasping desperately for air. Tina
manhandled the taller girl until her back was pressed flat against the van,
holding her in place with her left arm planted firmly across Bonnie's damaged
throat. The bigger, stronger girl was helpless against her smaller foe, she
could feel her blouse being pulled out from the waist of her skirt and then
unbuttoned but was powerless to prevent it. When this was done, Tina pushed
Bonnie's bra high up on her chest until her breasts sprung free, naked now
except for the partial covering provided by her open blouse.

"Listen to me good Bonnie, I could strip you bare ass right now and make you
walk buck naked down this alley and you know by now that there is absolutely
nothing you could do to stop me." "If you don't do everything I ask of you, I
will do just that, it might be in the cafeteria at school, in the hallway or
maybe even Teensters, you'll never know when I'll strike." "How would you like
to be stripped and humiliated in front of half the school and even Johnny boy?"
"I can make life a living hell for you, I'd enjoy beating you up in front of
Johnny, how would you like that?" "Now I guess you could always tell your
parents about me and you could all go to the principal and report me but then of
course I don't think your pride would allow you to become the laughing stock of
the school, afraid of an eighty pound weakling." "My parents go to bridge club
every Tuesday and Friday, tomorrow is Tuesday, I will expect you at my house by
seven sharp, don't be late, do you understand?"

Bonnie was still experiencing difficulty speaking.

"Why do you want me to".............

Tina slapped her hard across the side of the face.

"Seven sharp, don't be late."

The young blonde meekly nodded yes.

Review This Story || Author: Leones
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