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Review This Story || Author: Kya Korday

Sky's the Limit

Part 5

Skys the Limit

Part 5

By Kya Korday

Chapters 15, 16, 17, 18 & 19


*****WARNING***** (NO ONE, AND I DO MEAN NO ONE.)  Under the age of 18, or who lives in an area that this sort of material is illegal, should read any further.  Also, if you are looking for a quick fix, this is not the story for you and you should STOP reading immediately. 

Disclaimer: This story contains graphic descriptions of sex, violence, rape, non-consensual imprisonment and torture. It is definitely NOT for anyone who is offended by such material, nor is it fun or a life-choice.  It is a story of a sick person and his victims.

This story is fictional and any resemblance to anyone dead or alive is purely coincidental.  None of this story is true and it is all a figment of my warped imagination.  The author does not condone or endorse any of the activities detailed in this story, some of which are dangerous, illegal and deadly.  This is not a very pleasant society as no one cares about anyone else.  Learn from their mistakes.  Care about others.

My Biggest Warning:  This story has woman on woman sex, along with my version of a Happy Ending and is basically a lesbian story, so if you are against a happy conclusion or lesbians, please stop reading immediately!

Chapter 15

Several weeks later, Skyler could finally move around again without pain shooting through her ribs.  Dealing with the children had been especially painful, but she tried her best not to let the boys see her hurting in any way. 

During Skylers recovery, Chelsea had been keeping a very close eye on Tyler.  Apparently he had gotten into a bit of trouble for hurting Skyler, especially since they had before and after photographs.  He continued insisting she liked it rough, but for some reason certain people were beginning to have their doubts where Tyler was concerned. 

Tyler was becoming increasingly unhappy after being served with the divorce papers.  He had been pushing his lawyer even harder after that, insisting he couldnt fix his marriage as long as he was sitting in prison.  His lawyer was doing what he could, but it seemed to be making Tyler even more agitated.

With the kids all tucked in and asleep, Skyler and Chelsea sat on the sofa to snuggle and watch a movie.  Skyler was nervous and fidgety, but Chelsea was pretty sure she knew why.

“Are you happy about it?” 

“I dont know, you know I love my babies; butre you upset?” 

“I dont know; Ive never seen kids like yours.  Theyre great kids and they watch out for each other, even Logan and hes so young yet.  I do love em you know.” 

“I know you do.  Five is a lot of kids though and theyre all so young.” 

“You get pregnant really easy, dont you?” 

“Lets just say that if I saw a sperm bank down the street, Id take another street,” Skyler commented as Chelsea laughed.

“Id love another baby in the house,” Chelsea said, kissing Skyler on the head.

“I sure did get lucky the day you came to the door.” 

“Im pretty sure that Im the lucky one.” 

Chapter 16

Three months had passed before the divorce hearing, but Tyler still hadnt had his trial.  When Skyler spoke with the judge, she gave a detailed account of her six years with Tyler and how she thought he was getting help for his tendencies, but after her overnight visit showed he was the same, she didnt think their children needed to be put through anymore since they were getting older and were more observant of their surroundings.  She made sure to explain Tylers treatment of the boys and his solution to any girls he thought she might be carrying. 

The judge found Tyler to be quite charming during the initial visit, deciding he would like to talk to Hunter for a more objective opinion.  The judge was positive that Hunter would be able to remember at least a few things, even though he was only five.  Skyler had been against it, but her lawyer insisted Hunter would be fine and Tyler wouldnt be anywhere near him, so after some discussion, she agreed.  

Hunter was dressed up in a little shirt and tie when he went in to see the judge.  He had been clinging to his mother, but she explained to him that he would need to talk to the nice judge without her and if he could just be a big boy and do that, as long as he told the truth, everything would be okay.

The young man continued staring over his shoulder, not taking his eyes off his mother until the judge had shut the door behind them

Skyler was feeling extremely guilty, not even positive Hunter would be able to remember anything.  She was positive the entire experience was going to traumatize him for absolutely no reason.  They had never discussed any of it because she didnt want him having nightmares and now he was going to have to live through it all over again.  Hopefully it would be the last time.

Frannie was waiting with them to take Hunter for ice cream as soon as he was finished.  The other kids were staying with Matt and Val until the hearing was over.  Skyler couldnt stop worrying about Hunter the entire time he was in the judges chambers. 

When he walked out an hour later, he was holding the judges hand until he saw his mother, running to her as she squatted to give him a huge hug.

“Are you okay sweetie?” 

“Hes a nice man mommy.” 

“Thats good baby, you go with nana now, and Ill see you when we get home.” 

“I love you mommy.” 

“Ooh, I love you too sweetie,” Skyler said, giving him another hug.  “Youre such a big boy.” 

The judge watched, laughing as Hunter held Frannies hand and skipped down the hall, until the elevator opened, causing him to freeze in his tracks.  Skyler watched as Tyler was led out of the elevator in shackles with a guard on either side of him.

As Tyler noticed Hunter, his expression began changing.  Hunter stared at him, but only for a second before his eyes automatically averted to the floor and he hugged Frannies leg.  Tyler wasnt prepared for the situation and all the years he had mistreated Hunter were about to catch up with him.

“You got a hug for your dad?”  Tyler asked, squatting down.

“But you dont like when I touch you daddy,” Hunter said quietly.

“Hes lying; hes a rotten little liar!” 

“Frannie, please take him now,” Skyler instructed, moving rapidly towards them.

“Youve poisoned him you fucking dyke!” 

Skyler didnt care what Tyler said to her, she just wanted Hunter gone so he wouldnt have to listen to anymore. 

Frannie was hurrying him down the stairs as fast as she could and once they were out of sight, Skyler turned to Tyler.

“I didnt have to poison him Tyler; you did that a long time ago.  I just hope you get help so you can see how special he really is,” she said, walking past him, back to Chelsea. 

The judge had already vanished back into his chambers by then.

“Fucking dyke!”  Tyler shouted as the guards pushed him into the courtroom.

Skyler was trying to keep from shaking as she sat down.  She let Chelsea attempt to calm her down, but she couldnt seem to stop the trembling.

“I just hope Hunters okay, I dont want him having nightmares over this.” 

“Did Tyler really not want Hunter touching him?” 

“Hunter was just learning to walk and he grabbed Tylers leg so he could move along and Tyler told him not to touch him and shook his leg, knocking him down.  That was one of the few times he didnt actually hit me for swearing at him,” Skyler said, giving a sick laugh.

“Im sorry you had to deal with all that for so long.  I just wish I couldve gotten you away from him sooner.” 

“Yeah, but if you had, I wouldnt have Logan or Anna or whoever we have coming next,” Skyler smiled, putting a hand to her stomach.

Skyler stood up when she saw her lawyer, Linda, walking towards them.  Linda smiled at Chelsea and Skyler as she approached and directly behind her, Val had shown up for moral support, explaining that Matts mother had stopped by the house to help with the kids and since she was baking cookies when Val left, she was sure they would be fine.  Skyler smiled before giving Val a hug, thanking her for showing up.

The four of them walked into the courtroom together, Chelsea and Val sitting in the back.

As Skyler and Linda made their way up front, Tyler glared at them both until he had to stand when the judge entered the courtroom. 

“I need to tell you Mr. and Mrs. Lasko that your little guy, Hunter is one of the most exceptional children I have ever spoken with.  Hes a smart little boy and he knows whats going on.  All I have to say to you Mr. Lasko is that I hope you get the help you need and Im putting in a recommendation for exactly that to the prison officials once we leave this room.  Your son said he wanted to hate you, but his mommy said that it wasnt your fault that you behave the way you do.  You had a special woman and were too sick to take care of her or your children.  To do what you did to your wife … well, the only thing I can say is that it was just wrong and to openly show preference for one child over the rest because he carrys your name is just not thinking properly.  I have absolutely no doubt that if you were to have a strong influence in your childrens lives, they would most likely wind up in front of many judges throughout their lives and to you Mrs. Lasko, I have to applaud you for having gone through what you did for six years and to still raise such a fine little man is amazing.  It is for so many different reasons that I am granting your petition for divorce and until I have some statement from a psychiatrist who specifically deals with your illness Mr. Lasko, I am suspending all visitation of your children, which is too bad for you since I hear your ex-wife is about to have the fifth.”

The judge dropped the bomb and left as Tyler turned to stare at Skyler, completely surprised at the judges decision and yet, in the back of his mind, he knew Skyler wasnt doing any of it, especially after hearing what she had told their son.  It had to be the cop and the lawyer, but it wasnt Skyler, she obviously still loved him, even though she needed to be punished for being so easily swayed.   

He was whispering to the guards when Skyler finally looked at him and she stood to face him as he hobbled over to her with a guard still on either side of him.

Tyler smiled at Skyler, telling her he loved her before delivering a short, solid punch to the stomach.  As Skyler dropped to the floor, Chelsea and Val ran to her while the guards began dragging Tyler out of the room.  Skyler looked up in time to see the judge moving rapidly towards her as she was still trying to catch her breath.

The judge stopped on his way to Skyler, whispering something to the bailiff before continuing on his way.

“Just like old times,” She said, trying to breathe.

“Youre definitely a fighter, arent you?”  He asked as Linda, Val and Chelsea helped her stand.

“I guess well see, I know hes coming for me when he gets out and I know hes not gonna be very happy with me after this.  Tylers never, not been able to make things better before, so hes bound to be very angry,” Skyler warned.

“Well, I guess I have a little more work to do then, dont I?”  He asked, touching her arm.  “Are you taking her to the hospital Officer Gold?” 

“Yes sir.” 

“Let me know what happens, okay,” he instructed, winking at her.

“Yes your honor, I will.” 

“Thank you sir,” Skyler said, watching him leave.

“Skyler?”  Val asked.


“Your ex-husband is really good looking, but man is he a prick,” Val said quietly.

“Tell me about it… I like that, ex-husband, I like that a lot,” Skyler smiled as they all walked out of the courtroom.

Tyler hadnt succeeded in his attempt to make Skyler miscarry and Chelsea called the judge as soon as they walked into the house.  He did succeed in causing a delay to his own retrial though.  His lawyer was less than pleased with his actions in the court room. 

With his world unraveling around him, Tyler began grasping at straws.  He pled his case to his parents, who turned around to file for custody of the children. 

When Skyler received the papers, she called her lawyer immediately, explaining to her that they had never even seen the kids, ever.  The lawyer encouraged her to stop worrying so much, but she couldnt stop herself. 

As a small diversion, Chelsea decided it was time for all of the boys to get haircuts, claiming she was going to have to get them all beads, sandals and Hawaiian shirts soon. 

Skyler, still not very good with decisions, took along three baggies with each boys name on them, crying as she watched their beautiful long hair being chopped off.  She cried again as she watched them sitting like perfect little gentlemen and again once they were finished, claiming they were growing up too fast.  When all was said and done, she actually loved the haircuts so much that she had to take several pictures of each boy after returning to the house.

Frannie had a hard time believing how different the three of them looked with the shorter hair.  As her eyes also began filling with tears, Chelsea decided to ignore them all, walking into the kitchen to grab a beer. 

Tyler was going through extensive therapy during this time and according to Chelsea he was looking for a new lawyer, or rather his parents were. 

At the time, their priority seemed to be focused at trying to take the children from Skyler.  Even before their day in court, they hadnt tried to see the kids or Skyler and in the courtroom they wouldnt make eye contact with her at all.    The judge was the same as her divorce judge and even though she had no clue how things would turn out, she knew without a doubt that he would be fair about whatever decision he did make. 

Skyler was six months pregnant at the time of the hearing and the judge smiled, nodding at her as she stood next to her lawyer. 

After reading over the papers, he leaned back in his chair, taking a deep breath as he rubbed his temples.

“Mr. and Mrs. Lasko have you ever made any attempts to see your grandchildren either before or after your son went to prison?”  The judge asked.

“No your honor, but…”  Mr. Lasko began.

“The children will stay with their mother and my advice to you and your son is to leave this woman alone, shes gone through enough for one lifetime.  Case dismissed,” he said, slamming down his gavel before leaving the courtroom.

Chelsea and Skyler were ecstatic, deciding to take the entire family out for dinner that night, settling on a fast-food restaurant, someplace with a play area, where the boys could let loose if they felt the urge. 

Skyler stared at Hunter as he and his brothers played, noticing how much he was beginning to look like Tyler.  She smiled as she watched him take both of his brothers hands over to the netted area to play, happy that he never had any nightmares after being face-to-face with his father.  It was almost as though he had some closure after the meeting and now he could move on. 

As she watched the boys and tore up food for Anna, Skylers mind began to drift again. 


“I sure wish my mom and sister could see them someday.  I wonder if my mother would return a picture if I mailed her one.” 

“Maybe you should try talking to your mom again now,” Chelsea suggested.

“I dont think so, she said to stay away and shes never said anything she didnt mean.  I just need to let it go.  I am curious as to what Heather looks like now though.  She just turned 17 last week and I bet she has lots of boyfriends.”

“Couldnt you just call and talk to your sister?”  Chelsea asked.

“I tried once, but she told me the same thing mom did, she was always a lot closer to our mom.  I was always closer to daddy,” Skyler explained.  “Oh well, life goes on, if things were different, I wouldnt have you and that would suck.”

“That would most definitely suck,” Chelsea agreed.

Chapter 17

A further three months later, Tyler was still going to therapy and still having a difficult time approving of any of the lawyers his parents had hired for him.  Skyler was quite pleased he was being so stubborn. 

She was especially happy after Chelsea told her she would be starting her vacation the following week and wanted the entire family to spend the day at Valley Fair.  If possible, Skyler was more exited than the boys, since she had never been to a real fair before. 

The disappointed look that covered her face when Chelsea announced she had to go out of town on business for a couple of days was enough to break Chelseas heart in two.  After promising they would go once she returned, Skylers face lit up again and even though she was displeased about Chelsea having to be away, Skyler smiled, wished her luck and kissed her goodbye.

That very night, Chelsea called, but Skyler was afraid to answer the phone when she was home alone, so she always waited until she heard a familiar voice before picking it up, but Chelsea knew that.

“Hi baby, its just me… you there?” 

“Hi honey.  You okay?”  Skyler asked, grabbing the phone.

“Im fine; I just missed you and wanted to hear your voice.” 

“Thats so sweet, I miss you too.  Where are you?” 

“I told you.” 

“No you didnt, you just said that you had to go away for work.”

“How about if I tell you when I get home?” 

“Oh, Okay.  Is your work stuff going okay?” 

“Actually, its going very well.” 

“Dyou know when youre coming home?” 

“Day after tomorrow, hopefully.” 

“I hope so.  I pushed the crib into the bedroom and the boys are gonna sleep with me in our bed tonight.” 

“Why didnt you tell me you were gonna do that before I left?  You shouldnt be pushing the crib around,” Chelsea scolded.

“I didnt think about it until after you left, dont be mad.” 

“Im not mad honey; I just dont want you to hurt yourself.” 

“How about if I leave it there and you can move it back?” 

“Yes please.  Whatre the boys doing now?” 

“Hunters helping Tristan and Logan ride their scooters.” 

“Hes too grown up; I wish hed play more.  Maybe we should try and get him to have some fun after I get back.” 

“I think he thinks he needs to be the man of the house.” 

“Well he is, but he needs to have some fun too.” 

“Well work on it when you get home, I promise.” 

“I am gonna say goodbye now though so I can get something to eat.” 

“Us too.  You gonna call again tomorrow?” 

“Probably, why, you got plans?” 

“Not a one, so Ill be waiting,” Skyler assured her.

“Good.  Tomorrow then?” 

“Tomorrow and I love you.” 

“I love you too and I think if youre too worried about being alone, mom would love the company,” Chelsea suggested.

“I dont know, maybe, she seems to like her space, but well see,” Skyler said doubtfully.

As the women said their goodbyes, Skyler hung up the phone, immediately trying to get Hunter to play with his brothers instead of only helping them, but all he did was stare at her.  She was just about to pull him aside for a serious discussion about playing when Anna began to cry, forcing her to drop it for the time being as she ran for her little girl.

Anna was usually so happy after a nap, but naturally, that day she was being a little shit, was what Skyler was thinking as she took Anna into the living room to change her diaper before putting her in the highchair, but she just continued screaming even after the food was on her tray.  The juice glass flew across the kitchen floor, cereal was going everywhere and when Skyler had been pushed to the limit it finally occurred to her what the problem was as she went for the teething gel. 

Once Skyler put some gel on her finger letting Anna bite on it, she was fine again.  Skyler put some treats on the tray while she made sandwiches for the boys. 

After their food was ready she had to put Logan in his highchair, Tristan on his booster seat and Hunter crawled onto his own booster seat.  She gave them their sandwiches before feeding Anna.

“You eating mommy?”  Hunter asked.

“I will later sweetie.  You worry too much.” 

“Im the man of the house now,” Hunter said, looking proud.

“Sweetie, youve always been the man of the house, but that doesnt mean you cant play and have fun too.”

“I have to be sponsible,” he said, smiling.

“Honey, youre only five, you dont have to be sponsible for everyone.” 

“But the judge said I needed to be.” 

“He did?  I dont think he meant all the time sweetie.  Just sometimes, like when its time to get ready for bed and eating, but other than that you should play with the toys too.  You can play and still be the man of the house.” 

Hunter twisted his mouth, looking at her, as though he would take it all into consideration before he went back to eating his sandwich. 

Skyler was thinking she might like to snap the judge in the head as the doorbell rang. 

Putting more food on Annas tray, Skyler made her way to the door, looking through the peephole to see Frannie standing there.  Skyler opened the door to see the older woman holding an overnight bag.

“Your daughter has a big mouth,” Skyler said with a smile.

“Well, if you wont speak up when you need something, isnt it nice to have someone around who will?” 

“She does take good care of me, so dyou and I love you both,” Skyler said, kissing Frannie on the cheek.

“We love you too dear, now where are my grandbabies?” 

“Having a late lunch, want some?” 

“I had lunch already, but Ill bet you havent,” Frannie stated, making her way to the kitchen with Skyler following.

The next day Skyler had managed to get Hunter to actually play a little after Frannie had gone home, at least until Tristan asked him for help.  Hunter let out a heavy sigh as he got off the floor.  Skyler tried going instead, but he just looked at her as he began pushing his shoulders forward.

“Mommy, he needs a man,” Hunter stated before continuing on to Tristan.

Skyler thought he might be feeling too much pressure, but she had to smile anyway because it was so damned cute. 

She made sure to whisper as she recounted the story to Chelsea during their next phone conversation and once the women had finished giggling, Chelsea relayed that her trip had been very successful and she couldnt wait to share it with Skyler the minute she got back, but all too soon it was time to say goodbye again.

Frannie walked over around lunch to make sure Skyler was eating.  She wasnt, but as soon as Frannie got there she did after being scolded for not taking better care of herself.  She reminded Frannie that this was the best care she had ever taken with any of the kids and they had all turned out fine.  After Frannie stared at her for a few minutes, Skyler admitted it was a habit she had gotten into when she was with Tyler and apparently it was a hard habit to break. 

Moving around the kitchen, Frannie made her something to eat and even though Skyler finished it all, she wound up throwing it up anyway.  All she could do was shrug her shoulders while Frannie shook her head

After spending the night again, Frannie stayed with Skyler, making sure she ate more than toast and that she didnt get too active with the kids.  They were both playing with the kids when there was a knock at the door. 

Skyler struggled to get up, the boys trying to help her, but that only made it more difficult.  She let them help her anyway; looking out the peep hole once she made it to the door.  Outside she could see a young blonde girl staring straight ahead and an old familiar feeling crept in.  She had no clue who the girl was, but she did notice something familiar about her.  She turned around, looking back at Frannie. 

“I dont know this person.  What if its someone Tyler sent?” 

“Whats she look like dear?” 

“Blonde, young, pretty, she looks like I should know her, but I dont know from where.” 

Frannie got up, walking over to look out the peephole, but she was smiling when she looked back at Skyler.

“Look again.” 

As Skyler looked out a second time, she saw Chelsea standing by the girl and her mother was there too.  Unlocking the door, she swung it open, but she seemed to be frozen in place, only able to mutter, oh my god, as she stood staring out the door. 

Heather didnt care; she began crying as she moved rapidly to Skyler, throwing her arms around her big sister, giving her one of the biggest hugs ever.  Skyler was crying by then too as she held her arm out so her mother could get in on the hug as well.  Skyler was almost sobbing by the time Hunter thought he should put a stop to these people holding back his mother and making her cry.  He whispered to Tristan and Logan before the three of them were hitting the strangers on the legs, screaming for them to stop hurting their mommy.

While Skyler and Chelsea were trying to calm the boys, Anna had also begun screaming, even though Frannie was holding her and she continued pushing away from the older woman to get to her mother. 

Skyler was herding the boys into the house to make her way to Frannie, scooping Anna out of the womans arms, she quickly sat on the sofa with all the children huddling around her and sniffling.  Sitting meant being quiet and they knew it.  Skyler still knew it to be the only way to calm them all down, but whatever worked.

“Im sorry, they just need to get to know you,” Skyler assured them.  “I cant believe youre here!” 

“They always quiet down when you do that?”  Asia asked.

“Yeah, Tyler didnt like crying.” 

“Not out of them anyway,” Chelsea remarked.

Chelsea apologized after Skyler shot her a look.  Skyler explained to the kids who the strangers were as she tried to remember if she had ever been as pretty as her little sister. 

The adults had just begun talking when Hunter pulled his mothers arm so he could whisper into her ear.  Skyler smiled as she kissed him on the head.

“Ask her.” 

“Im scawed mommy,” he whispered hoarsely.

“You dont have to be sweetie, you know I wont let anyone hurt you, ever,” she said as Hunter got a little smile on his face.

“Can you make cookies?”  Hunter asked Asia.

“I make the best chocolate chip cookies,” Asia smiled.

“I remember,” Skyler added.

“Nana makes the best cookies,” Hunter stated, defiantly.

“Hunter, whyre you being mean?” 

“I dont know them,” he stated, crossing his arms.

“Thats no reason to be mean sweetie.  Thats my mommy, just like Im your mommy and thats my sister, just like Anna is your sister.  How would you feel if someone was being mean to us?” 


“Well you know Id never get mad at you, but it hurts.” 

“Im sowwy mommy.  I wont nevew huwt you,” Hunter promised, giving her a hug.  “Im sowwy mommys mommy.” 

“Thats okay sweetheart,” Asia said, tearing up.

Hunter whispered to his mother again and Skyler smiled as Chelsea and Frannie brought in coffee and iced tea.

“I think your grandma and Auntie Heather would like that a whole bunch,” Skyler said.  “Hunter would like to give you both a hug.” 

Like the little man he was, Hunter stood up, walking over to hug his aunt first and then his Grandma Asia.  Once he hugged Asia, he sat next to her, letting her hug him as he smiled at his mother who was returning the smile.  After Hunter took the first step, Tristan and Logan followed with Tristan sitting on the other side of Asia and Logan winding up beside Heather.  Skyler wiped the tears from her eyes, but she never stopped smiling.

“I cant believe youre a mother,” Heather said.

“I cant believe you grew up,” Skyler returned.  “I dont understand what happened so that youre here.  I mean the last time I talked to both of you; things didnt really go so well.” 

“Well, for right now, lets just say that Chelsea made us see the error of our ways.  I owe you an apology Sky,” Asia insisted.

“No you dont mom, you either Heather.  It just was what it was and I dont think anything couldve happened any differently than it did or you probably wouldnt be here even now,” Skyler said with a faraway look on her face.  “Boys, I bet there are a few cookies in the kitchen with your names on them,” she added as they all ran out to the kitchen, Frannie moving quickly behind them.

“So Tyler really did do all these things, including Frisbee?”  Asia asked.

“When I changed my story about Frisbee being in my room all night, was right after Tyler jabbed me in the back with his finger.” 

“I am so sorry that we ever doubted you my baby girl.” 

“It doesnt matter anymore, youre here now.  Did you leave a ton of boyfriends behind Heather?”  Skyler asked, wanting to change the subject.

“No, not really,” Heather replied.

“One special guy?” 


“Dont tell me youre gay too?” 

“You kidding?  Mom would have a coronary!”  Heather laughed.

The boys all returned to their spots next to Asia and Heather, snuggling in close as they nibbled on their cookies.

“I would not!  You girls are being mean,” Asia commented, looking at Heather.

“My mommys nevew mean, she tects us.  Daddys mean,” Hunter mumbled, looking at his hands.

“Im sorry Hunter, youre right, your mommys not mean, I was just teasing her,” Asia tried explaining.

“Daddy teased mommy.  He sayed hed be nice if she did things, then he wasnt.” 

“Hunter, sweetie, I think we should have a little talk, would that be okay?” 

“You mad mommy?” 

“Never baby,” Skyler assured him, handing Anna over to Chelsea.

Skyler reached her hand out to Hunter, reassuring him that everything would be fine before they disappeared into the boys room. 

Once Skyler and Hunter had vanished around the corner; Chelsea nodded towards the boys, a sign for Frannie to take the boys and Anna for more cookies and milk.  The boys followed Frannie into the kitchen, leaving Chelsea with Asia and Heather.  The boys never said no to cookies and at times it was the only way to keep them from listening to things they shouldnt hear. 

“Am I right in assuming you didnt tell us the whole story?”  Heather asked.

“The first time I met Sky was when Hunter was screaming and some neighbors called the station.  When we got to the house, Tyler told us that she was… well, amorous, but she had a hand mark on her face and bruises on her throat and obviously she was scared to death of him.  She looked at me once, but that was only to tell me to stay away and leave them alone.  The second time I saw her was in the hospital after she just had Tristan and Tyler had just finished telling her why he beat her when Hunter was born, she was shaking so badly she couldnt even feed Tristan his bottle when I walked in.  By the third time I met her, Sky was huddled against a wall and her face was so battered that I barely recognized her.  She didnt care that she could barely move once she heard Tristan and Hunter crying for her.  As I was helping her in to them, I thought she might wanna clean up before she went to their room, but she told me they had seen her like that thousands of times before and all that mattered was that they needed her.  By that time she had already lost two babies because of beatings.  She had a chance to leave him later and he claimed he was willing to let her go, but he wouldnt let the boys go too, so she lied and told him she loved him and stayed.  We had bugged the house then and during that time, this might be hard, but you should know that Tyler hurt her almost every single time they had sex.  He never hit her or anything in front of Logan, but he didnt hesitate to do it in front of Hunter and Tristan.  Sky always told them that no matter what their daddy did to her, they should go straight to their room, because she would be okay, so they didnt see everything, but they listened to him say that if she did one thing, he wouldnt do another just before he would turn around and do it anyway.  She keeps telling Hunter he should forget all those things, but naturally hes not,” Chelsea explained.

“Oh my god, my poor girl, I had no idea it would be that bad.  Those poor babies.” 

“Why just Logan?”  Heather asked.

“Because of his name, Tyler Logan.” 

“Poor Sky.  She is amazing though and strong,” Heather commented.

“Dont say poor Sky, she doesnt feel that way.  Shes probably the most amazing person Ive ever met and shed sacrifice herself for anyone she loves.  She did it around nine months ago when Tyler sent her a letter saying he wanted to kill me and my mother because she hadnt gone to spend the night with him, so she did, even though we all begged her not to.  I made all of the arrangements before she went inside to have the guards photograph her neck, since he basically ordered her to wear a turtleneck.  She was so upset by that when he wrote her that she got physically ill.  When she came out the next day, he had hurt her so badly that she could barely walk.  He had broken two ribs, her neck was purple and she had bruises in places I cant even discuss, but even with the pain, once she was on the sofa, the kids crawled onto her and they just clung to her.  Seeing how the boys were once she got home gave her the strength to start divorce proceedings and it threw Tyler off his path.  People were finally beginning to see him for what he really is,” Chelsea continued explaining.

“Well, thats a good thing though, isnt it?”  Heather asked.

“Unfortunately hes getting back on track again,” Chelsea stated.

Skyler closed the door behind her as Hunter walked over to sit on his bed before she followed him and slid back.  Hunter moved back until his mother was holding him close.

“You have an amazing memory, you know that?” 

“I know.” 

“I think youre a very smart little boy, did you know that?” 

“I know.” 

“What I wanna ask you is, do you get upset when you cant talk about these things, the things you remember about daddy?” 

“I dunno,” Hunter said, shrugging.

“Dyou ever have bad dreams?  I dont hear you at night, but I know sometimes youre in bed with Tristan and other times Tristans in bed with you.  Is that because you both get scared?” 

“Sometimes I have bad dweams, but I cant be loud, amember?  Twistan has dweams too.  We dont have bad dweams when we sleep with you mommy,” Hunter admitted.

“Im sorry Hunter.  Does it upset you not to talk about it?” 

“Sometimes I get sowe hew,” Hunter said, pointing at his stomach.

“Does Tristan too?” 

“Sometimes he cwies,” Hunter said, snuggling closer.

“Does Logan remember?” 

“He heaws you scweam sometimes.” 

“Mommy and Mommy C are gonna do whatever it takes to make you feel better and not have bad dreams anymore, you and your brothers, okay?”  Skyler assured him.

“Thatd make us happy mommy.” 

“Maybe you should go see if nana has any more cookies for right now.” 

Hunter gave his mother a hug as she kissed him on the head before he ran out of the room.  Skyler stayed on the bed with her head back and eyes closed, even as Chelsea walked in.  Shutting the door behind her, Chelsea moved onto the bed, sitting beside Skyler.  Skyler turned her head sideways, opening her eyes to smile sadly at Chelsea.

“I missed you.” 

“I missed you too,” Chelsea said.  “Is Hunter okay?” 

“No, hes really not and neither are Tristan or Logan.” 

“Whats going on babe?” 

“Theyve been having nightmares all along, but Hunter and Tristan go to each other.  Thats why theyre in the same bed some mornings.  Hunter said that Tristan cries, he just does it quietly, they both do.  Logan remembers hearing me scream and cry.  Hunter said the only time they dont have nightmares is when they sleep with me.  I feel so guilty about all of this; about them and what Ive done to em,” Skyler said, her voice shaking.

“You havent done anything to them; youve done it for them.  You cant take this on yourself and this isnt your fault… I have an idea, well let the boys sleep with us and after you have the baby, well find someone for them to talk to, hell well all go,” Chelsea said, taking Skylers hand in hers.

“Youre amazing.  It had to be fate that brought us together,” Skyler said, kissing Chelseas hand.

“Here I just thought it was my police charm.” 

“Id have to say that was probably part of it,” Skyler laughed.

“I saw some pictures of you when you were younger.” 

“Oh my god, I bet I looked like a dork.” 

“I thought you were almost as beautiful as you are now.” 

“You do make me happy.” 

“You ready to go back to the living room?” 

“Yeah, Im ready.” 

Skyler listened as Heather talked about school and the fact that she was actually quite similar to the way Skyler had been.  She didnt have a tight circle of friends; she had a large group and some boyfriends, but not anyone special.  It wasnt very hard to break away since there wasnt anyone she hung on the phone with all night long and she liked it that way. 

Asia had been working at the same part-time job, sewing, for many years and since she was able to pay off the house after her Fred passed away, she was doing fairly well without having to pay a mortgage anymore.  It didnt make her miss him any less, but she got by.

They talked for hours until Skyler got off the sofa, grabbing Chelsea by the hand and dragging her into the kitchen.  Once they were alone, Skyler gave Chelsea the biggest kiss she had ever given her.

“I didnt thank you earlier.  Was this the business that you had to tend to?” 

“I actually went because of Tylers sister.  They finished the autopsy and there were definite fibers in her nasal passages, but she died at the time when it was suggested that you put your baby on their stomach to sleep.  Theres just not enough evidence to say that he actually did it, but the suspicion is there now and when that didnt work out, well, theyre working on the parents of the other kids, so they can do more thorough autopsies on them.”

“So you think hes gonna get out soon?” 

“Im sorry; I think hell probably be out in the next couple of weeks.  He claims hes a changed man.” 

“They arent gonna let him see the kids… are they?” 

“I dont know sweetie, but if they do, I would think it would be supervised,” she said, holding Skyler.

“Were not gonna be safe.” 

“Ive got some people hired and standing by.  Theyll be all over inside and out of the house.” 

“You cant go to work if he gets out.” 

“Lets just wait and see what happens.  Right now you should just visit.” 

“I just hope he doesnt get hold of me until after this babys born,” Skyler mumbled, leaving Chelsea behind, scratching her head.  

Back in the living room, Hunter was talking like a crazy person; even Frannie had begun looking at him strangely.  

Tristan was going on too, but he was harder to understand. 

Logan was just snuggling into his aunt while she continued hugging him. 

Skyler sat down again, pushing her sleeves up.

“What happened to your arm?”  Heather asked.  “It looks a little crooked.” 

“Ill tell you later,” Skyler promised, rubbing it before pulling her sleeves down again.

“Daddy bwaked it,” Hunter spoke up as Skyler stared at him.

“How dyou remember that?” 

“I was there,” he reminded her.

“I know, but you were just a baby.” 

“I amember.” 

“You remember so much sweetie, but well talk about all that later, okay?” 

“Okay mommy.” 

“Thank you baby.” 

After catching up and talking all through dinner, Frannie began preparing to go home, but Chelsea wouldnt let her.  She explained that right then she would feel more relaxed if they all stayed together.  Frannie explained that she didnt have any clean pajamas at the house, so Chelsea and Heather walked over to get her a few changes of clothing. 

The rest of them were sitting in the living room drinking coffee when Asia wanted Skyler to tell them about her arm.  She suggested they wait until Heather and Chelsea return since neither of them knew the story either.

“You have some wonderful children Sky,” Asia commented.

“Thank you mom, I think theyre pretty special.” 

“And therere so many of them!” 

“I know, I told Chelsea Im afraid to even drive down the same street as a sperm bank,” she joked.

Once Chelsea and Heather returned Skyler and Chelsea put the boys in their bed, telling them they would be in shortly while Anna was put into her crib, which was still in their bedroom. 

They changed the sheets on the boys beds for Asia and Heather before going back into the living room. 

Skyler knew her mother had mentioned her arm as soon as Heather began pushing Skyler to tell her about it.  Skyler looked at her sister with a big grin.

“What?”  Heather asked.

“Youre still pushy.” 

“And you still make excuses for everyone.” 

“True, I guess Id rather be pushy.” 

“Now stop trying to change the subject and tell us what happened to your arm,” Heather insisted.

“I know Id like to know,” Chelsea admitted.  “I was always afraid to ask.” 

“Well, the whole story starts like a week or so before.  That was the first time you came to the house and made me go outside with you and I think he got mad at me for doing that.  That was when he disappeared for a couple of days and suddenly we had a subscription to the hometown paper, but he wouldnt let me read the first one no matter what I did.  The second week he let me read it and that was when I saw daddys obituary.  I lost control and was asking him why and then I got mad and shouted at him.  I forgot Hunter was eating cereal in his chair and I told Tyler to just kill me already.  I was sick of him treating me the way he did and god he hit me hard, so hard that he knocked me clear across the kitchen where I hit my arm on the counter and broke it.  Hunter brought me back to reality when he started crying, so Tyler put cardboard around it and duct tape and I thanked him and then I took care of Hunter,” Skyler explained, shrugging.

“Oh my god, thats why its crooked and thats why you rub it!  It still hurts you, doesnt it?”  Chelsea asked.

“Mostly it just aches and thats only off-and-on, usually I dont even notice it anymore.” 

“We need to have that looked at.” 

“No we dont, I need to hold my babies,” Skyler said.  “You must be tired, this whole couple of days has to be overwhelming I would imagine,” she added, looking at her mother.

“A little,” Asia admitted.

Skyler got up, taking her mother and sister by the hands to show them into the boys room.  Asia moved towards her daughter, giving Skyler a hug.

“Im so sorry about what I said to you when you called.” 

“I know mom.  Its okay, I understand.” 

“You always understand, you need to learn how to get angry,” Asia said.

“I got angry once and my arm got bwaked, as Hunter would say.”

“I wish you wouldnt have been so nice to Tyler in the first place,” Asia commented.

“He fooled everyone mom and hes doing it again.  I think I kinda threw him off when I actually went through with the divorce and he missed a few steps, but from what Chelsea said, it sounds like hes back on track again.  I know hell come for me and if youre both here when he does, I want you to grab the kids and run.  Hes too obsessed with me to kill me yet, so I think Ill be okay, but the only one of the kids he wants is Logan and he wants us both.  I dont care if he gets me, but I dont want him anywhere near the kids, okay,” Skyler wanted to make sure both Asia and Heather understood. 

“Why would you name any of the boys after him?”  Heather asked.

“Because I got beat for not naming Hunter after him.  I avoided the beating with Tristan by telling him that Chelsea came to see me in the hospital.” 

“Its too bad the babies had to see all that,” Asia remarked.

“Oh mom, I wish that was the only thing I had to worry about them seeing.  I figure they might need some therapy.” 

“What about you honey?” 

“Chelseas been a big help, I tell her a lot of stuff and then theres Val.  Shes the wife of Chelseas partner, Matt.” 

“But not all of it?”  Asia asked.

“No, tonight was the first she heard about the broken arm.  Some stuff, I dont even wanna remember, but she wants us to all go to therapy together, so I guess well see,” Skyler said.  “Im gonna let you get some sleep now.” 

Hugging them both, Skyler held on for as long as she could before going back into the living room.  She had been having back pain a little earlier in the day and it was acting up again.  All she wanted to do was lie down because the entire day had been emotional and she was feeling it.

“You ready to go to bed?” 

“Way past ready, gnight Frannie.” 

“Night mom.” 

“Night girls, get a good nights sleep.” 

Chelsea and Skyler left Frannie to take care of the doors and alarm before going to sleep in the guest room. 

As Chelsea and Skyler entered the bedroom, they both smiled when they saw little boys turned every-which-way in the bed and after changing into some pajamas, Chelsea straightened them all out to make room for her and Skyler.  Not a single boy woke up during any of it.

Chapter 18

Skyler noticed it was only three in the morning, but she was having horrible pains right at that moment.  She was half-way around the bed so she could wake up Chelsea when she felt her water break. 

“Shit!”  Skyler whispered.

“Wha… what… whats wrong?”  Chelsea asked, running to the foot of the bed, stepping in a puddle of yuck as she reached Skyler.  “Shit!”  She rasped as she began leading Skyler out of the bedroom.  “Baby!”  Chelsea shouted as they got into the hallway.

“Sshh,” Skyler hissed, putting her hand against the wall to breathe as Chelsea ran to wake up Frannie.

“Calm down,” Frannie instructed as she led Chelsea back out to the hallway.

“Yes, please,” Skyler agreed. 

Chelsea was up and running again, not even knocking on the bedroom door where Asia and Heather were sleeping.  She ran in, making Skyler laugh as Chelseas voice continued getting higher. 

Heather walked rapidly out of the bedroom, asking Skyler what she needed her to do before quietly helping her into the bathroom so she could change into some clothes.  Skyler smiled at Heather.

“She gets a little excited,” Skyler confessed.

“Ya think?  Moms trying to calm her down, I think she was making her put her head between her knees when I left,” Heather explained as she and Skyler laughed.

“Shes awesome once we get to the hospital, but at the house she just falls apart.  You wouldnt think so, being a cop and all.” 

“She was a nervous wreck when she came to the house.” 

“She wanted so much to make me happy I guess.  Id to go into such a daze at times, wondering about you and how many boyfriends you had or if you were happy and what mom would be doing at certain times of the day.  You grew up so nice.” 

By the time they walked out of the bathroom, everyone but Frannie was dressed and Chelsea was completely in charge of the situation.  Not a single woman could believe the children hadnt been awakened by Chelseas shouting. 

Heather and Asia went along to the hospital, where they were able to watch Trinity Ellen as she arrived in the world.  Skyler couldnt have been happier about having a second little girl around the house.  

The following morning, after visiting hours had begun, Matt and Val were already at the hospital, waiting to meet the newest arrival.  It was then that Chelsea informed them that they were all going to be under house arrest very soon.  Skyler wasnt very happy about the timing of the news, but she understood the need. 

Frannie showed up later in the day with Anna and the boys so they could meet their new sister.  Hunter was perfectly protective, not taking his eyes off Trinity the entire time he was there.  Skyler actually hated how grown up he seemed at his age.  By then, he was six going on 60 and she just hoped some counseling would eventually help him to be a little boy.

Three days later, Skyler was going home and her sister was thanking her for turning her off to ever having a baby.  Skyler laughed as she told her it was worse to watch than going through it.

“Actually, I was impressed with how quiet you were,” Asia commented.

“She was trained well,” Chelsea commented as Skyler shot her a look.

“Hunter was the hardest I think, but mostly because I had no idea what to expect and I was alone and scared to death at 17.” 

“So where was Tyler?”  Asia asked as Skyler shrugged.

“Hed come in right after they were born and then hed leave until it was time for us to go home,” Skyler explained.  “It was hard when Logan was born since I had two cribs in my room and had to keep all three boys happy, but Hunter was always so good.” 

“My guess is that even as a baby, he was still the man of the house,” Heather commented, making them all laughed.

Chapter 19

The week before Thanksgiving, Tyler was released and bodyguards were brought in.  Both Chelsea and Matt took a leave of absence during that time, so Chelsea hired a private detective to give her Tylers whereabouts daily. 

Tyler twirled the ring on his wedding finger as he walked out of the prison gate and into his mothers arms.  He patted her on the back before smiling at his father.  Tyler Sr. opened the back door as Katherine crawled inside and Tyler walked around to the front seat.  As they began to travel, Tyler stared out the window.

“Whatre your plans son?” 

“What dyou think his plans are?!  Our babys coming home to stay where he knows hes loved naturally,” Katherine smiled.

“Im not your baby and Im just going to your house long enough to get my bearings before I get my wife back.”

“She divorced you!  Shes not your wife anymore!”  Katherine shouted.

“Shut up!”  Tyler shouted.

“Katherine, please dont speak until someone asks for your input,” Tyler Sr., instructed as Katherine stared out the side window, letting the tears fall.

“I figure that if I can get her alone somewhere, without any interruptions, well figure it out and shell see things my way.  I know she still loves me and what she did was only because those people around her forced her to go through with divorcing me.”

“Well, if you need me to son, I can set up something out in the woods for you.  If you want me to that is?” 

“Thatd be great dad.  How long would it take?” 

“Maybe a week or two.  Youd have to keep a low profile for a while, I mean if you take her.” 

“Will I need to get the groceries?” 

“Ill take care of everything.” 

“Perfect,” Tyler said with a grin.

Tyler thought he should definitely check in with Asia and Heather, just to make sure they hadnt heard from Skyler, even better if they had, but as he looked around while he stood at the door, he realized nobody had been there in a while.  Giving the door a kick, he called Skyler a bitch and in that moment he knew he wasnt going to get close to Skyler unless he planned everything very carefully. 

After discussing the entire situation with his father for three days, he snuck out the back door one night, going to a spot where his father had parked a car he had sneakily bought and Tyler drove back to the cities. 

Skyler knew he was going after anyone who had been nice to her and Chelsea relayed that message to the judge.  She knew he hadnt taken the warning very seriously when she saw the news report that the judge and his wife had both been in a fatal car crash.  Skyler knew it wasnt an accident as she folded the paper back up and put her head into her hands as she began to cry.

“I shouldve just gone to him when he got out.” 

“Why?  Why would you do that when you have all these babies?”  Heather asked in total disbelief.

“It would be because of my babies I would do it Heather, the same reason I stayed with him all those years ago when he threatened to get you into a car with him and do god knows what to you,” Skyler informed a shocked looking Heather.

“But you cant continue doing that honey.  You cant save everyone by sacrificing yourself, dont you see that yet?”  Chelsea asked.

“Damned if I do, damned if I dont, probably be better if I just wasnt here,” Skyler said, standing up.

“Whats that suppose to mean?”  Chelsea asked.

“It means that if I was dead, he wouldnt have anything to obsess about,” Skyler said as she was suddenly being spun around to face Chelsea.

“Please dont give up now, please?”  Chelsea cried, holding her against the wall.

“Im not giving up, I swear, but I think Im gonna need a lot of therapy by the time this is over,” Skyler stated as Chelsea held her even tighter.

“Ill make sure we all have the best therapist there is when this is all over, as long as you promise to never give up.  I know youd never break a promise to me,” Chelsea pushed.

“I promise you that I wont give up, but Im never gonna believe that my being alive isnt causing more trouble than Im worth.  So many people would still be alive if I wouldve just killed myself the first time I thought about it,” Skyler explained, rubbing Chelseas cheek before walking into the living room to spend time with the kids.

By Thanksgiving morning, Skyler was going crazy with feelings of guilt.  The rest of the women in the house tried comforting her by explaining she could do no more than warn people, but it hadnt made her feel any better. 

The kids were feeling Skylers stress and it was becoming painfully obvious as they stopped playing completely, so taking a deep breath she decided to have a moment with them all.  Anna was the first to crawl on her as she sat against pillows on the floor, next was Hunter, Tristan and finally Logan.  She sat there as they all fell asleep on her. 

Chelsea and Heather were walking into the living room and stopped, both of them backing into the kitchen again so Skyler and the kids could have their quiet time.

At the top of Tylers list was the judge who had the nerve to let Skyler divorce him.  He watched the judges moves for a week straight before loosening a bolt on the engine.  Tyler didnt need to watch after that, he knew it would happen eventually and the judge would never be able to look down on him again. 

His next stop was the hospital to take care of the people who had originally taken Skyler away from him; hed get everyone directly around Skyler in time.

Tyler felt as though things were on his side the moment he saw one of the four ambulance workers walking out of the hospital and getting into her car.  He followed her through the city, feeling as though he were back on his game again.  Following the heavy set girl into an apartment complex parking lot, Tyler managed to get to the front entrance before her.  As Tyler pretended he was looking for his keys, the girl in her mid-20s smiled at Tyler as she unlocked the door.

“Awesome, I forgot my keys somewhere,” Tyler claimed.

“I dont recall seeing you here before,” She remarked, still smiling.

“Yeah, I just moved in… damn, I bet I left those keys in the apartment too, crap.  I guess I better go find a phone so I can call my roommate, hopefully hes not as stupid as I am,” Tyler laughed.

“You could come up and use my phone, if youd like.  My roommates shouldnt be around to bug you for a little while yet,” she laughed. 

“Cool, thanks,” Tyler smiled as he followed her to her apartment.

As Tyler walked into the apartment, the woman pointed out the phone to him.  Tyler picked it up and as she walked past, he wrapped the cord around her neck.  He knew he was suppose to since he hadnt seen a phone with a cord in years.  She began to struggle, but she was no match for Tyler.

“You shouldntve pulled my wife outta that car that day you cunt,” Tyler growled into her ear as he heard her neck snap.

Tyler grabbed towels from the kitchen, wiping his fingerprints off everything he had touched.  As he went back into the kitchen, he looked under the sink, finding a can of lye and after spraying her body with water, he dumped the drain cleaner on her, smiling as he watched her skin begin to bubble.  After letting himself out of the apartment, he dropped the towels into an outside garbage dumpster.

Driving back to the hospital, Tyler was hoping his luck would still hold out and he would see the others enter or leave.  He wound up sitting outside the hospital for a day and a half before seeing one of the three men who had touched Skyler.  He followed the man to the bus stop before following the bus partially through the city.  Slowly cruising at a distance, Tyler followed the man as he walked from the bus stop to a house that looked worse than the very first apartment building he and Skyler had lived in. 

Tyler watched the man go into the house, but he was only inside for a short time before he walked back out with a woman and two small boys.  Ducked low in the drivers seat, he stayed put as the man drove off with his family in tow.  Carefully, Tyler left the safety of his vehicle to let himself into the house, grabbing a butcher knife out of the drawer before letting himself out of the house again. 

The man and his family returned home after a short time, but he didnt go into the house with them and his wife began shouting at him before he drove off alone. 

Tyler debated following him, but then decided to stay put, reaching for his gloves off the seat, making sure to clean his fingerprints off the knife.  Much later, the man returned home and Tyler was waiting.  He felt it was to his advantage as he hid behind a tree and watched the man stagger towards the house.  As the man pulled out his keys, Tyler moved quickly and quietly, sticking the knife into his back several times, leaving it there the last time. 

The ground was crispy, but it hadnt snowed yet, so after making sure he left no boot prints around, he walked back to the car before driving away.

After watching the hospital for three more days, Tyler realized he needed to move on.  He wanted Skyler with him before Thanksgiving so they would both have something to be thankful about. 

He knew where Chelsea and her mother both lived and after pulling a hat down low on his head, he drove past both houses.  Chelseas house was guarded to the teeth, but Frannies house was completely empty.  Tyler decided he could bide his time there until someone got brave and ventured over. 

Parking his car several blocks away, Tyler returned to Frannies house, letting himself inside through a garage window.  He spent most of his time walking around the house, looking at photo albums and smoking.  He didnt care where he dropped his ashes or his cigarettes and the majority of the butts were put out on Chelseas face in the photographs around the house.

Skyler opened her eyes to the site of Chelsea putting on her jacket.  She whistled to the strawberry-blonde, giving her a head nod as she began moving children off her lap.

“Where dyou think youre going?”  Skyler asked quietly.

“We forgot a few things, but mom has them at her house.” 

“Take your jacket off, Ill get them.” 

“Ill take a guard with me.” 

“I dont want you leaving the house, if he gets hold of you, youre dead and Im not living with that too.  If you can take a guard and be safe, then itll be just as safe for me.” 

“Youre not leaving the house.” 

“And neither are any of you.  He doesnt wanna kill me, but he wants the rest of you dead.  You made me a promise and youre not gonna break it,” Skyler said forcefully.

“Were probably being overdramatic.”

“Just stop Chels,” Skyler demanded.  “Either let me go, or leave it there.” 

“Fine, but Ill pick your bodyguard.” 

“Fine,” Skyler said, putting on her jacket and boots.

As Skyler and Deke began to walk, she could feel that something wasnt right and the hairs on her neck began to stand up.  Nervously she began looking around as Deke scanned their surroundings as well. 

“Seems like a lot to go through for cranberry sauce and yams,” Skyler laughed nervously.

“I think itll be okay,” Deke stated, putting a hand on her arm for reassurance.

As they reached Frannies house, Skyler looked around one last time before putting the key into the lock.  When she opened the door, she could smell the hint of stale cigarette smoke and rapidly pulled it shut again. 

Skyler was about to tell Deke they needed someone to search the house when she heard a thud, turning in time to see Deke lying unconscious on the ground.  Seconds later her own head was smashed against the door and as she slid down into unconsciousness, she looked directly into Tylers eyes. 

Watching to make sure Skyler was completely out; Tyler turned his attention to the man who had his hand on his wifes shoulder only moments before.  He wanted to kill him, but Tyler knew he would be blamed if the man died, so instead he moved the mans hands off to the side, stomping on them several times, satisfied that he wouldnt be touching anyone for a while. 

With his ultimate goal taken care of, Tyler picked Skyler off the landing, carrying her to his car.  It had all been so easy, confirming his belief that Skyler was truly supposed to belong to him.

Chelsea knew Skyler had been gone far too long and was already kicking herself for not sending more guards with her as she sent two men in search of Skyler and Deke.  In a matter of minutes they were calling her to explain that they had called for an ambulance since they had found Deke unconscious on the front landing. 

Hanging up the phone, Chelsea dropped onto the sofa where she began to cry.  As the rest of the women began fighting their own tears, Hunter made his way to Chelsea, giving her one of his best hugs.  

“Is mommy with daddy?”  Hunter asked.

“Yes sweetie, she is,” Chelsea confessed as Hunter hugged her tighter.

“Mommy always says dont wowwy, shell be okay,” Hunter assured Chelsea as he patted her back.

(To Be Continued…)

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