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Rocco, a Bulls Life

Chapter 5 Carol gets her Groove On

                                                                     Rocco, a Bulls Life 

                                                                     Chapter 5  Carol Gets her Groove On

                                                                     by roccodadom44


   The first time I spent the night at their house turned out to be a freak show, everything fell into place, Carol was liberated by her gangbang, free to embrace that hubby needed to be put in his place, hubby was overcome with sexual needs, he needed to go through this, even though I suspected he knew the ultimate ending, Carol would need a man in her life, not a sniveler,  I intended to have Ronnie boy sniveling a symphony. Their house was small, but clean, thats always nice, play dirty live clean, Carol looked slutty, Ronnie was dressed in a fucking maids outfit, like from Fredericks, he looked hopeless, but his little shooter was at attention, three fucking inches, wow, thats sad. He was wearing heels, he looked like he was sure he was going to fall, his fat, weak, little body was hairless, pimply, blotchy skin, you just said yuck when you saw him, dismissed him, he was one of those invisible, ugly doormats, I would have no problem hurting this pile of nothing. I know I have issues, but some guys just make me violent, no sense denying that fact, I based my life, to a degree, on that fact.

   Well, Carol, ever the proper hostess, had Ronnie get us drinks, mine vodka collins, hers a glass of reisling, we sat and talked in their nondescript parlour. She readily agreed to let me film hubbys training, was very interested in the possibilities of her making money either abusing wimps, or doing stag parties, I figured a pig like Carol could do both, but would be happiest rutting a room full of drunken guys. It was hard not to smile when the clown brought the drinks, on a silver tray, oh my, looking as if he might topple off his heels at any moment, or that he might start bawling like a baby, as me and Carol started laughing at his sorry state, when Carol joked that I hadnt even done anything to her husband yet, he did start sobbng, oh how fucking creepy. Carol saw my anger, she egged me on, telling me that I should put hubby in his place, I did, quickly. As soon as he put the drink tray on the imitation wood coffee table, I was on him, all slaps and taunts, he cried openly, big, faggy sobs, yuck, I had to punch him, one shot,  he was down, screaming bloody blue murder, Jesus, I didnt even hit him that hard, Carol was laughing, loudly. The only thing I could think of was to reach under Carols mini, rip off her hot red panties, stuff them in Ronnies wide open, never ending, noise hole. It worked, he shut up, but before the lout thought about it, I used the silence to fill him in on things, his eyes were so fucking wide, he looked retarded, Carol was telling him to listen good, or else I wold bop him again, as she danced around her hubby, pretending to box him. Ronnie didnt appear amused, but he was hanging on my every word, especially the part about his serving as my toilet.

  He tried to run, I dont know where, he was dressed in a sexy maids outfit, he couldnt stand properly on the too small heels, never mind run, sure enough he tripped on the the pretend fur rug, and crashed hard, he had no reflexes, in the corner, lay there sobbing, fat ass smiling at us, We laughing at his level of wimpiness. It was easy to get Carol going, her blouse was off, tits free for my mauling, as she squealed and praised me, I got my hand up her cunt, drove her to her first of the night, a loud, wet, screamfest, fuck, they were both screamers, just my luck. He was watching us, the perv, wifes panties half hanging from his mouth, he had rolled over, his little fella was upright, stain on his panties, faggy was dripping at my using his woman. I zeroed the camera in on the stain, I ordered him to his feet, he fairly jumped, to our amusement,  telling him I was hungry, I sent him to cook us dinner,  I went back to abusing his wifes built to fuck body, she loved it, had another scream, juice all over the never been on a cow shiny couch, she was juicy, her cunt stew tasted potent, lots of piss in her brew, loved her ability to cum and cum.

    Got tired of mauling Carol, wanted to wait till after dinner to get serious with piggy, so as we watched TV, and talked, we could hear and smell the fag cooking our steaks, along with homemade fries, smelled great, it was fucking nice to be king. I made him serve us, first removing the panties, wanted his mouth wet for later, wait off to the side while we ate, we snapped our fingers to summon him, and we had a little fun at his expence, I would order him to get me a tab of butter from the kitchen, as soon as he returned, Carol would make the same request, so as we enjoyed our meal, silly made trip after trip, shaking his fat ass for us, wobbling on his heels, keep the fucker busy, it was good for him. Had Carol join me in chewing up our leftovers,  then spitting them on the thick shag rug, under the dining room table. While we drank our after dinner drinks, Ronnie ate all his dinner off the rug, hands behind his back, Carol and I using our feet to push his piggy face into the food smeared rug. When I let him up, his face was a mess, food smeared all over, what a creep, I couldnt help myself. Pissing in his face, it was all over the rug, was a spur of the moment thing, Carol looked amazed that her wimp was getting pissed on, Ronnie was giving my superior cock more than a passing glance, the fucker was swallowing a good deal of my piss, he had potential.  Telling Ronnie to clean up, then shower and wait outside Carols bedroom door, till I called him. Carol came willingly, like she was in a trance, she wanted my cock in her, thats not bragging, thats fact, she needed my big cock, we both knew this was it, fucking in her marital bed.

    She was perfect, loud, involved, soaking wet, we were animals, trying to see who could fuck the other harder, I won, she came and came, then she really passed out, for maybe twenty seconds, but it was cool, fantasy of mine is to fuck some pig to death, just a fantasy. Her tits were made to hold onto as I rode her doggy style, her fat cunt smearing my body with cunt drippings, her open brown eye winking lewdly at me as I watched my fat boy piston in and out of her cunt cave. Her cunt was making obscene squishing noises, along with several boistrous cunt farts, and I needed to tone out her loud gash, her ass was built to spank, do the math. She loved it, threw her fat ass back at my cock and hand, and she reddened nicely, a pigs ass always looks best beat red, pun intended. After I spunked her clam, we just lay there, side by side, her gasping, panting, moaning Jesus, Jesus, over and over, well I couldnt walk on water, but I could make this pig pant, that was godlike enough for the both of us.

  When I called the fucker in, he wanted to, every cuck wants to eat the cream pie, he feigned disgust at polishing my wood, but Carol got pissed, going off about how I had made her feel so good, Ronnie should be happy to clean me, fucker fell for it, wanted to fall for it, Im sure, he did an adequate job of cleaning my soiled member, even getting all the spermies and cunt juice from my thick pubes.Well, he could spend a while cleaning Carols big girl cave, she talked nasty to him, she was there, never would Carol, ever, look at her husband as anything other than a sisified door mat, whether they knew or not, there marriage was effectivly over.Only a matter of time, Carol would make the leap to wanting a full time man, she could always hire a maid. Ordering wimpy to go lay in the master bathrooms tub, I gave Carol a good groping, just to revive her, it worked, as she started singing slut, again. When she was almost there, Christ, this pig was an orgasm machine, I stopped and told her it was time she took the next step,and as I led her to the bathroom, she knew, was giggling.

   He knew, even opened his ugly mouth at her command, as she straddled his face, I filmed with my camera, Carol pissed her hubby, he swallowed it all, knew how to swallow little bits, an aside about piss drinking, no one can swallow a piss load straight down the throat, but piss into a bottle and it will only be filled a quarter, at most complete, twelve ounces, can be chugged easily, slave had to learn to hold and swallow, and of course, actually swallow piss. Good for him, he was trying to please her, he was also rock hard and I again marveled at how how small the thing was. Jesus what a sad sack, he was never going to please anyone,even himself, I again reinforced my desire to crush him, find Carol a real man, I mean I loved fucking the pig, but I didnt need any steady cunt, I sensed Carol needed lots of attention. Maybe I wold auction her off on my web site, that idea had fucking merit, auction her into marriage with a stranger, well hung, of course. I made her feed dummy her shithole, he got his tongue up as far as possible, I did have to roughly squeeze his undersized sack, but he did it, Carol dug it, ole Ronnie boy was going to get shitted soon, just a feeling on my part. Carol was getting very vocal, taunting Ronnie, telling him how pathetic he was,  as if to prove her right, the tears started flowing down the losers face, tongue still twirling his wifes colon. He was hopeless, all he could do was cry, a fag, for sure, Carols look of contempt was not role playing, she detested his wimpiness, didnt find it cute at all, I was thrilled at her level of venom, her verbal assault was classic, brutal, to the point, she would destroy him, crush him, then divorce him for a real man, the words were out there, everyone was on the same page, let the carnage begin.

  It was easy to prod Carol along that night, she was eager to hurt Ronnie, we brutalised him good. Its best in these situations, I have been in a few such, to just break the fucker, quick and violent,  then get slow and nasty. Carol was a whirling dirvish when I gave her the riding crop from my bag of tricks. She used all her power to whip Ronnies fat ass bloody red, these were not love taps, as he lay face down, bent over the kitchen table. While she beat him hard, I was in his face, taunting him, spitting, then choke fucking the creep, he vomited on one of my pull outs, earning him a renewed cropping from his angry wife. I just had to rub the ugly fuckers face in his puke, commanding him to make all gone, he did, Carol told him he was a pig, again, she was done with Ronnie, she was so over this dolt, I couldnt help but chuckle how sad Ronnie looked, puke, spit and tears smearing his ugly mug, his wife whipping him crazy, he was dazed, scared, almost willing to do anything for us, just where I wanted him.

When I went after his ass with my favorite leather belt, two inches wide, he started bawling, screaming, Carol used a dirty dish towel, first squirting lots of dish soap on it, to plug his nasty face shut. His eyes looked silly, all bugged out, tears flowing, snot bubbles from his nose, I took him, raped his ass, no warning, I just rammed my cock balls deep, first thrust. Carol giggled at the fuckers expressive face, he did look a bit like Marty Feldman, as I proceeded to rut him good. My cock was shit and blood basted, his ass muscles were driving me higher and higher, as he squeezed to keep me out, he couldnt of kept me out with a fucking brick wall, I needed to take him in front of his wife, I knew this was important, that Carol witness her hubbys being owned, that I would put this all on my site egged me on, I am a fucking vain bastard, no doubt. She looked both excited and grossed out, his shit stank, but she was teasing him, and nastily too, telling Ronnie he was a cunt now,that he would need diapers, after I got done with him. Well, he didnt, but he was damaged goods, his head was mush, he was indeed broken. When Carol removed the rag, soap bubbles spewed out of his all ready babbling sess pool, then he puked mightily, thats entertainment.

   After I had a satisfying cum up his ass, he had the stupidity to go and refuse to clean my soiled cock, well, I exploded, started beating him, fist shots, he was down quick, no surprise, as he turtled, I stomped, Carol ridiculed her fag hubby, telling him to fight like a man, helping me stomp him, we started making out, while kicking him, We were really kicking him, not playing, he was dazed,  when Carol landed a kick to the face, dummy went to sleep, right on the kitchen floor, cum leaking ass and all. But I still had a dirty dick, and someone was cleaning it, Carol got the hint that it was him or her, she proceeded to beat Ronnie awake, using the riding crop on his stomach and balls. He cleaned me good, gagging at eating his shit and blood, but he did it, he even scooped my seed from his still gaping shitter, ate it all, while staring at his disgusted wife. Well enough for one night, I wanted some quiet time, alone with Carol, to further explore her fuck pig body. Ronnie was ugly, pitiful, weak, made me shudder, so I stuck him in a downstairs closet, without a word jammed a chair under the doorknob, the stooge could spend the night, in the dark, his ass leaking blood and cum, his body beaten and bruised, his mind harried, and comtemplate his dismal future, fuck him, I would be plowing his soon to be exwife, in his former bed, fuck him.

  We did it all, or rather Carol wanted it all, she was on fire, fucking up her hubby turned her on fierce, that is good. Her ass was built to fuck, I took her as she lay face down on the bed, and pounding her shitter was intense, her soft ass flesh cushioning me,mmmm, holding on to her delectable funbags, smelling her shit on my hog, her lovely panting and moaning,then she came from a cornholing, thats tops, girl was on fire. Showering was great, her body was a treat to handle, everything soft, sweet feeling to my greedy fingers, she was all shivers and gasps at my grope work, I knew she could be made to do anything, I had her, owned her, just as well as her fag hubby, mission accomplished. I fucked her several times that night, I would wake and feel her piggy body, then just ram her hard, her moaning loudly, me again going grope crazy, her tits were there to be tormented, her nipples were pliable, I swear I stretched them out an inch, she was a walking talking grade A slab of cunt, born to be used. She took it well, she took it great, never saying no, always wanting more, always wet and steamy, she was out there, in the slutpig zone, I still had it.


                                                                                                                    the end

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