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Review This Story || Author: Kya Korday

Sky's the Limit

Part 1

Skys the Limit

Ch. 1 and 2

This story has been adjusted so that the main characters are 18.  This is also a story filled with violence, rape, abuse and death.  If you feel you may be overly disturbed by these topics, please do not read any further.  Some of the actions by Tyler Lasko, have been cut, due to his age at the time, but are hinted at in later chapters.  None of this story is true and it is all a figment of my warped imagination.  Thank you.

Chapter 1

Tyler Lasko had always been a good looking young man, dark hair, beautiful brown eyes that crinkled around the edges when he smiled, and a face that screamed of innocence.  It wasnt that he was innocent; he just never got into any trouble because he had a way about him.  By a very early age, Tyler could make anyone believe that he could do no wrong. 

As Tyler reached his teenage years, he began noticing girls or more to the point, one girl in particular.  The fact that her name was Skyler was even more attractive to him, feeling pleasure when saying their names together, always bringing a smile to his face and heat to his groin.

Skyler was a blonde haired, blue eyed beauty with a great body and such a mild temperament, that she was envied by all who knew her. 

Tyler had been watching Skyler at a very early age and by the time they were in the eighth grade; he was watching her almost nonstop.  He would peer at her through the windows of her home and follow her at a distance when she was out of the house. 

Skyler was friendly to everyone and Tyler mimicked her behavior, striving for the same level of popularity. 

As Tyler observed Skyler, it entered his mind that she wasnt like other girls.  She didnt watch the boys as they walked past her, but she did watch some of the girls when she thought nobody was looking.  It occurred to him that Skyler was a lesbian, but he didnt care and he continued watching her through high school, trying to come up with a way to make her his. 

By the time Tyler had finished ninth grade, he had a complete darkroom set up, along with some of the best camera equipment ever sold.  Along with his new hobby in photography, Tyler decided that a room only he could get into was completely necessary.  He began taking photographs of Skyler at every opportunity, knowing her every move, right down to when she would brush her teeth at night, capturing it all on film.


The locked room didnt take very long at all to completely fill with pictures of Skyler.  Tyler would spend many hours in this room, dreaming of the day when Skyler would belong to him alone.

Skyler would spend these years completely oblivious to the obsessions of Tyler.  She had spoken to him many times in school, along with other kids, but she had never been made aware during a single conversation that he had any extra feelings for her.  She had even gone to a party at his house one night and even though the two of them had a conversation on the sofa for a short time about teachers and college, it was Tyler who eventually left to mingle. 

After Skyler had left Tylers party, he locked himself in his dark room, unloading the film from the camera that had been taking still shots of Skyler and him on the sofa.  As he developed them, he liked how they looked together; making him more determined that she needed to be his.

By the time Skyler Davis had turned 18, the only thing that could be said about her, was that she was drop-dead gorgeous with her blonde hair, blue eyes and great tits.  The fact that she was a sweet girl only made her more appealing to Tyler.

Skyler had never cared for the school cliques, choosing to have a large circle of friends, rather than just a few close ones.  She was nice to everyone and generally everyone was nice to her.  She had never been influenced by peer pressure, but every so often, it did get to her, along with a mother who wanted to know why she didnt have a boyfriend yet.  If only she could think of a good way to keep anyone from finding out she was gay until college, life would be perfect.

Tyler Lasko was still the best looking boy in school at 18.  He was polite and he still had eyes that crinkled when he smiled.  With his mustache stubble and just the slightest amount of chest hair, running in a thin trail down past his navel, every girl wanted him to ask her out.


Over the years, Tyler had become even more devious and sneaky about watching Skyler.  It still didnt matter to him that she was a lesbian; he wanted her and became single-minded in his obsession.  He was positive he had finally figured out a way to make her his. 

Tyler had another secret that even he didnt know; it was one that wasnt easily spotted.  Tyler Lasko was a sociopath and in his entire 18 years, he could tell a straight out lie, actually believing it to be true; that ability was about to come in handy. 

The night Tyler saw Skyler at the end of summer party; he was determined to put his plan into action.  He walked up to the group of girls, asking Skyler if he could have a word alone with her.  As Skyler began following him, she turned and smiled at the girls she had been talking to as they began whispering.  She knew that every single one of them was wishing they were her at that moment. 

Skyler had always thought Tyler was a nice boy, she had even considered asking him out once, but decided it wouldnt be fair to lead him on, knowing she wanted to be with someone completely different.

As they walked down to his car, he jumped on the front of it while Skyler slid up beside him.

“Whats up Tyler?” 

“Ive been keeping a secret, but I just need to tell somebody and youve always seemed like someone who could be trusted.  Can I trust you Skyler, I mean, really trust you?”  Tyler asked her with a tear in his eye.

“Sure you can Tyler, whats wrong?”  She asked, touching his arm.

“I… Im… shit this is hard,” Tyler began, looking towards the sky.

“Its okay Tyler, I promise, I wont say a word,” Skyler insisted.

“Im gay,” Tyler blurted out, turning to look at her face after a moment.  “Are you disgusted?” 

“God no Tyler!  I understand completely, I mean, as long as youve told me your secret, I guess my secret would be safe with you, wouldnt it?” 

“After that, you can tell me anything.” 

“Im gay too Tyler.” 

“You arent messin with me, are you?” 

“I swear,” she insisted.  “I dont want it getting around right now though, just like you wouldnt, Im sure.” 

“I wouldnt tell anyone, I promise, but I also wanted to ask you a little favor, maybe it could benefit us both in the end.” 

“What sorta favor?” 

“Ive been getting harassed a lot lately, especially at home and I thought that since youre not seeing anyone; you arent, are you?”  Tyler thought to ask first.

“No, Im really not,” Skyler smiled.

“I just thought that maybe, we could pretend to be dating for a little while, so everyone would back off?” 

“Ive been getting a lot more shit lately too, especially from my mom,” Skyler admitted, actually considering it.

“So you think you might wanna, maybe?”  He asked.

“Sure, why not?  Even if its only for a little while, people would back off then.” 

Skyler hopped off the car hood, holding her hand out to Tyler.  Score, he thought to himself as he put his hand into hers, shaking it. 

As they began walking back to the party, Tyler slipped his hand into Skylers.  She looked up at him, smiling and confirming that everything was falling into place. 

Tyler started the school year off properly, picking Skyler up that morning and driving her.  They walked into school holding hands and it didnt take long for word to get around that they were a couple.  He walked Skyler to all of her classes and on the weekends they would cruise the streets with Skyler sitting close to Tyler so the other kids could see them together. 

Generally when they drove around town, they would talk about school or their families.  Skyler would especially talk about her cat, Frisbee and all of the things he use to do when he was a kitten.  She explained that she had gotten Frisbee for a birthday gift when she was three years old and he generally followed her wherever she went when she was home.  Tyler laughed at all of her stories, hanging on every word, still unable to believe that she was sitting beside him in his car. 

After a month of faux dating, Skyler invited Tyler over to dinner with her family.  The night went extremely well.  Her parents and little sister adored Tyler, thinking he was the perfect gentleman, polite and extremely gracious.

Whenever they were around people, especially in school they would always give one another a quick kiss hello and goodbye.  At parties, they would occasionally neck, once Tyler convinced her that it would really throw off suspicion. 

At one particular party, after a very lengthy necking session, Skyler leaned forward, giving Tyler a hug.

“Youre not supposed to be getting that excited when youre kissing me,” Skyler whispered, noticing the bulge in his pants.

“What if Im seeing someone else when Im kissing you?”  He whispered.

“Who?”  Skyler asked with a smile.  “Tell me, I wanna know what kinda guys you like.” 

“You tell me about girls first,” Tyler insisted, buying some time.

“Me first?  Let me think for a minute... real, or someone I wouldnt have a chance to get near in a million years?” 

“Real first,” Tyler instructed as Skyler began looking around the party.

“Hmm, I would have to say, Nikki Freeman and for the outta leaguer, Madonna.” 

“Those are two completely different looks.” 

“Well, Nikkis pretty hot, with the long dark hair and the pierced naval, but Madonnas gorgeous, now you.” 

“I guess, Joshua Kentz, because of his dimples, and for the other one, Im almost embarrassed to say,” Tyler began, leaning his head against Skylers as he blushed.  “Michael Fox, I just think hes so little and cute.”

“I like him, he is cute and as far as real guys go, Josh is pretty hot,” Skyler admitted as she felt Tylers body twitch.  “What just happened?” 

“Nothing, why, did something just happen?” 

“You just flinched when I agreed that Josh was hot.” 

“I dont remember that.  You wanna get outta here?”  Tyler asked.  “Maybe we could go watch a movie at my place or something, before I take you home?” 

“I should be getting home anyway,” Skyler explained, suddenly feeling uncomfortable.  “My dad hasnt been feeling very well lately and I should get home before he goes to bed so I dont wake him up.” 

“Sure, I understand, cmon, Ill drive ya,” Tyler offered as they walked to his car.

That was the day Skyler began having doubts about Tyler and his honesty, but she stuck it out with some limitations for almost three months.  She had begun staying home more, spending time with her family, but there were still nights when Tyler would show up and watch television with them. 

Skylers family loved him and enjoyed when Tyler would stop in to visit, even inviting him to her sister, Heathers birthday party and loving him more after he helped clean up the mess.  This was the final straw for Skyler, making her realize it was time to put an end to their, so-called relationship.

Tyler knew he was losing his grip on Skyler and it had been getting more difficult to keep his hands off her.  She was his, she just hadnt realized it yet, but she would soon enough.  He knew he would need to make his next move sooner than he had originally planned.

The following day after school, Tyler was waiting for Skyler by her locker.  She stopped when she first saw him, eventually continuing on to put her books away. 

“Tyler, I dont wanna do this anymore.” 

“Whatre you talking about?”  Tyler asked as she began walking away from him.

“This just isnt working for me anymore Tyler,” Skyler continued walking.  “I wanna thank you for helping me out and all, but I just wanna go the rest of the way alone.  I still wanna be friends, if thatd be okay with you?” 

“Please dont do this yet?  Cant we just hold off until schools over?”  Tyler begged once he caught up to her.

“Tyler, weve been going out for a few months already, nobodys gonna bug us anymore, well be fine until schools over.” 

“Are you going to the Christmas party tonight?”  Tyler asked calmly, trying not to panic.

“I think so, Jennys picking me up I think.” 

“You already told people you were breaking up with me?” 

“No, I never said we broke up, I just said we were taking a little break,” Skyler explained.  “And I only told Jenny.” 

“Can we maybe talk more tonight?” 

“I dont think theres anything else to talk about Tyler.  Lets just leave it at what it was, okay?”  Skyler asked, leaving Tyler to stare after her.

Chapter 2

Tyler didnt take the breakup very well at all.  It was obvious to him that Skyler truly didnt understand her place yet, and it made him incredibly angry.  The first thing he did was to go home and rip down one entire wall of Skylers photographs, cursing her as he cried.  After he finished with his tantrum, he spent the rest of the afternoon putting them back up.  He calmed down by going through this process, knowing that by the end of the night, Skyler would be his forever.

Skyler had been talking to a boy at the party; David Klasp was explaining a school project they had been working on.  She noticed Tyler staring at them and looking agitated, but she chose to ignore him.  David excused himself to go into the woods, while Skyler took that opportunity to talk with a group of girls for a few minutes.  When the girls began asking where Tyler was, Skyler merely shrugged her shoulders after scanning the crowd, explaining how she had decided they needed to take a break for a little while.  She spent some time discussing how everything had come about, without going into too much detail, until she was suddenly being pulled away from the group by Tyler. 

Skyler pulled loose from Tylers grip once they rounded the corner, only to have him hit her alongside the head.  They were far enough away from the party, so nobody saw it and the music was loud enough to drown out her cry from the pain.  He knew better than to leave any marks on her face, but the side of her head was fair game.  Skyler grabbed her head as she fell into the snow bank, not exactly positive about what was happening.  Tyler grabbed her by the arm again, pulling her up and dragging her to the car, pushing her in from the drivers side.

“What in the hellre you doing?!” 

“Shut the fuck up!”  He shouted, driving towards town.  “What the fuck were you doing with him?!” 

“We were talking about a school project.  Tyler, whats up with you?  What in the hell is this?”  She asked, feeling a little frightened, but trying to stay calm.

“Youre my girl!  You belong with me, not fucking around with other guys!” 

“Tyler, you know Im not interested in guys at all and Im not your girl, not for real, we just talked about all of this today!” 

“No, youre mine now,” Tyler calmly, shook his head.

“I dont belong to anyone,” she informed him.  “I thought you were gay?” 

“Youre so dense sometimes,” Tyler remarked, staring at her.

Skyler attempted to open the door, not caring if she threw herself out of the car while it was moving, but Tyler grabbed her by the hair, pulling her towards him.  As the door shut again, he pushed her head, hard into the passenger window.  Skyler fought a losing battle to stay conscious.  The last thing she heard was Tyler telling her how much he loved her.

By the time Skyler was coming to, she was lying on Tylers bed without any clothes on and he was lying beside her, naked as well.  

As she was opening her mouth to scream, Tyler clamped his hand over it, crawling on top of her.  She was fighting to get away from him, but he held her hands above her head before calmly speaking. 

“You need to calm down and listen to me,” Tyler advised.  “This is gonna happen, whether you want it to or not, so its up to you if you wanna keep fighting with me.  Youre just gonna make me hurt you more if you keep struggling.  You belong to me and thats the way its supposed to be.  Im gonna take my hand away from your mouth now, but if you scream, Im gonna bash you in the head again, understand?” 

Skyler looked Tyler in the eyes, wondering how he could have changed overnight.  She knew she was about to be raped, but she could see something in his eyes at that moment and it frightened her more than the thought of being raped.  She nodded her head as she stopped struggling.

Tyler slowly removed his hand from her mouth, and even though she was still crying, he knew she wouldnt give him anymore trouble.  Giving her one of his best smiles, he caressed her cheek, wiping away a tear.  He kissed her, but she was having trouble returning his kisses as she was still crying, so he moved down, kissing and suckling one nipple, while tweaking and pinching the other.  He continued holding her hands above her head, until he could be sure she wouldnt try to run. 

Skyler hated the fact that her body betrayed her the way it did, with small moans and whimpers escaping from her lips.  Tyler smiled, gradually loosening his grip on her wrists.  When she still wasnt fighting him, he continued kissing his way down her stomach. 

Skyler couldnt understand how Tyler was making her feel so good, when she was so frightened.  Try as she might, she couldnt fight the sounds of pleasure escaping her mouth, especially after he spread her legs apart, pushing his tongue into her vagina, while he fondled her nipples with his fingers.  The only thing she could think of doing was to close her eyes and grasp the blanket with her hands as she felt Tylers tongue moving through the center of her pussy lips, up to her clit where he flitted it with his tongue, causing her to gasp and involuntarily thrust her hips towards his face. 

All the little peeps and squeaks escaping Skyler were like music to Tylers ears.  He couldnt remember ever feeling so happy.  It only got better as he lowered his hand to stretch her vagina.  He knew it was going to hurt her anyway, but he didnt want to hurt her any more than necessary, so he slowly began pushing his fingers into her hole, first one around and slowly he put in two more, twisting and stretching her. 

Just as Skyler thought she was going to have an orgasm; Tyler removed his fingers and tongue, making his way back up her body until they were face-to-face again.  Slowly she opened her eyes, wanting the orgasm and yet hoping he had changed his mind, but he hadnt.

“This is the part thats gonna hurt a little at first, but itll feel better once we get going,” he explained, “but you still better not scream.  I dont wanna hurt you, but it doesnt mean I wont.” 

Skyler nodded as the tears began sliding out of the corners of her eyes again when she felt the head of Tylers penis being moved around between her pussy lips, just before he began guiding it into her vagina, taking her breath away.  Tyler moved in and almost out, before, slowly pushing in again until he felt the little barrier.  It was the only thing stopping him from becoming one with Skyler and with one quick push, it wasnt.

As Tyler broke through her hymen, Skylers eyes opened wide as a small squeak escaped from her mouth.  It hurt like hell and the pressure made her feel horribly uncomfortable, but at least, after a short time, it didnt hurt anymore.  She closed her eyes again until Tyler told her to look at him. 

Slowly, Skyler looked up at his face and he told her he loved her before slapping her alongside the head, telling her she needed to tell him she loved him too.  Once she cooperated, he instructed her to wrap her legs around him and to tweak his nipples. 

When Tyler knew he was about ready to cum, he reached down, swirling a finger around Skylers clit again, until she was cumming with him.  Tyler collapsed on top of Skyler after emptying his jism into her, leaving his penis inside, until he had the strength to roll off to the side.

Skyler lay quietly sobbing as she asked him, why over and over again.

“I told you why.  You didnt think you belonged to me, but I know you do.”

“But why?”  She cried.

“Were finished discussing this.  You plan on telling anyone?”  He asked, watching her shake her head.  “Gee, why dont I believe you?” 

“I promise, I wont tell anyone.” 

“I know you wont.  You know how I know?”  He asked, as she stared, blankly at him.  “Because unless you want me to hurt your little sister and your parents, you wont say a fucking word to anyone and now youre mine, so unless you want me to start hurting the people around you, youre gonna do what I want you to do, understand me?”  Tyler asked this with absolutely no hostility or emotion involved.  All Skyler could do, was nod.

“I think you should give me a blowjob,” Tyler suggested, testing the rules.

“I… I dont know how?”  Skyler said as her voice shook.

“Just play with my balls and suck my cock.”

“I dont think itll fit.”

“Youll learn how and youll learn to love it.”

Skyler moved onto her stomach down to Tylers penis, seriously doubting it would fit as she watched it grow, plus it had blood and cum on it, making her feel queasy.  Skyler was just about to beg him, not to make her touch it until she could clean it off, when Tyler reached down, slapping her across the back of the head and snapped Skyler out of her daze. 

She moved one hand to begin massaging his testicles as she slowly moved her face closer to Tylers penis.  Skyler thought she might get rid of some of the mess, if she used her other hand to help her mouth, but she wound up getting smacked on the ass for that idea.  Giving up on finding any way out of what she was supposed to do, Skyler ran her tongue up and down the shaft, taking the head into her mouth until the only nasty spots left, where in Tylers pubic hairs.  She was seriously hoping he didnt expect her to clean that up too, but another whack, on her already sore ass, said otherwise. 

Tyler slid his hand up Skylers thigh, making her jump as he swatted her on the ass yet again, telling her to slide closer to him.

Skyler started having trouble keeping track of what she was doing when Tyler ran his fingers through her pussy, causing her to scrape her teeth too hard over his penis.  This, in turn brought about another ass slap. 

Tyler began directing Skyler, telling her exactly what he wanted done and how he wanted her to do it.  When he wanted her to go all the way down on him, she gagged, causing him to slap her ass.  Every time she began to gag, he would slap her in the same spot and it was beginning to hurt.  When Tyler knew he was close to cumming, he fingered Skyler, so she would cum at the same time.

Skyler felt nauseated from swallowing his cum.  It was tangy, yet salty all at the same time and she didnt care for the smell or the texture, but she shakily smiled when she finished, avoiding another whack on the ass.  Skyler crawled up to where Tyler was holding his arm open for her; she wasnt sure what he expected her to do, so she just lay there until, he told her to put her arm over his waist.  She didnt want him getting angry with her, but she let him know that she was going to be grounded if she wasnt home on time.  After making her kiss him, he let her get dressed.

As Tyler drove her home, he let Skyler know he would be picking her up for breakfast at seven the following morning, and she had better be ready.  Kissing her goodnight, he reminded her that if she said anything to anybody at all, he would hurt her entire family, starting with her little sister.  Skyler promised she wouldnt say a word to anyone before giving him the required kiss and going into the house.

Skyler had taken such a hot shower before crawling into bed, that it felt as though her skin would peel right off.  She felt dirty and trapped as she curled up. 

All she wanted to do was to wake her parents and tell them exactly what had happened to her, but she knew she couldnt.  She wasnt exactly sure why she believed Tyler would hurt her family, but something in his eyes made her believe him.  As Skyler cried, she pulled her cat, Frisbee, as close to her as he would allow.

Tyler knew he needed to get his point across to Skyler, so he waited until he was sure the entire family was asleep, before letting himself into the house.  The deadbolt was put on wrong, making him laugh out loud.  It had to have been the easiest door that he had broken into and such a stupid mistake, not that it would have kept him out, but it still made things entirely too easy. 

Whenever things were easy for Tyler, he always took that as a sign he was doing the right thing.

Tyler made his way up to Skylers room and even though her door was locked, it was also easy to open.  Using the metal toothpick on his pocket knife, he popped the door open immediately. 

With the moonlight shining through Skylers window, Tyler likened her to an angel, soon to be his angel forever and he smiled to himself at the thought. 

Frisbee lifted his head to look at Tyler, but he never moved.  The cats attitude was seriously pissing Tyler off, making him feel as though the cat were taunting him, that he would always be closer to Skyler, than Tyler would ever be.  He reached down, lifting Frisbee off the bed, leaving the room after one more look at Skyler.  She was his and after that night, she would start to know her place. 

Tyler left the house the same way he had gone in and once they were outside, he began petting Frisbee.

“Sorry it had to end this way old man, but after tonight, Ill be the only one she needs for anything, ever again,” Tyler explained, smiling at Frisbee.

With one quick snap, Frisbee stopped purring and went limp in Tylers arms.  The cat was then positioned to make it look as though he were trying to get up the front steps, but couldnt.  Tyler walked to his car, laughing all the way.  He had a date in the morning and he was positive he was going to sleep better than ever.

Skyler woke up to screaming the following morning and ran downstairs to find her mother with her back against the door.

“Whats wrong mom?”  Skyler asked fearfully.  “What is it?  Are you okay?” 

“Did you let Frisbee out when you came home last night?”  Asia Davis asked. 

“No!  I wouldnt do that!  He was sleeping with me!  Where is he?”

“Just go back upstairs until your father takes him off the porch.” 

“No, I wanna see him!  Was he hurt?  What happened?”  Skyler cried.  “He was sleeping with me, howd he get out?”

“Sky, thats impossible,” Asia insisted.  “You always sleep with your door shut, theres no way he could have gotten out by himself.” 

“But he was sleeping with me… oh god.”  Skyler uttered, suddenly realizing what had happened.

Skyler turned, running past her father and sister on the way back to her room, feeling close to hysterical.  This all meant that Tyler had been in her room during the night and if he could get into the house that easily, none of them were safe.  The only choice she had was to do what he wanted. 

It was 6:00 a.m., when Skyler began to cry as she showered and dressed.  She was still crying when she entered the kitchen at 7:00.  Tyler walked up, putting his arms around her, expressing how sorry he was about Frisbee.  Holding her closer, he quietly instructed her to hug him, making her cry harder.

“Maybe we should wait on going out to breakfast, if youre too upset,” Tyler suggested.

“Maybe getting out would do you some good sweetie,” Asia suggested.

“Mom, he just died!” 

Skyler was saying this as her father walked in.  Fred Davis was a slight man and hadnt had a good day since Skyler was a child.  Not having worked in years due to his health, he began coughing as he sat at the table. 

Asia Davis, a short, plump and yet pretty woman, walked over to rub his back. 

“You shouldve been more careful about keeping him inside honey,” Fred stated sadly.

“I did daddy, he was sleeping with me!”  Skyler protested, as Tyler jabbed a finger into her back.  “I, Im sorry, maybe that was the night before.  Im sorry!”  She cried.

“Im sorry too, he was a good cat,” Fred admitted.  “Maybe you should get out of the house for a little while.” 

“I guess if both of your parents think its a good idea, maybe we should go for breakfast and Ill bring you home right after.”

Skyler nodded her head reluctantly, going to put on her jacket and boots. 

As they got into Tylers car, Skyler put her head down, staring at her fingers.

“Whyre you doing this to me?” 

“Im not doing anything, I love you and I just want you to love me too.  Youll learn to love me,” Tyler said, putting his arm around her.

Skyler had no idea how his brain worked.  He had raped her, killed her cat and now he expected her to fall in love with him.  He had to know the only reason she wasnt saying anything was because he scared her half to death.

“What dyou suppose happened to your cat?” 

“You,” Skyler almost whispered.

“You actually believe I would hurt your cat?” 

“He was sleeping in my room,” Skyler felt defeated.  “I know he was sleeping in my room.” 

“Well, if I did do that and Im not saying I did, just imagine how easy it is for me to get into your house.  I think it might be a good idea if you start warming up to the fact that youre mine and youll always be mine, dont you think that might be a good idea?” he asked as she slowly nodded.  “So where you wanna eat?” 

“Im not really hungry, so I dont care.” 

“Kiss me.” 

Skyler looked into Tylers eyes before moving towards him, giving him a kiss.  Tyler smiled at her as he began driving towards his house. 

As they got out of the car, Skyler could see Tylers mother staring at them out the window.  Mrs. Lasko was mostly in the shadows, but Skyler could see her eyes quite clearly as they studied her, making Skyler feel dirty.  She put her head down when Tyler put his arm around her protectively, before walking her around to the back door. 

In the basement, Tyler led her directly into the bedroom, telling her to undress while he did the same. 

Tyler seemed to have a thing for blowjobs, and he had every intention of having her do them until she got them right, maybe even longer than that since he enjoyed them so much.  As he continued instructing her, Tyler explained to her that from that point on, she needed to look at him as though there was nothing else she would rather be doing and she always needed to swallow, unless he decided she didnt have to.

Skyler tried getting it all down, but couldnt seem to keep from gagging when she gave them to him, even though she wished she could so he would stop slapping her on the ass.  She had welts from the night before and he was still hitting the same spot. 

At least Tyler was seeing to it that she was getting some orgasms at the same time he was.  Even when he was fucking her, he always made sure she came at the same time he did. 

As he held her after they had finished the first round, Tyler lit a cigarette.

“I didnt know you smoked,” Skyler commented as she lay in Tylers arms.

“I have for a while now, I just didnt wanna do it around you before,” Tyler explained.  “Youre mine now, so it doesnt matter.  You dont have a problem with it, do you?” 

“No, I dont have a problem with it.” 

“Wouldnt really matter if you did, I guess.” 

“Can I ask you a question Tyler?  Will you promise not to hurt me?” 

“I wont hurt you, I love you,” Tyler said, putting out his cigarette.

“I just wanted…”  Skyler began, until she was slapped alongside the head. 

Skyler was left holding her head, feeling horribly confused.

“You need to learn to tell me you love me when I tell you I love you,” Tyler instructed as Skyler tried keeping herself from crying.

“Im sorry, I, I love you,” Skyler said as Tyler slapped her again.

“Next time dont hesitate when you tell me you love me and I mean it.  You need to do what I want you to do or youre just gonna piss me off.  I dont wanna hurt you; I just need you to do what I tell you to do.” 

“Im sorry, Ill try harder.” 

Tyler moved towards Skyler as she cringed, but he didnt hurt her, he held her close as he kissed her head, then her nose and landing on her lips.  He began kissing her more until he became aroused again.  He began to fondle her breasts, kissing his way down her body, until it occurred to him that while he was working to please her, she wasnt even touching him unless he forced her to. 

He pulled her out of the bed by her hair, dragging her to the kitchen table.  He pushed her head down sideways onto the table as he roughly pushed his penis into her pussy from behind.  Skyler tried making Tyler loosen his grip, compelling him to slam her head against the table top, before ejaculating inside her.  When Tyler finished, he pulled her up, slamming her against the wall.

“Dont you ever try and stop me again when Im doing whatever the fuck it is Im doing, you understand?!” 

“I understand, Im sorry, Im so sorry.” 

“And from now on, if you dont start touching me as much as Im touching you when we make love, youre gonna get more of this kind of treatment, or worse!  Got it?!”

“I do, Im sorry!  Im still so new at all of this, I just didnt know.” 

Skyler was crying as Tyler pulled her to him, holding her as she tried calming down.  He picked her up, as she shakily put her arms around his neck, making him smile before he carried her back to the bedroom.

Skyler was positive that Tyler was insane by then and she knew there was absolutely no way out of the situation unless he either killed her, or she killed him, but she was almost positive that she didnt have it in her to kill him, so she would need to deal with each situation as it happened. 

The first up was Christmas and how to spend it.  Tyler had made the decision for her, so it was up to her to convince her parents to let her spend the entire day at Tylers house.  Unfortunately, they understood completely, telling Skyler stories of past holidays when they were first married and how they were forced to divide their time between families. 

She was beginning to think they would let her do anything, as long as Tyler suggested it first.


The first thing Katherine Lasko made clear, was that without a doubt, Skyler wasnt welcome upstairs.  Tyler smiled, letting his mother know they would be spending the day downstairs, alone. 

Skyler felt as though she wanted to cry when she heard him say it, knowing that at some point, if not already, she was going to wind up pregnant. 

Tyler couldnt seem to get enough of her that day and he wanted her everywhere.  On the kitchen counter, in the shower, against the wall, over the couch, but he could actually be so sweet at times when he would cuddle her, or feed her fruit, especially since Skyler was getting better at pretending she loved him. 

She always made sure to return any touches, or pleasure, since Skyler was never quite sure what was going to set him off, or when. 

Tyler had shown her where the food and sodas were, but when she went for a soda, he became agitated again before pushing her head down onto the table and raping her.  When she asked him why he would even show her if he didnt want her touching it, he informed her that it was just general information, in case he wanted something.  She wasnt allowed to have anything, unless he offered it to her. 

As Skyler watched the news with her parents one night, the report about a missing boy at the Christmas party came on.  David Klasp was the boy Skyler had been talking to about the school project before her entire world began falling apart.  She began crying, as it occurred to her that he wouldve probably been fine, if she hadnt spoken to him.  She excused herself, going up to bed. 

As she went to take a shower before bed, she looked at her body in the mirror.  She was almost one giant bruise and the only place on her body that wasnt bruised was her face, but she was almost positive that if she were to shave her head, that would be incredibly bruised as well. 

Skyler decided to soak in a nice hot bubble bath, thinking that with any luck, she would fall asleep and drown.  As she crawled into the hot water, she put the washcloth over her eyes and cried.

Fred and Asia Davis had been slightly disturbed by their daughters behavior since Frisbee had been found.  As she ran upstairs after the news broadcast about the missing boy, they looked at each other.

“Is she okay?” 

“Well how would I know, she doesnt talk to me!”  Asia reminded him.  “Its usually you she goes to when she wants to talk about things.” 

“She hasnt said two words to me since Frisbee died.  I just thought she told Tyler everything now,” Fred explained.  “I asked her the other day if there was something she wanted to talk about and she began this violent head shaking and left the table.” 

“Shed come to us if there was anything going on, wouldnt she?” 

“She always has in the past,” Fred stated as he began coughing violently.

Asia got out of her chair, going to her husband and rubbing his back.  It seemed to be the only thing that calmed him lately.  As she looked at her frail husband, she couldnt help but love him.  She never understood how he had actually gotten the lung cancer since he had never smoked.  With only a part of one lung left, they were never sure from one day to the next how long he would actually be around.  Asia bent down, kissing her husband on the head.

“Shell figure it out, dont worry, she always does.” 

“I know she will,” Fred agreed, turning to smile at his wife.

Tyler Sr. and Katherine were having a drink before dinner as Tyler Sr., was trying to calm down his wife.  He wasnt exactly positive what she was so upset about, but he let her have her anger. 

Katherine Lasko hadnt seen a sober day since the morning she found her six-month-old daughter, Lizbeth, still and cold in her crib.  An apparent victim of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Tyler Sr. had tried his best to bring their little girl back, but his efforts had been useless and that was how he continued to feel since that day. 

Since Lizbeths funeral, Tyler Sr. had spent more time at his real estate company, than he did at home.  Their son had lived in the basement since he had turned 14, just to stay clear of his mothers hurtful words.  Tyler Sr. found it easier to give in to both of their demands, rather than trying to make them a family again, feeling like less of a man with every passing day. 

The one thing Tyler Sr. couldnt help Katherine with, was their son.  He had always had a will of his own and it was definitely stronger than his mothers.  Tyler Sr. realized a long time ago that it didnt pay to argue with either one of them, so he didnt.

“I just dont see what he sees in her.” 

“Whats not to see?  Shes beautiful and shes polite, well mannered, sexy…” Tyler Sr. was going on.

“Stop it right now!  Is that what you see when you look at her?”  Katherine asked, glaring at her husband.  “I mean, really?” 

“Not at all dear.  I see a gold digging little slut that accidentally latched onto our son and now shes not gonna let go of him.” 

“Thats right!  That little bitch,” Katherine mumbled, handing Tyler Sr. her glass for a refill.

“Maybe you should eat first dear… sorry, Ill get that for you right now.” 

Tyler Sr. took the glass knowing he would have his hands full before the night was over.  He changed his drink to club soda, in the hopes that he wouldnt need to get physical with her again.  There were times when she was so far gone; the only thing he could do was slap her, in order to calm her down.  He didnt like to do it, she knew he hated doing it, but that was where she usually pushed it when she didnt drink enough to pass out first.  He stood and thought about it a moment, before making her drink a little stronger.  He took the drink to his wife, smiling as he handed it to her.

Tyler had been feeling very pleased with his accomplishment and had begun cleaning out his room of Skyler.  He felt it wasnt necessary any longer, since he had the real thing.  After putting the pictures into a bag, Tyler put them in the burn barrel out back, throwing some charcoal lighter fluid onto them before tossing a match into the barrel.  He smiled, knowing it was time to go pick his girl up for school.

Skyler had mostly been getting through one day at a time, but barely.  She wasnt exactly positive how much longer she could keep it together, but she was doing her best.

As she walked through the halls, a group of kids were standing around talking up ahead.  She stopped to listen as they were talking about the mysterious disappearance of David.  There were many assumptions going around, but they werent trying to explain away the fact that his car was still there. 

Skyler wasnt aware that Tyler was beside her until he was pulling her away from the group of kids.

“Whyre you listening to that shit?!” 

“I was just going to class and they were all standing there, I dont know why I stopped.” 

“I know why,” Tyler growled accusingly.  “Your hot numbers were in that little group!” 

“I dont know what youre talking about!” 

“Yeah, right, listen to your voice, I can hear the lies.” 

“Those arent lies,” Skyler insisted.  “Im just afraid that youre gonna get upset again.” 

“Gee, why would I get upset?” 

Skyler had no idea at first where Tyler was dragging her, but as they began moving down, she was positive she knew where they were headed. 

Tyler knew exactly when the tunnels would be empty and he had his own spot in a very dark corner where he would pull Skyler so she could give him blowjobs.  If she could do it without gagging, he would walk her back to class where she would spend the entire hour feeling nauseated, if she couldnt do it without gagging, they would stay there until she got it right, getting a slap to the back of the head every time she gagged.

That day she managed to get it right the first time, plus she kissed and licked his balls, making him extremely happy, so he walked her to class, kissing her at the door.

At the end of the day, when Tyler wasnt waiting to take her home, Skyler was almost too frightened to leave without him.  She actually waited by her locker for an entire hour, before making the journey home, on foot. 

As she was walking, emergency sirens were suddenly blaring, sending her into a panic as she began to run home, needing to be positive that her family was safe. 

As Skyler ran in the front door, her father and sister were staring at her from the living room.

“Whats wrong?!”  Heather asked as her eyes grew wide.

“Nothing, I just heard the sirens and I wanted to make sure everyone was okay,” Skyler said as she was trying to calm down.  “Mom still at work?” 

“Yeah, shes bringing home pizza for dinner,” Heather announced with a smile.

“You sure youre okay honey?” 

“Im okay daddy, thanks,” Skyler said before walking over to give her father a kiss on the cheek.

“Youre so weird lately,” Heather pointed out.

“Ive just had a lot on my mind, Im sorry,” Skyler explained.

“Yeah, well you use to be fun, now you just worry about everything,” She returned before going upstairs.

“You know, Im always here if you need to talk.”

“I know you are daddy, thanks,” Skyler said before going to her room.

As Skyler opened her bedroom door, she let out a small scream after seeing Tyler stretched out on her bed.  Stepping back into the hall, she assured her sister that she was fine, before shouting down to her father that her eyes were just playing tricks on her and everything was okay.  Heather called her a freak, before storming back into her own bedroom. 

Skyler entered her bedroom, turning the stereo on so her family wouldnt hear them, before locking her door.

“Whatre you doing here Tyler?” 

“Waiting for you.  Where were you?” 

“I waited for you at school, but when you didnt come for me, I walked home.” 

“Who were you with?” 

“I wasnt with anyone, I swear.” 

“Take off your pants and come here.” 

“My dads right below us Tyler!” 

“You arguing with me Skyler?”  Tyler asked, propping himself up on one elbow.

“No, I just thought wed go to your place,” Skyler stated frantically as he smiled.

“Im gonna leave and then Im gonna come back and I want you to be ready to come to my place,” Tyler explained, getting off her bed.

“Can we just make it early, please?  I just have so much homework to do.” 

“Gee, weve been together every night for how long now?” 

“Almost four months,” Skyler replied, looking at the floor. 

“I really dont see you finishing school, dyou?”  He asked, kissing her before letting himself out of the room.

Skyler sat on the edge of the bed as she thought about the fact that he was probably right.  She had been pretty sure she was pregnant, but she was trying to put off thinking about it for as long as she possibly could.  Now she knew that Tyler knew and she felt even more trapped.  Her parents would never understand how she had let it happen. 

She stood up, going into her bathroom to wash her face before changing out of her school clothes and putting on jeans and a sweater.  As Skyler looked at herself in the mirror she ran her hand over her stomach.  At least she didnt have to worry about hiding it yet, she guessed that was one plus to the entire mess. 

Skyler began to wonder what she had done that was so bad that she deserved what was happening to her.  She had to stop thinking when she heard the doorbell. 

Tyler had made it outside without anyone, but her even knowing he had been inside.  Skyler slowly made her way down the stairs to where Tyler was sitting in the living room, talking to Fred.

“They just had a news bulletin on about somebody else from your school,” Fred announced.

“Somebody other than David?”  Skyler asked.  “Have they found David yet?” 

“No, it wasnt about him.  Some girl in your class hung herself in the woods behind her home after school today,” Fred stated, taking a sip of juice.

“What girl?”  Skyler asked as Tyler walked around behind her.

“Nichole something or other,” Fred began.  “I cant remember.” 

“Nichole Freeman?”  Skyler asked.

“Yes, thats it,” Fred nodded.

Skyler was only able to keep it together for a minute before the room began to spin and go dark.  When she opened her eyes, she was lying on Tyler who was sitting on the sofa with her father and Heather staring down at her.  Tyler rubbed her cheek gently, trying to wake her.

When Skyler remembered why she had passed out to begin with, she tried getting away from Tyler.  He held her firmly, telling her she should rest for a moment.  Skyler wanted to get up and run as far away from Tyler as she could possibly get, but she knew that look in his eyes meant she should stay perfectly still, so she did. 

Tyler could feel that Skyler was about to get out of control, asking Fred and Heather, if they could give the two of them a moment. 

Fred and Heather walked into the kitchen, leaving Skyler in tears, as she watched them go through the doorway.

“If you dont start cooperating with me, Im almost positive that I could get your sister into a car with me,” he informed her, kissing her tears away.  “Understand me?” 

Skyler had no choice after that comment and could only nod. 

She knew he had hurt David somehow and she was positive he was responsible for Nikki hanging from a tree.  She couldnt take anymore chances, especially with her family.  She was going to have to stop looking at, or talking to anyone.  She pretty much knew it was all over for her and she just had to let that sink in and accept it.

She had regained some composure by the time her father and sister returned to the living room.  They were both surprised to find Skyler, calmly leaning against Tyler.

“You okay?”  Fred asked.

“Yeah, Im sure it was just the shock of hearing about Nikki,” she explained.

“Maybe you should just get some rest tonight babe,” Tyler suggested.

“I think thats a good idea honey,” Fred agreed.  “I know you havent been sleeping very well.” 

“Not sleeping?  Whats bothering you?”  Tyler asked as Skyler shot him a look and then looked at her lap just as quickly.

“I dont know, school and stuff.”

“Maybe you should get some rest and Ill just see you in the morning,” Tyler suggested, before giving her a kiss and saying goodbye to the rest of the family.

Tyler walked out of the house angry again.  It was obvious that Skyler had been thinking she would get close to Nikki at some point and she was upset that it couldnt happen after she was dead.  He knew right then what he needed to do.

Skyler ran up to her bedroom after a small argument about eating supper, once Asia showed up with pizza.  She insisted she would be fine if she missed a meal, before leaving her family even more curious about her behavior. 

In her room Skyler began pacing, not a chance she could concentrate on homework right then anyway.  It seemed that every time she tried to lay down that afternoon, she would wind up pacing again.  It was almost 11 p.m. when she fell asleep due to complete exhaustion.

Skylers sleep was fitful and short-lived when she suddenly felt a hand over her mouth and Tylers weight on top of her as he whispered for her to take off her panties.  She struggled underneath him to get them off.

Skyler wondered what had gotten him so excited, since he only had to shove his penis inside before he came. 

Tyler rolled off, pulling her into his arms before he began kissing her.  As he began taking his clothes off, Skyler put her hand on top of his.

“What if my parents come in here?” 

“Then well just tell em youre pregnant anyway and were getting married.”

“Its not for sure that Im pregnant.” 

“You arguing with me Skyler?” 

“No, Im sorry, I know youre right.  Can we at least go on the floor so the bed doesnt make noise?” 

“No, Im not sleeping on the floor.” 

Skyler was absolutely amazed when Heather hadnt even walked down the hall to knock on her bedroom door in the night.  Tyler wasnt very quiet when he had an orgasm and he liked to say her name, throughout the entire process, telling her he loved her almost every time he said her name. 

When the alarm went off the next morning, Skyler moved quickly, so it wouldnt buzz too long, but when she turned back to the bed, Tyler wasnt in it.  She checked the bathroom, but he wasnt there either.  Putting her underwear and t-shirt on, she moved quickly out of her room to be sure he hadnt killed her family in the night. 

Skyler walked rapidly down to Heathers room first, throwing open the door to find Heather very irate as she was pulling her blouse in front of her, yelling at Skyler for not knocking first.  Skyler apologized before closing the door.

She ran downstairs to find her both of her parents in the kitchen.  Her father was having coffee while her mother was making breakfast.  Fred stared at his daughter with a look of worry on his face.

“You okay honey?”  Fred asked.

“Huh?  Oh, I think I just had a bad dream or something,” Skyler explained.

“But youre okay now?” 

“Yeah, Im okay daddy,” Skyler assured him.  “I guess I better get moving.” 

“Maybe you should stay home and get some rest honey,” Asia suggested.

“No, thats okay,” Skyler insisted as she went back upstairs.

Skyler couldnt figure out when Tyler had snuck out of the house since he was still wrapped completely around her 15 minutes before the alarm had gone off.  She locked her door and the door that connected to Heathers room before taking a shower and getting dressed.

Skyler was just about to eat breakfast when there was a knock at the door.  Heather ran to answer it, walking back into the kitchen with Tyler behind her, hands on her shoulders, but he was staring directly at Skyler.  She would have to let him know that she already knew her place and he didnt need to continue scaring her the way he was. 

Asia invited Tyler to join them for breakfast.  Thanking her, he sat next to Skyler, giving her a quick kiss, before saying good morning.  Skyler returned his good morning with the best fake smile she could muster.

As Tyler and Skyler entered the school, she resisted any temptation to look up, even though there was another crowd gathered in the hall.  Tyler was pleased, giving Skyler a smile and an ass rub.  The only time Skyler looked up, was to smile at Tyler, hoping to keep him as happy as possible. 

Tyler was leaning with his back against the other lockers, playing with a strand of Skylers hair, as she gathered together the books she needed for class.  Suddenly, she heard a girls voice yelling her name.  She never turned to look at Jenny Seraint as she moved closer; instead Skyler hoped she had everything, as she shut the locker, grabbing Tyler by the hand before leading him away from the voice.  Tyler stopped her as they got around the corner, wrapping his arms around her.

“Wherere we going?  Your class is the other way.” 

“I just wanted to get away from her.” 

“Didnt you ride to the party with her that one night?” 

“I just asked if I could catch a ride and Im not even positive it was her,” Skyler tried lying.

“Oh, really?” 

“I dont know, I dont remember, I guess it couldve been her, I just dont remember.  Does it really matter honey?” 

Skyler used the word, honey, to throw him off, even though she almost choked on the word.  It worked, making him smile, as he walked her to class the long way around.

Skyler took the initiative, giving Tyler a kiss, before walking into the classroom, leaving him with a huge smile.  As she sat, staring at her desk, Skyler began listening to the buzz around the room and the closer she listened, the sicker she felt. 

At some point the night before, there was another suicide.  It seemed that Joshua Kentz had driven down a dirt road and hooked a long hose from the exhaust into his car.  He had been found around two oclock that morning. 

The Kentz family was one of the more prominent families in town, so the police began searching at midnight, after his father reported him missing, but the only reason they found him was because someone had complained about a horn blowing around their house somewhere out of town. 

Joshua had apparently slumped over the steering wheel, unfortunately, not soon enough to be found alive. 

Suddenly Skyler felt an even greater fear for the safety of anyone she had ever spoken to.  She felt so ill after her class that she asked Tyler if maybe they could pick up a pregnancy test after school.  He insisted they check it at his place and what else could she do, but agree.

It was already the end of February and this was truly the last thing Skyler wanted for a birthday gift.  Tyler had to personally supervise the test, right down to holding the stick while she peed on it. 

Tylers birthday was the following week and once they saw the positive, he became extremely excited, swinging her around, telling her it was his best birthday gift ever and he was already planning on when they would get married.  Skyler smiled as she gave Tyler a hug and a kiss.  She just hoped he would leave people alone after that. 

Two days later, on what Skyler thought was a good day, everything began to unravel.  Her happiness began when Tyler called to tell her he wasnt going to school that day.  She was happy and began thinking that maybe he was losing interest in her enough to let her go.  She had actually been thinking that Tyler had changed his mind about wanting to be a father.  She was close to her old self that day, actually saying hello to people again. 

Reality sat in as Skyler walked into the house after school.  She could see the tension on her parents faces when they asked her to sit down.

“Whats going on is Heather okay?” 

“Heathers fine, shes in her room doing her homework,” Asia assured her.  “Its you were worried about honey, is there anything you wanna tell us?” 

“No, why?” 

“Tyler came to see us today,” Asia informed her.  “He said some very disturbing things about you.” 

“Like what?  Whatd he say?!” 

“He said that you forced yourself on him and he didnt have time to even think about protection.  He thought we already knew you were pregnant, but that he wants to marry you and take responsibility for his baby.”

“You didnt believe him, did you?”  Skyler asked, standing up.

“We dont know what to believe anymore,” Fred stated.  “Since Frisbee died, youve been acting very strange honey.” 

“Ive been acting strange because Tyler scares me and Ive just been too frightened to tell you!”  Skyler blurted without thinking.

“Tyler loves you honey and he was the one who came to us.  Youve been so secretive lately while hes been open and honest with us and about how much he loves you,” Asia pointed out.  Youve been so distant and we just dont know what to think anymore… does this mean that you arent pregnant?” 

“No, but Im still the one telling you the truth!  Im afraid of Tyler!  You believe me, dont you daddy?!” 

“I dont know what to believe anymore,” Fred admitted, as Skyler stared blankly at her father.  “I wanna believe you honey, but you wont talk to anyone anymore.  I mean, you and Tyler seem so close.”

“I dont even like boys mom!”  Skyler shouted, almost hysterically.  “Im gay!” 

“Enough!”  Asia shouted, jumping up.  “Ive heard enough of this!  You did not just say that to me!  No daughter of mine is a lesbian and you will marry Tyler!  Now go to your room, I cant stand looking at you right now!  Were finished discussing this!” 

Skyler had been dismissed and ran crying to her room.  She felt completely alone at that moment.  There was absolutely nobody she could turn to if her own family wouldnt even take her side. 

Tyler would be 19 in three more days and she would be 19 in another month and it was going to be the worst birthday of her life, she would be married to a crazy man and who knows what he would do to her when she actually was his.

She would have killed herself in that moment, but she couldnt think about anything but the baby inside her.  She cried until she could cry no more.  There was absolutely nothing she could do but marry him and deal with whatever he wanted to do to her.  It would be the only way to keep her family safe. 

Tyler was walking into his parents house around the same time Skyler was being confronted by her parents.  As he walked through the front door, his mother had a drink in her hand.  Tyler stormed over, grabbing it from her, spilling some as he took it to dump down the sink.

“Tyler, give mommy back her drink,” Katherine instructed.

“Dont talk to me like Im a fucking baby!  Whens dad getting home?” 

“I dont know baby, what time is it?” 

“Three-thirty.  Youd know that if youd lay off the booze.” 

“I just miss your sister so much, but you know I love you, dont you baby?”

“I told you to stop talking to me like that!  Lizbeths been dead for 12 years now, get over it already.” 

“You dont get to talk to me like that!  You ungrateful little bastard!  You have no idea what its like to be a parent yet, but you will someday!”  She shouted as she cried.

“Someday soon,” Tyler announced.  Skyler and I are getting married before she has the baby.” 

“You wanna marry that slut?!” 

“Youre more of a fucking slut than she is!” 

“Dont talk to me that way, Im your mother!” 

“You havent been a mother to me since before you lost her!” 

“Dont say that baby, you know I love you, youre my baby boy,” Katherine cried as she staggered over to Tyler trying to hug his head to her chest.

“You dont know what love is!”  He shouted, holding her away from him.  “The only one you loved was her!  You havent loved me since before she was born, so dont even try feeding me your bullshit!  Two more drinks and youll be wishing I was dead instead of her, just like you do all the damn time, so dont even fucking touch me!” 

Tyler had lost his patience the moment his mother had called Skyler a slut.  He knew for a fact that he was her first and for his mother to question the virtue of the girl he had been in love with for so many years was unacceptable. 

Grabbing his mother by the wrists, he pushed her back to the chair she had gotten out of.  He seriously thought about hitting her just before his father walked through the front door.

As Tyler Sr., walked into the house and saw Tyler standing over his mother, he just stared at the two of them.

“Whats going on son?”  Tyler Sr. asked.

“Shes drunk and I was trying to tell her that Skylers pregnant and were getting married.” 

“Well, I guess I could think of worse women to be stuck with,” he admitted, staring at his close to unconscious wife.  “You moving in downstairs?” 

“No, I wanna take her away from here.  I dont want her mother popping in all the time and mom cant stand her, so I wanna take her away from everyone.”

“Well, just tell me what you need and Ill take care of it.  If you have trouble after you leave, just call or write me at work and Ill take care of everything.  I dont think we could trust your mother to give me your letters and besides that, what she doesnt know wont hurt her, right?” 

Tyler Sr. smiled as he asked his son the question, knowing perfectly well that Katherine wouldnt remember their conversation the following morning.

Smiling at his father, Tyler knew he wouldnt need to worry about money at all.  His father had always felt guilty about the fact that Katherine had stopped being a mother to Tyler after his sister died. 

Katherine thought she was a mother, but it was never her, it was always his father who had bent over backwards to please his son in the hopes that he wouldnt realize that his mother had vanished in one swift move. 

Tyler didnt feel one way or the other about the entire thing.  He knew his mother had stopped caring about him as soon as she knew she was having a girl.  As long as things turned out the way he wanted them to turn out, he was fine. 

He didnt care about his parents, but he pretended he did with his dad, so he wouldnt cut him off.  Tyler knew that his fathers guilt would keep him supplied with whatever he wanted and the only thing he wanted was Skyler.

The night before Tyler and Skyler were to be married, Jenny Seraint was walking home along her usual route, after her shift at the grocery store.  As she began walking down the alley, to her house, Tyler drove up beside her.

“Hey Jenny,” Tyler smiled, rolling down the window.

“Oh, hi Tyler.  Wheres Sky?” 

“Shes getting some rest tonight cuz were getting married tomorrow.” 

“Married?  I thought she wanted to go to college?” 

“Yeah, well things kinda changed after she got pregnant.” 

“So youre happy about it then?” 

“Yeah, but I was actually just coming to ask you a favor.” 

“What sorta favor?” 

“Well, I know you guys hang out once in a while and I thought maybe you could help me pick out a gift to give her tomorrow.  Im just no good at gifts,” he explained.  “I mean if its not too much trouble?” 

“I guess I could.  We havent talked in a while, but the jewelry store closes in 15 minutes, can we make it in time?” 

“I think we should be able to,” Tyler assured her with one of his famous smiles.

Jenny ran around to the passenger seat, while Tyler looked ahead and behind them.  As soon as she was inside, Tyler reached over, pulling her down onto the seat, holding his hand over her mouth and nose, as she struggled in vain to get loose.  The moment he saw her moving her hands to get hold of his arms, he grabbed them with his other hand until she was unconscious.  Removing his hand from her face, she began breathing normally, as he drove away. 

Tyler drove, brushing Jennys hair away from her face.  He traveled down a dirt road to a spot where there was swamp between the lake and the road. 

He needed to carry Jenny, since she was still out cold, but he managed easily, putting her into the water face first.  He stood there, lighting a cigarette, waiting to see if she would come to, but she never did. 

Tyler smiled, knowing that once he took Skyler away, nobody would ever be able to get between them again.  He smiled as he waved at Jennys lifeless body, before getting back into his car.  It was time to pick up his fiancé, not seeing a problem with her spending the night at his place, since they would be married soon. 

He drove off, feeling content that he had taken care of everyone he needed to worry about coming between him and Skyler and he couldnt help but smile again.

(To be continued…)

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