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African Women Dominate

Chapter 5


I heart a voice telling me to come in and I opened the door. I entered the room and watched to two girls in the bed. They were naked but the bed sheet was covering their body. I knelt down on the floor and said, looking at them in the eyes:

- Good morning Mistresses, please the breakfast is ready.

- Come here, slave.

I went to the side of the bed. They were looking at my body, focusing on my cock.

- Tell me slave, why are you hard?

That was again a embarrassing question. In knew why I was hard, but it was difficult to say that, being naked, in front of two nice girls who I don't know.

- My Mistress touched me, Mistress.

- So you like to be touched?

- Yes Mistress, I had no other choice to say.

- Well, do you like to be naked with us?

They wanted to embarrass me more. This question was very bad, I could not say yes, I was too ashamed.

- No Mistress, I said

The one who was on my side of the bed slapped me. This movement made me see her breast.

- You are a liar. You like it so much.

- Look at you; said the second girl, you are so hard.

- You are hard because you are naked and humiliated, that is the reason why you are hard.

The first one slapped me again.

- We will have to report you and punish you, you have lied again and you have watched my breast.

The other one added:

- You don't know that a slave cannot watch the body of a superior being?

- I am sorry, Mistress, I did not know.

- You are not excused, slave. Tell us you like to be naked and humiliated by black girls?

I did not want to say that, but I thought that if I were not obeying them, they would longer torture me and do something worse later.

- Yes Mistress, I like to be naked and humiliated.

- By who?

- By black girls.

- Tell us again slave.

- Yes, tell us you are stupid white slave who likes to be naked with black girls.

I was more and more ashamed. With difficulties, I said slowly:

- I am a stupid white slave who likes to be naked with black girls.

- Beg us to humiliate you more.

- Please Mistress, humiliate me more.

- We will do, slave. Yesterday was just the beginning of your new life. We were very nice with you, but today we will have to be more severe, you have experience now,

- And you deserve so many punishments for being so naughty, added the other.

- Go now. We have to get up.

I turned and left the room on my knees. I received a shoe in my back.

- Is it the way to leave us, slave?

- You show us your white ass?

- We have to educate and discipline you more strongly.

I turned to them and watched them in their eyes.

- I am sorry Mistresses.

I stayed on my knees and left the room backwards. When I was out of the room, I closed the door and got up.

I went to the second door and knocked. I heart a voice telling me to come in.

I opened the door and knelt down. I did not forget the lesson of the previous room. There was only one girl in this room. I looked into her eyes. That was the most difficult part of my humiliation. Being humiliated was already difficult and terrible, but being obliged to look in the eyes of my torturer was worse. Each time, there was a kind of mockery in their eyes, together with a dominating and amused smile.

- Good morning Mistress, please the breakfast is ready.

The girl was also in her bed. She started removing her bed sheets and I quickly closed my eyes.

I heart she was getting up and coming to me. I kept my eyes shut. She put her body close to mine, slowly dancing against me and exciting me.

- What kind of boy are you? A naked woman is showing herself to you and you close your eyes.

- Please Mistress, I have been told that I could not see a woman naked.

- Why are you hard?

- Because I like to be naked with black girls. I like them to dominate and humiliate me.

I thought I had a good answer because the girl kept silent. She made a step backwards. I did not move and kept my eyes shut. I wanted to open my eyes and watch the girl, but I did not want to give them another chance to humiliate me more. But they had a lot of imagination.

- You know slave that you woke me up this morning?

- I am sorry, Mistress.

- Yes, you were not obeying your Mistress. She had to shout at you and punish you. I don't like to be waked up by noise.

- I am so sorry Mistress.

- Tell me why you refused to pee?

Oh no! She had found something to humiliate me. Whatever I could answer, there was always something to put me down and be ashamed.

- Please Mistress, I did not refuse to pee, I could not.

She quietly answered:

- So, you are telling I am a liar?

- Please no Mistress, I meant I refused to pee because my bladder was empty.

- Why can't you obey your Mistress?

- I did not know, Mistress. In the future, if I have to go to the toilets, I will ask my Mistress' permission.

- You will better do, slave. But I don't forget you treated me a liar. And I don't forget you told me I am an ugly woman.

- Please Mistress, I answered. I did not tell you that. You are a very gorgeous woman.

- Again! You treat me again a liar!

- No Mistress, please.

- You did, slave. You told me twice I am a liar. And you insulted me. You told me I am an ugly woman. That is the first time someone closes his eyes when I show my nakedness.

She slapped my cheeks several times.

- Kiss my feet, slave and leave me alone.

- Yes Mistress.

I went on my fours and moved slowly backwards. I was surely looking so stupid, on my fours, at the feet of a beautiful woman and I was moreover voluntarily keeping my eyes shut.

I touched her feet and bended down to kiss the two of them several times. This was again something that was exciting me, so when I got back to my knees and started moving backward to the door, she started laughing.

- And you are even harder! I give you my feet to kiss and it makes you hard. That is why black girls have power, I just authorise you to kiss my feet and you get so much aroused. It would never happen to me.

I left the room and closed the door. The last guests were outside. We are five bedrooms inside the house and some other flats outside. I did not know why Juniana did not let the two other girls sleep in the house.

I went to the kitchen and opened the door to the garden. I walked to the flats, at the other side of the property.

The heat of the African sun was reminding me, if it was necessary, the hundreds of strokes of crops, whips, paddle and hands I had been receiving for two days. It was painful. No part of my body had been spared. As I was standing in front of the door, I touched my hard cock in order to put away some kind of kind of white dust. I knocked the door and I directly heart a voice behind me, no from inside.

- What do you expect to do, slave? Are you masturbating?

I turned. The two girls I wanted to invite for the breakfast were outside, walking to me.

- Please no Mistress, I quickly said.

- So we have to understand that you wanted to enter with your dick in your hand. That is even more punishable.

- Please no Mistress, I just wanted to remove something on it.

- Did you ask permission before?

- No Mistress. But there was nobody around.

- You did not check well. Moreover, if you don't see anybody, then you wait. You don't have to do anything without permission, and none of us would have allowed you to touch this part.

The other one had come on my side. She took my hair and pulled me down.

- You still do not know how to talk to a woman?

- Please Mistress, I forgot.

- You forgot but you did not forget to masturbate without permission. Follow us on your fours, slave.

She was pulling me by the hair and I had to walk on my fours between them. We went back to the kitchen and then to the dinning room where the other girls where already sitting.

- We have to complain about your slave, Juniana. The one who was pulling me said. He arrived to our room with his hard cock in his hand. I don't know whether he was masturbating or whether he wanted to enter to show us his dick, but you should not allow him that.

- And he doesn't know how to talk, he is very impolite. I am very disappointed with this weekend.

Yes, I don't know what he was talking about, but we had to guess that it was breakfast time, he even did not tell us.

I could not believe my ears the way they were arranging the facts. This was really not fair.

The two girls left me to go and sit at the two remaining places. Juniana stood up and came to me. She was looking so angry. I had never seen her like that and I became afraid. I was on my knees. She quickly ran to me and slapped me with all her force.

- How can you disgrace me in front of my friends? I just receive complains about you. You cannot behave.

- I am sorry Mistress. I am sorry.

All these harassments were stressing me a lot. It was difficult to be continuously under control and under the pressure of these women. They were accusing me of fallacious facts. The pressure was so high that I was feeling some sobs in the bottom of me. They were pushing me too much beyond my mental resistance. During the army time, I was bravely resisting to the high pressure with a strong moral force, and now, these women, including my own wife, were going beyond my point of moral resistance. The most terrible was that I could not do anything but obey, and I did not understand why.

- Go and say sorry to all of them, slave. You go on your knees, your arms alongside the body, and you look at them politely and humbly.

- Yes Mistress, I said.

I went on my knees to the first one who was sitting just behind Juniana.

I was on my knee at her feet. She was just looking at me and was smiling. I said:

- Please Mistress, I am very sorry I have offended you. Please accept my apologies.

- I don't accept your apologies, slave. You are too disgusting. I came here to have a nice weekend with my friends, not to be insulted. You spoil the day, even the weekend.

- I am sorry Mistress.

She took my chin in her hand and pulled me to her; I almost fell down on her legs but fortunately I could hold myself with my feet and my knees.

- You had to be careful and respectful before, slave. You – and look at me when I am talking to you – you are disgracing my best friend in front of us.

She pushed me strongly back and I fell on the ground. I was trying to get up on my knees, but I received two strokes of crops on my legs.

- Get up quickly slave, we have lost enough time, we are hungry. Juniana said.

- Yes, another one said, we thought it was a breakfast, it is almost a lunch.

- Next time we want a brunch we rather go to Frankie's, it is faster and we are not insulted all the time.

I went to the next girl. All these girls were as usual very sexy. They had short cotton dresses showing their tights very high. Being at their feet, I could have a clear glance at their legs up the panty.

- Don't look at me like that, naughty boy. Did you see that, Juniana? He tries to look under my skirt.

Juniana came behind me and as strongly as she could she hit my buttocks with her crop.

God, it was too painful. I fell down on the ground, holding my buttocks and massaging the hot place to reduce the pain. Juniana did not allow me to touch me.

- Get up slave, don't touch yourself. All what you receive you deserve it.

She shouted more:

- UP! On your knees! Apology to my friend!

I started crying. Against my will, sorrows of pain and despair came to my eyes. I got up with difficulties to my knees, and took back my position in front of the girl. Sorrows were rolling on my cheeks into my mouths. I could not talk; my voice was stopped by the sorrows.

- Pl-pl-please, M-m-m-mistress, I-I am v-v-v-very sorry… I-I h-h-have off-ff-ffended you. Pl-pl-please a-a-a-accept m-m-my ap-p-p-ologies.

I had just completed my sentences that I felt again a strong hit on my buttocks. This time I went down on the ground, I was howling and crying at the same time. I had never felt so much pain. The combination of this physical and this mental pains was too much. I was on the ground, at the feet of two women. I was crying and massaging my buttocks. But it was not enough for them. While the whole assembly was laughing, Juniana was hitting me more.

- Get up slave. You are not in circus here, don't put yourself into the spectacle. How dare you do that?

I was wondering what I had done but I could not answer. I could not talk. I was just focusing on my pain and my embarrassment. And I was hearing the laughing voices of the girls.

Juniana told me:

- I don't appreciate that, slave. You behave like all these stupid men, they find a nice sentence and then they repeat it to all the women. But you are no longer a man, you are a slave, and we expect better from you. You have to be creative, women deserve that. I want to hear a new apology for all my friends, do you understand?

She was still thrashing me.

- And stop massaging your buttocks, take back your position, on your knees, arms alongside the body and speak clearly.

I did not answer; the pain was more than I could bear. She hit me more.

Get up, slave, I tell you for the second time. You will regret your disobedience and your bad, naughty behave.

Still crying with all the shame of the world in my eyes, I got up with much difficulty, felling the burn of the whipping in my back. The day had just started and I could not go further. I was too ashamed. The humiliation was even defeating the pain. But the worse was that I was thinking that my dear wife did not love me anymore. I did not understand why she was doing that to me. What had I done? I was feeling so sad, so useless. Nothing was important now that she had stopped loving me. I loved her so much. Why had that to end?

I took my position in front of the girl at her feet. Nothing was important now. I stared at her. She was looking at me with disdain. It was like the shame and the embarrassment had gone. I could talk clearly

- Please Mistress; I have been a naughty slave. I don't deserve to even be here at your feet, but I regret all my offences to you.

- I don't accept your apologies, slave. If you were really repenting, you would have fallen at my feet and beg much earlier.

She just slapped me.

- Go now, and go faster, I am angry.

- Yes Mistress.

I went to the third girl, keeping my correct position.

- Please Mistress, I don't ought to have the privilege to be a dust under your shoes, but please accept the apologies of a bad slave who mistakenly

I was above my feelings, nothing was important; I was even no longer suffering. Everything came mechanically. I was surprised that although English was my third languages, words were coming so quickly. I was at a point of no sensation.

- She just looked at me quietly and said: "No, slave, I don't accept".

Yet on my knees, I went to the fourth girl, on the other side of the table. I placed in position and said:

- Please Mistress, I am deeply sorry for the insults I have told you. Please accept my apologies for the bad times I gave you during this weekend.

The woman just looked at me a long time. Laughing had stopped. Everyone was surprised I could talk. She just pushed me back and told me to hurry up because she had lost enough time. It was as if they had nothing more to tell me. Juniana went to seat at her place. The six splendid women were staring at me. I moved to the last one and said:

- Please Mistress, I am so sorry I have insulted you. I am sorry I spoiled your time and I would like to present my most sincere apologies.

I had just ended my sentence that Juniana closed the tour.

- We want to start to eat, slave. Go and bring the tea and the hot chocolate.

- Yes Mistress.

I left the room backward and got up to go to the kitchen. The tea was ready but I had still the warm some milk for the chocolate. While I was doing that, I heart Juniana coming in the room. She came to put her left hand on my buttocks, while her right one was going to catch my dick. She pressed her body on mine and kissed my neck.

Directly I felt her love flooding all over my body and my soul. I became so happy she still loved me and I became very hard again. I was so happy that I cried again.

- Come on, slave, we are waiting for you. Bring the chocolate.

She caressed my cock some few seconds more and went back to the dinning room. I finished the preparation of the hot chocolate and went back to the dinning room. The six women had already started their breakfast. They were enjoying their mail and were talking to each other in Twe, so I could not understand. I served some tea and some chocolate. While I was doing my service, they changed the language to English. I was still very hard. I was trying to hide my tears and now that I was sure that my wife loved me, my entire situation took back its importance. I was naked with six clothed black girls who were using me as their slave. I was embarrassed and humiliated, and I was ashamed to show my hard naked dick to everybody.

The girl sitting at the opposite of my wife said:

- Juniana, the first time you told me there was a white man who wanted to go naked, I did not believe you. But I can see he enjoy it. Look how aroused he is to be walking naked around us.

- Yes, it is difficult to believe that. It seems he enjoys that so much.

- I always wanted to see that, another one added a white man as a slave.

- The best is that you even do not have to force him, he does not have any chain, he is free but he wants to serve us anyway.

- You are right, Juniana said, I could not believe it when he told me that when we met. He told me that he wanted to be my slave; he wanted to be under my control and obey my instructions. I tested him and it was true. So now, he will live naked at my service. I will just own him.

- You are right to have him naked, however you should ameliorate his body. Look at him. That is the problem of whites, he has different colours, a little bit tanned in the face, his arms are a little bit less tanned and the rest is white. The worse is below the waist, he was wearing swimming costume and he has always been as white as an aspirin there. But yesterday, he spent some hours under the sun and he is red like a boiled lobster.

All of them were amused.

- Don't worry, I know what to do. Anyway, he will be always naked, so whatever the colour he will have, it will be homogeneous.

As I was just serving chocolate to the last person who wanted some, Juniana called me.

- Look slave, I unfortunately dropped some marmalade on my shoe. Clean it.

- Yes Mistress.

I went down at her feet and wanted to take it off with a tissue. She slapped my head.

- Not like this, clean it with your mouth!

Yes, Mistress.

I began to lick her shoe and removed the marmalade.

- Go ahead, slave, clean my two shoes fully, and after you will do the same for my guests.

I licked her two shoes completely and went to the second one, beginning my table tour by the left. While I was under the table, I could have a look at all the sexy tights but I did not want to have another punishment so I just did what I was demanded to do.

During the time I was licking shoes, the breakfast ended with conversations in Twe. As I had just cleaned the last shoes, they got up. Juniana told me to clean the table and the kitchen. I got up alone in the room and took everything back to the kitchen. There was a lot of food and I was very angry, but I did not want to eat without their permission.

I was doing the washing up and Juniana came in the room. She just controlled me. When I finished the cleaning, she told me to take a bottle of water in the fridge, what I did.

- Drink everything.

- Yes Mistress.

I was very thirsty also, so I was delightful to her. The problem was that even if I was thirsty, it is difficult to drink one and a half litre of water in one shot. The second half of the bottle was difficult and I drank it slowly. Finally I could complete my task.

- Put the bottle in the bin and take another one.

- Yes Mistress.

As I had just taken the new bottle, she told me again to drink it.

- Please Mistress, my stomach is full.

- Will you obey me or I need to punish you more?

- No please Mistress, I will drink it.

I began to drink. It was too difficult, and I was very slow.

- Go ahead, slave, we don't have the whole day. We have some nice activities this afternoon.

I was drinking the water, with sometimes some spasms. I was feeling pain in my stomach. I could not believe it could contain so much water. When I was a student I could drink a lot of beer, but water is different.

I could finally finish the bottle. She pressed my stomach.

- I think it will be enough.

She took a collar and a leash and told me to go on my fours. She pulled me outside and we went to the terrace. Her friends were already in the long chairs. They were wearing bikinis.

Juniana told them:

- Do you know foot massage?

The girls said they knew but had never experienced.

- I will show you.

She removed her dress and was also in sexy bikini. She sat in her chair, always holding my leash.

- Slave, lick my feet.

My mouth was already at the height of her feet. I took the first one in my hands and put my mouth around the big toe. I sucked it slowly, then went to the other ones, while my hands were massaging the other parts of the foot.

-It is very nice, she said. I like to receive that during hours, but today I have to share. Juniana said. I want you to experience it. It is relaxing.

- And he also enjoys it, someone said. Look, he is hard again. Each time he is at our feet, he is hard.

Everybody laughed.

When I had massaged and sucked her feet during fifteen minutes, Juniana told me to stop and go to the next girl. She gave the leash to her friend and this one pulled me to her. I tool her feet and started my massage with my mouth and my hands. The woman was enjoying.

- Ho, that is great. It is almost as nice as sex. I would like that for hours. Juniana, thank you!

Juniana gave her also fifteen minutes then my leash changed of hand and I had to massage her neighbour. They were also talking to each other. My body was still very painful because of the lashes and other punishments. When I reached the third guest, I began to feel the three litres of water urging me to go to the toilets.

When I finished her feet, she gave my leash. At this time, as I was not busy, I begged Juniana:

- Please Mistress, can I go to urinate?

- No.

She just answered. I understood she wanted to punish me for this morning. She wanted to play again with me and humiliate me.

I licked the fifth pair of feet. I was concentrating on the feet. I just had to hold it during thirty minutes before I could be released.

Every minute, I was more difficult. The pain of my bladder was increasing and it was now urgent I could go to release myself, how humiliating it could be.

I finally finished the last foot and Juniana had my leash back in her hand.

- We want drinks, slave. Go and prepare some fresh pineapple juice and come back.

She turned to her right neighbour and gave her the leash.

- Please Sandra, take him there and control him.

The girl took me on my fours, very slowly to the kitchen. She outgripped my leas.

- You can stand, slave. Prepare the juice.

I got up in pain. I had difficulties to control my bladder. I nevertheless took three pineapples in the fruit basket and cut them. Then I prepared the juice. When I finished a big jar, she told me to put ice in it. I obeyed. I took a large plate, the glasses and the jar. She gripped the leash and pulled me to the terrace.

I displayed the glasses on the table and served the juice, then I gave the glasses to all the girls.

- Please Mistress, can I go to the toilets?

- No. And stop disturbing us. If you dare ask me again, you drink another bottle, do you understand?

- Yes Mistress.

I was standing close to her, between her and Aysha. It was so urgent to urinate that I was trying to help in balancing from one foot to the other.

- Stop dancing like this. If you want to dance for us, put a CD and dance on the table!

- Please Mistress, I did not want to dance.

- I want you to dance, so do as I ordered.

- Yes Mistress.

I went to put a CD on the terrace HiFi. I took the first CD of the pile. It was local high life music. The music started and I climbed on the table. I danced slowly.

- You dance very badly, slave, said Sandra. This is not high life music. Go faster… Juniana, didn't you teach him how to dance?

- I did, and I will have to punish him again.

Juniana stood up, took a crop and lashed my legs.

- Dance correctly, slave.

I never could dance high life music, but in these circumstances, I was exposed naked on a table to the glance of six women who were just humiliating me, and I had to urinate. It was difficult to move my ass correctly, because it was pressing on my bladder. The pain was too much. I did not want to ask again because of the threat I had been given; I just hoped she could feel some pity for me and authorise me to urinate.

- He is no longer hard. Do you think he does not like to dance?

- I rather think we have to authorise him to pee, Ivy answered

- Let's try, Efua said.

- Stop you hideous demonstration, slave, Juniana said, and come here at my feet.

- Yes Mistress.

I quickly went down the table and came to knee at Juniana's feet.

- Take my dress and put it on me.

I went on my knees behind her and took her dress. She stood up and always on my knees; I put the dress on her. She ordered me to do the same to all her guests. She really wanted to increase my torment. I was about to urinate now. It would be soon impossible to hold.

The last girl I had dressed kept the leash and we went to the garden. Of course, they opted for the furthest place, after one and a half tour of the garden. I was following them on my fours, praying that they allowed me to urinate.

We at last stopped.

- Get up, slave. Juniana said.

- Yes, Mistress.

I got up in front of her. I was so ashamed to be in the middle of the girls, just waiting for an authorisation to pee.

Juniana caressed my tummy unhurriedly, then went down to catch my cock. I could not be hard because of the pressure of the urine.

- You are not hard, slave; I think it is a personal insult. When I take this thing in my hand, I expect it to be hard. Maybe you have masturbated too much.

The girls were laughing and commenting on me.

- Please no Mistress, I said, I did not masturbate.

- So, I want you to be hard.

She caressed my dick with one hand and cupped my balls with the other. It did not take more than five seconds for me too be fully hard.

- That is better.

She caressed me more, very slowly. I was confused between the pain and the pressure coming from my bladder and the sweetness and the excitation coming from her hands.

She removed the hand from my balls and took back the leash. She pulled it down in order me to be on my fours.

She gave back the leash to someone.

- We are going to make a new tour of the garden, slave. You are going to be hard all the time. If you fail, we will keep on walking until you can make one full tour as I order. Let's go.

And I had to follow the six girls again in the garden. They were talking, laughing at me but I did not listen. I was just concentrating on keeping my hard on. I was thinking to my fantasies, to my best sex times with my wife, everything to keep me hard. The pressure was too much. When we reached the other side of the house, I started feeling my cock coming a little bit down.

- Look, Joy said, he disobeyed you.

- Indeed, Juniana answered. Get up, slave.

I got up in front of us. She took me in her hands and caressed me slowly.

- I think you have too much sex, she said. I have to reduce that. We have been too nice with you this weekend; we have authorized you to cum twice. The next time you will cum will be in one month.

All the girls laughed.

- I want to see that, Aysha said. One month without sex?

- I did not say that, Juniana answered, I said that he won't be authorized to cum. But I will keep him hard all the time. And I need him for my own pleasure.

- That is even worse for him, Sandra said.

All the girls laughed again.

I was very hard again.

- Take back your position, slave, and let's go. This time you are lucky, we will help you although you don't deserve it.

She sat on my back. She had removed her pant and I felt her pussy on my back. I was walking slowly but this sensation was great and it kept me hard. After we had walked half distance, she asked someone to sit also on my back. I had now two girls sitting on me. I was feeling the two wet, hot warm pussies on my skin and of course, I was very excited. I was also feeling the high pressure from my bladder. I hoped it could finally end. I wanted to urinate. At the same time, I wanted to continue to feel the two bodies on mine.

We walked ten meters and Juniana put her hands inside the legs of her friend. She was fingering her slowly. We made one full circle around the house like that and arrived at the place. I was still hard. The girl was groaning. She suddenly pressed her legs on me for a long orgasm. She waited a minute and got up, Juniana also.

-This was great, Victoria said, thank you.

- The other girls were telling that they also needed sex.

Juniana told me as she was attaching my leash to a tree:

- I authorize you to pee, slave. When you have finished, you don't move and you wait until we come back.

They watched me pissing a so long time. It was so great that I did not mind the six girls watching me. When I could empty myself under me, they left me and went inside.

I had to wait under the sun. I kept on my fours; I did not want to have problems. They came back one hour later, I guessed. They were talking about great sex. I understood they had sex in the bedroom, the six of them together.

Sandra took my leash and we went to the terrace. I was feeling so free with my empty bladder.

Juniana told them.

- Let's organize the last activity of this weekend.

- Oh, it is already over? We have so much fun.

- Yes, that is one of my greatest times of my life.

- Juniana, please organise that very soon.

- Don't worry, girls, I will. Now, look at this.

She took a box in the cupboard and put it on the table. She took off my leash and attached something else in leather. I was only feeling it on my back because I was still on my fours between them. Juniana also attached leather scraps at my ankles and wrists. She ordered me to get up and she pulled me to the garage. There was a small buggy. She attached its arms to my wrists like she would have attached a horse. She took a whip and sat on the left side of the buggy.

Sandra came to sit close to her.

Juniana lashed me with the whip and tossed the horse leash. I understood I had to walk and pulled the buggy outside the garage in the garden. Juniana was riding me everywhere around the house. The four walking girls went to sit under the shadow at the terrace. After 20 minutes of walk, Juniana drove me to the poolside and went out with her friend. She gave the whip to Aysha who came to sit in the buggy with Sandra. Once again, I had to pull them in the garden. They found a lot of fun in using me like a horse.

I was very tired but continued to serve them as they wanted. I pulled the buggy all over the property during one hour; the girls were rolling in the buggy. At the end, Juniana arrived with the three remaining girls.

-Let's see if this buggy is solid enough for the six of us.

They tried to place themselves in the buggy but only five of them could sit. So, Juniana told the last girl to jump on my shoulder and sit there. She climbed on me, helping with the arms of the buggy and sit on my shoulder. She had a crop in her hand. Juniana had given it to her because she was afraid that she could hurt her while she was whipping me. The girl cropped my buttock and I pulled the buggy with everybody. It was so heavy. I had to put all my force to place one foot ahead of the other. I was walking slowly but the rider on my shoulder was not happy with the speed and she was cropping and cropping me. I pulled everybody as fast as I could. I was groaning because of the pain and the effort. When we completed one tour, she said:

- Another one slave, and this time go faster at a regular speed. Don't shake my friends in the buggy.

- Yes Mistress, I moaned breathless.

And I put all my strength in the effort. I pulled the buggy faster around the house. I completed one tour and stopped.

- Don't stop, slave, I did not tell you to stop, go ahead, two more rides. Faster!

I was breathless and without energy. I nevertheless obeyed her and walked again. After two rides around the house, she did not demand me to stop so I walked forward. Fortunately, when we reached the garage side, she pulled the right side of my tether to indicate me the direction of it. I went inside the garage and my rider alighted. She kept the tether while the five other girls were also coming down the buggy.

Juniana came to release me from the arms of the buggy and took the tether. She pulled me to the terrace side. The girls were walking around me. I was feeling very weak. I was trying to recover my breath. I was seating a lot; my body was wet from my forehead to my toes.

- Let's wash the slave after the effort. Juniana said.

They put me in the bucket that had used yesterday. They took three hard brushes and scrubbed my body. It was so hurting after all the sores of the last two days. But they did not mind my pain and scrubbed hardly. After, they used soap and finally rinsed me with the high-pressure water. That was their preferred action. Sandra even ordered me to bend down and catch my ankles. She concentrated the water jet on my asshole during a long time under the laughs of all the girls. When they had had enough fun, they stopped and replaced the tether by a leash and pulled me to the terrace. They sat down in the chairs and Juniana outgripped my leash.

- All these activities gave us thirst. Slave, go to the kitchen and prepare tea. We want also some cookies.

- Yes Mistress.

I was very thirsty and hungry also, but I did not want beg for water. I did not want any other bladder torture like this afternoon. With the intense activity of the late afternoon, I had forgotten my humiliation and embarrassment. I tough that I could get used to it but it was not coming down, on the contrary. I had more and more activities to remember and it was increasing my shame.

I poured water in the boiler and prepared some cookies and biscuits in a serving plate. Water was boiling so I poured it in the teapot and took cups, sugar, milk and the box with my own collection of teas.

I brought everything to the terrace and served the girls. I passed in between them to serve the cookies.

- It is a long time you have not eaten, isn't it slave?

- Yes Mistress, I answered.

- We will give you some food. You don't deserve it but we want to be kind with you.

- Thank you Mistress, I answered.

I wondered how they were going to feed me. I had not to wait too much. However they were going to give me food, I would accept it. Since Friday evening, I had not made a real meal. The three litres of water in my stomach this morning had also increased my appetite.

Juniana took one of the cookies and put it in front of my nose.

- Do you want this cookie, slave?

- Yes Mistress.

She threw in on the ground behind me.

- Go and take it… Don't use your hands.

I went on my fours three meters behind me and found the cookie at the edge of the terrace, almost in the grass. I took it with my mouth and swallowed. Another girl called me like a dog. I turned and she threw a new cookie in my direction.

- Catch it!

I caught it with my right hand.

- Not with your paw, stupid slave. Don't eat that one!

I dropped the cookie on the tiles of the terrace. She took another one and threw it in my direction. I tried to catch it with my mouth but failed. There laughed at me. I had to bend and take it with my mouth to eat. They did that several times. I was still hungry but they stopped. I did not want to beg for more, I was afraid of what could have happened if I asked.

They were eating the cookies and drinking their tea. I was just waiting at their feet, with no order, so I could not do anything.

Under these latitudes, sunset is very short. In less than fifteen minutes, the sky became red and dark. Girls decided to go inside. Juniana commanded me to clear the place and come in. I did as instructed. As I was in the kitchen to complete my duties, Juniana came in the kitchen, put on my leash and commanded me to follow her on my fours. We went to the sitting room. All her guests were sitting in the sofas, apparently waiting for us. Juniana went to sit at her place, still holding my leash. She commanded me to sit at her feet. I was happy she demanded me to sit, because I had spent so much time on my knees that I could not endure more.

- Well, Juniana said, I think we are at the end of this weekend. What do you think about it?

- Juniana, it was wonderful, Sandra said. We had a really wonderful weekend. I think all of us will remember that for the rest of our life.

Other girls nodded to approve and made same kind of comment.

- That is our lifestyle, what you saw today is something that we live everyday.

I was listening to them. When Juniana told that, I wondered why she was lying. We had played some similar games together, never more than some hours. Of course, it was my best fantasy, but I cannot play that all the time. I have other things to do.

Juniana went on:

- As I told you when we prepared this weekend, our life is completely secret. You swore an oath that you would never tell anybody about this weekend and our lifestyle. We want to continue to play together, so I insist on you to never spread this weekend out.

- We will never talk, said Aysha. We are too happy to participate.

Other girls made the same promise.

- I could never imagine it was possible, someone else added. For me, since I have experienced that, I will be always happy to do it again.

- If we all agree, we will then go on, Juniana concluded. I will call you for the next activities. I have to prepare this slave for his new life. As you could see, he is well inclined to be a slave, but it needs a lot of preparation and training. I will need your help because it is better to train a slave when we are more. Now, I will send the slave with each of you to pack your things. After, it will be time to say good bye.

Juniana lashed my back with the leash.

-Get up, slave. Go with Tina.

She gave the leash to her friend and I could follow her on my feet. I was just conducted by a leash. I was happy the weekend was almost over. I wanted to seriously discuss with my wife. This weekend was too much. I cannot accept to be so much humiliated in front of five foreigners. I had never been humiliated and been so much embarrassed in front of women like I had been this weekend. Tina took me to her bed room.

- Come on, slave, and prepare my suitcase.

I found the suitcase in the wardrobe and went first to the bathroom. I took her numerous lotions, soaps, creams like all women always have and packed them nicely. Then, I took the clothes in the wardrobe. There were a lot of sexy clothes, and the black leather outfit. I packed everything. I always enjoyed leather on a woman. When I touched the leather outfit, I remembered Saturday night and got directly aroused. Tina saw my hard penis.

- Again, slave. What are you doing?

She called Juniana.

All the girls arrived quickly in the bedroom.

- Look at this slave, he is touching my panties and he is hard. I could just stop him before he masturbates on my clothes.

Juniana took the leash and pulled me down. She took her crop in the other hand and punished me. She lashed my buttocks again.

- You want to disgrace me until the end, don't you? You will pay that.

- Please Mistress, I did not want to do anything wrong.

- Don't lie to me again, slave. Say sorry to Mistress Tina.

I was already on the ground. The only things I could see were six pairs of beautiful legs all around me. I looked up to see which pair of feet belonged to Tina and caught them. I kissed her feet and begged:

- Please Mistress, I did not want to do anything wrong. It was not my fault.

- Not your fault? Juniana said by beating me harder. Who's dick became hard? Who is masturbating on panties?

- Please Mistress, I was not masturbating.

- Again slave, you tell me again I am a liar. You just got a new punishment. You will spend the week in punishment. And you will be punished because I wanted to spend the week in training you. I am upset.

Juniana was shouting at the end. As she was shouting, she was also beating me harder and quicker. The pain was to terrible. I tried to protect myself with my hands but she did not care. She had my leash firmly in her hand, I could not really move.

- And you want to escape the punishment. We will start the training from the basis.

-Please Mistress, I begged. I am sorry. I did not mean what I said.

- That is too easy, slave. All of us will stay with you. We cannot trust you. Each time we have confidence in you and try to give you some freedom, you misbehave. We are deeply disappointed…

She became quieter.

- Now finish your work.

Because of the pain, my penis was almost soft again. I did not know what to think. Sometimes I was punished because I was not hard and I was insulting them, but when I was hard, it was also bad.

I nevertheless took the last clothes, folded the last clothes in the suitcase and closed it.

I did not stand and went on my knees, pulled by the leash. The six girls were walking around me. I went to drop the suitcase at the door and we went back to the room. This time I had to prepare two suitcases and be careful not to mix the belongings of the two girls. I carried the two suitcases to the door and we went to the last room outside. I also had to prepare the suitcases. They were just looking at me. The owners of the clothes were commanding me. They were telling what to put into the first or the second suitcase. When I touched the leather clothes, I focused on something else, but it was too difficult and Saturday night events came back to my mind. In one second, I saw again the six wonderful women dressed in leather, waiting for me in the living room. In just less than five seconds, I was again very hard.

- This is a little pervert, Sandra said. Look at him. He cannot control himself.

- I wonder why he is excited. For me, If I had to be naked and treated like he is in front of plenty of people, I would certainly not be aroused.

- At least if you are aroused, nobody would know.

All the girls were laughing at the comments and at me.

- He really enjoys being a slave.

- Don't worry my little slave, this is the only thing we agree to do to please you: we will always treat you as a slave.

I finally achieved my last task under the laughs and we went back to the door. All the suitcases were together.

Juniana was still holding my leash. I was still at her feet.

- I think it is time to separate now. I still have to deal a lot with this slave. I will call you on Wednesday for the next party.

- I will be expecting that.

That was more or less what all the girls said. Juniana kissed them good-bye. I had to kiss their feet and beg them to come back quickly. I also had to beg them again to forgive my very bad behaviour.

The girls went out to their cars. I had to open the front gate and they left. Juniana came to take my leash and we went back to the living room. I thought she was going to stop the game. She just took leather devices to handcuff my wrists in my back. She also blocked my ankles. She sat in the sofa and put me on my knees at her feet. I wondered what was going to happen. It was supposed to be over. She held my leash so that my head was close to her and I could not move backward.

- So, slave, how did you enjoy the weekend?

I did not want to say something bad, so I said:

- It was very nice.

She slapped me.

- So, because my friends are out, you forget to be polite? I am your Mistress, I expect to be named by my title.

I was surprised but did as she wanted.

- It was very nice, Mistress.

- I am happy you enjoyed your weekend because it is your new life.

- What do you mean, Mistress?

- I mean that now we have started to live together as Mistress and slave. This is no longer a game or a short time relation. It is for your life.

- For my life? But Mistress, it is not possible.

- Of course, it is. Now you are fully under my control. You will have to learn what it means. When I mean under my control, I mean it. It means that you obey to all my instructions. You never take any initiative. You beg for permission for anything that you want to do. Of course, you do not have freedom anymore.

- Mistress, we cannot live like this.

- We have started. And you love it.

- No Mistress.

-You love it, you cannot hide it.

I saw that she was right. Her words were exciting me a lot without my control. I was so hard.

- You see, you have to accept it.

- Yes Mistress.

- So, tell me you want to be my slave.

This conversation was like in a dream. In my most secret dreams, I had always fantasised on been fully surrendered by a woman. At the same time, I knew that it was just a game so I could say everything I wanted. Therefore, I told her.

- Yes, Mistress, I want to be your slave forever.

- You make the right choice, slave. You will be under control all the time. To show your slavery and your respect to me, you will always be naked. I can authorise you to wear some clothes I will choose for you if you have to go out this property. Else, whoever is in the house, you will be naked. You will never hide your body; you will never put your hands on your penis. You must always be fully exposed. Do you understand?

- Yes Mistress.

- Repeat what I said.

- You said that I have to be always naked and fully exposed whoever is in the house. I can only wear clothes if eventually I go out of the property.

- Do you understand what you say, slave?

- Yes Mistress.

- I will consider as a big offence if I see you clothed in the house.

- Yes Mistress.

- Your full nakedness will show your slavery. You will learn to be natural. It is normal for a slave to be naked all the time, so you won't feel embarrassed to be naked in front of me or any other woman who comes to this house. Do you understand?

- Yes Mistress.

- You will stop all your relationships. I will tell you tomorrow all the consequences of that. You life starts fresh. All what you did before that you became my slave, will have to be destroyed. You will stop your relations with your so-called friends. You will only see people I authorise you to see. And you will see with time that the only people you will meet are black women who know you are a slave.

- Yes Mistress.

- This includes the people you know in the country but also the people you know in Europe and from the Internet. Tomorrow, we will erase all your pages on the Net, all your e-mail addresses and your entire contact list.

- Yes Mistress.

I did not really care to agree because my computer was fully protected. It is not possible to use my computer against my will, unless you are a very good specialist with appropriated tools.

- You will obey my instructions all the time. You will no longer go to work.

I wanted to say something but she slapped me.

- Don't cut me. Never talk if you are not asked to.

- Yes Mistress.

- You don't need to go to work. There is enough money. You will transfer all your money on my account and I will take care of you. For the company, I will tell you later what is going to happen.

- I will take care of all your needs. You will never have to worry about something. I will protect you like a small baby boy. In counterparty, I will demand a strict obedience for the rest of your life.

- You will be always under control. You will never have privacy. Even if you have to go to the WC, the door will be open and you will be watched.

- It is now forbidden to speak another language than English. All your books in French will be destroyed. You will be authorised to write e-mails from time to time to your family, but it will be controlled. Someone will read your mails and translate them for you. If I authorise you to answer, someone will check and translate into English for me. Your parents are the only persons you will be authorised to communicate with. I have taken your cell phone yesterday. You won't have it. The subscription has been cancelled. The house phone and the Internet lines have now access codes. You will not be able to use any device to communicate. Even if there was no code, you will never be kept without strict surveillance. Nobody will be able to reach you. Nobody knows our new house, our better, MY new house, so nobody will ask of you. My friends and I will be the only persons to know you.

- You will be at my service. I will command and you will obey. I will train you and shape your character to my will. It is not like before when you tell me what you like and you tell me what to do as a Mistress. Now, you just obey. You disobey, you are punished, and I will be very strict and very severe. I will accept your mistakes and I will punish you for them. It will be very difficult for you because I may want something one day and the next day, if you do it, I will punish you because I would have changed my mind. And you will accept you punishment. The punishment will be physical everyday. I will use many tools and devices to punish you. I will beat your body, but I will also give you restriction punishments. You will know later what I mean. I will be your Goddess and you will be fully devoted to me. You will worship me and listen to my divine instructions. I will be your Bible. You can make plenty of mistakes, I will correct you and I will punish you. But there is one thing you will never do: you will never deny our positions. I am the Mistress and you are the slave. If you behave as my equal, then it will be terrible and unforgivable. Do you understand?

- Yes Mistress, but can you give me an example.

- I can do that slave. Imagine that one day I give you instructions and you get up and face me, you refuse to obey me and after my commands, you don't apology, you try to fight me, you try to consider as my equal, you try to use your male strength on me; then you are fully out of the law.

- I will never do that, Mistress.

- I am not sure, slave. I know you very well. I know you will and if it happens, you will regret it. Now I have all the power. Whatever happens here, nobody will care. You will stop to be officially here. Everybody will forget you. In less than one year, nobody will remember you or your name. You will have to forget your name, it will never be pronounced anymore. You will be called "slave" or any other name I can choose for you. You will call me Mistress. You will call all black women inside the house "Mistress". If we are outside, you will call them "Madam", whoever they are, wherever you are. You will never talk to a man or to a white woman. If we are out, I will teach you how to behave, but you will never be authorised to speak to someone else. Do you understand?

- Yes Mistress.

- You will loose your aggressiveness. You just have to obey instructions. We will have long training sessions this week. During some months, I won't allow you to leave the house. I have first to train you very well. I must be sure that I can take you out and trust you. You have to see that things have changed and that it will never come back to what it was before.

She pulled my leash. My face was now touching her breast. She caressed my hair.

- I will make you very happy, slave. You will have a wonderful life. I will be the happiest woman in the world. I will take care of you and we will live in a perfect harmony.

- Yes Mistress.

- I know that some of the parts will be difficult for you, but I don't care. I will train you with my whip and you will forget everything that was spoiling your life before.

She released my head. I wanted to say at my place, I was feeling so well there. I was back at my previous position.

- Turn!

I turned on my self and presented my back to my Mistress.

- Give me your hands!

I placed my forehead on the ground in order to put my hands at the level of her knees. She took my left hand and removed my golden wedding ring.

- You won't need this anymore, slave. I will give you later other marks that show you are my property. But a wedding ring is definitively not appropriate for it shows the association of two equal persons. But don't worry; the relationship I will give you will be much stronger than any marriage in this world. You will be a male in a world of women. You will be always safe and peaceful. You won't have to care of whatever happens outside your new world. I will do it.

I wondered why she wanted to have other women involved. If she wanted to be a Mistress, I thought it was an exclusive relationship. Why did she want to include other women?

- Now, turn back and face me. I directly obeyed her.

- I know what you wonder. You will be exclusively mine and I will never share you with anybody. You are my property. But it is MY fantasy to show I have a slave, and it is also my fantasy to dominate you with other women. I know that if we are just you and me, it will be too easy for you because we have been very close to each other. But if they are other women involved in your slavery, you will feel more dominated. If you try to revolt, I can call people to help me to stop you.

I was feeling very strange. I was very excited with her speech. It was like she was realising my secret dreams, but they were exciting dreams because they were just fantasies. I could never imagine me in the real situation of my dreams. However I was and I fell so happy. My heart was beating like after a long run, my stomach was blocked, I was shivering all my body. I knew that it was the most exciting moment of my life however a part of my brain was recalling me that it could not be realistic. I knew that I had just to cum right now and I would think differently. I was looking at her beautiful face. She was always nicely made up and dressed sexy. I never saw her without a full care of herself. As a whole, it would be nice to have a life like this. On the other hand, I also enjoyed other parts of my life, business, friends, books, sport, all what can make a life interesting when you are successful.

- Do you have something to say, slave?

- Yes Mistress. How can you control my life and protect me from problems? I know more than you.

- I know you are highly educated, that you have master's degrees and even more, but do you think it is useful for a slave? For me, you could just be an illiterate. You don't need to be able to read to serve me, you don't need to know history to worship me, you don't need mathematics to kiss my feet, you don't need geography because I will always hold your leash. It would have been better if in place of going to school, you would have learnt how to manicure me or fix my hair. You still don't understand, you think you are better than me in your male world. But you just entered a new world: mine. My world is dominated by females. You will just obey the rules of my world and forget the ones you had in your previous world.

- Yes Mistress.

She stood up in front of me. She pulled my leash and I had to follow her on my knees. As my hands and my ankles were attached, I could go very slowly. She did not go too fast to the kitchen. She took some bowl in the fridge and gave me some soup and bread. I had to eat on the ground at her feet. I could only use my mouth. I was very angry. She slapped my back with the leash.

- Don't eat like pork, slave.

- I slowed down and tried to be as clean as possible. When I finished the food, she gave me another bowl with water. I was scared she would give me again a too large quantity of water, but when I finished the recipient, she just took me in the direction of the bedroom. Just before the room, there was a W.C. We stopped there. I saw that the door had been removed.

- Do you need to go?

- No Mistress.

- I want you to pee.

She removed the chains between my ankles.

- Stand!

I did, in front of the toilet.

I was still very hard. She took my dick in her hand.

- I want it soft, slave. I want you to piss.

- Yes Mistress, but it is not possible, I am hard.

She lashed my buttocks with violence.

- Don't tell me stupid things, slave. I want you to control yourself. Now, it is time to be soft.

She took her crop and she slapped my buttocks more and more till the pain became unbearable. At this time, I became soft. I was feeling anger in me. But she did not care. She could get a very good use on me now, and she was controlling be very well. My hands were locked in my back and she was pulling the leash in my back. I could not move, only if I was kneeling down, what I had to do. She sat on my back. I could not move on the sides because the place was too narrow. She gripped my body with her legs. I was her prisoner.

- Throw this anger away, slave. You have to obey me all the time. I hate this kind of behaviour. Stop right now.

As I was angry because of my present helpless condition, it was difficult to throw this anger away.

- This is an example of what I said just five minutes ago: you are outlaw. You show me you anger, you don't submit to me. I will have to punish you terribly for that.

She waited some minutes and I tried to cool down.

- Now, you are going to be a good boy, and you are going to obey me.

She slowly stood up and released me.

- Stand!

I obeyed her. I was in front of the toilet. She took my penis in her hand and directed it to the water.

- Now, I give you ten seconds to start pissing.

- Yes Mistress.

I was again submitted to her. I deeply regretted my anger. I did not like to displease my wife. I promised myself to always do what she wanted. I could not understand why I was sometimes angry, because I deepest wish was to always satisfy and please her.

It was the first time I had to piss this way. It was difficult and very embarrassing. I forced myself and finally could piss. She played with my penis as she was the owner. At the end, she agitated it and dried it with some toilet paper. Afterwards, she took me back by the leash to the bedroom.

She ordered me to lie down on the bed. She removed my handcuffs but she directly stretched my arms to tie my wrists with leather rings and chains attached to the top corners of the king size bed. After, she proceeded to the same action with my ankles. I could no longer move.

- During some months, you will have to be always tied. I don't think I can trust you all the time. I hope that one day you will fully surrender to me so that I can give you some freedom from time to time. But now we are far from there.

She took a mask and blindfolded me.

- I don't want you to see me fully naked. You cannot see a woman naked anymore.

She left me. I was just helpless in the bed, not able to move. If I just wanted to pull on my chains, the chains were entering my flesh, so I decided to be very quiet.

She came back. She lied down on the bed close to me. I could not see what she wanted to do. She tenderly kissed my cheek, slowly going down to my lips. She kissed me. I opened my lips but she slapped them and I closed. She continued to kiss me slowly all around my lips. I was so excited but I could not move. She suddenly introduced her tongue into my mouth and kissed me wildly. She did it a so long time that I became almost breathless. She stopped. During a short time, I did not feel anything, I did not hear anything. Then, I fell something very sweet on my face. She was caressing my face with her breast. That's was so great! I wanted to use my tongue on her nipple when it was passing on my month but once again, she slapped me.

- Don't move, slave. You are my sex toy for my pleasure, not for yours.

After at least ten minutes, I was about to explode. My cock was raised and so hard. I was thinking the blood pressure in it was so high that it could explode, unless I cum before.

But it could certainly not happen. I fell she took my dick in her hand. She just examined it, caressed it slowly to add to my excitement, then she put on a leather cock ring at the base.

- As I told you, slave, you are here for my pleasure. You won't cum during one month. In less than one week, you will start begging me to let you cum, and of course, I will refuse. You will do all what I want and if you are a good slave during one month, then I will probably authorise you to cum.

I was feeling prickling all over my penis. She was just slightly touching it with her fingertip.

- Please, Mistress, I said, it is unbearable. Let me cum.

- It is only the first day, slave. You have to endure this punishment for 29 other days.

She left my penis and she came to sit on my face. I was feeling her sweet thighs on my ears and my cheeks. I also smelt her pussy approaching my mouth. She waited to increase my excitement and finally pressed her already wet pussy on my mouth.

- Lick it good, slave, don't dare stop!

I put my tongue as far as possible inside and played with my teeth on her clitoris. I enjoyed her pussy so much. I could lick her during hours, when I had my head between her tights and my mouth in her pussy, time was countless.

She was just enjoying my service, and as usual, she was grabbing my hair and pulling it.

Usually, when I was giving her oral sex, she was lying on the bed and I could at least rub my penis on the bed. This time, I had nothing to rub it. It was just raised in the air and it was terrible to endure this excitement. I though that I could not endure more, but she took a feather and she tickled my hard dick and my balls with it. As I was so nicely gagged, I could even not beg to stop. I focused on my oral service and she finally came strongly. I fell her whole body stretch and shake. She lied on my body to recover, then she got up. Nothing happened during a time, then I fell again the feather on my still very hard dick. She did it a long time to torment me. It was too much. I just wanted to explode. It was like my whole body was just a dick with high pressure everywhere. Then, she jumped on me and like an Amazon, she directed my penis slowly inside her pussy?

Oh my God, it was so nice! It was as if I was delivered.

Since I had met her, we had not spent one day without having made love at least once. She was so gorgeous, so sexy that I just wanted her and her only body for the rest of my life. I was addicted to this woman. I was trying to raise my bottom to better encounter her but she slapped me again.

- Don't move, slave! Let me use you and don't do anything you are no asked to do.

Her order was strict although I could hear some excitement in it. I stopped moving and she just slowly moved on me. She did not increase the speed, she just moved as slowly as she could, taking it from the top to the root. I naïve though I was delivered. I was not! It was even worse than before. I had never fell so despaired to cum as I was now.

- Please Mistress, let me cum. I can no longer bear it.

- Shut up, slave. You have to endure it. And you will endure that every day during thirty days, so don't beg me anymore or I had some days.

- Please Mistress.

- So, you really think that thirty days are not enough? You have to endure everything for my pleasure, slave.

She did not stop to move slowly on me while she was talking. She even bended to touch my chest with her nipples. Then she kissed my lips tenderly and whispered in my right ear:

- You have won an extended period of no-cum. I give you five days more. If you beg me again for the same reason, I add another five days…

I did not say anything because I knew she meant it. I tried to endure it but pain is more endurable than this sex torture.

She kissed me again and moved faster and faster. I was about to cum, but the cock ring hindered my release.

Once again, she took her pleasure and just after, she left me.

That was too much. I could not cum and I could not touch myself. She just left me like this.

She came back five minutes later and she removed the ring. She kissed me and said:

- Good night, slave.

How did she want me to have a good night after what she had done to me? I did not say anything. I was afraid she could punish me again, or worse, she could extend the period of sex pleasure deprivation. I wondered how it would be possible. I had my first sex experience when I was thirteen. Since then, almost every day in my life, I had had sex or I had masturbated. I though that the longest period was three days without sex. How did she want me to live thirty-five days without ejaculation? I knew she would authorise me to cum before that.

I remembered again the whole weekend. To my astonishment, I realised that I had enjoyed it. I was happy about my weekend. It was so delightful to be the slave of this woman. She was so wonderful.

I tried to think of something else. I was just thinking about my weekend and my condition, and it was increasing my arousal. I tried to think to something else. I could not move and at this time, I would have given everything to free only one hand and masturbate. I was sure that I would not need more than thirty seconds.

This night, it took me a very long time to sleep. Each time I was about to sleep, a part of the weekend was coming to my souvenir and I was hard again. Moreover, as usual, Juniana was sleeping in my arms. She had her head in my armpit, her arm on my balls and one leg on mine.

At the time I was finally falling asleep, I fell her hand on my penis. She raised it quickly and put on the cock ring. She did not say one word. She jumped on me and raped me quickly, then she moved back to her previous position.

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